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Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

Banjo's Double jump
Egg secrets
Get out of the top of Cauldron Keep
Jiggy Locations
Survive Without Air in Clinker's Caveran Minigame
Reaching the Jiggy Beyond the Quicksand
Hidden Stuff
Boss Battles
Play as other characters
Kazooie the Dragon
Swim Faster and Get Extra Air/Bubbles
Mystery Pink Egg
Mystery Blue Egg
Ice Key
Jet Force Gemini posters
Cheat mode

Banjo's Double jump

Sent in by Metal Mamemon 64
First, you must be Banjo without Kazooie. You must also have the pack whack. Do a pack whacking mid air, then jump.

Egg secrets

Sent in by Geoff About those eggs and the ice key thing, I just found out what the secrets are. From the blue egg, you get homing eggs. From the pink egg, you get Breegull bash (I think). By splitting up and having Kazooie use hatch on the yellow one already in her hen house, you get Jinjo as a multiplayer character. By using the ice key on the safe, you find the ultra-rare mega glowbo that you give to Wumba in Isle o Hags' Pine Grove. She will then let you use a secret transformation that leaves Banjo alone, but turns Kazooie into a fire-breathing dragon that can enter any world. If you're having trouble getting the right # of pages for any Cheato code, try entering 'Cheato,' then whatever the code is backwards. It usually works, and saves lots of tedious time visiting Madame Grunty's Tent.

Get out of the top of Cauldron Keep

Sent in by Lance Barber After you beat Grunty and go back to the top of the castle, it looks like you're trapped. That isn't right, because you can get back down by pressing B while on the elevator thing. Click here

Jiggy Locations

Sent in by Lance Barber


#1-Your first Jiggy is very hard to get! Just pay a visit to King Jingaling in Jinjo Village to get it from him. #2-#10-Rescue all of the Jinjos. The color found at a certain place is determined at the beginning of a game, as, for example, the White Jinjo is not found at the same place in every game file. If you rescue a family of one color, they will give you a Jiggy, so that means there's 9 families altogether. Here's the number for each family: Grey-all passed away White-1 Orange-2 Yellow-3 Brown-4 Green-5 Red-6 Blue-7 Purple-8 Black-9


#1-As the Golden Goliath, kick open the huge doors to Jade Snake Grove, and wade through the quicksand to the Jiggy. #2-On the outside of Targitzan's Temple, just Talon Trot up the stairs and ramps to the top where a Jiggy rests. #3-From Targitzan's Temple, go across the bridge to a cow's field. Using Egg Aiming, shoot all the flies from the sky to get a Jiggy from the cow. #4-As a Stony, visit the guard to go inside the Mayan Kickball Stadium. Another Stony will open the doors to the Quarterfinal, Semifinal, and Final for you. Yellow balls are worth +2 points. Red ones are worth -1 point. Black spheres blow up and stun players for a few seconds. There's only yellow balls in the Quarterfinal. Red balls are added in the Semifinal. Black balls are added in the Final. The highest score wins. #5-Hit all 6 red statues outside of the Treasure Chamber to get inside. You'll find a fat guy looking for a so-called Targitzan's Priceless Relic Thingy (nice name!) in all the piles of gold. He'll open a high door outside, so use the Flying Pad under the boulder near the start to fly up there. Then step on the switch to rise the grate, and run into Unga Bunga's Cave of Terrydactyland. Move very slowly across his red, crackly floor to the gold. While carrying it, sneak across the floor again. Go back to the Treasure Chamber, and give it to the fat guy. Now you may roll around in the gold yelling, "I'm rich!" #6-On top of the Code Chamber, you'll find a sleeping snake and a Jiggy. Creep slowly across the noisy brush to get your prize. If the snake hears you, he'll hold the Jiggy in his mouth until he thinks you left him alone. #7-Once you learn Breegull Blaster, you can enter the interior of Targitzan's Temple. There's doors that are camouflaged into the wall, but you can open them by pushing A. Collect 10 green statues (tired of hearing "statues" yet?!) to open the Slightly Sacred Chamber. Inside is a Jiggy in plain view. #8-Collect 20 green statues to open the Really Sacred Chamber. Now, you must do something to get it. You must defeat the boss of this world, Targitzan himself, or itself. He's a huge totem pole god! Blast the targets on his lowest segment while dodging darts thrown at you by using the left and right C buttons. When you destroy one of his segments, he will send enemies to attack you. Defeat them to continue battling. When you destroy all of his body, he will self-destruct in a few seconds, so quickly hide behind a stone to avoid injury. #9-When the Golden Goliath kicks a hole in the huge doors to the Prison Compound, jump on top of the prison. Use the narrow ledge on the left to get to a pair of Wading Boots. Use them to cross the quicksand and collect the gold. The ledge on the right leads to a Cheato Page. #10-Once you learn Bill Drill, swim through the underwater tunnel of the Prison Compund. Bill Drill the boulder to get into an underground passage. Attack the pillar with a Jiggy on top of it to send the piece hopping to the next pillar. Hit the next pillar, and continue doing this until it rests on the lowest pillar. Run outside and collect it before time runs out.


