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Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Play a Tetris like game
Play as Demitron and Sonork
See the ending
Basic Moves


Sent in by Randell Aaron's Combos Up C , Down C, Left C, Up C, Up C, Down C, Down C, Left C. Up C, Down C, Right C, Up C, Up C, Right + Left C, Right + Left C Niiki's Combo Down C, Down C, Down C, Right + Down, Down + Up C, Down + Down C Zenimuron's combos Left C, Left C, Up C, Down C, Down C, Down C, Right+ Down C, Down C. Left C, Left C, Up C, Down C, Up C, B

Play a Tetris like game

Sent in by Dustin At the start screen press Z, Top C, Bottom C, Z, Z, B, A, BB, AA, you can play a Tetris like game. Click here

Play as Demitron and Sonork

Sent in by Tito Vivanco At the title screen press A, B, R, L, C-Down, C-Up to play as Demitron and Sonork.

See the ending

Sent in by Alek Karas At the Title Screen, press the following to see ending. Aaron: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, R, R, Left C. Demonica: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, R, R, Up C. Demitron: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, L, L, Down C. Eve: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, R, R, Right C. Gore: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, R, R, Down C. Morphix: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, R, R, B. Niiki: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, R, R, A. Scarlet: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, L, L, Left C. Sonork: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, L, L, Up C. Zenmuron: press Up, Left C, R, Right, Down, L, L, Right C.

Basic Moves

Sent in by Code Hunter Every character can do these moves, and they will be necessary to master in order to win the tournament. Shuffle: Hold either left or right on either the Control Pad or Stick to move back and forth. Run: Double tap on the Control Pad or Control Stick and hold the direction towards the opponent. Dash: Double tap forward or backward on the Control Pad or Stick to quickly move in or retreat. Side Stepping: Pressing either L or R will allow you to avoid a weapon attack or projectiles. Turn Around: When not facing your opponent, any button will turn you around; Attack buttons will turn you around aggressively. Jump and Hop: Tap up and diagonal up on either the Control Pad or Stick to hop in the air. Pressing up and diagonal up allows a jump. Crouch: Press Down to crouch. Block: Hold C (the specific button can be changed under Options) to block incoming attacks. Guard while standing can block projectiles, as well as standing and air attacks. Guard low will block all low attacks and ground projectiles. Get up: Using vertical and horizontal attack buttons while getting up will allow access to the respective combos. Pressing the kick button will result in a low knockdown attack. Grab Attacks: Unique grabs moves can be performed by pressing the B Button when standing next to your opponent. Combo Grabs: Most Characters have a unique grab imbedded within a chain combo. To successfully perform this move, you must learn to complete a certain sequence of a particular chain attack. Body Slam: As soon as your opponent is lying on the ground, immediately press Up on the Control Pad with C Up. Special Attacks: Each Characters has a number of special skills, including projectiles. These special skills require a sequence of directional and action button combinations which are unique to every Character. Chain Combos: These chain combos are activated by pressing a series of buttons in a sequence to form a continuous attack. In order to master the combos successfully, the player must learn the timing of the moves.


Description: Aaron is a weapons and explosives expert and the MFG-16 is a really big gun that never leaves his side. He is a master at Karate, and loves projectile weapons. Special Moves Gunshot: Aaron fires three shots at his opponent. Press Forward, Forward + Up C. Handstand Kick: Aaron does a handstand kick towards the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + A. Forward Gun Swipe: Aaron does a swipe towards the opponent with his gun. Press Forward, Forward + Left C. Backhand Gun Swipe: Aaron does a backhand swipe with his gun. Press Back, Back + Left C. Windmill Gun Swipe: Aaron does a windmill style attack with his sword towards the opponent. Press Down-forward + Up C. Grenade Toss: Aaron throws a few grenades at the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + A. Spinning Low Kick: Aaron spins around and kicks the opponent. Press Down-back + C Down. Aaron's Combos: Below are three combos for Aaron. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: | C Left, C Left, Left + C Left. Combo 2: C Left, C Left, C Up, C Up, Right + C Left, Right + C Left. Combo 3: C Left, C Left, C Up, C Up, C Down, C Down, C Left.


