Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy
Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes
Almost get on top of the castle
The Bosses and Defeating Them
How do you beat the boss Gorilla in the desert island level?
Lose lives
Access All Levels
Hear different sounds
Get a new code
Fish Eye
Mad Garibs
Enemy Ball
Big Ball
Call Ball
Camera Rotate Left
Camera Rotate Right
Control the Ball
Infinite Lives
Infinite Power
Low Gravity
Turn Cheats Off
Almost get on top of the castle
Sent in by Ben
If you know all of the codes then you'll want to do this trick. When you're
about to beat the game and you have to put the last ball in the cave. Don't
put it in yet. Walk up to the castle and look up try to find a low edge
somewhere around the edge. It will be under a tower but that's OK. Turn
on low gravity. Then Big Ball and last use the Hercules code and jump on
the ball until you can grab the edge of the platform and climb up. Keep
jumping until you get as high up as possible (jump on to the highest
platform as possible). You should almost be on top of the castle. This
is a great view. You can also get on top of the swinging birds tree this way.
The Bosses and Defeating Them
Sent in by Code Hunter
Atlantis (First Level) - This boss is a combination of three bosses.
On the bottom is a big blue fish, in the middle is a red crab, and on
top an orange flying fish. Start by getting your bowling ball out
(Hit R twice) and throwing it at him (Hold A). Watch out because
he shoots out a bubble stream and then tries to squash you. Repeat
this 3 times until the two other bosses remain. Now for the red crab.
Hold A and hit him hard. He should flip over and vanish. Now for the
orange flying fish. This thing gets annoying because while you are
trying to defeat the crab he comes and shoots bubbles at you. But
this thing is a wuss. When the fish slams down onto the ground do
a Fist Drop and he will die.
Carnival (Second Level) - This boss is another easy one. You should be
fighting a giant clown inside a fun house. To defeat him get your regular
ball and aim for the targets on the walls. If you succeed to hit one a door
above the target will open up and a bomb will pop out next to the clown.
Get away from the bomb or it will pop your ball! It is a little tricky
because the clown spins the floor making it a little difficult to hit the
targets. If you hit the second target the door will open again and a big
red fist will pop out and pop the clown in the face. Now to defeat him
hit the blinking red light above the door you entered from. If you hit
it a piano will fall from the top of the screen and kill the clown.
Pirates (Third Level) - This boss gets a little more difficult. It
includes 2 small dumb monkeys and a giant monkey that swings on
a tree branch. Use the regular rubber ball and try to hit the big ape
swinging on the branch. If you get a direct hit the monkey will swing
around a few times and then fall to the ground. Hurry and then do a
Fist Drop on top of the monkey. The monkey should get up and chase
you but the monkey should be a lot smaller than he was before. Watch
out! If the monkey sees you it will get down off its branch and try to
sit on you. Repeat this step 2 more times and you shall defeat him.
Watch for the little monkeys because they steal your ball when you
try to throw it. Do a Fist Drop next to them and they will get knocked out.
Prehistoric (Fourth Level) - This boss is a stupid one. The object is
bowl a strike by hitting the Dino with the bowling ball (Hit R twice).
You have to roll the bowling ball down the hill. It will collect snow
into a giant snowball. If you hit him he will fall on his stomach and
smoke will come from his engine on his back. If you miss him you
will have to go get your ball and he will come at you like he regularly
does in the beginning levels. Repeat this step 2 more times to defeat
him. Watch out for his fiery balls he shoots out. If you hit him 3 times
he will blow up and only his shoes will remain.
Fortress of Fear (Fifth Level) - This boss is a giant Frankestien.
There are metal platforms on the edge of the deep circle that surrounds
you. The monster usually goes in the center of the circle and makes a
lightning bolt strike him and he should be charged up with electricity.
To defeat him you must get your ball and touch the target above the
shortest platform. The codes for Low Gravity and Powerball are required
for this. Turn the codes on. To activate the powerball press R five times
and you should see a purple-pinkish ball. Get on the platform next to the
target and jump off. Hit B and you should throw it into the area where
the target is. Now you do the same thing. Roll the ball onto the target.
Thunder bolts should come down and blow the monster to pieces.
