Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy
Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes
Cyrax forever
Play one player game as Motaro or Shao Kahn
Easy way to beat Motaro
Easy defeat of Shao Kahn
Stage Select
Human Smoke
Play as Shao Kahn
Play as Motaro
Fight Khameleon
Disable throws, level select, and more
Infinite continues
Babality Massacre
Mortal Kombat codes
Don't lose any continues
Fighting Jade
Beat Shao Kahn
Play Galaga or Pong
Ultimate Kombat Kode
Shao Kahn's Treasures
Play the tournament one player
Select a fighter at random
Secrets of Trilogy
Play Space Invaders
Fight Khameleon in the Living Forest
Khameleon tip
Human Smoke
Question Marks
Lots of Endurance matches
Players Moves
Cyrax forever
Sent in by Travis Cunningham
Cyrax forever: This is a neat trick, during a 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 player
match, be Cyrax and play until your opponent has only one hit
left, then do nothing but bomb over and over. If you catch your
opponent with a bomb and they die. Keep bombing and bombing, their
next player won't come into the game until you stop.
Play one player game as Motaro or Shao Kahn
Sent in by Travis Cunningham
Play one player game as Motaro or Shao Kahn: First choose a 2
player game, player one turn into Shao Kahn or Motaro, let player
one then defeat player two, before second round starts, do the
code again (you will see a puff of smoke) again. Let player one
defeat player two, then start a new game. You are Shao Kahn or
Motaro in a one player game! If you lose a match, you will go
back to whomever you picked before. With this variation you
can also beat the game on super endurance very very fast. I have
beaten the game in just under 5 minutes on super endurance
ladders, this is how.
Easy way to beat Motaro
Sent in by Travis Cunningham
Easy way to beat Motaro: I often bet people 5 bucks that I can beat Motaro
with one hand behind my back, and I almost always win. To do this
just be Sheeva and do teleport stomp over and over again. If your
timing is correct you can get flawless victories with one hand!!!
Easy defeat of Shao Kahn
Sent in by Travis Cunningham
Easy defeat of Shao Kahn:
Cyrax: net, uppercut, net, uppercut, etc.
Noob Saibot: disable, uppercut, disable, uppercut, etc.
Stage Select
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Stage Select- When you choose your character go to Sonya Blade and
push up & start on the direction pad, hold it down for a while and the
screen will shake.
Human Smoke
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Human Smoke - Select Cyber Smoke and before the match starts hold down
Block + Run + High Kick + Back.
Play as Shao Kahn
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Play as Shao Kahn-before round starts hold down + Low Punch + High
Punch. This can only be done on the Rooftop or Pit III.
Play as Motaro
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Play as Motaro- Before Round starts hold Back + Low Kick + High Kick.
This can only be done in Jade's Desert or the Wasteland.
Fight Khameleon
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Fight Khameleon - When guy says "TOASTY!" on Pit II or the Star Bridge
press Down + Start.
Disable throws, level select, and more
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
At the storyline where it is telling you the trilogy of evens press run,
high punch, low punch. Make sure you let go of each button for a few
milliseconds and if you did it correct you will hear someone say
"Outstanding!" Now go to the options menu and there will be a box
with a blue question marks. You can disable throws, level select, be
Khameleon and Human Smoke, unlimited run and a few other things.
Infinite continues
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Infinite continues - At storyline push Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Left,
Right, Right. You'll hear a noise if you did the code
correctly and it might take several times. When you lose your next
battle, your remaining kredits window will say "freeplay".
Babality Massacre
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
Babality Massacre - Do a babality with someone and when screen starts
to fade into black and before person turns into baby hold High Kick +
Low Kick + High Punch + Low Punch. The baby will turn adult again and
then adult blows up.
Mortal Kombat codes
Sent in by Ryan
000033 Player 2 Half Power
000390 Player 2 Inflicts Half Damage
000666 Kombat Zone: The Lair
000707 Player 2 Quarter Power
004400 Whatcha Gun Do? - E.B.
007007 Kombat Zone: The Portal
010010 Throwing Encouraged
020020 Blockinh Disabled
022220 Explosive Kombat and Throwing Disabled (only works with
2 on 2 mode)
