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WWF: No Mercy

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Easy Cage Match Win
Easy Ladder Match Win
Stage Weapons
Wrestlers in Swimsuits
Ladder Dive Move
Hidden Backstage Areas
Catch Weapons
Walk on the audience
Steal Opponents Taunts
Steal Opponents Finisher
Manager Help
Smoking Skull Belt
Alternate Chyna's Entrance
No Disqualification in a DQ Match
Backstage Brawls
3D Through The Table
Get Pinned Easily
Hidden Wrestlers

Easy Cage Match Win

Sent in by Code Hunter Beat an opponent until you are almost on special. Throw them into the turn buckle and hard grapple. The press the L button. This will put them into the Tree of Woe. While on special start to climb the cage by pressing the Top C button. When the screen says "tap" by your power meter start tapping B. By being on special your wrestler will climb up the cage quicker and have enough energy to climb over it. Your opponent will not be able to get out of the Tree of Woe until it is too late. Using this technique you can win a cage match in under two minutes.

Easy Ladder Match Win

Sent in by Code Hunter At the beginning of the match beat your opponent for a little bit, then go outside and get the ladder. To pick up the ladder hit the Left C button. Hit your opponent with the ladder a few times and then set it up over the grey dot in the center of the ring. To set up the ladder hit the Left C button. Then throw your opponent into the turn buckle and hard grapple. Then press the L button and put your opponent into the Tree of Woe. Walk up to the set up ladder and press the Top C button to climb up the ladder. When the screen says "tap" hit the B button. You will grab the case and win the match. Your opponent will still be stuck in the Tree of Woe when you win. You do not have to be on a special to win. Using this technique you can win a ladder match in under two minutes.

Stage Weapons

Sent in by Code Hunter Do you ever wish you had a steel chair by the Titantron? Well, this trick lets you get weapons on the Stage. First, you must be on the stage with your opponents. Move your character to the side of the stage (closest to you) away from the ramp leading to the ring. When you are close to the edge of the stage, simply tap Left C and you will reach down under the stage and grab a weapon. Click here

Wrestlers in Swimsuits

Sent in by Code Hunter Start the game and go into championship mode. Pick a male wrestler and then pick the Womens Title. Win the first match. Then the next match should be a swim suit contest. Three woman wrestlers should come out in swimsuits. The last wrestler should be you. Its really funny seeing Kane or Undertaker or any wrestler come out wearing a swim suit! Experiment with different wrestlers to to get a good laugh!!

Ladder Dive Move

Sent in by Code Hunter There is a ladder Diving move, where you can dive off the ladder in a ladder match and practically knock out your opponent. Best Scenario is by weakening your opponent and putting him through a table with this move. So you weaken him, make him submit so his attitude meter says "Losing it!", but you must do it on top of the announcer's table for good effect. Then you bring a ladder over to the announcers table on the outside of the ring. Climb up the ladder and when up near the top, press A either tapping or holding, and your character will climb and stand at the top, and will jump off and land on and crush your opponent through the table if you want.

Hidden Backstage Areas

Sent in by Code Hunter There are 3 hidden backstage that you must earn in order to unlock. These areas (WWF New York, Kitchen, extra parking lot) have to be unlocked only by buying EVERY item in the smackdown, throwing out EVERY opponent in survival mode with out the computer eliminating any opponents, and completing EVERY championship mode 100%!

Catch Weapons

Sent in by Code Hunter This is really cool if you do not want a weapon thrown by your opponent to hit you. To catch a thrown weapon, tap R. It takes good timing, but it looks cool. It also makes for a good game of catch with friends.

Walk on the audience

Sent in by Code Hunter In Exhibition mode go to a single match between you (1P) and the computer (CPU). Be The Undertaker and make the computer be Essa Rios. Hop out of the ring and stand at ring side. Stay outside the ring until Essa has dark-orange or red on his attitude meter. Get back in the ring and throw him outside onto the mat. Pick him up and put him on the announcers table (grapple + C-up). Get up on the table and get into a strong grapple. Give him a snap powerbomb (down + B). He will reverse it into a hurracanrana. It will throw you off of the table. If it doesn't, get near the edge and try again. If it works, you will be able to walk on the audience and in the air. To get back down, walk or run back onto the table. This might not work the first time. If it doesn't just start the match over and try again.

Steal Opponents Taunts

Sent in by Code Hunter At the Single Play Menu select any type of match. Then when wrestling the match against a player or CPU rotate the analog stick clockwise twice. If done correctly, your wrestler should perform your opponents taunt.

