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WWF Wrestlemania 2000

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Holly cousins
Reverse moves easily
The Corporate Ministry
The Brood
The Union
Moves from behind
Get Special Quick
How to win 3-way matches very easily
Easy cage match victory
Computer controlled
Keep a perfect record
Spin like crazy
Make the name centered
Smoking Skull Belt
Center the name
Become player 2's manager
Use your opponets Special
Do the People's Elbow for the Rock
See what a wrestler will wear to the ring
Do your opponents taunt
Alternate costumes
Random character selection
Secret characters

Holly cousins

Sent in by Code Hunter Have you ever wanted to use the Holly cousins as a tag team? Well now you can. The first thing you do to get Crash is go to the edit menu and clone Hardcore Holly to one of the original wrestler spots. Then edit the newly cloned Hardcore Holly. Change his name to CRASH HOLLY (all caps) and change his short name to CRASH (all caps). Next edit his height and make him 3 or 4 inches shorter and make his weight a little less. Finally go into the fighting style menu and select enemy/ally. Leave the rival superstars the same but changed accompanied by to Holly. Now you can use the super heavy weight team of the Holly cousins.

Reverse moves easily

Sent in by Code Hunter To be able to reverse moves easily, you will have to have good timing. When a wrestler ties up with your wrestler you should press "R" right before the your opponent attempts to put a move on you, however, I found it easier to reverse moves by tapping "R" an tapping A and B at the same time.

The Corporate Ministry

Sent in by Code Hunter The Corporate Ministry - Change The Undertaker's and Shane McMahon's Theme and Titan Tron to Corporate Ministry and once they come out together it will be as The Corporate Ministry. Click here

The Brood

Sent in by Code Hunter The Brood (Gangrel, Edge, Christian) - Change Christian's and Edge's music and Titan Tron to the Brood. Now whenever either one of them comes out with Gangrel, it will say the Brood. They all come out of the flaming pit that Gangrel usually comes out of.

The Union

Sent in by Code Hunter The Union (Test, Big Show, Mankind, Ken Shamrock) - Change Shamrock, Test, Mankind, and Big Show's music to Union and make sure there is NO Titan Tron...put the video on "none". Now whenever any two of those four come out together, it'll be as the Union.

Moves from behind

Sent in by Code Hunter When your opponent has their back in the turn buckle you can do various moves, but you can also do moves from behind with them facing the turn buckle. All you have to do is throw or hit your opponent into the corner then press c-left to turn them around. Now you can grapple them from behind for even more turn buckle moves! I think everyone's moves from behind are the same though.

Get Special Quick

Sent in by Code Hunter Get Special Quick - When you're fighting go up on top of the turn buckle and do your taunt. Keep doing this until you have special. When you have special go up to your opponent and do your special move on them. Keep doing this until your opponent is almost dead. And then pin him. By doing this you do not have to worry about your opponent fighting back and beating you. This works best in single match against the computer. You should especially do this on Road to Wrestlemania where every match counts.

How to win 3-way matches very easily

Sent in by Code Hunter Stand over in the corner near the turn buckle and let the other 2 guys beat the crap out of each other. While they do this taunt your Attitude goes up very fast go over and hit specials on both of them. Keep doing this until each one has gotten 2 or 3 specials. Then throw one opponent out and pin the other. Sometimes after you land a special the other guy will try to pin kick him off and nail him with a special.

Easy cage match victory

Sent in by Code Hunter Easy Cage Match Victory - This is the cheapest way to beat the computer on easy, normal and hard difficulty in a cage match. When the match starts climb the cage immediately ,climb to the point where the computer opponent can't reach you. Then move the analog joystick when you are on the cage, you'll soon be in special. When you get to the top of the cage a tap sign will come above the opponent's attitude meter, hit the B button repeatedly and make your way over the cage for sweet victory.


Sent in by Code Hunter To get DX all you have to do is go to edit on the main screen, go to the members of DX (HHH, X-Pac, Roaddogg, and Mr. Ass) and change their video's to DX and their music to DX. If done correctly then when you do a tag match and choose 2 members of DX the name bar should read D-Generation-X.