024689 Super Endurance
033000 Player 1 Half Power
040404 Real Kombat
044440 Unikorin Referri: Sand Power
091190 Kombat Zone: Bell Tower
100100 Throwing Disabled
101010 Kombat Zone: The Tower
109901 Bloody Kombat
121121 Kombat Zone: The Courtyard
122221 Skunky!! - E.F.
123321 Winner of This Round Battles Khameleon
123926 There is no Knowledge That is not Power
166661 Kombat Zone: The Pit II
191191 Kombat Zone: The Armory
202808 Babalities are Reversable!
212212 Kombat Zone: Wasteland
222222 Kombat Zone: The Deadpool
246246 You are Entering the Outer Limits
282282 No Fear = EB Button, Ssydive, Max Countdown
300300 Silent Kombat
390000 Player 1 Inflicts Half Damage
390390 Inflict Half Damage
444444 Randper Kombat
448844 Don'y Jump at me - MXV
460460 Randper Kombat
466466 Unlimited Run
484484 Automatic Kombos
550550 Play UMK3 Wavenet at a Local Arcade
555556 Special Moves Disabled
566566 Kombat Zone: The Tomb
606606 Kombat Zone: The Star Bridge
642468 You are Entering the Land of Rellim
688422 Dark Kombat
707000 Player 1 Quarter Power
717313 Rain can be Found in the Graveyard
722722 Combo System Disabled
788322 Fast Uppercut Recovery Enabled
919919 Kombat Zone: The Pit
975310 Regenerating Powerbars
985125 Psycho Kombat
987123 No Powerbars
987666 Hold Flippers During Casino Run
999999 Nintendo Rev 2.0
077022 Bridge
330033 Jade's Desert
880088 Subway
343343 Roof
820028 Pit 3
079035 Street
933933 Ermac's Portal
666333 Graveyard
600040 Kombat Temple
004700 Kahn's Kave
666444 Scorpion's Lair
002003 River Kombat
050050 Noob's Dorfen
880220 Khan's Tower
123901 Soul Chamber
Winner fights codes:
033564 Shao Kahn
769342 Noob Saibot
205205 Human Smoke
969141 Motard
Two-on-Two Mode:
227227 Explosive Kombat
Don't lose any continues
Sent in by Code Hunter
Start a one-player game. Make sure you have a second controller
plugged in to the Nintendo 64. Choose your player at the Character Select
Screen. If you are defeated on any person and the computer says
"Finish Him/Her!", press Start on the second controller. Back at the
Player Select Screen, choose a character for Player One and Player
Two. It doesn't matter who you pick. Have Player One defeat Player
Two. After you do this, continue your one player game. You will be at
the person you died on and you won't lose any continues. You can keep
doing that every time you die.
Fighting Jade
Sent in by Code Hunter
While fighting Jade on normal, hard, and very hard you notice that when
you do a flying projectile attack that she puts on her shield and pounds
you with a kombo. Heres what you do. Do a projectile attack. While she's
running for you, block. After she finishes, pound her.
Beat Shao Kahn
Sent in by Code Hunter
An easy way to beat Shao Kahn is to pick Sub-Zero and duck until he does
his flying knee bash move. When he does uppercut him, and before he gets
on his feet, freeze him. If you miss him he will do that flying knee bash
so you can uppercut him. Just repeat this until he is dead. But on the 2nd
round he mostly does shoulder charges into you. Try to block them, and
whenever you can freeze him. Same for the third round.
Play Galaga or Pong
Sent in by Code Hunter
Select 8-Player Kombat from the Mode Select Screen and win the whole
thing. You will now be able to select one of Shao Kahn's Lost
Treasures. Select the second symbol (MK) on the first row to play
Galaga, and select the first symbol (Rayden) on the second row to play
Ultimate Kombat Kode
Sent in by Code Hunter
Rotate your joystick or D-pad clockwise once or twice, it will then go
to the screen as if you just finished a game and allow you to enter an
Ultimate Kombat Kode!
Shao Kahn's Treasures
Sent in by Code Hunter
Top Row: (from Left to Right)
Ending, Galaxia, Fight Ermac, Fight Noob Saibot, Random Prize,
Fatality Demo 1, Brutality Demo 2, Fatality Demo 7, Noob + Ermac
Endurance round, MK2 Classic Endurance, Mega Endurance, and Old School
Bottom Row: (from Left to Right)
Past History (it's the black and white PONG!!), Male Ninja Kombat,
Animality Demo 1, Brutality Demo 1, Friendship Demo1 (looks like all
of them), Fight Khameleon, Fatality Demo 4, Anamality Demo 2, Female
Ninja Kombat, Supreme Demonstration (EVERY 'Finish Him/Her' in the
book!), Play Space Invaders (!! And some codes after), and the Secrets
of Trilogy.
