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San Francisco Rush 2049

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Reload a weapon in battle mode
Turbo Start
Hidden Circuits and Tracks
Extra Cars
Hidden Battle Arenas
First Place Passwords

Reload a weapon in battle mode

Sent in by Code Finder To reload a weapon in battle mode, pick up the weapon and stay in the place where the weapon was. Then waste all the ammo or press C-Up to reload.

Turbo Start

Sent in by Code Hunter Note: This is for Race Mode and with the default controller setting Hold L during the pre-race countdown. Release L and hold R when the countdown reaches "3". Release R and hold L when the countdown reaches "2". Release L and hold R when the countdown reaches "1". If done correctly, your car will get a faster start. Click here


Sent in by Code Hunter To enter the cheat menu, first go to the main menu and highlight the Options selection. Before you select it, hold L + R + Z + C-Up + C-Right and a Cheats selection will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select it to enter the Cheat Menu. Below are codes that can be entered in the Cheat Menu: All Cars: Press C-Left, C-Left, C-Left, C-Up, C-Up, C-Up, C-Right, C-Right, C-Right, C-Down, C-Down, C-Down. Hold down L + R + C-Up + C-Left + C-Down + C-Right and then press Z. All Tracks: Hold L + R and press Z + C-Up + C-Right, Z + C-Down + C-Left, Z + C-Left + C-Up, Z + C-Down + C-Right, then release L + R. Battle Paint Shop: Tap Z, Z, Z, C-Down, C-Down, C-Down, C-Left, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down. Track Orientation: Hold L + R and press C-Right, C-Left, C-Up, C-Down, Z. Car Collisions: Hold L and press Z. (release), then hold R and press Z. Release, then hold L and press Z again. (release), then hold R and press Z once more. Tire Scaling: Press Z + R + C-Down + C-Left. (release), then press Z + L + C-Right + C-Up. (release), then press Z, Z, Z. Frame Scale: Press C-Left, C-Left. Hold L + R + C-Right. Car Mines: Hold L + R and press Z. (release), then hold C-Left + C-Down and press Z. (release), then hold C-Left + C-Up and press Z. (release), then hold C-Up + C-Right then press Z. Cone Mines: Press Z + C-Down. (release), then press L + C-Left. (release), then press R + C-Up. (release), then press Z + C-Right. Auto Abort: Press C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, Z, L, R, Z, Z. Resurrect in Place: Press Z + C-Down, Z + C-Right, Z + C-Up, Z + C-Left, Z + R, Z + L. Suicide Mode: Hold R and press C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down. Release the buttons, then hold L and press C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Right. Super Speed: Tap Z, Press and hold L and R then tap Z (release), C-Down, Press and hold L and R then tap C-Down (release), C-Down, C-Down, C-Down. Fog Color: Press and hold C-Up + C-Right then tap L (release), Press and hold C-Down + C-Left then tap R (release), then tap in order: C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left. Mass (Heavy Car): Press R + C-Down, L and C-Up, R and C-Left, L + C-Right. Super Tires: Tap the following buttons in order: Z, Z, Z, L, R, C-Up, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down. Brakes: Tap C-Down, C-Down, Press and Hold L + R and Tap C-Up (release), Tap C-up, C-up, Press and Hold L + R and Tap C-Down. Invisible Track: Tap C-Right, C-Right, Press and Hold L + R and Tap C-Left, Tap C-Left, C-Left, then Press and Hold L + R and Tap C-Right. Invisible Car: Tap the following buttons in order: C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, L, R, Z. All Parts: Hold L + R and press Z. Release these buttons and then press C-Down, C-Up, C-Left, and C-Right. Now hold L + R and press Z. Invincibility: Press C-Right, L, R, R, L. Then hold C-Left + C-Down and press Z.

Hidden Circuits and Tracks

Sent in by Code Hunter Intermediate Circuit - Simply place (first, second or third) on the Beginner Circuit. You will unlock the Mission Track and the Intermediate Circuit. Extreme Circuit - Place (first, second or third) on the Intermediate Circuit. You will unlock the Presidio Track and the Extreme Circuit. Advanced Circuit - Place (first, second or third) on the Extreme Circuit. You will unlock the Gauntlet Track and the Advanced circuit. Disco Track - Get 100,000 points in stunt mode. Oasis Track - Get 250,000 points in stunt mode. Warehouse Track - Get 500,000 points in stunt mode. Obstacle Course - Get 1,000,000 points in stunt mode.

Extra Cars

Sent in by Code Hunter Venom Car - Collect all silver coins in stunt mode. Crusher Car - Collect 16 gold coins in stunt mode. Euro LX Car - Collect 24 gold coins in stunt mode. GX-2 Car - Collect half of the gold coins in race mode.

Hidden Battle Arenas

Sent in by Code Hunter Downtown Battle Arena - Get 100 kills in battle mode. Plaza Battle Arena - Get 250 kills in battle mode. Roadkill Battle Arena - Get 500 kills in battle mode. Battle Arena 8 - Get 1000 kills in battle mode.

First Place Passwords

Sent in by Code Hunter Circuit / Race Password WX17QQ6FDC Beginner 4 XBDWCLCTYC BYI7QQBHWC Beginner 5 YBFLD@CJFD WYI7QQLJ8C Beginner 6 3WJWDGD6%C BII7QQWK%C Beginner 7 @BMLFLD@MD WII7QQ6LLD Beginner 8 FXNWFWDQ2D XB@#T3LCGB Intermediate 2 FWB6C2B42C CC@#T36WDLB Intermediate 3 LBCWFBCQ3C XC@#T36FNB Intermediate 4 VBD6GQC%2C CD@#T3BHQB Intermediate 5 YBFBJLDW9C XD@#T3LJTB Intermediate 6 5BG6K2DWQD CF@#T3WKWB Intermediate 7 %WJWL@DYMD XF@#T36L2B Intermediate 8 HCK6MLF6LD CG@#t3BN4B Intermediate 9 KXLWP@FW#D XG@#T3LP6B Intermediate 10 MCPLRLGQVD IWBBBWMCDB Extreme 2 KWDWBQBN2B FXBBBBYDJB Extreme 3 TBH6B6BTFC IXBBBB8FLB Extreme 4 IWLLCGCBDC FYBBBBDHQB Extreme 5 8BMBD6CGIC IYBBBBNJTB Extreme 6 ?WQ6DBD4WC FIBBBWYKWB Extreme 7 CCWBGQDYFC IIBBBW8L4B Extreme 8 JXILG2DNVC F2BBBWDN6B Extreme 9 MC56GLFQXC I2BBBWNP@B Extreme 10 QX8BH@FWDD F3BBBWYQBC Extreme 11 RC%LJLGJFD I3BBBW8RDC Extreme 12 WXCXKWGLDD F4BBBWDVJC Extreme 13 5CD7L@GTCD I4BBBWNWNC Extreme 14 @XHXMBHG#C F5BBBWYXYC Extreme 15 ?CM7M2HLTD I5BBBW8YYC Extreme 16 GYMXNWJBFD F6BBBWD24C Extreme 17 HDRMPGK63C I6BBBWN3@C Extreme 18 NYW7PLKYWC F7BBBWY4BD Extreme 19 VDYCQGLNGC I7BBBW85JD Extreme 20 XY3MQ6LN3C

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