Description: Demitron is a huge green lizard looking creature, and he carries a long brown colored bow/staff weapon. Special Moves: Fireball: Demitron shoots a fireball towards the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward, A. Disappearing Act A: Demitron disappears and reappears right back in the same place. Press Down, Down-back, Back, A. Disappearing Act B: Demitron disappears, then reappears right next to the opponent. Press Back, Back, A. Disappearing Act C: Demitron disappears, then reappears by landing on the opponent. Press Down-forward + C Down Disappearing Act D: Demitron disappears, then reappears next to the opponent, and punches them. Press Down-forward + C Up. Spinning Blade: Demitron gets low to the ground then spins at the opponent. Press Down-back + C Left. Spin Move: Demitron does a spin move at the opponent. Press Down-back + C Up. Sliding Punch: Demitron does a sliding punch towards the opponent Press Forward, Forward, C Up. Sliding Punches: Demitron does a double sliding punch towards the opponent Press Forward, Forward, C Left. Bow Uppercut: Demitron does an uppercut move with his bow. Press Back, Back, C Up. Spinning Bow Uppercut: Demitron does a spinning uppercut move with his bow. Press Back, Back, C Left. Bodyslam: Demitron does a bodyslam move towards the opponent. Press Back, Back, C Down. Pounce: Demitron jumps in the air and lands on the opponent. Press Forward, Forward, C Down Demitron's Combos: Below are three combos for Demitron. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Left. Combo 2: C Up, C Up, Down + C Up. Combo 3: C Down, C Down.


Description: Demonica has very long fingers, and uses a flaming breath tactic, and she uses a very low to the ground battle stance. Special Moves: Lunge Attack: Demonica does a lunging attack towards the opponent. Press Down-back + C Left. Flaming Breath: Demonica breathes fire at the opponent. How to do this move: Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Fiery Projectile: Demonica shoots a flame burst towards her opponent. Press Forward, Forward + A. Teleporting Uppercut: Demonica teleports next to the opponent and then does an uppercut. Press Down-forward + C Up. Running Push: Demonica lunges towards the opponent with a flurry of punches. Press Forward, Forward + C Left. Somersault Kick: Demonica jumps in the air and does a somersault kick. Press Down, Down-forward + A. Demonica's Combos: Below are three combos for Demonica. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Up. Combo 2: C Left, C Left, C Up, C Left, Down + C Up. Combo 3: C Left, C Left, C Up, C Left, C Up, Down + C Left, Down + C Left, C Up.


Description: Eve uses a green sword, and is very proficient at the art of fencing. Special Moves: Sword Stab: Eve uses her sword and lunges at the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Fireball: Eve shoots a green fireball towards her opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + A. Spinning Sword Attack: Eve does a spinning sword slash at the opponent. Press Down, Down-back, Back + C Left. Low Sword Attack: Eve does a low sword attack towards the opponent. Press Down-back + C Up. Sword Uppercut: Eve does an uppercut with her sword. Press Down-forward + C Up. Double Backhand: Eve does a double backhand move towards the opponent. Press Back, Back, C Left. Quick Knockdown: Eve does a few quick hits that send the opponent to the ground. When standing close to the opponent, press C Left, then quickly press C Up. Eve's Combos: Below are three combos for Eve. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Left Combo 2: C Up, C Up, Down + C Up Combo 3: C Left, C Left, C Up, C Left, Down + C Left


Description: Gore is a huge green colored giant, and he wields a huge battle axe. Special Moves: Axe Stab: Gore stabs to opponent with his axe. Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Baseball Bat Swing: Gore uses his axe like a baseball swing and takes a swipe at the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Left. Energy Stomp: Gore jumps in the air, then lands on the ground and creates a shockwave. Press Down-forward + A. Spinning Axe: Gore jumps in the air, spins around, and lunges at the opponent with his axe. Press Back + C Up. Axe Dive: Gore dives to the ground and attacks his opponent with a roll. Press Down-forward + C Left. Windmill Attack: Gore swings his axe towards the opponent in a windmill style motion. Press Down-forward + C Up. Backspin Axe Attack: Gore spins around and attacks the opponent with his axe. Press Down-back + C Left. Head Charge: Gore does a head charge towards the opponent. Press Forward twice, then A. Gore's Combos: Below are three combos for Gore. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Right + C Left Combo 2: C Up, C Up, Down + C Up Combo 3: C Left, C Left, Down + C Left, C Left, C Up, B


Description: Morphix has a very interesting physical structure; he's basically a shape shifter and he can morph his hands into various objects. He's also a really cool color of blue (or orange if you're Player Two). Special Moves: In-air Spinning Blades: Morphix jumps into the air and does a spinning blade attack. Press Forward, Forward + C Left. Spinning Ground Blades: Morphix jumps to the ground and does a spinning blade attack. Press Forward, Forward + C Down. Fireball: Morphix shoots a fireball at the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + A. Icepick: Morphix morphs his hand into an icepick and attacks the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Double Icepick: Morphix turns both arms into blades and stabs to opponent. Press Forward, Forward, A. Spinning Blades: Morphix spins in a circle and attacks the opponent with his bladed arms. Press Down-forward + C Up. Single Spinning Blade: Morphix jumps towards the opponent and attacks with a single bladed arm. Press Down-back + C Left. Double Sword Swipe: Morphix turns both hands into blades and lunges at the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + C Left. Morphix's Combos: Below are three combos for Morphix. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Left Combo 2: C Left, C Left, C Left, C Up, C Left Combo 3: C Left, C Left, C Left, C Up, Down + C Left, Down + C Left, C Up, B.