Computer controlled

Sent in by Code Hunter During gameplay with any character if you press both the C-left and the Z-button at the same time your character will be automatically be controlled by the game. (Note: The code only works when you are pressing those button's alone at the same exact time)

Keep a perfect record

Sent in by Code Hunter Whenever you are about to loose a match or even if you do just hit Pause then hit Quit Game and it will take you back to the match screen and you will be able to play that match over. If you are counted out or pinned just hit Reset and it wouldn't have saved so you can play it again and keep a perfect record. So now you can be on your way to getting all you secret players. NOTE: If you are in a PPV that you have more than one match and you've already won one match if you hit reset it will loose that data so that is the only problem with the reset part.

Spin like crazy

Sent in by Code Hunter To make your wrestler spin like crazy follow these steps: 1. Stong grapple your opponent 2. Whip them into a corner 3. Run after them and give them a clothesline 4. They should be in a sitting position with their backs to the turn buckle 5. Run and hop over them (you should be in between your opponent and the turn buckle) 6. If you did it right, your wrestler should be spinning in the corner until your opponent gets up

Make the name centered

Sent in by Code Hunter Really hate when you make a wrestler and the name is not centered? Well, here's how to fix it. First, enter the name you want OVER the name already there. After you write it, go the space after the last letter and keep pressing B until the last letter of your wrestler's name is deleted. Replace that last letter and exit out. That person's name should be centered now.

Smoking Skull Belt

Sent in by Code Hunter To get the Smoking Skull Belt, beat Road to Wrestlemania with Steve Austin. He will wear the Smoking Skull Belt and it will become a belt option in Create a Belt mode.

Center the name

Sent in by Code Hunter Really hate when you make a wrestler and the name is not centered? Well, here is how to fix it. First, enter the name you want over the name already there. After you write it, go the space after the last letter and keep pressing B until the last letter of your wrestler's name is deleted. Replace that last letter and exit out. That person's name should be centered now.

Become player 2's manager

Sent in by Code Hunter While Player 1 is inside the ring dukin' it out press L + Z + C-Up and the controller is in slot 3 you will become Player 1's manager if it is in the 4th slot, you will become player 2's manager. To make the manager turn back into computer controlled press Z + C-Up.

Use your opponets Special

Sent in by Code Hunter To use your opponets Special, using any character, when your stamina meter reads "Special", use a strong grapple then press the A and B buttons at the same time. This can be used in both a front grapple and rear grapple.

Do the People's Elbow for the Rock

Sent in by Code Hunter To do the People's Elbow for the Rock, when your opponent is laying face up on the mat, press A by their head. Then the Rock will start to the left, then hold C-down to jump over your opponent and bounce off the ropes again, and finally upon approaching your opponent press the B button to execute the Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment Today.

See what a wrestler will wear to the ring

Sent in by Code Hunter So see what a wrestler will wear to the ring, pick that wrestler, then back up and highlight that person again. That wrestler should be in their entrance attire. Bad part is, you can't wrestle like that.

Do your opponents taunt

Sent in by Code Hunter In a match, rotate the control stick in a clock wise or counter clockwise direction and you will perform the opponents taunt.

Alternate costumes

Sent in by Code Hunter Press C-Left or C-Right at the character selection screen for alternate costumes.

Random character selection

Sent in by Code Hunter Press C-Down at the character selection screen for a random character selection.


Sent in by Code Hunter Face the crowd and press C-Up for weapons.

Secret characters

Sent in by Code Hunter Paul Bearer - To get the "fat man" you must start a Road to Wrestlemania as The Undertaker. After a few matches, Paul will start to accompany you to the ring and he will be selectable. It may not be a few matches though. It happened to me in about 5 matches and it happened to someone else at King of the Ring. Stephanie McMahon - To get "Daddy's Girl" you must start a Road to Wrestlemania as Test. After a few matches, Steph will start to accompany you to the ring and she will become selectable. Again, it may not be just a few matches, it could be a while. Dude Love - You must not lose one match up to Summer Slam. He will challenege you after you win Summer Slam and he will now be accessable. Note: You can't lose, but you can tie Cactus Jack - Play until you get the Hardcore Championship, then when Cactus Jack comes out, he'll want a title shot. Beat him and he'll want a rematch. Beat him a second time, and you'll be able to play as Cactus Jack. JR and King - To get JR and King, make it to Wrestlemania in Road to Wrestlemania (You don't have to be in the main event). At the start of WM, JR and King will come out, and they will become selectable. HBK - To get HBK, win the World Title in Road to Wrestlemania. After you win the belt, HBK will come down to the ring and challenge you to a match right then and there. If you win, he will become selectable.

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