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Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Quit and get first place
Face change
Shoot-em-up changes
Name Input codes
Access the Roach motorcycle
Access the Neon motorcycle
Hidden track

Quit and get first place

Sent in by #1 MarioManiac Go to contest mode, enter your name as: RA50 Now all you have to do is start get into first place, pause, and quit. The game will put you in first place even though you quit!

Face change

Sent in by #1 MarioManiac Enter your name as XGTEAM. Then enter your name as Ash, Greg, John, Shawn, Justin, or another name off the credits. This will put the face of the person you changed your name to on your bike. (NOTE: after you enter XGTEAM as your name you'll hear a sound. When you enter one of the names you will not hear a noise and you'll have to keep that name as your name for the trick to work.) This trick looks very weird with the ROLLER code in at the same time. You'll have a rock with a head!! Click here


Sent in by Chris There's a way to fly in Extreme-G. Whenever your going off a ramp or an edge if you hold the stick down, you will be able to fly for a few seconds.

Shoot-em-up changes

Sent in by Chris Go to single player and then go to Shoot-em-up. On the bike selection screen press R and then go to name. Type in FERGUS. It will change all the little things on Shoot-em-up to faces.


Sent in by James Dodd On the track select screen, pick the one on the top left. On that select, pick the bottom one. On that board, there is a yellow and green cork screw. After the cork screw, there is a jump. Hit the jump and as soon as you are airborne, take a hard right. Then follow that track and it can take up to 7 seconds off your final time.

Name Input codes

Sent in by Code Hunter The following codes are entered at the Name Input screen. To enter these codes, you must enter the bike selection screen and press the R shoulder button. Select the name input and enter any of these codes listed here. If you enter it correctly, you will hear a tone confirming that the code was entered correctly. If you wish to deactivate a code, simply enter the code again. Also, note that the codes affect all players. NOTE: These codes can also be combined for a variety of effects. ROLLER - All bikes will be turned into boulders. FISHEYE - Views the race with a fisheye lens; puts the camera farther away from the bike; adds an additional feeling of speed to the game, though distorted. MAGNIFY - Makes everything on the screen look much bigger; puts the camera on the front of the bike; very noticeably slows the game down, so this might be good for players who think the game is too fast. STEALTH - All bikes become invisible, leaving only the shadows. BANANA - Makes the track extra slippery. WIRED - Changes the game into a wireframe mode. ANTIGRAV - Everything is upside down! GHOSTLY - Changes the background to being transparent. XTREME - Your bike's speed is up to the max. UGLYMODE - Graphics become pixelated. NITROID - Gives you unlimited nitros. When used, the game uses the above "fisheye" cheat to make it seem even more powerful. ARSENAL - Randomly gives you any of the missile weapons every few seconds; press the Fire Secondary Weapon button to take advantage of this.


The following codes are entered at the Password screen. (That's in the Options menu.) There will be no sound when you enter them correctly; you just go to the appropriate mode that would have the addition. 51GG95 - Gives you access to all levels and Roach. 61GGB5 - Opens all tracks on all worlds as well as giving you access to both The Roach and Neon bikes. 81GGD5 - Ultimate password! Unlocks all regular tracks, both hidden bikes (Roach and Neon), and the special hidden track!

Access the Roach motorcycle

By completing the Meltdown circuit on the Novice skill level, you will be able to access the Roach motorcycle. This one screams.

Access the Neon motorcycle

If you complete the Meltdown circuit on the Expert skill level, you will be able to access the Neon motorcycle. It's very cool with its reflective surfaces!

Hidden track

Beat the Extreme level of the Meltdown circuit using a regular bike (not Roach or Neon) and get first place on every track to reveal a hidden board. Unfortunately, the hidden track is small and somewhat basic and it isn't added onto any of the circuits. You can race it in the single and multi-player modes only.

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