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WCW Nitro

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Make a run-in
Three hidden wrestlers
Extra rings
Current ring advances to the next or reverse
Big Heads, Hands, and Feet
Big hands
Unlock all forty-eight bonus wrestlers
Heads of each wrestler swell with each hit
Big Head Mode
Secret wrestlers
Hidden Character Move List

Make a run-in

Sent in by Steve Battazzo Press the Z button at any time during the match to cause a run-in to occur.

Three hidden wrestlers

Sent in by Steve Battazzo At the title screen, press R, L, C-Right, C-Left (2), C-Right, L, R, Z. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then, highlight a wrestler at the character selection screen and press C-Left, C-Right, L, R, C-Left, C-Right, L, R, Z. Now all three hidden wrestlers related to that wrestler will be unlocked.

Extra rings

Sent in by Steve Battazzo At the title screen, press C-Left, L, C-Right, R, C-Left, L, C-Right, R, Z. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then, The Graveyard, Spaceship, Circus, Hive, Turbo, Wunderland, Boudoir, Hall of Mirrors, Reck Room, Psychodelic, Disco, Jungle, 1984, Quark, and Texas rings will be selectable.

Current ring advances to the next or reverse

Sent in by Steve Battazzo At the options screen, press C-Right, R, C-Right, R, Z. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then, every time Z is pressed, the current ring will advance to the next in the series. To move in reverse, press C-Left, L, C-Left, L followed by Z.

Big Heads, Hands, and Feet

Sent in by Steve Battazzo For Big Heads, Hands, and Feet, at the title screen, press R (7), C-Right, Z. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Big hands

Sent in by Steve Battazzo For Big Hands, at the mode selection screen, press L (7), C-Left (17). Click here

Unlock all forty-eight bonus wrestlers

Sent in by Steve Battazzo For all wrestlers, at the title screen, press C-Right (4), C-Left (4), R (4), L (4), Z to unlock all forty-eight bonus wrestlers in the game. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Heads of each wrestler swell with each hit

Sent in by Steve Battazzo At the title screen, press C-Left (7), L, Z. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then, the heads of each wrestler will swell with each hit.

Big Head Mode

Sent in by Steve Battazzo For Big Head Mode, at the title screen, press C-Right (7), R, Z. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Secret wrestlers

Sent in by Steve Battazzo Below is the list of all the secret wrestlers in Nitro. You have to beat the Tournament mode on Medium difficulty with the appropriate person below. Beat it with To Unlock Hollywood Hogan Brian Adams Goldberg Chris Benoit Bret Hart British Bulldog The Giant Wrath Sting Brooker T. Scott Hall Konnan Lex Luger Dean Malenko Curt Henning Jim Neidhart Kevin Nash Scott Norton "Macho Man" Randy Savage Rowdy Roddy Piper Diamon Dallas Page Ultimo Dragon Rick Steiner Buff Bagwell Raven Kidman "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner Kanyon Saturn Disciple Chris Jericho Alex Write Brian Adams Eddy Guerrero Chris Benoit Disco Inferno British Bulldog Van Hammer WrathHorace Hogan Brooker T. Stevie Ray Konnan Barbarian Dean Malenko Scotty Riggs Jim Neidhart Meng Scott Norton Ernest "The Cat" Miller Rowdy Roddy Piper Fit Finley Ultimo Dragon Rey Mysterio Jr. Buff Bagwell Reese Kidman Lodi Kanyon Chavo Guerrero Jr. Disciple Sick Boy Alex Write La Parka Eddy Guerrero Eric Bishoff Disco Inferno Steve "Mongo" McMichaels Van Hammer Mean Gene Horace Hogan Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Stevie Ray Miss Elizabeth Barbarian Jimmy Hart Scotty Riggs Arn Anderson Meng Rick Rude Ernest "The Cat" Miller Kaz Hayashi Fit Finley Mike Enos Rey Mysterio Jr. Kimberly Reese Psychosis Lodi Larry Zbysko Chavo Guerrero Jr. Juventud Guerrera Sick Boy Sonny Onoo La Parka Rick Fuller

