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Gauntlet Legends

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Hints on Turbo Shots
Get items, money, and experience quickly
Get a familiar
Permanent anti-death
Turn Death into food
Kill Death
Special items to use against the bosses
Level-Up Changes
New game with experienced player
Freeze time
Easy way to gain experience
Fighting the dragon
Get 50 health
Turn poison apples to good apples
Permanent Halo and Anti-Death
Item Locations
Hidden Characters
List of all of the character's strengths and weaknesses
Level up faster

Hints on Turbo Shots

Sent in by Nate Here are hints on Turbo Shots. The first one is when the green, yellow, and red bar is filled up press A and Z at the same time. The second one is when the yellow and green bar is filled up you can do a Spinning Attack but isn't as powerful as the Turbo Attack. The next depends on what character you have. When the green bar is the only bar filled up you can throw a weapon as hard as your character can throw causing whoever you hit to die. The next one is called the turbo slicing trick. You hold Z and run into a crowd of enemies, you will be slicing like a madman without throwing your weapon. NOTE: This works the best with the Warrior, Minotaur, and Vaulkrie, which does more damage than throwing weapons.The last one is called the the Turbo Run which makes you run faster. All that you have to is hold Z while running!

Get items, money, and experience quickly

Sent in by Justin To get items, money, and experience quickly, just keep replaying the first level, then, after every time you play it twice, go sell all your items to buy stats. This will get you upgraded and rich at any level.

Get a familiar

Sent in by Code Hunter Reach level 25 to receive a familiar; Valkyrie receives an Eagle, Wizard receives a Dragon, Archer receives a Butterfly, and Warrior receives a Dragonfly. Reach level 50 for a better familiar.

Permanent anti-death

Sent in by Code Hunter Successfully complete the game to receive permanent anti-death, which allows you to steal health from death. Click here

Turn Death into food

Sent in by Code Hunter If you know where Death is hidden, do not open the container. Instead, use a potion nearby and you should hear Death scream. Open the chest or barrel for a fruit.

Kill Death

Sent in by Code Hunter Death will die when it takes 100 HP or is hit with a potion.

Special items to use against the bosses

Sent in by Brian Mahoney Ice Axe of Untar: In the Castle Treasury, work your way towards the end of the level and break open the Green Barrel and the note will say that the Ice axe is within your grasp. Head back to the room with all the gold and grab it. Use it against the Dragon. Marker's Javelin: You will find this in the Fissure level of the Ice Domain. Use it against the Plague Fiend in SkyTown. Rasha's Scimitar: You will find this weapon at the volcanic cavern in the Mountain Realm. Use it against the Chimera. Flame of Tarkana: At the Venomous Spire in SkyTown, work your way to the top and hit the switches and one will appear by the top. Hit it and more switches will come up. Keep hitting switches and checking for secret walls and you will eventually find it. Use it against the Yeti.

Level-Up Changes

Sent in by Code Hunter When your character reaches certain levels, changes will occur: Level 10 = Bigger Weapon/Class Change (Just shouted at by narrator, not a permanent noticeable change) Level 25 = Familiar/Class Change Level 50 = Familiar increases power/Class Change Level 75 = Bigger Weapon/Class Change Level 99 = Bigger Weapon/Class Change

New game with experienced player

Sent in by Code Hunter Let's say you beat the game and your friend/sibling/blood-realitive wants to start a game. Let him start as 1st player. Now have you play as 2nd player. The game should have no data about levels, runestones, glass pieces, and obelisks unless you tried this before. So you can play the game over again, except with your same high level character!

Freeze time

Sent in by Dragon Make sure one of your characters has stop time. Then go to Mountain Dragon, and whoever has the time stop must be killed while having the stop time activated, then beat the level or die, it does not make a difference. Then when you return to your game, all the enemies and death will have stopped. This works untill you reset the game or shut the power off.

Easy way to gain experience

Sent in by Code Hunter A really easy way to gain experience for your character is to find a place that has tons of enemies (Underworld especially) and let a lot of guys generate. Now try to find a safe spot so you don't get hurt and just shoot all of the guys normally (no special attacks). There will be so many enemies generated that it will take a long time to take them out, but you will gain tons of experience points in the process.

