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Goemon's Great Adventure

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Creep Village
Beat Kabuki Final Easily
Impact Bosses Special Attacks
Four Player Mode
New costumes

Creep Village

Sent in by ChillerCat To get Creep Village, the mysterious village of the Underworld, beat the entire game. Get all 44 entry passes and beat Dochuki. Go to Mokeke Forest in the Underworld Area. Continue through the level until you get to the Impact Rock. Hop over it, or push it, and jump on the bridge. Keep going until you see a Pink Clay Doll under the bridge looking left. Kill it and continue left to the Tea House transport and switch to Yae or Sasuke. Dive into the water, swim right, pass the giant gates and avoid or kill the Kappa. Surface for another Tea House transporter. Choose your character now, there is no teahouse in Creep Village. Continue right until you reach a large bus stop sign. Around daybreak a huge skeleton bus will pick you up and take you to Creep Village.

Beat Kabuki Final Easily

You only need someone as Miss Impact to help you out. Whenever Kabuki gets close enough, use the Repeated Punch + Kick combo to whip him away. Miss Impact should then whip him back! Do another Repeated Punch + Kick combo when he's being thrown back at you, and you should hit him again. Continue doing this until you have enough power for the Blast Beam. Next time Kabuki comes at you, do the Repeated Punch + Kick + Blast Beam combo! Just make sure that Miss Impact knows NOT to knock Kabuki back at you. Keep it up and you've beaten Kabuki Final easy! Click here

Impact Bosses Special Attacks

Sent in by Code Hunter Impact Boss 1- Bismaru Just watch out for her big attack: Spiral Rose Attack. A rose will appear in the background. This is a sign that Bismaru is going to use a special attack. When she throws several roses at you, either punch 'em back, or, if the other Impact is still standing, pass the baton! Impact Boss 2- Taisamba 4 Annoying but kind of fun. But be on the lookout for: Cyclone Attack. Tasimba will spin around and Impact/Miss Impact will be caught in a spiral. Watch out, because she'll throw eels at you! Use the Repeated Punch (up-C down-C up-C A) and kick combo (press A a lot during the animation for the kick). This should knock most of the eels away. If there are still more coming, use the Repeated Punch again! Impact Boss 3- Wind and Thunder Only one robot but watch out for anything big, like: Humming Attack. If he ever starts to glow and the other Impact is standing, pass the baton! These attacks can really hurt. Projectile Attack - He throws those spinning things at you. Punch 'em with the B button for some quick money. Impact Boss 4-Kabuki Final Pretty difficult for first-time players. Make sure you know what he can do! Death Orb - Kabuki creates a ball of light which separates into several smaller orbs. You MUST use the Repeated Punch to survive! These things are very deadly, so watch out. Teleport Attack - Kabuki pulls out that umbrella and runs at you, but then vanishes! Once he vanishes, use the Repeated Punch (be aiming at the center of the screen). When he reappears, you're set up for a nice Repeated Punch + Kick combo. Umbrella Drill - This thing is very deadly. If you don't pass the baton to the other Impact, you'll end up going "boom!" Impact Boss 5- Devil Death! Definitely the most difficult Impact Boss! Summoning Attack - He will spin that scythe around and will summon either Bismaru or Kenzuke! If he summons Bismaru, use the Repeated Punch + Kick combo to thwart away the evil kisses! If he summons Kenzuke, either get lucky and land every repeated punch and the kick, or just block (A + B). Blue Fire - This is the signal that he's going use a special attack. Drill of Death - This thing can and will kill you instantly! If you see the blue fire that gives this attack away, quickly pass the baton!

Four Player Mode

Sent in by Code Hunter Insert controllers into all four ports and begin a game using controller one (and/or two). Collect forty-four hands from various levels. Then, press C-Right + Start on controllers three and four for Four Player Mode.

New costumes

Sent in by Code Hunter First enable four player mode, then go to the "Prediction" house to access new costumes for each character.

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