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Hybrid Heaven

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes
Finishing Moves Move tip Tip on levels and skill Secret Characters

Finishing Moves

Sent in by Code Hunter Certain five-move combos have a finishing move -- a powerful move that can only be found in that combo. To do this, execute one of the following combos, and save it. The finisher only happens when you recall a saved combo. Rolling Savate Kick: R Low Kick L Low Kick R Middle Kick L Middle Kick R High Kick Jumping Axe Kick: L Low Kick R Low Kick L Middle Kick R Middle Kick L High Kick Rising Uppercut: Mid L Punch Mid R Punch Mid L Punch Mid R Punch Mid L Punch Click here

Move tip

Sent in by Angus During battle mode, try to use as many different moves as possible. Different enemies are weak against different moves, so try to build them up equally, no matter how useless they appear. Once you build up the level, the damage will increase also.

Tip on levels and skill

Sent in by Nick Burgener To get a bunch of levels and skill without wasting your items, just find a room with a regeneration pad (the yellow squares guys come out of) and let the guy kill you till you are almost out of health. Then defeat him. This helps raise your defense. Then go back to the last life pod to get your health back. Repeat this process until the guys stop coming. You should be able to get quite a few levels.

Secret Characters

Sent in by Code Hunter Alien - Beat the game on Ultimate difficulty setting. After that press L, R, L, R, Z at the title screen. President Weller - Beat the game on the Ultimate difficulty setting. After that press L, R, L, R, Start at the title screen.

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