Steal Opponents Finisher

Sent in by Code Hunter During a Match when your wrestler's attitude meter reads "Special", Strong grapple your opponent by pressing and holding the A button. Then once your wrestler is grappling your opponent, press and hold the A and B button simultaneously. If done correctly your wrestler should perform your opponents finisher. This can also be done from behind the opponent, on the ground at the head and feet facing up and on the ground at the head and feet facing down and at the Turnbuckle.

Manager Help

Sent in by Code Hunter You can get your manager help just the same way you could in Wrestlemania 2000. If you are player #1 (and have a manager) put a controller in socket 3 and press and hold C Up, C Down and Z. If you are player #2 then do the same just stick the controller into socket 4. (This only works with single matches)

Smoking Skull Belt

Sent in by Code Hunter Successfully make Stone Cold be the WWF Champion and when he comes out he will wear the Smoking Skull Belt.

Alternate Chyna's Entrance

Sent in by Code Hunter In order to add the bazooka to Chyna's entrance, purchase it at the Smackdown Mall under the etc. category. Your created players can also have it too.

No Disqualification in a DQ Match

Sent in by Code Hunter In a DQ match, you get eliminated if you do something that's considered cheating, such as hitting someone with a weapon. But, disqualification can't happen outside the ring! Grab the steel steps or any weapon you can pull from the audience and start whooping! You won't get disqualified for hitting people outside the ring. Standing outside, you can even throw a weapon at a wrestler that is standing inside the ring and not get DQed! But if you are going to throw a weapon at the wrestler that is standing inside the ring, wait until the weapon makes contact with the wrestler.

Backstage Brawls

Sent in by Code Hunter First it's good to weaken your opponent. Throw him outside the ring (grapple, top-c). Then make sure you're in the area where your back is facing the entrance, then grapple him and throw him towards the entrance. You will now be at the entrance. Since there's nothing here and nothing to do, you should throw him into the middle of the entrance (exp. the smackdown rings and towards the screen). You will now be in a hallway with four doors. To go into the doors, just grapple your opponent and throw him towards the door. The first door on your left is the best room. It has 2 tables set up side by side, 2 chairs, and the one locker with a coat hanging on it, you can grab weapons from it. the next door on the left leads to a parking lot. The first door on the right is a boiler room (The worst room). And the other door on the right is also good. It has a pool table in it. And that means it's TABLE TIME. You can put your opponent through it.

3D Through The Table

Sent in by Code Hunter When controlling D-Von and Buh Buh Ray, go out of the ring and get your opponent to as well. Toss your opponent onto the table and get on as well. You need to get as far away as you can. When your opponent comes running at you, both of you hit "A" at the same time and you will 3D him through the table. It's cool, try it out.

Get Pinned Easily

Sent in by Code Hunter To be pinned easily, or to stay on the ground, or to keep yourself in a submission hold that's being applied, all you have to do is hold down the control stick in any direction after you've been covered for a pin, knocked down, or put in a hold.

Hidden Wrestlers

Sent in by Code Hunter Hidden Characters (that don't have to be unlocked) Debra: Highlight Terri and press C-Right once. Jaqueline: Highlight Ivory and press C-Right once. Funaki: Highlight Taka and press C-Right once. Bull Buchanon: Highlight Bull Buchanon and press C-Right once. Hidden Characters (after you unlock someone) King: Highlight JR and press C-Right once. Patterson: Highlight JR and press C-Right twice. Brisco: Highlight JR and press C-Right three times or c-left once. Moohlah: Highlight Mae Young and press C-Right once. Fink: Highlight Hebner and press C-Right once. Paul Bearer: Highlight Hebner and press C-Right twice. Michael Cole: Highlight Hebner and press C-Right three times or C-left once. These wrestlers can be unlocked by completing the following tasks (or you can purchase them at the Smackdown Mall): Hidden Wrestler - Opponent to beat in Survival Mode Jerry Lawler: 21st Shane McMahon: 31st Mae Young: 41st Cactus Jack: 51st Ken Shamrock: 61st Mick Foley: 71st Vince McMahon: 81st Shawn Micheals: 91st Andre The Giant: 101st (for example, to unlock Andre The Giant, you must defeat the 101st opponent in Survival Mode) You can, however, also unlock these players by playing through championship mode: Vince McMahon: WWF course, chapter 10-3. Shane McMahon: Intercontinental course, chapter 9-4. Linda McMahon: WWF course, chapter 10-2. Earl Hebner: WWF course, chapter 10-4. Shawn Micheals: WWF course, chapter 10-9. Cactus Jack: Hardcore course, chapter 9-7. Mick Foley: WWF course, chapter 10-1. Andre The Giant: WWF course, chapter 10-8.

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