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Command and Conquer

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Make opponents weapons useless
Enemy attacks buildings in their base
Level select
Make a Mobile Construction Yard
NOD buildings can't be replaced
Sell a Unit
Build away from your base
Use your opponent's structures, men, and other stuff
Build without the game showing the side bar
Sell your vehicle
Easy money
Easy way to take out Lasers
Takeing out Guard Towers and Advanced Guard Towers
Attack chopper
Faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear weapon charge
Chain reaction
Buy the Tiberium Factories
Cast armaments in gold
Power plants tip
Bulding tip

Make opponents weapons useless

Sent in by Mike Ponzio By destroying all of your opponents power plants, all of their weapons will be useless, even their lasers giving you free reign on their forts. The only things that can stop you then are their mobile units. After you destroy the power plants, head straight for their construction yard so they can't build any more. Do this and you will beat every mission.

Enemy attacks buildings in their base

Sent in by Code Hunter In any level where it is possible to make engineers, train a few to go along for battle. When you are attacking, let the engineers take over one or two buildings. When you lose all of your troops, the enemy will attack the buildings you placed in their base instead of sending a counterattack on your base. Very useful when you leave your base defenseless during attack. Click here

Level select

Sent in by Code Hunter On the Title screen--where players see "Press Start"--enter the following code using the Control Pad: B, A, R, R, A, C-Right, Up, Down, A. There will not be any indication that the code has worked. Select "Replay Mission" from the main menu, then press the L Button to display all of the missions (the R button chooses which side you are playing).

Make a Mobile Construction Yard

Sent in by Code Hunter In certain missions you will be able to make a Mobile Construction Yard. For example Spec #2 for GDI. Build one after you've explored one of the bases and send it into a far corner of the enemy base away from any units or vehicles. They will fure on you while entering the base but once in they won't bother you if you park far enough away from units or vehicles. Deploy your construction yard then build a barracks and engineers and take over their base.

NOD buildings can't be replaced

Sent in by Code Hunter If you're playing as GDI, and you have access to APCs and Engineers, then you can try this trick. Build 2 APCs, and put them each to a C-button. Now build 10 engineers, split hem into 2 groups of 5, put each group on a C-button, and load each group onto an APC. Now, drive the APCs over to the enemy base, and park them next to the NOD construction yard/barracks/airstrip. If the APCs are blown up, it's okay, the engineers will walk out still alive. Send all the engineers into NOD buildings, going into the construction yard first. Now, whenever you blow up a NOD building, they won't be able to replace it. And, if you captured their Hand of Nod or airstrip, then they won't be able to build any more units if you blow them all up.

Sell a Unit

Sent in by Dan Moore To sell a unit, place some sort of fence down and then put your man next to it and you will be able to sell it for 1/2 the price!

Build away from your base

Sent in by Code Hunter To build away from your base, simply create a chain of sandbags to the desired location.

Use your opponent's structures, men, and other stuff

Sent in by Code Hunter Use an engineer to get into your opponent's Mobile Construction Unit. This will allow use of your opponent's structures, men, and more.

Build without the game showing the side bar

Sent in by Code Hunter In the side bar select what you want to build. Then hit Z to get out of the side bar. After that quickly press Z, A and it will start building without showing the side bar whatever you selected before you closed it. If its a structure then when it says Complete just hit Z, A again you can place your building on the screen. And to cancel hit Z, B twice, and to hold hit Z, B once.

Sell your vehicle

Sent in by Code Hunter If you want to sell your vehicle, place it in the repair bay.

Easy money

Sent in by Code Hunter The churches in the villages have $1000 in them. Destroy them to get easy money.

Easy way to take out Lasers

Sent in by Code Hunter The fastest and easiest way to take out Lasers is to use three flame tanks, which will barely get damaged.

Takeing out Guard Towers and Advanced Guard Towers

Sent in by Code Hunter To take out Guard Towers and Advanced Guard Towers, build Artillery and send them to attack those structures. They shoot from such a long distance that the Towers can not shoot back.

Attack chopper

Sent in by Code Hunter To build an attack chopper for the Brotherhood of NOD, simply take over their main base and the option for an attack chopper will become available.

Faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear weapon charge

Sent in by Code Hunter Build more power plants to get a faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear weapon charge.

Chain reaction

Sent in by Code Hunter You can start a chain reaction of death by killing only a few flamethrower/grenaders... the chain reaction will finish off the rest.

Buy the Tiberium Factories

Sent in by Code Hunter When you destroy all your opponent's Tiberium Factories, you can shoot one of their structures a few times and they will sell it to you. However, make sure you take out their main base first or they will not be able to rebuild the Tiberium Factories.

Cast armaments in gold

Sent in by Code Hunter To cast armaments in gold, play as the Global Defense Initiative and seize an airstrip of the Brotherhood of NOD. Your forces there will continue to build NOD armaments, casting them in solid gold!

Power plants tip

Sent in by Code Hunter It is much smarter to build two regular power plants instead of one advanced. This is because it is $100 cheaper, and they have better defense than the advanced power plants.

Bulding tip

To build things away from your base, use sandbags in a chain. This works with any building. You can use this trick to place your buildings in an enemy's base.

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