#1-Right at the start, break the crates. Inside one of them is a pair of Turbo Trainers. Put them on, and run to the switch almost straight ahead. Step on it to raise a grate blocking your way into the Waterfall Cavern, then run on water to get into the Cavern before time runs out. Carefully jump onto the ledge with the Jiggy on it. #2-While you're on the ledge with Jiggy #1 on it, try to jump and Double Jump, or Feathery Flap, onto the wooden platform above the water of the lower pool. Inside is the dangerous Flooded Caves, dangerous because most of them are full of water! To guide you safely to the Jiggy, dive into the water, then swim through the tunnel. Go through the left tunnel, straight through this room, into another room, and turn left again. In that tunnel, there's where the Jiggy awaits. At least this cave has air, so you can make the return trip back into the Waterfall Cavern. #3-At the entrance, go left toward the railroad and the broken mine cart. Run into the right tunnel to find a boulder. Bill Drill it to go into Ordnance Storage. Learn Beak Bayonet, then proceed into the mine. You have 200 seconds to Beak Bayonet 15 bundles of dynamite before they explode. Sheesh, dynamite used to be so much simpler to control when it wasn't alive and could hop around on its own! That was the good old days; now, it's the real world! #4-Bill Drill yet another boulder near Mumbo's Skull to get into the Gloomy Caverns. Bill Drill even more boulders and go past the Power Hut for now to get to the Generator Cavern. It's pretty dark, but you can fire Fire Eggs to fire up the generators so you can see where you're going and not fall into oblivion! There's a total of 6, and the fourth and fifth ones rest on platforms far past your reach. Use Egg Aiming to light up some of the path. The sixth one is totally unnecessary, just there to make you waste a Fire Egg! Collect the glowing Jiggy, then climb down the ladder to get back to where you started. #5-As you make your way back where you came, stroll into the Power Hut. The Jiggy is in the Power Hut Basement, which is dark and bottomless just like in the Generator Cavern! If you want to get the jigsaw piece now, you can barely see the path to it. Carefully make your way across, and it will get dark around the Jiggy platform since the glow will be gone when you collect it. If you would like to wait and want to shed some light on the place, learn how to use the Split-Up Pads in Witchyworld. The pads are outside of the Power Hut, so send Banjo up to the attic where a light bulb switch rests. As long as something heavy, like Banjo, keeps the button pressed down, the lights downstairs will be lit. Send Kazooie across a well-lighted pathway to the Jiggy. #6-When Mumbo Levitates the train back onto the tracks, you can climb inside. Jump into the train's boiler to find Old King Coal, who's the boss of Glitter Gulch Mine. Jump on one of the platforms, then keep shooting him before time runs out. Fire Eggs do no damage to Old King Coal at all, so use Blue Eggs. Ice Eggs do the most damage, but you most likely don't have them yet. When you beat him, you get a Jiggy and the train. To use the GO Pad, stand on it, press B, and select an open station in another world you would like to go to. #7-Mumbo's other task is to Levitate the Jiggy boulder into the Crushing Shed. Not even your Bill Drill can destroy the boulder, so crush it to pieces instead! When it's inside, go past the smashers, and Beak Barge the red button to push it. The smashers will stop, and the boulder will go through the spiked crushing wheels. Pieces of the huge rock will be scattered outside, and even three pieces of a Jiggy will come flying out! They will all land near the Shed, so collect all three to put pieces of a piece of a puzzle together! #8-Let Humba turn you into a Detonator, then hop over to the TNT near her wigwam. Blow up the rocks to get into Canary Cave, where you'll find Canary Mary and poisonous gas. Break open her cage with a Rat-a-Tat Rap, and she'll fly over to the broken mine cart. Meet her there, where she fixed it, to race her for a Jiggy. Race her again for another prize, which I'll tell what it is later. (I hate Canary Mary; you'll find out why at Cloud Cuckooland!) #9-You need to backtrack to the Prison Compound to get this Jiggy. To get the sequence that opens the prison's door, talk to the Stony when you're a Stony yourself near the entrance of the Prison Compund. Then step on the star, moon, and sun switches in the correct order to open the prison, but the imprisoned rat came in through a tunnel, not the door. Bill Drill the small boulder to let the rat through. When you go through the tunnel yourself, you'll be in Bullion Bill's cabin. When him and the rat reunite, he'll award you with a Jiggy. #10-You'll need the Springy Step Shoes to get this Jiggy high in a niche behind a waterfall near the Crushing Shed. When you put them on, walk across the bridge over the water, then travel to a spot behind the waterfall. That's the place to push A to get the high Jiggy. Once you push A, the shoes wear off.


