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Rainbow Six

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Destroy a stereo
Dancing hostages

Destroy a stereo

Sent in by Mojo In the fourth level, the Senate level, there is music coming from a stereo when you enter a certain area in the first floor. When you reach it, you can shoot it and it will explode. This really isn't much of a trick but it is the only thing in the game capable of being destroyed by explosion except for a frag grenade. Click here

Dancing hostages

Sent in by Code Hunter You can do this glitch in the "Ghost Dance" mission and, you must have four operatives alive. First, give every operative a grenade. Then, in the planning screen, make the Blue Team stay put, and make the Red Team go rescue the hostages. Start the mission. The Blue Team should stay at the starting point. As the Red Team, go rescue the hostages. Go to the Island with the big treasure box on it. Next, walk right into the corner where the treasure box is, stop and switch to engage mode. Then, go back to the starting point and grenade the Blue Team. Last, return to where the hostages were and they will be dancing on the island!


Sent in by Code Hunter Recruit Difficulty VZRFTMQ2G8SQ All Stages 1ZB1S2Q22MQQ Mission 2 BJBBC3Q22WQQ Mission 3 B2BBSMQ22!QQ Mission 4 CJFCCQQ2FGQQ Mission 5 CZFCS5Q2F4RQ Mission 6 DJVDCYQ2FWQQ Mission 7 D2VDS8Q2F!QQ Mission 8 5JV2L18GGGS8 Mission 9 Veteran Difficulty 1ZL1S2RF2MQQ Mission 2 Red Wolf BJJBC3RF25QQ Mission 3 Sun Devil BZJBSMRF28RQ Mission 4 Eagle Watch CZBCS5RFFMRQ Mission 5 Ghost Dance DJBDCYRFF5RQ Mission 6 Fire Walk LZBDS8R2F8RQ Mission 8 Deep Magic MJB2D1R2G2RQ Mission 9 Lone Fox 2ZB2T2R2GMQQ Mission 10 Black Star FJJFD3R2G5RQ Mission 11 Wild Arrow FZJFTMR2G8RQ Mission 12 Mystic Tiger Example: To be able to play Mission 3 Sun Devil through Mission 5 Ghost Dance, you would enter the password for Mission 5 Ghost Dance. By entering M12 Mystic Tiger's password, all levels will become available for play.

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