Play the tournament one player
Sent in by Code Hunter
Once you start a game, pick 8 player tournament. Once both players
picked their characters, fight. The winner of the tournament gets to
choose a secret. To beat the tournament easier, make player 1 choose
his/her characters. Don't do anything for player 2. Soon player 2 will
choose a character and the tournament starts. Now, you can play the
tournament one player.
Select a fighter at random
Sent in by Code Hunter
On the character selection screen, put your cursor on Noob Saibot for
player one or Rain for player two. Now hold up and press start. Your
cursor will then select a fighter for you at random.
Secrets of Trilogy
Sent in by Code Hunter
If you have beaten the Super Endurance Mode, and if you have the
difficulty less than Normal, and have the Auto Combos on, then Shao
Kahn tells you to try again without them. But that makes the game
harder! So play the game with whatever settings you use until you get
up to Shao Kahn. Then lose. When you continue, and get back to the
Main Menu, go into Options (Up + Start), and turn up the difficulty
level, and turn off the Auto Combos. Now go back into the game, and
win. Now you get more information from Shao Kahn on the 'Secrets of
Trilogy' setting.
Play Space Invaders
Sent in by Code Hunter
In a two-player game, select the Pit stage, and if an object like
Santa or something else flies over the moon, hit the Z-trigger button.
The winner of that round then gets to play Space Invaders. You might
have to play the level a few times before something will show up over
the moon.
Fight Khameleon in the Living Forest
Sent in by Code Hunter
Play a two-player game and keep upper-cutting each other until the
Toasty guy pops out. When he does, just tap Down + Start. Then you
fight Khameleon in the Living Forest.
Khameleon tip
Sent in by Code Hunter
Khameleon's moves/fatalities/combos depend on what color her name is
on her life bar. If her name is blue (hard to see when it's blue) she
is Kitana, when it's green she is Jade, and when it's purple she is
Human Smoke
Sent in by Code Hunter
Pick Cyber-Ninja Smoke. Before the round starts, or in-between rounds,
hold Back, HP, HK, RUN, and BLOCK. Cyber-Ninja Smoke will explode and
change into Human Smoke.
Question Marks
Sent in by Code Hunter
During the story screen, hit these buttons: HK, LK, RN, LP, HP, HP,
HP, LP, LP. You have to do this very quickly. If it is done right,
you'll hear "OH-MAW," and you'll get BOTH the Red and Blue question
marks. These question marks will open up some hidden extra options
which are outlined below.
Red Question Mark
Freeplay - ON/OFF
Fatality Time - ON/OFF
Collision Boxes - ON/OFF
One Round Matches - ON/OFF
Blue Question Mark
Level Select - ON/OFF
Bloody Kombat - ON/OFF
Smoke - ON/OFF
Khameleon - ON/OFF
Lots of Endurance matches
Sent in by Mr. John P Becker
For a greater challenge in one-player mode, highlight Kano,
then press Down + Start. You will hear Shao Kahn say,
"You'll never win." When you start a new tournament,
there will be plenty of Endurance matches to go around.
The Champion ladder has: fight Khameleon, then Motaro, then
A LOT of Endurance matches, then Shao Kahn. Some of
the Endurance matches have at least *SIX* guys to fight in the same
Players Moves
Sent in by Travis Cunningham
Sheeva 100% combo: To do this combo with Sheeva, get someone
close to corner and do her juggle combo opener and they will fly
in the air, now quickly walk forward, duck and press HK as fast
as you can, they won't even touch the ground! Easiest way to
practice this is to go super endurance in a two player game and
takes turns with 2 Sheevas until you get it down, I have done
it in kombat and it rocks!
Classic Sub-Zero's great combo: TAK, ground freeze, juggle,
jump kick and slide. The TAK isn't included in the % meter as
part of combo, but it does take energy (about 55-60%).
Sent in by Shawn Ryan Winder
Johnny Cage Finishing moves
Decap: When in close, tap down, down, toward, toward, Lp
Backbreaker: When in close, tap down, down, toward, toward, Lk
Brutality: tap Hp, Hp, Lp, Lp, Bl, Hk, Hk, Lk, Lk, BL
Stage Fatality: Tap down, away, toward, toward, BL
Animality From sweep distance, hold BL, tap down, toward, toward, Hk
Friendship: tap down, down, down, down, Hk
Noob Saibot
Orb Spin: From sweep distance, tap away away toward toward Hk
Teleportkill: When in close, tap down down up run.