#1-Just like dynamite, slot machines were a lot safer when they weren't alive! They lead and throw coins at you when you're far from them, and they try to hit you with their pull-down arm at close range! Destroy all 4 using the Van or Grenade Eggs to get 4 Big Top tickets to Conga's Big Top. Along with Airborne Egg Aiming, Conga will let you in. Unfortunly, it's the boss you're going to fight instead of a show. The boss is Mr. Patch, a huge balloon thing with attacks. Blow up one of his 12 patches with Grenade Eggs, then you must hit the rest in the air! Grenade Egg or Beak Bomb all 12 while dodging Mr. Patch's beach ball bombs to get his Jiggy.
#2-Go to the Crazy Castle Stockade. You'll find Pack Whack and an Empty Honeycomb behind a grate. Blow the grate to pieces with a Grenade Egg, and then send Banjo inside alone. Let him step on the Banjo Switch, and since he's also in a Swap Cloud, press A to gain control of Kazooie. Move her to the Kazooie Switch to activate both switches at the same time to turn on the Pump Master 2, which inflates the Crazy Castle. Reunite the pair, then mosey on inside. They can play the Balloon Burst game, where they must pop balloons with eggs and collect 50 points in a minute. Red balloons are worth 1, green 2, and blue ones 3 points.
#3-You'll see Kazooie's face on a door in the castle, so send her in alone to go through it. Inside is the Hoop Hurry game. Kazooie must run and jump through hoops to get 30 points in 60 seconds. Again, red hoops are worth 1 point, green 2, and blue 3. These points rules are the same throughout the game. Jiggies #2 and 3 both appear on top of Crazy Castle, so use the Shock Jump Pad to reach them.
#4-The Dive of Death isn't deadly at all. It's to the left of the Big Top tent, along with the Inferno, Train Station, and the Haunted Cavern. Climb up the ladder to the top, and carefully walk or Grip-Grab the narrow plank to the Jiggy. Then just jump off into the pool of water.
#5-Check out the Cactus of Strength near the Crazy Castle! You'll have to hit the star switch with three different moves to blow up the bell at the top, revealing a Jiggy. Just use a Grenade Egg shot backward, a Beak Buster, and a Bill Drill in any order, then climb up the pole to the top prize!
#6-When Mumbo turns on the Star Spinner ride, Flip Flap up to the first star platform. It will rise to the next, so keep jumping onto them until you reach what looks like a spinning Saturn! Jump on the ring, then Talon Trot up the rotating planet to get the Jiggy at the top.
#7-Use a well-aimed Grenade Egg to blast the electrical door near the entrance to get into Area 51. Mumbo can Power up the Saucer of Peril, so when he does, go to the ladder near the Crazy Castle door. Climb up to the platform, and either walk carefully or Grip-Grab across the rope to the Cable Car that got stuck in the middle of the rope. Step on the red switch to send the ride to the end of the rope. Then push B to go all the way across to the Space Zone. You'll be on top of the Star Spinner, so move to the right to get to the Saucer of Peril. While riding, you must shoot red, green, and blue targets to get 500 points for first prize, which is a Jiggy.
#8-Send Mumbo to the Dodgem Dome, and Power it up. Then go inside as a Van to pay for the ride. Now you can play it only as BK. Collect the red, green, and blue Twinklies in each of the three games to get points. The number of points required is told to you by Grunty.
#9-Pay for a ticket into the Inferno when you're a Van. Split-Up and send Banjo onto the Shock Jump Pad switch. The pad will stay there as long as Banjo is on the switch. Send Kazooie up the spiral ramp, avoiding the fiery enemies along the way. Use the Turbo Trainers if you want. Last, use your Shock Jump to nab the high Jiggy.
#10-Round up all three of Mrs. Boggy's children. They can be anywhere, so search hard for them. Hurt the skinny boy with any attack to send him crying to his mom. Get some fries from Salty Joe, and feed them to the girl. Now the fat boy is a problem! Feed him a hamburger from Big Al, and, as Banjo, use Taxi Pack to carry him to Mommy.