Out of this World (Sixth Level) - This is the grand finale' boss. The Evil
Glover should create a giant robot, which is directly in front of you. You
should look towards the robot's feet. There should be two arrows pointing
towards a hole in the robots foot. Go in that hole. You should get warped
inside the robot's head. The computer will move you for a few seconds
and then you should gain control again. You should see the Evil Glover go
into his robot. To defeat this robot you must blow off his arms with
your Ball Blaster. His arms are connected to cannons, which fire missiles
at you. Just fire your Ball Blaster at it and the missiles get destroyed in
one hit. After you defeat the arms you must now go for the head. The robot
should start firing 3 little spiders things at you. It takes three balls to
kill one of those things! Anyway, if you manage to destroy the head the
robot should float for about an hour before it finally blows up. The Evil
Glover should go flying off and now you have beat the game.
Sent in by Code Hunter
Atlantis (First Level) - This boss is a combination of three bosses.
On the bottom is a big blue fish, in the middle is a red crab, and on
top an orange flying fish. Start by getting your bowling ball out (Hit R
twice) and throwing it at him (Hold A). Watch out because he shoots
out a bubble stream and then tries to squash you. Repeat this 3 times
until the two other bosses remain. Now for the red crab. Hold A and hit
him hard. He should flip over and vanish. Now for the orange flying fish.
This thing gets annoying because while you are trying to defeat the crab
he comes and shoots bubbles at you. But this thing is a wuss. When the
fish slams down onto the ground do a Fist Drop and he will die.
Carnival (Second Level) - This boss is another easy one. You should be
fighting a giant clown inside a fun house. To defeat him get your regular
ball and aim for the targets on the walls. If you succeed to hit one a door
above the target will open up and a bomb will pop out next to the clown.
Get away from the bomb or it will pop your ball! It is a little tricky because
the clown spins the floor making it a little difficult to hit the targets. If
you hit the second target the door will open again and a big red fist will
pop out and pop the clown in the face. Now to defeat him hit the blinking
red light above the door you entered from. If you hit it a piano will fall from
the top of the screen and kill the clown. Pirates (Third Level) - This boss
gets a little more difficult. It includes 2 small dumb monkeys and a giant
monkey that swings on a tree branch. Use the regular rubber ball and try
to hit the big ape swinging on the branch. If you get a direct hit the monkey
will swing around a few times and then fall to the ground. Hurry and then
do a Fist Drop on top of the monkey. The monkey should get up and chase
you but the monkey should be a lot smaller than he was before. Watch out!
If the monkey sees you it will get down off its branch and try to sit on you.
Repeat this step 2 more times and you shall defeat him. Watch for the little
monkeys because they steal your ball when you try to throw it. Do a Fist
Drop next to them and they will get knocked out.
Prehistoric (Fourth Level) - This boss is a stupid one. The object is bowl
a strike by hitting the Dino with the bowling ball (Hit R twice). You have to
roll the bowling ball down the hill. It will collect snow into a giant snowball.
If you hit him he will fall on his stomach and smoke will come from his
engine on his back. If you miss him you will have to go get your ball and
he will come at you like he regularly does in the beginning levels. Repeat
this step 2 more times to defeat him. Watch out for his fiery balls he
shoots out. If you hit him 3 times he will blow up and only his shoes will remain.
Fortress of Fear (Fifth Level) - This boss is a giant Frankestien. There
are metal platforms on the edge of the deep circle that surrounds you.
The monster usually goes in the center of the circle and makes a lightning
bolt strike him and he should be charged up with electricity. To defeat him
you must get your ball and touch the target above the shortest platform.
The codes for Low Gravity and Powerball are required for this. Turn the
codes on. To activate the powerball press R five times and you should
see a purple-pinkish ball. Get on the platform next to the target and jump
off. Hit B and you should throw it into the area where the target is. Now
you do the same thing. Roll the ball onto the target. Thunder bolts should
come down and blow the monster to pieces. Out of this World (Sixth
Level) - This is the grand finale' boss. The Evil Glover should create a
giant robot, which is directly in front of you. You should look towards the
robot's feet. There should be two arrows pointing towards a hole in the
robots foot. Go in that hole. You should get warped inside the robot's
head. The computer will move you for a few seconds and then you should
gain control again. You should see the Evil Glover go into his robot. To defeat
this robot you must blow off his arms with your Ball Blaster. His arms are
connected to cannons, which fire missiles at you. Just fire your Ball Blaster
at it and the missiles get destroyed in one hit. After you defeat the arms
you must now go for the head. The robot should start firing 3 little spiders
things at you. It takes three balls to kill one of those things! Anyway, if you
manage to destroy the head the robot should float for about an hour before
it finally blows up. The Evil Glover should go flying off and now you have beat the game.