Sent in by John E. Krebs
Shao Khans moves:
Ram: F, F, F, HP
Vertical Ram: D, D, D, F, HK
Laugh: D, D, RN
Head Chop Baraka uses one of his blades to decapitate his opponent.
Stand next to your opponent and press Back, Back, Back, High Punch.
Lift 'em up Baraka uses his blades to lift the opponent into the
air, and the opponent then slides down the blade. Stand next to your
opponent, and press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Forward three times, then press High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand within sweeping distance, and press Down, Forward, Forward,
High Kick. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button
in the winning round.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch, High
Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, Low Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick.
Head Decapitation Cage uppercuts the opponent's head off.
Stand next to the opponent and press Down, Down, Forward, Forward,
Low Punch.
Shadow Kick Cage does a sliding kick and removes the opponent's
torso. Stand outside sweeping distance and press Down, Down, Forward,
Forward, Low Kick.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Back, Back, High Kick. Note: To do
a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand anywhere and hit Down, Down, Down, Down, then Low Kick. Note: To
do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand next to your opponent and press High Punch, Low Kick, High
Kick, Low Punch, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High
Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.
Self Destruct Cyrax initiates his self-destruct mode that destroys
his opponent. Stand next to your opponent and press Down, Down,
Forward, Up and Run.
Helicopter Blade A helicopter blade appears on Cyrax's head, then
he flies off the screen and slices up his opponent. Stand within
sweeping distance and hold Block, press Down, Down, Up, Down, release
Block, press High Punch.
Stand anywhere, and press Forward, Forward, Back, High Punch. Note: To
do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand anywhere and press Run, Run, Run, Up. Note: To do a Friendship,
you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Up, Up, Down, Down.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Run, Block, Run.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Kick, High
Punch, High Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High
Kick, Low Kick, Low Punch.
DecapitationErmac uppercuts the opponent's head off.
Stand next to the opponent and press Run, Block, Run, Run, High Kick.
Telekinetic Slam Ermac uses telekinesis to slam the opponent to
death. Stand within sweep range and press Down, Up, Down, Down, Down,
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Forward, then High Punch.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand close to your opponent
and hold Low Punch, Back, Back, Forward, Down, then release Low Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Run, Run, Run, Run, Low Kick.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch, Low
Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Low
Punch, Low Kick, High Kick.
Uppercut Stab Jade uppercuts the opponent, and then they land on
her staff. Stand next to the opponent and press Run, Run, Run, Block, Run.
Shake'em Up Jade stabs the opponent in the stomach with her staff,
and shakes them up until they explode. Stand next to the opponent and
press: Up, Up, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Forward, Down, High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand anywhere and press Back, Down, Back, Back, High Kick. Note: To
do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Back, Forward, Down, Run.
Stand next to your opponent, then press the following buttons, High
Punch, Low Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Low
Kick, Block, Block, High Punch, High Kick.
Giant Boot Jax morphs into a boot and crushes the opponent.
Stand far from your opponent and press Run, Block, Run, Run, Low Kick.
Blade Slice Jax's hands morph into blades and he chops up the
opponent. Stand next to the opponent and hold Block, press Up, Down,
Forward, Up, then release Block.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Down, Low Kick Note: To do a
Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand far from your opponent and press Low Kick, Run, Run, Low Kick.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and hold Low Punch, press Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, then
release Low Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down, Forward, Down, Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press, High Punch, High Punch,
Block, Low Punch, High Punch, High Punch, High Punch, High Punch,
Block, Low Punch, High Punch.
Soul Scare Kabal screams at the opponent, and their soul runs away.
Stand next to the opponent and press Run, Block, Block, Block,
High Kick.
Respirator Kabal pumps the opponent's head full of air, then the
opponent explodes. Stand within sweep range and press Down, Down,
Back, Forward, Block.
Stand anywhere and press Run, Run, Low Kick. Note: To do a Babality,
you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand outside sweep range and press Run, Low Kick, Run, Run, Up.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and hold High Punch, then press Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, then
let go of High Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Block, Block, Block, then High
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Block, Low Kick,
Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch,
High Punch Low Punch.