Description: Niiki uses two spiked rings as her main weapons. Special Moves: Ring Toss: Niiki throws one of her rings at the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + A. Double Somersault Kick: Niiki does a double somersault kick towards the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Down. Somersault Kick: Niiki takes one step back, then does a single somersault kick towards the opponent. Press Back, Back + C Down. Ring Lunge: Niiki does a low ring attack towards her opponent. Press Down-back + C Left. Ring Attack: Niiki spins in the air, then swings both rings at her opponents face. Press Back, Back + C Left. Ring Swipe: Niiki swings both rings at her opponent. Press Down-forward + C Up Double Ring Swipe: Niiki does a double ring attack towards the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Niiki's Combos Below are three combos for Niiki. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Down Combo 2: C Left, C Left, C Down, Right + C Down, C Down Combo 3: C Left, C Left, C Down, Right + C Down, Down + C Up, Down + C Up


Description: Scarlet has a huge sword and also uses a shield. Special Moves: Low Sword: Attack Scarlet does a low sword attack towards her opponent. How to do this move: Press Down-back + C Left. Sword Uppercut: Scarlet lunges at the opponent and does an uppercut towards the opponent with her sword in hand. Press Down-forward + C Up. Ground Fireball: Scarlet shoots a fireball along the ground at her opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + A. Sword Lunge: Scarlet lunges at the opponent with a huge sword slice. Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Spinning Sword Attack 1: Scarlet spins her sword rapidly at the opponent. Press Back, Back + C Up. Spinning Sword Attack 2: Scarlet jumps at her opponent and swings her sword twice. Press Forward, Forward + C Left. Spinning Sword Attack: Scarlet spins in a circle then attacks the opponent with her sword. Press Forward, Forward + A. Backhand: Scarlet swipes at the opponent with a backhand. Press Back, Back, C Left. Scarlet's Combos Below are three combos for Scarlet. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1 C Left, C Left, C Left, C Down Combo 2 C Left, C Left, Down + C Left, C Up, B Combo 3 C Up, C Up, C Left


Description: Sonork is a robot who moves very quickly, and has a metallic claw on one arm. Special Moves: Fireball: Sonork shoots five fireballs at the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward, A. Hurricane: Sonork spins on his drill claw towards the enemy. Press Down-forward + C Left. Baseball Bat Swing: Sonork uses his drill claw like a baseball bat and swings at the opponent. Press Down-forward + C Up. Sweeping Drill: Sonork uses his drill claw and sweeps towards the opponents torso area. Press Forward, Forward, C Left. Foot Sweep Drill: Sonork uses his drill claw and attempts to foot sweep the opponent with it. Press Down-back + C Left. Foot Flurry: Sonork rapidly kicks towards the opponent about six times. Press Back, Back, C Down. Controlled Foot Flurry: Sonork rapidly kicks towards the opponent, and you can control how many times he does it. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward, C Down, then Forward + C Down repeatedly for multiple kicks. Drill Stab: Sonork stabs the opponent with his drill claw. Press Forward, Forward, C Up. Helicopter Drill Claw: Sonork attacks the opponent from mid air with his drill claw. Press Back, Back, C Up. Pounce: Sonork jumps at the opponent. Press Forward, Forward, C Down. Backhand: Sonork backhands the opponent with his drill claw. Press Back, Back, C Left. Sonork's Combos Below are three combos for Sonork. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Left. Combo 2: C Up, C Up, Down + C Down. Combo 3: C Left, C Left, Right + C Up, Right + C Up, B.


Description: Zenmuron is a grey colored robot who uses a huge sword. Special Moves: Sword Slash: Zenmuron does a sword slash at the opponent. Press Down-back + C Left. Flurry Kicks: Zenmuron kicks towards the opponent repeatedly. Press Forward, Forward + A. Fireball: Zenmuron shoots a fireball at the opponent. Press Down, Down-forward, Forward + A. Sword Lunge 1: Zenmuron does a low sword attack towards the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Left. Sword Lunge 2: Zenmuron waves his sword in the air, then attacks the opponent. Press Forward, Forward + C Up. Spinning Kicks: Zenmuron jumps in the air and does a few spinning kicks towards the opponent. Press Back, Back + C Down. Zenmuron's Combos Below are three combos for Zenmuron. Practice is the key to finding more! The other way to find out more combos for each Character is to take the same two Characters into Practice mode, and press Start. Go to the option called Button Display, and press Right until Combos appears. If you press Down once more, you can scroll through the five best combos for that Character. This number is the different combos that Character has available, and shows on the screen the buttons necessary to execute the combos. Combo 1: C Left, C Left, Down + C Up Combo 2: C Up, C Up, Down + C Left Combo 3: C Down, C Down, Down + C Down

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