Hidden Character Move List

Sent in by Code Hunter Punch = Down-C Kick = Left-C Chop = Up-C Action = Right-C Bryan Adams Power Slam Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Tilt-a-Whirl Side Slam Left-C, Left-C, Down-C German Suplex Up, Down-C, Down-C, Right-C, Down-C Bulldog Russian Leg Sweep Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Atomic Headbut Up-C, Left-C, Left-C Death Valley Driver Up, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C Booker T Back Body Drop Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Scissor Kick Up, Up-C, Left-C, Up-C Death Valley Driver Up, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C Malenko DSnap Suplex Down-C, Down-C, Left-C Spinebuster Down, Up-C, Right-C TX Cloverleaf Left, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C Ultimo Dragon Head Scissors Up-C, Left-C, Up-C Body Scissor Takedown Left, Down-C, Left-C Camel Clutch Down, Left-C, Left-C, Up-C Wrath Dnee Bash Down-C, Right-C, Right-C Press Powerslam Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Pound to Ground Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Kidman Atomic Drop Down-C, Down-C, A Diving Headbutt Up, Left-C, Down-C, Down-C DDT Down, Right, Up-C, Up-C Disciple Knee Bash Down-C, Right-C, Right-C Fallaway Slam Left, Up-C, Right-C Apocalypse Up, Down-C, Down-C, Right-C Chris Benoit German Suplex Left-C, Up-C, Left-C Diving Headbut Up, Left-C, Up-C, Up-C Crippler Crossface Left, Up-C, Up-C, Left-C Scott Norton Knee Bash Down-C, Right-C, Right-C Fallaway Slam Left, Up-C, Right-C Pound to Ground Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Konnan Chickenwing Slam Down-C, Down-C, Down-C Saturn Driver Down-C, Right-C, Down-C Tequila Sunrise Down, Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Anvil Russian Leg Sweep Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Snap Suplex Down-C, Down-C, Left-C Football Tackle Down, Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Piper Russian Leg Sweep Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Back Body Drop Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Cripplers Crossface Left, Up-C, Up-C, Left-C Buff Bagwell Inverted DDT Up-C, Up-C, Right-C Snap Suplex Down-C, Down-C, Left-C Fisherman Plex Left, Up-C, Up-C, Left-C Kanyon Pancake Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Spear Down, Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Razor's Edge Up, Left-C, Left-C, Down-C Alex Wright Back Body Drop Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Tilt-a-whirl Side Slam Left-C, Left-C, Down-C German Suplex Up, Down-C, Right-C, Down-C Eddie Guerero Head Scissors Up-C, Left-C, Up-C Body Scissors Left, Down-C, Left-C Frog Splash Up, Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Hammer Powerslam Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Knee Bash Down-C, Right-C, Right-C Pound to Ground Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Stevie Ray Back Body Drop Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Spear Down, Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Pound to Ground Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Scotty Riggs Powerslam Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Scorpion Death Drop Up-C, Up-C, Right-C Texan Coverleaf Left, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C Horace Fallaway Slam Left, Up-C, Right-C Spear Down, Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Jackhammer Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Rey Mysterio Jr. Body Scissor Takedown Left, Down-C, Left-C Head Scissors Up-C, Left-C, Up-C Fisherman Suplex Left, Up-C, Up-C, Left-C Lodi Gargoyle Plex Left, Down-C, Down-C Lodi Slam Down-C, Right-C, Down-C DDT Down, Right, Up-C, Up-C Sick Boy Machoplex Up-C, Up-C, Left-C German Suplex Left-C, Up-C, Left-C Football Tackle Down, Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Disco Inferno Gargoyleplex Left, Down-C, Down-C German Suplex Left-C, Up-C, Left-C DDT Down, Right, Up-C, Up-C Ernest Miller Headscissors Up-C, Left-C, Up-C Torso Flip Left, Down-C, Left-C Boston Crab Down, Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Meng Headbut Down-C, Left-C, Left-C Big Boot Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Forearm Smashes Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Barbarian Knee Bash Down-C, Right-C, Right-C Back Body Drop Up-C, Right-C, Up-C German Guplex Up, Down-C, Right-C, Down-C Fit Finlay Russian Leg Sweep Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Back Body drop Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Death Valley Driver Up, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C Reese Side Slam Left-C, Left-C, Up-C Choke Lift Up, Up-C, Left-C Choke Slam Up, Down-C, Right-C, Right-C Chavo Guerrero Jr. Torso Flip Left, Down-C, Left-C Headscissor Slam Up-C, Left-C, Up-C DDT Down, Right, Up-C, Up-C La Parka Rotating Pancake Up-C, Right-C, Right-C Tiltawhirl Side Slam Left-C, Left-C, Down-C Jack Hammer Up, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Eric Bischoff Atomic Headbut Up-C, Left-C, Left-C Cheap Shot Left-C, Down-C, Left-C Flying Elbow Drop Up, Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Mean Gene Facebuster Left-C, Down-C, Down-C Overhead Armdrag Right, Down-C, Right-C Torture Rack Up, Up-C, Left-C, Up-C Liz Atomic Rrop Down-C, Down-C, Right-C Atomic Headbut Up-C, Left-C, Left-C Flying Elbow Rrop Up, Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Arn Anderson Powerslam Left-C, Left-C, Left-C Spinebuster Down, Up-C, Right-C DDT Down, Right, Up-C, Up-C Bobby Heenan Snap Suplex Down-C, Down-C, Left-C Spinebuster Down, Up-C, Right-C Crossface Chickenwing Down, Down-C, Right-C, Down-C Kimberly Atomic Drop Down-C, Down-C, Right-C Atomic Headbut Up-C, Left-C, Left-C fisherman Suplex Left, Up-C, Up-C, Left-C Larry Zybysco Dragon Suplex Down-C, Down-C, Down-C Pound to Ground Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Cv Crossface TTT Left, Up-C, Up-C, Left

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