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Courier level tip
Get Suit Skins in less than a minute
Walking through walls in Multi player
Quick time on 1st level
Temporarily stun your enemies
Extra Weapon/Ammo
Avoid the Attack Helicopter
Kill People Easily in Hidden Volcano
Beat the Attack Helicopter Easily
More Gun Options
Extra Modes
Fire Extinguisher Trick
Get rid of the guards
Extra modes
Extra Multiplayer Levels
Secret Skins

Courier level tip

Sent in by James Bond Very easy way to win the courier level on "Agent", "Secret Agent", and "00 Agent". Instead of going throughout the entire mission. Simply go to the guard that says where your safety deposit box is. Before he can talk to you shoot one of your watch darts at him. Ignore the message that says you failed the mission. Next, simply collect what is inside the deposit box and leave the building. That is right, just leave through the rotating door and it will say that the mission was complete and you can move on. My best time in the courier level is 20 seconds!

Get Suit Skins in less than a minute

Sent in by Doug Start the first level, Courier, on secret agent. Then take out your watch darts. Go to the room where the deposit box is and dart the guard and the civilian. Next open the deposit box and exit the building. NOTE: Even though Robinson tells you to "get out of there before the police arrive", continue the level and even though it says you failed some of the objectives it will say level complete. You can't do this trick on any other setting.

Walking through walls in Multi player

Sent in by Pink Ghost Now here's a cool tip that will drive all your friends crazy in multi player. First you have to get Security Skins by beating King's Ransom (stage 20) in or less than 3:45 minutes. Easy. To make it easier stun the guards on the bottom floor that really makes you mad and tells you to activate the lockdown or get the doctor. this will make it much easier. once you have the skins go to multi player and choose the yellow policeman with the black skin in the character select and put it on any mode or level. if you run into a wall, crate or end of a level you can walk through them! this is really fun when you want to hide from someone or ambush them. Click here

Quick time on 1st level

Sent in by Kyle On the first level for a really quick time, when you start, pause and switch to watch darts. Strafe towards the room where you get the safety deposit box, and dart the civilian security guard in here. Open the deposit box, and exit the level. Completed. Simple, and I have got 11 seconds using this method. I know it says that you have failed, but trust me on this one.

Temporarily stun your enemies

Sent in by Kyle If you set your watch to "stunner", you can temporarily stun your enemies. However, you can make your enemies drop their weapons that they are currently holding. All you need to do is to stun with your stunner at an enemy two to three times QUICKLY. If you did it correctly, the weapon will drop out of their hands and they will suffer from the temporary headache. If you wait until they get better, they will pull out a Wolfram P2K, so you can kill them or subdue them and take the 9mm ammo. This works only on enemies that originally had a weapon out. If the enemy doesn't have a weapon out, like the first enemy in the first level, you cannot get extra 9mm ammo.

Extra Weapon/Ammo

Sent in by Code Hunter If you need extra ammo or an extra weapon in a level that has a friendly person example: Zukosky's Guards on City Of Walkways, then pull out your watch stunner and stun them until they drop their weapon. Then pick up the weapon.

Avoid the Attack Helicopter

Sent in by Code Hunter In the City Of Walkways 2 level, when you get to the storage room right before the final showdown with the helicopter, the helicopter flies right behind you and shoots at you when you leave the storage room to go to Zukovsky's car. You can avoid getting shot by the attack helicopter here by running out of the storage room towards the car and when the attack helicopter shoots at you, run back into the storage room. When facing the open door out of the storage room, you should see the helicopter fly by, and that is when you leave the storage room and run towards Zukovsky's car right behind the attack helicopter.

Kill People Easily in Hidden Volcano

Sent in by Code Hunter First go to the bottom level (where the elevator goes down). Next, you go to the set of crates in the corner near the GL 40 gun. Then crouch and peek through the crack between two crates (you should see an open doorway.) When an computer player comes through the doorway and stops, you can shoot him through the crack and he'll die in one shot. Also, the computer players can't shoot at you in that area for some reason.

