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Mega Man 64

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Get a free drink from the vending machine
Infinite money
Moving on Uptown
Wolf Boss Battle Tips
Juno Battle Tips
Extra Parts
Easy Money
Special Weapons Requirements
New Difficulty Settings

Get a free drink from the vending machine

Sent in by Justin Kick the hole in the vending machine [were the drink comes out] and then you'll hear it come out. Walla!!! You got a free drink. [However, the newspaper will talk about a stolen drink from the vending machine].

Infinite money

Sent in by Code Hunter Go to Apple Market and kick the can into the bakery. The woman behind the counter will give you 1000 Zenny. Enter any shop and exit. The can will reappear. Repeat this as many times as needed. Note: This will still work when everyone leaves. Go to the market just before the main city (the junk store is found here). At the south entrance/exit, you can find a small yellow can on the ground next to a garbage pail. Start kicking it until you put it behind the counter of the larger of the two bread stores. A "Nice shot! Bonus 1000 Zenny" message will appear, followed by "Remember to recycle your empty cans." You can exit and re-enter the market and repeat this as many times as needed. Click here

Moving on Uptown

Sent in by Code Hunter To reach the Uptown area, use Downtown's west door. Once in Uptown, you can aid a struggling artist, take a boat ride or or participate in local TV station game shows. The games are shown below, and they're a quick way to earn some serious Zenny. You'll also get the Mystic Orb and Zetsabre if you come in first in both events. Beast Hunter - Who wants to be a dogcatcher? The object of Beast Hunter is simple if a bit unusual: Kick balls and stuffed animals at a robotic dog that's chasing around a harried shopkeeper. Don't bother with aligning Mega Man or trying aim the balls. It's much easier to stand in the middle and kick them straight.
Balloon Fantasy - It's an odd name, but then again, it's an odd game show. Dropped into a room full of balloons, Mega Man will be forced to blast all the red ones in a given time limit. It's not so tough at first, but the last level can be pretty tricky. Keep trying, though, because you'll receive a fantastic prize once you win. (Hint: Avoid shooting blue balloons at all costs because they take off a second each time you hit one.)

Wolf Boss Battle Tips

Sent in by Code Hunter This is for all of you that are having trouble with the Clozer Woods Sub-Gate boss. First, once you get the Guidance Unit, go back to Roll to get the Active Buster. Upgrade Attack and Energy (and Range, Rapid, or Special if you can), then go back to the Sub-Gate. Go to the big room with the shield and "chicken" Reaverbots. Find 2 doors guarded by a shield Reaverbot. go into the door on the outside wall, and battle the wallcrawler Reaverbots. Save as much health as you can. Use your Active Buster to break open the odd-colored panel on the ceiling. Jump up on the ceiling, then go through the door. Go down the elevator, and when the battle starts, DON'T exit the elevator. Back into a corner, so the wolves jump attack won't hit you, then fire your Active Buster like crazy. The wolves health will drop quite quickly, and the only attack you'll have to worry about is the flames. Try to jump over the flames if you can, and once you dispatch of them, go through the other door and get an ID Card!

Juno Battle Tips

Sent in by Code Hunter First, make sure you recharge and save at Data because this is going to be a hell of a battle. As soon as you enter the room, (or watch the cinema) shoot him with you're blaster. Special weapons have barely any effect on Juno. When he attempts his Tackle, just jump out of the way. If he does you should also smack him with what you got while he's coming at you. If he lunges at you you have to dive out of the way extremely quickly. The shockwave you can't avoid without jumping or diving, but in addition to that, a small patch of floor that he lands on will explode, too. Also, he might jump more then once at a time. The basic jump and/or avoid and blast attack. If you're the kind of gamer like me, his Rainbow Swing will hardly ever miss, but if you're like my best friend, you should be able to dodge both of them easily. That attack is fast and very powerful. His Flying Fists (Special Attack!) makes it so that there will be a long explosion in the middle and a fast shockwave. He is extremely vulnerable there so pummel him with what you got. His most pathetic attack is the Rainbow Slice. Just dodge and fire. Once he is dead, he explodes and his head flies into a hole in the wall and a giant robot body he now controls. This is where things get messy. He lunges at you three numerics times, the third always landing in the middle and a left hand swing. The funny thing is, he can't make shockwaves. He also replaces his weaker Tackle Attack for Ram. His favorite attack by my standers his the Fireball. It might look and sound all high and mighty but it does squat if you time the jump right. Remember to keep that blaster running! His most powerful Attack is the Rainbow Smash. (Special Attack!) He'll absorb his Fireball and throw 10 straight sticks of Rainbow-like pain from the sky. From there you don't pay any attention to him and you run like mad around the room until it stops. After you master his attacks it will be smooth sailing from there.

Extra Parts

Sent in by Code Hunter Beat the game on hard difficulty under eight hours. You will unlock the jet skates and buster max.

Easy Money

Sent in by Code Hunter Locate the garbage can in the shopping arcade and pop can on the ground near the Jetlad Bakery on the Shopping Street. Then, kick the can into the bakery and speak to the woman inside to receive $1,000. This may be repeated to collect an unlimited amount of money. Play the beast hunter game at the studio and get 4000 gold for completing grade A. This may be repeated to collect an unlimited amount of money. You can do the same with the races and balloon burst. Doing this may cause your armor to go black, but, go to the Flutter after defeating Boss Bruno. Search the T.V. There's a bank robbery Downtown. Go there by foot (Roll can't take you right now) and you should find a red car being chased by a police car. The game allows you to use your Buster Gun in the town. Blow up the red car and a trunk of money falls out. If you grab it and talk to the Inspector, you get only 20,000 zenny and your armor stays blue. If you grab the trunk and try leaving, it asks if you want to steal the money. If you say YES, you get 200,000 zenny and black armor.

Special Weapons Requirements

Sent in by Code Hunter Note: In (parenthesis) is the requirement. Powered Buster (Cannon Kit) One of the best Special Weapon you'll use most of the game. Enhance it as soon as possible! Poor firing rate. Grenade Arm (Grenade Kit) Throws one grenade at a time. Vacuum Arm - (Broken Motor + Broken Propeller + Broken Cleaner) Used for sucking Refractor Shards and Energy Cubes without effort. Upgrade it to the max in the beginning and you'll be able to get items from really far away! Harmless. Blade Arm (Zetsabre + Pen Light) Slashes with an energy blade, poor range. Splash Mine - (Mine Parts Kit) Drops mine in front of you. First Special Weapon. Machine Buster - (Blumebear Parts) Weapon with a high rate of firing, but not powerful. Drill Arm - (Blunted Drill) Close range weapon, can also be used to destroy walls! Spread Buster - (Old Launcher + Arm Supporter + Ancient Book) Throws multiple bombs at a time. Active Buster - (Guidance Unit) Homing missiles. When fully enhanced, it's the best weapon. But it's VERY expensive! Grand Grenade - (Bomb Schematic) Throws bigger grenades than the Grenade Arm. Shield Arm - (Mystic Orb + MarlWolf Shell) Creates an energy field in front of you. Harmless. *Shining Laser* - (Prism Crystal + Weapon Plans + X Buster) Shoots a continuous laser, very destructive!

New Difficulty Settings

Sent in by Code Hunter Hard Difficulty - Beat the game on normal. The new setting will become available on the main title screen. Easy Difficulty - Beat the game on hard difficulty. The new setting will become available on the main title screen.

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