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Fighting Shinnok
Fight Quan Chi
Fight Shinnok


Sent in by Anatole Ginsberg RCKMND View the rock boss exploding
Sent in by Justin Fung TDFCLT Invincibility GTTBHR 1,000 Lives NXCVSZ 10 Urns of Vitality CRVDTS View Credits THWMSB Wind CNSZDG Earth ZVRKDM Water JYPPHD Fire RGTKCS Prison QFTLWN Bridge XJKNZT Fortress ZCHRRY Fortress with 20,000 experience points.

Fighting Shinnok

Sent in by Justin Fung Once you have reached Shinnok, penetrating his shield is impossible. Wait until he throws a blast at your character, which usually happens after he says "Feel My Power". After that happens, prepare to throw a freeze. Timing is critical -- as soon as he throws his blast throw your freeze and then freeze him again. Quickly turn and run to the teleporter to teleport behind him. Quickly turn again, run up behind him, and press Take to grab the Medallion. Freezing him in the center of the platform works best because you do not have a lot of time to run up behind him. He will scream "Not My Medallion" and turn into a monster. Rayden's Portal will appear. Do not battle the monster. Instead, jump through the Portal and meet Rayden and Shang Tsung.

Fight Quan Chi

Sent in by Justin Fung To Fight Quan Chi, hold A as Sub-Zero dies before a checkpoint.

Fight Shinnok

Sent in by Justin Fung To Fight Shinnok, hold B as Sub-Zero dies before a checkpoint. Click here


Sent in by Anatole Ginsberg Sub Zero moves L= low H= high P= punch K= kick *= block #= run D= down Up= up B= back F= forward Diagonal Ice Blast Angle up --- D, F, HK, Angle d --- D, B, LK Ice blast: D to F, LP. Slide: * + HP + LP + LK + B Ice clone: D, B, LP Super Slide: * + HP + LP + B Freeze on contact: D, F, F, HP Polar Blast: F, B, B, HP 6 hit combo: HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, B HK
Sent in by Code Hunter (Note: All of these moves require a certain amount of experience points) Ice Blast Down to Forward, Low Punch Allows Sub-Zero to throw an ice projectile. Slide Block + Low Punch + Low Kick + Back Can slide under projectiles and high attacks. Diagonal Ice Blast Angle Up --- Down, Forward, High Kick Angle Down --- Down, Back, Low Kick Gives Sub-Zero the Ability to throw ice in 2 additional directions. Ice Clone Down, Back, Low Punch Enables Sub-Zero to create an ice clone. Ice Shatter Enable Sub-Zero to shatter enemies after 2 ice blasts. Super Slide Block + High Punch + Low Punch + Back Same as normal slide. Except it is longer reaching and can take out multiple enemies. Freeze on Contact Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch Allows Sub-Zero to freeze an enemy on contact when running. Polar Blast Forward, Back, Back, High Punch Freeze all enemies on screen within the blast radius. Fatalities Spine Rip Foward, Down, Forward, High Punch (one step away) Rips the opponents head from their body. 6 Hit Combo HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, back HK

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