Skeleton Pull Kano grabs the opponent's head and pulls his
skeleton out. Stand next to the opponent and hold Low Punch, press
Forward, Down, Down, Forward, release Low Punch.
Eye Laser Kano uses an eye beam to disintegrate the opponent.
Stand outside sweep range and press Low Punch, Block, Block, High Kick.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Down, Down, Low Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand within sweep range and press Low Kick, Low Kick, Run, Run, High
Kick. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in
the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and hold High Punch, press Block three times, release High Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Up, Up, Back, Low Kick.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Punch, Block,
Low Punch, High Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Block, High Kick,
Low Kick.
Khameleon can use the moves of all three female ninjas. Her ability
to use these move will change randomly when she fades in and out. To
figure out which moves she can use, look at the color of her name in
the life bar. If her life bar is blue, she uses Kitana's moves. If her
life bar is pink, she uses Mileena's moves, and if her life bar is
green, she uses Jade's moves.
Head Chop Kitana uses her fan to decapitate the opponent.
Stand next to the opponent and press Back, Down, Forward, Forward,
High Kick.
Kiss of Death Kitana kisses the opponent, then the opponent
explodes. Stand next to the opponent and press Run, Run, Block,
Block, Low Kick.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning
Stand anywhere and press Down, Back, Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Down, Down, Low Kick.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch,
Block, High Kick, Block, Low Kick, Block, Low Punch, Block, High
Punch, Block.
Kung Lao
Tornado Lao Kung Lao turns into a tornado and defeats the opponent.
Stand inside sweep range and press Run, Block, Run, Block, Down. Hat
Slice Kung Lao throws his hat at the opponent, and they get
cut into pieces. Stand close to your opponent and press Forward,
Forward, Back, Down, High Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch. Note: To
do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand far from your opponent and press Run, Low Punch, Run, Low Kick.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Run, Run, Run, Run, Block.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down, Down, Forward, Forward,
Low Kick.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Punch, Low
Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick,
Block, High Punch, Low Punch.
Liu Kang
Machine Drop Liu Kang drops an arcade machine on top of the
opponent. Stand inside sweep distance and press Up, Down, Up, Up,
then Block and Run together.
Invisible Flame Liu Kang turns into a flame and burns the opponent
into a crisp. Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Down, Down,
Low Kick.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Down, High Kick. Note: To do a
Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand a full screen away and press Down and Run together, Down and
Run together, and Down and Run together a third time. Note: To do a
Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand within sweep distance
and press Down, Down, Down, then press Up on the control pad.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Run, Block, Block, Low Kick.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Punch, High
Punch, Block, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low
Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.
Vacuum Mileena inhales in her opponent, then spits out their bones.
Stand next to the opponent and press Down, Forward, Down, Forward,
Low Punch.
Human Nail-gun Mileena swallows a bunch of nails, then spits them
at the opponent. Stand far from your opponent and press Back, Back,
Back, Forward, Low Kick.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Forward, Down, Down, Forward, High Kick.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down three times, Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Punch, Low
Punch, High Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Block,
High Punch, Low Punch.
Special Moves
Motaro sweeps his opponent with his tail. Press Back and Low Kick.
Motaro shoots a fireball at his opponent. Hold Low kick for two
seconds, then release Power Punch.
Motaro picks his opponent up with one arm and punches them with the
other. Press Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch. Teleport
Motaro will disappear and teleport near his opponent. Press Down,
Down-Back, Back, High Kick.
Decapitation Motaro decapitates the opponent. Stand next to the
opponent and press Forward four times, then High Kick.
Lightning Bolt Nightwolf summons a bolt of lightning from his axe
and electrocutes his opponent.
Stand outside sweep range and press Back, Back, Down, then press High
Moonlight Nightwolf summons a moonbeam that disintegrates his
opponent. Stand next to the opponent and hold Block. Then press Up,
Up, Back, Forward, Release Block, then press Block.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, then press Low
Punch. Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand outside sweeping distance and press Run, Run, Down, Run, Down.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to your opponent
and press Forward, Forward, Down, Down.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Run, Run, Block.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch, High
Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block, Block, Low Punch, Low Punch, High
Punch, High Kick.
Noob Saibot
Tele-port Slam Noob tele-ports off the screen and slams his
opponent repeatedly. Stand anywhere and hold Block, press Down, Down,
Up and Run.