Beat the Attack Helicopter Easily

Sent in by Code Hunter After collecting the equipment out of Valentin's car in the City of Walkways 2, you'll notice If you haven't already that the helicopter is equipped with missile shooting weapons. To take the helicopter down more easily, put the missile launcher on Auto fire by holding down on the B button and pressing Z. Now run all the way down the catwalk downstairs until you get to the raised up draw bridge. You'll notice now that the helicopter isn't firing missiles at you anymore but instead will just be shooting ordinary weapon rounds. Wait until the helicopter is almost straight above you. There is shall stay still for a couple of seconds. When it is overhead, fire all 4 shots at it. Keep repeating this process. If you run out of ammo, there is an unlimited supply in the back of Valentin's car. Repeat the process until the copter is down. Note: When you run back to the car for ammo, the helicopter will shoot missiles at you. Just get back to the point near the draw bridge and you should be safe.

More Gun Options

Sent in by Code Hunter If you have a gun try pressing "B" and then hit "Z" and release all buttons. several things might happen (depending on what gun you have). The gun might turn on/off the laser (Raptor Magnum, Sentinal, etc.). The gun might change from auto/singal (shotgun etc.). The gun might turn into silent/single (wolfram PK2). All you need to do to use this feature is press "B" then press "Z" then release both buttons.

Extra Modes

Sent in by Code Hunter Gadget War Mode - Beat the Fallen Angel level on "Secret Agent" difficulty in under 2:45. Wildfire Mode - Beat the City Of Walkways 2 level on "Agent" difficulty in under 3:40.

Fire Extinguisher Trick

Sent in by Code Hunter In the first Level (Courier), if you shoot one of the fire extinguishers that hang on the wall it will spray the "white stuff" that can kill enemies for you. If you shoot it with a high power gun, the canister will blow up. This is a great trick for killing enemies easily without using more any one bullet.

Get rid of the guards

Sent in by Code Hunter When you get out of your room, there will be a high number of guards that you can't kill because they are considered as innocent peoples. instead of only poisoning them with your watch dart and give them a chance to get up a minute later, poison them and then knee down and punch them. They will disappear forever but they won't be considered killed.

Extra modes

Sent in by Code Hunter Golden Gun Mode - Beat the game on "00 Agent" difficulty. This will unlock the "Golden Gun" multi-player scenario (under the multi player options). The object to this mode is to collect the three parts of the golden gun and then kill your opponents with it. Wildfire Mode - Beat the City Of Walkways 2 level on "Agent" difficulty in under 3:40.

Extra Multiplayer Levels

Sent in by Code Hunter Castle Level - Beat the Subway level on "Agent" difficulty in under 2:15. Team King Of The Hill Level - Beat the King's Ransom level on "Agent" difficulty in under 2:20. Sky Rail Level - Beat the Cold Reception level on "Secret Agent" difficulty in under 3:15. Air Raid Level - Beat the Masquerade level on "Agent" difficulty" in under 3:15.

Secret Skins

Sent in by Code Hunter Civilian Skins - Beat the City Of Walkways 1 level on "Agent" difficulty in under 3:35. Covert Skins - Beat the City Of Walkways level on "Secret Agent" difficulty in under 3:45. Scientist Skins - Beat the Masquerade level on "00 Agent" difficulty in under 4:20. Suit Skins - Beat the Curiour level on "Secret Agent" difficulty in under 2:00. Soldier Skins - Beat the Midnight Departure level on "Agent" difficulty in under 3:05. Classic Skins - Beat the game under the "Secret Agent" difficulty setting to unlock Tuxedo Bond, Baron Samedi, Oddjob, and Jaws. Contemporary Skins - Beat the game under the "Agent" difficulty setting to unlock Alec Trevlyan, Wai Lin, Max Zorin, May Day, and Christmas Jones.

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