Fighting the dragon

Sent in by Code Hunter When fighting the dragon go all the way to the right and about as high up as the first row of breakable rocks (having Untar's Ice Axe usually helps), now just unload on the dragon. He will sit there for about a minute or so and just look at you. Also, depending on how high your character's level is, you can defeat him without a scratch.

Get 50 health

Sent in by Code Hunter If you are approaching a barrel or a chest that you know has Death (the character that sucks life from you), use a potion before you open it. You know it worked if you hear Death scream. Now open the barrel or chest and it will reveal a fruit inside (50 health).

Turn poison apples to good apples

Sent in by Code Hunter To turn poison apples to good apples, use a potion. Just throw it down and make sure it's within the blast radius.

Permanent Halo and Anti-Death

Sent in by Code Hunter Halo - Get all the rune stones and then beat scorn. then you get It permanently. Anti-Death - Successfully complete the game to receive permanent anti-death, which allows you to steal health from death.

Item Locations

Sent in by Code Hunter Ice Axe of Untar - In the Armory level of the Valkyrie's Castle. This weapon is useful in defeating the Red Dragon in the Warrior's Mountain. Scimitar of Rasha - In the Cave level of the Warrior's Mountain. This weapon is useful in defeating the Chimera in the Valkyrie's Castle. Flame of Tarkana - In the Spire level of the Skytown. This weapon is useful in defeating the Yeti in the Ice Domain. Marker's Javelin - In the Fissure level of the Ice Domain. This weapon is useful in defeating The Plague in the Skytown.

Hidden Characters

Sent in by Cypher the Wizard In the Poison Fields level, play through it until the very end. When you see the exit, turn right, walk all the way to the wall, and go up the ramp. stand on the trap door that has a star on it, and you will enter a secret level. Collect as many green coins as you can before time runs out. You will know when you have enough when you can no longer pick up more (it will give you a message saying you have all that you can carry of this item). Wait for time to run out, and save your character (if you can't save your character, then you're screwed). Go to the change character option and scroll down until you see the Tigress. If you are doing a multi player game, be kind and let one player get the coins the first time, and do the level over again, because there's not enough coins for two people to unlock the character.
Sent in by Code Hunter Summoner - Exit through the secret door in the last level of The Battlefield, The Trench. Then, collect fifty coins in the bonus level. Minotaur - Kill the dragon on the mountain level. He will come in with the same attributes as the character you won him with. The Minotaur has a battle-axe suggesting a warrior is the best character to beat the dragon with. His turbo attacks are the same as a warrior also. Falcontress - To get the secret character "The Falcontress", which has the same turbo attacks as the valkyrie, go to the Bonus Stage in the Castle World. Get 50 of the coins there and then you can select "The Falcontress" from the character select screen. The Jackal - Play through the second level of the ice world. At the end, on top of the pile of crates, there is a trapdoor at a dead end. The trapdoor is found by climbing the slanted crates to the top, then circle around until you get a chance to go back down. From there, climb the other set of slanted crates, located before the exit, and standing atop the trapdoor. Inside the door, collect 50 tokens to unlock "The Jackal", a more powerful form of the wizard. The Tauros - To get the secret character "The Tauros", go to the bonus stage in the first world (Warriors Mountain)and get 50 of the tokens. To use "The Tauros" go to character screen and scroll down until you see it.

List of all of the character's strengths and weaknesses

Sent in by Code Hunter Warrior: Strength: 150 Speed: 115 Magic: 90 Armor: 120 Total: 475 Advantage: Strength Weakness: Magic Wizard: Strength: 80 Speed: 120 Magic: 160 Armor: 90 Total: 450 Advantage: Magic Weakness: Strength Archer: Strength: 100 Speed: 145 Magic: 100 Armor: 80 Total: 425 Advantage: Speed Weakness: Armor Valkrie: Strength: 130 Speed: 130 Magic: 100 Armor: 130 Total: 490 Advantage: Armor Weakness: Magic

Level up faster

Sent in by Code Hunter If you don't want to wait forever and constantly up level your character to add to his attributes, there is a much faster way to get him/her higher. First of all after you pick a character go to an easy level (Mountain's best). Collect as many items as you can, but deactivate everyone you get. Just keep on stocking up on items. After that, go to sumner and shop. Sell everything you got and just buy attributes from him. You'll be up in no time!!

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