Ghost Fireball Noob shoots a ghost fireball that defeats his
opponent. Stand within sweeping distance and press Back, Back,
Forward, Forward, High Kick.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand a full screen away and press Forward, Forward, Back, High
Punch. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in
the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand outside sweep distance
and press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, High Kick.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Block.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Kick, Low
Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, Block,
Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick.
Lighting Bolt Rain electrocutes his opponent with a lightning bolt.
Stand outside sweeping distance and press Down, Down, Back, Forward,
High Kick.
Death Uppercut Rain uppercuts his opponent off the top of the
screen. Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Forward, Down,
High Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Back, Back, High Punch. Note: To do
a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand outside sweeping distance and press Forward, Forward, Forward,
Low Punch. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button
in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Block, Block, Run, Run, Block.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Down, Forward, Low
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch,
Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block,
High Punch, Low Punch.
Head Explosion Rayden will uppercut the opponent and they will
explode. Stand next to the opponent and hold High Punch for three
seconds, then release it.
Death Penalty Rayden will shock the opponent until they explode.
Stand next to the opponent and hold Low Kick for eight seconds (must
hold before the match ends for move to work), then release; then,
rapidly press and release Block and Low Kick at the same time.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Back, Forward, High Kick. Note: To do
a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down, Down, Down, High Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch, Low
Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch,
Block, Block.
Acid Melt Reptile spits acid on the opponent and melts the
opponent away. Stand close to your opponent and press Forward,
Forward, Up, Up, High Kick.
Eat 'em Up Reptile eats the opponent. Stand outside sweeping
distance and press Back, Forward, Down, Block.
Stand anywhere and press Forward, Forward, Back, Down, Low Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand close to your opponent and press Down, Forward, Forward, Back,
High Kick. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button
in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to your opponent
and hold Block, press Down, Down, Down, Up, release Block, press High Kick.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Run, Block, Run, Block, Block.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Block, High Kick,
High Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block,
Low Punch.
Human Torch Scorpion takes off his mask and torches the opponent.
Stand at sweep range and press Down, Down, Up, High Kick.
The Gathering Scorpion summons a bunch of Scorpion clones and
defeats the opponent. Stand close to your opponent and press Forward,
Forward, Down, Up, Run.
Fiery HandScorpion summons a hand made of fire and defeats the
opponent. Stand outside sweeping distance and press Forward, Forward,
Back, Low Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Back, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand next to your opponent and press Back, Forward, Forward, Back,
Low Kick. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button
in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and hold Block, press Forward, Up, Up, let go of Block, press High Kick.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Up, Up, Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch,
Block, High Kick, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, High
Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.
The Crusher A large metal crusher comes out of Sektor's chest and
smashes his opponent. Stand close to your opponent press Low Punch,
Run, Run, Block.
Flame Thrower Sektor ignites his flame thrower and fries his
opponent. Stand outside sweep range and press Back, Forward, Forward,
Forward, Back, then press Block.
Stand anywhere and press Back, Down, Down, Down, then press High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand outside sweeping distance and press Run four times, then press
Down on the controller. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the
block button in the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Forward, Forward, Down, Up.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Run three times, then press
Down on the controller.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch,
Block, Block, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick,
Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.
Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung's Character Morphs
Cage Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Cyrax Press Block three times.
Ermac Press Down, Down, Up.
Jade Forward, Forward, Down, Down and Block at the same time.
Jax Forward, Forward, Down, Low Punch.
KabalLow Punch, Block, High Kick.
Kano Forward, Back, Forward, Block.
Kitana Forward, Down, Forward, Run.
Kung Lao Run, Run, Block, Run.
Liu Kang Hold Block, then rotate the Control Pad/Stick in 360
degrees twice.
Mileena Run, Block, High Kick.
Nightwolf Up three times.
Noob Saibot Forward, Down, Down, Back, High Kick. RainRun, Block, Low Kick.
Rayden Block, Run, Block.
Reptile Run, Block, Block, High Kick.
Scorpion Down, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Sektor Down, Forward, Back, Run.
Sheeva Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick.
Sindel Back, Down, Back, Low Kick.
Smoke Block, Run, Low Kick.
Smoke (Robot) Back, Back, Down. Low Kick.
Sonya Down three times, then press Block, Run and Low Punch
Stryker Forward three times, High Kick.
Sub-Zero Block, Block, Run, Run.