How do you beat the boss Gorilla in the desert island level?
Sent in by Jack Galling
First get the smaller annoying monkeys away from you so you can work
easier. Next approach the large monkey that is swinging. but be careful
not to get too close or you will get attacked. then when he swings toward
you time it just right and throw the ball at him. If you hit him he will
flip around and fly off the swing. As soon as he lands run over to him
and use the fist and slam down on him (A + Z) make sure you get to
him and do that quickly or he will get up. Every time you slam him he
will get back on the swing knock him off again and slam him again. You
will notice that he shrinks. Eventually he will be destroyed buy you
slamming him. The whole time you are doing this be sure to avoid the
small monkeys the only mess you up.
Lose lives
Sent in by William
Enter in the control ball code. (Push C-left C-right C-left C-right C-up
C-down and C- right, C-right. Now enter the low gravity code. Push
C-left, C-left C-up C-left C-right C-up, C-up. Go into the training mode
and go into the teleporter as the ball. You will see Glover going out but
then he dies. Now you will see the camera looping around 2/3 of the
training course. You will lose a lot of lives but it is fun to see. This
must be done in your game.
Access All Levels
Sent in by Jillian bateman
During gameplay, pause the game by pressing Start. Now enter the
following code: C-Up, C-Right, C-Right, C-Down, C-left, C-Down,
C-Up, C-Right. All games will now be open.
Hear different sounds
Sent in by Jillian bateman
When you start the game, if you head to the left you will see a bird
on a swing. If you go to him and press the ball search button (A) you
will hear an assortment of sounds. When you press start you will
notice when you press the "C" buttons, the same sounds are made.
Get a new code
Sent in by Jillian bateman
Copy the sounds you hear for a code (some can be played backwards
for a different effect). Every time you give a new ball to the monkey in
the hill a new code will be given!
Fish Eye
Sent in by Jillian bateman
Fish Eye - Press start and enter: Left-C, Right-C, Left-C, Right-C,
Left- C, Right-C, Left-C, and Right-C and then it will say Fisheye on.
Mad Garibs
Sent in by Jillian bateman
Mad Garibs - Press start and enter: Down-C, Right-C, Down-C, Up-C,
Left-C, Down-C, Left-C, and Up-C and then it will say Mad Garibs on.
Enemy Ball
Sent in by Jillian bateman
Enemy Ball - Press start and enter: Left-C, Down-C, Up-C, Right-C,
Left- C, Left-C, Down-C, and Down-C then it will say Enemy Ball on.
Sent in by Jillian bateman
Froggy - While playing, press Start and enter this code: Up-C, Right-C,
Down-C, Right-C, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C, Up-C. You will turn into a frog
and gain a life every time you eat a bug.
Big Ball
Sent in by Michelle J.
Big Ball - Pause the game then press: C-Down, C-Down, C-Up, C-Down,
C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down.
Call Ball
Sent in by Michelle J.
Call Ball - Pause the game and press C-Up, C-Left, C-Left, C-Up,
C-Right, C-Left, C-Down, C-Up.
Camera Rotate Left
Sent in by Michelle J.
Camera Rotate Left - Pause the game and press: C-Right, C-Down, C-Right,
C-Down, C-Up, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left.
Camera Rotate Right
Sent in by Michelle J.
Camera Rotate Right - Pause the game and press: C-Left, C-Right, C-Up,
C-Up, C-down, C-right, C-Down, C-Right.
Control the Ball
Sent in by Michelle J.
Control Ball - Press START while playing then press C-Left, C-Right,
C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Down, C-Right, C-Right. You will now control
the ball.
Infinite Lives
Sent in by Michelle J.
Infinite Lives - Pause the game and enter the following cheat: C-Up,
C-Up, C-Up, C-Up, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right.
Infinite Power
Sent in by Michelle J.
Infinite Power - Pause the game and press: C-Right, C-Right, C-Down,
C-Right, C-Right, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left.
Low Gravity
Sent in by Code Hunter
Low Gravity - Pause the games and press: C-Left, C-Left, C-Up, C-Left,
C-Right, C-Up, C-Up, C-Up.
Sent in by Code Hunter
Powerball - Pause the game and press: C-Up, C-down, C-up, C-down, C-up,
C-down, C-left, C-up.
Turn Cheats Off
Sent in by Code Hunter
Turn Cheats Off - Pause the game and press C-Down 8 times.