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Bomberman Hero

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Get to the Snow Tulip
How do you beat Hopper Land?
Know the blue ninja's moves in advance
Secret room
Hidden planet
Slider Race Option
Gold Bomber
Millian's Treasure Hunt
Level Select

Get to the Snow Tulip

Sent in by Code Hunter At the planet select, go to Primus Star. Select Groog Hills as the level. Now play as usual, but when you get through the teleporter tree, turn to the left, not right. Jump across the squares of land until you see a giant tulip. Face the tulip straight and throw 4 bombs in a rolling bomb at it. It will shoot out snow and freeze everything. You can also reach those items high above the water.

How do you beat Hopper Land?

Sent in by P.J. Maio First you have to talk to somebody who says you can do a wall kick. The wall kick is done by jumping against the wall, the second you touch the wall jump again. Once you know to do this go to the end of the course. At the end there are to really close walls do a wall kick on them on the walls till your at the top. At the top you will see the arrow signs pointing to the exit. Click here

Know the blue ninja's moves in advance

Sent in by Kuro There is a way to know the blue ninja's moves in advance! Look at the block he stops on. If it's a red circle all red circles will blow out fire. If it's a blue or green star he will send out a wave in each point of the stars direction. If he runs straight for you he will either slide into you or bomb you.

Secret room

Sent in by Michael Storey There is a secret room on Bomber Base. To reach it, warp through the teleporters in the Hyper Roomand take the exit on the far left side of the room. The Secret Room is the first place you'll find in the game where you must collect four Key Crystals to complete the level.

Hidden planet

Sent in by Nash Brown To get access the hidden planet, get 5 Gold Bomber Hero Medals and all of the Other-Dimension Bombs.

Slider Race Option

Sent in by Nash Brown To get the Slider Race Option, get 3 Gold Bomber Hero Medals.

Gold Bomber

Sent in by Nash Brown To get the Gold Bomber option, complete the hidden planet.

Millian's Treasure Hunt

Sent in by Nash Brown To get the Millian's Treasure Hunt option, get 6 Gold Bomber Hero Medals.

Level Select

Sent in by Nash Brown Press A, B, and Z. You will now have Level Select as an options.


Sent in by Nash Brown 4622 Maniac Mode 5656 Bonus Versus Level 4989 Bonus Battle Level 1616 Battle Royal Mode 8010 Level 1-1 1180 Level 1-2 8086 Level 1-3 2919 Level 1-4 1021 Level 1-5 0127 Level 2-1 1220 Level 2-2 1018 Level 2-3 0804 Level 2-4 0714 Level 2-5 1027 Level 3-1 2413 Level 3-2 3009 Level 3-3 6502 Level 3-4 6809 Level 3-5 0627 Level 4-1 8808 Level 4-2 3674 Level 4-3 4891 Level 4-4 0605 Level 4-5 0730 Level 5-1 2151 Level 5-2 3562 Level 5-3 3812 Level 5-4 2203 Level 5-5

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