Bed of Spikes Shang Tsung throws the opponent onto a bed of
spikes. Stand next to the opponent and hold Low Punch, press Down,
Forward, Forward, Down, release Low Punch.
Soul Removal Shang Tsung steals the opponent's soul. Stand next to
the opponent and hold Low Punch, press Run, Block, Run, Block, release
Low Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Run, Run, Run, Low Kick. Note: To do a
Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand far away from your opponent and press Low Kick, Run, Run, Down.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand within sweeping
distance and hold High Punch, press Run four times, then release
High Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Up, Up, Back, Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Block, Block,
Block, Low Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, Block, Block, Block.
Banana Peel Sheeva grabs her opponent by the arms and rips their skin
off. Stand next to the opponent and hold High Kick, press Forward,
Back, Forward, Forward and release High Kick.
Ground Pound Sheeva pounds her opponent into the ground. Stand
next to the opponent and press Forward, Down, Down, Forward and Low Punch.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Down, Back, then High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand outside sweep range and press Forward, Forward, Down, Forward
and High Punch. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block
button in the winning round. Note 2: When you try to do her
friendship, she throws a fireball instead, this is a common problem.
To prevent Sheeva from throwing a fireball, press Forward, Forward,
Down, pause for a quick second, then press Forward and High Punch.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Run, Block, Block, Block, Block.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down, Forward, Down, Forward,
Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Punch, Block,
Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Block,
Low Punch, High Punch.
Hair Wrap Sindel defeats the opponent with her hair. Stand next to the
opponent and press Run, Run, Block, Run, Block. ScreamSindel screams
the flesh off of her opponent. Stand close to your opponent and press
Run, Run, Block, Block, Run + Block.
Stand anywhere and press Run, Run, Run, Up. Note: To do a Babality,
you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand outside sweeping distance and press Run, Run, Run, Run,
Run + Up. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button
in the winning round. Note 2: This move is tough to accomplish. You
must be standing in the correct spot or it will do her Babality.
Since her Babality and Friendship are basically the same, the game
will do the Babality most of the time. Practice makes perfect.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and press Forward, Forward, Up, then High Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Down four times, then Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Block, Low Kick,
Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Block, Low Punch.
Smoke (Human)
Smoke teleports off the screen and decapitates his opponent. Standing
outside sweeping distance press Run, Block, Run, Run, High Kick.
No Smoking Smoke disappears and blows up his opponent. Stand far
from your opponent and press Forward, Forward, Back and Run.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Back, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Forward, Forward, Forward, Run.
Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand outside sweeping
distance and press Forward, Forward, Forward, Back, High Kick.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Up, Up, Low Punch.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, High Punch,
Block, Low Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High
Kick, Low Punch, Low Kick.
Smoke (Robot)
Self-Destruct Smoke throws bombs onto the ground and blows up his
opponent, along with the entire world.
Stand a full screen away and hold Block, then press Up, Up, Forward,
Mega-Bomb Smoke pulls a bomb out of his chest, drops it into his
opponent mouth and blows them up. Stand at sweep range and hold Run
and Block, then press Down, Down, Forward, Up.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Back, Back, then press High Kick.
Note: To do a Babality, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
Stand far away from opponent and press Run, Run, Run, then press High
Kick. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in
the winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand far away from your
opponent and press Down, Forward, Forward, then press Block.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Forward, Down, then
press Low Kick.
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Kick, Low
Kick, High Kick, Block, Block, Low Punch, Low Punch, High Punch,
Block, Block.
Kiss of Death Sonya blows a ball of fire at her opponent and they
explode into flames. Stand outside sweep distance and press Back,
Forward, Down, Down + Run.
Energy Field Sonya conjures up an energy field which causes her
opponent to explode. Stand a full screen away, hold Run and Block,
then press Up, Up, Back, Down.
Stand anywhere and press Down, Down, Forward, Low Kick. Note: To do a
Babality, you cannot use the block button in the winning round.
Stand far from your opponent and press Back, Forward, Back, Down,
Run. Note: To do a Friendship, you cannot use the block button in the
winning round.
First, show Mercy while standing outside sweep range, hold Run, press
Down four times, then release Run. Then, stand next to the opponent
and hold Low Punch, press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, then release
Low Punch.
Stage Fatality
Stand next to your opponent and press Forward, Forward, Down, High
Stand next to your opponent, then press High Punch, Low Kick, Block,
High Punch, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Block, High Kick,
Low Kick.