#1-Pay 20 doubloons to the pawn shop clerk to get a Jiggy. Doubloons are found everywhere, so Bill Drill, Shock Jump, and swim to them. You'll find more in the open, near Jamjars, and inside Mumbo's Skull. #2-Talon Torpedo the door to the UFO to actually see aliens! Fire Ice Eggs into the openings in 20 seconds to fuel up the ship and let the aliens take off. #3-Swim into the Temple of the Fishes, and help the pig photographer by shooting the fish for a minute while he's taking pictures. #4-You'll notice transparent fish who swallowed valuable items. One of them digested a Jiggy. I think it's in Atlantis, so use the Talon Torpedo to swim through the critter and get the prize. #5-In Locker's Cavern, shoot open Davy Jones' locker to face the huge anglerfish boss, Lord Woo Fak Fak. Shoot the glowing boil on his body to hurt him. Shoot all 6 to open his eyes. Shoot his eyes 6 more times to defeat him. #6-Swim down the tunnel as a Sub to play another shooting game. The red, green, and blue objects this time are mines, so blast 60 points worth in 60 seconds. #7-In the Big Fish Cavern, blast the teeth of the big fish to get swallowed. You'll find Jolly's partner in the stomach, so when see returns to Jolly's, get your Jiggy from him. #8-While in Jolly's, you'll notice a window to the left of the entrance and a room full of barrels. Shoot a Grenade through it and into the barrel marked "Gun Powder" to blast open a hole to the room from the outside. Blast open the stone prism outside to find Split-Up Pads. As Kazooie, go into the barrel room and down to Smuggler's Cavern. Glide to the Jiggy in the distance. #9-A couple of kids want to swim, but their pool is dirty and cold. Shock Jump onto Jolly's roof and Grip-Grab to the opening of the waste pipe covered by a cracked plate. Bill Drill it, then find the red button. Beak Barge it to clean the water. At Cloud Cuckooland, push the ice cube off the edge and into a pool of hot water in Hailfire Peaks. Shack Pack and move into the water. Step on the Banjo switch to warm the water up. #10-Blow open the cracked wall in Mumbo's Skull to get to a beach. You'll find Tiptup, who's waiting for his egg to hatch. Hatch it as Kazooie, and then Wing Whack while standing still to flip the newborn right-side up.


