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Pokemon Puzzle League

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Marathon Mode with starting speed max of 99
Bonus trainers
Extra difficulty settings
Cheat Mode
Extra Stage

Marathon Mode with starting speed max of 99

Sent in by Code Hunter At the title screen, hold Z and press B, A, L, L. The starting speed in marathon mode will now be at the maximum of 99. You can also acquire this cheat by scoring at least ten thousand points in the Time Zone.

Bonus trainers

Sent in by Code Hunter At the trainer selection screen, hold L + R + Z on controller one and two. This will unlock the previously hidden ("?") trainers. You can also get the bonus trainers by beating the Spa Service game. Click here

Extra difficulty settings

Sent in by Code Hunter V-Hard Mode - At the difficulty selection screen, hold Z and press L, L, A, and B. This will unlock the V-Hard difficulty setting. You can also simply complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting to obtain this setting. S-Hard - At the difficulty selection screen, hold Z and press R, L, A, and B. This will unlock the S-Hard difficulty setting. You can also simply complete the game on the V-Hard difficulty setting to obtain this setting.

Cheat Mode

Sent in by Code Hunter To unlock all selections in the Puzzle University, hold Z and press A, B, R, A, A, B, R, A at the title screen.

Extra Stage

Sent in by Code Hunter Mewtwo's Stage - At the trainer selection screen, hold Z and press B, Up, L, B, A, Start, A, Up, R. Ash is player one, player two will is Mewtwo. (You can also just beat the game on the S-Hard difficulty setting.)

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