#1-Move Inside the Mountain, then swim all the way to the Flying Pad. Fly to the center island, Beak Barge the gray button, and use the Springy Step Shoes to jump to the top. The Chompasaurus will swallow you! Don't worry; you're still alive, as long as you shoot the red, green, and blue...things for him. Destroy enough in a minute to get a Jiggy and get out! #2-You must defeat the Rocknuts Tribe, but doing so isn't pretty! You must move the Clockwork Kazooies around their armor and blow up their ugly butts, which is the only unprotected spot. At least you won't see their nuts! The 5 members are scattered about, so I'll let you search them out. Use little holes in the wall to reach a few. #3-In the Stomping Plains, the Stomponadon is so enormous that you'll only see its leg! You don't want to be on the business end of its foot, as it will always leave you with one Honeycomb! Protect yourself with the Wonderwing to make it across to the BK switch. #4-You can get a lot of Jiggies from the boss, Terry. First, you must battle him or her. Dodge the purple loogies Terry shoots at you by zigzaging, and shoot, uh, her with Grenade Eggs. When she shoots green loogies, they are alive and attack you. It's easy to smash them, and when you do, Terry will attack you again. When you defeat her, she give you a third of the reward! #5-Second, Bill Drill the cracked portion of the nest to get another third of the prize from Terry. #6-Lastly, Hatch all four of Terry's eggs. When Kazooie Hatches all four of them, the last baby is too big to fly away! Let Banjo carry her to the nest with Taxi Pack. You'll get all of the reward from Terry when you arrive, which is 3 Jiggies! #7-As a Baby T-Rex, find the Jiggy behind bars. Push for the short roar, and hold B for the long roar. While standing very close to the bars roar at it in this order: short, short, long, short, long, long. #8-Hep the entire family of Styracosauruses. Return one from Witchyworld, enlarge one with Mumbo, and carry the last one with Taxi Pack into the train. Take the train to the Isle O' Hags, and let Mumbo Heal the dinosaur. Take the train back to Terrydactyland to get your Jiggy. #9-After you scare off the caveman guarding a cave, move inside to find a hungry and cold caveman tribe. Fire Fire Eggs into the wood piles to warm them up. In Witchyworld, get some burgers, and then climb to the top of the Big Top tent to get some Claw Clamber Boots. Use them to climb up some tracks in Area 51. Feed them to the tribe to get your reward. #10-In Cloud Cuckooland, find the underwater Kazooie boulder in a pool of water. When you Talon Torpedo it, the water will fall through the hole and all the way into Dippy's dry pool. He'll give you his Jiggy when he finally quenches his thirst.


#1-Once again, an object was a lot safer when it wasn't alive! The objects now are batteries. There's four altogether, one above the world entrance, two on Floor 2, and one near Mumbo's Skull. Carry one at a time with Taxi Pack to the doors that need battery power. The new places are Waste Disposal Plant, Electromagnetic Chamber, Cable Room, and Packing Room. In the Packing Room, collect red, green, and blue Twinklies and run across their similar-colored pads to get points. Use the Turbo Trainers, and the more you're carrying, the slower you can move. #2-In the Trash Compactor, you'll get squashed every time you step below the smashers! To get past these, use Banjo's Snooze Pack to recover energy and step on the Banjo switch to open the way to a Jiggy. #3-Step on the Flying Pad switch on Floor 4 to make a couple of permanent Flying Pads appear outside the huge building. Fly up to the roof, and Beak Bust the 2 clear windows to get into Floor 5. In one room, you find a high Jiggy. Bill Drill the screws on the square, floor plate to make a hole to Floor 4. Move to the Split-Up Pads, and send Kazooie up a Shock Jump Pad back to Floor 5. The Jiggy is now an easy Leg Spring away. #4-As Mumbo, use the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) on the electromagnet. Then you must go back to his Skull, take BK into Wumba's pool, and step on the large, red switch as a Washer. Warp Pads are a must. The magnet kept the Washer from stepping on the switch, but now that it's been pressed, it'll open a door to the Repair Depot from the AC Plant. Inside, battle the boss, Weldar, a giant welding torch. Dodge his or its attacks and shoot a Grenade Egg into its mouth when it's trying to suck you in. 6 eggs will blow it up, causing a series of events that lead you to a Jiggy, not to mention a Cheato Page. #5-Call on Mumbo to use an EMP on the Wall Crushers. Again, hurry back to his Skull, and take BK through the disabled crushers. Step on the BK switch to shut the machine off. Now, go into the next room, and climb up the pole in the corner. Continue moving along the path to the Sewer Entrance. Last, go into Clinkers' Cavern, and Breegull Blast all 20 of the turds on the air vents before they intoxicate the air. #6-As Banjo, hunt down a battery, and climb up that pole as I mentioned above. This time, go into the tunnel, and use the battery to open the door to the Cable Room. Get BK past the electric cables and into Quality Control. Shoot the blue barrels on the conveyor belt until you get a Jiggy. If you hit a green barrel, you'll release toxic gas, so clear the room by stepping on the Fan switch in the Cable Room. Go through a door that you can go through only as a Washer to get the Jiggy. #7-Wash the overalls of all 6 rabbit workers. They are found in a corner of the world outside of the building, near the Trash Compactor, in a room of the Worker's Quarters, on a path above the floor in a room of Floor 2, in the filthy Boiler Plant, and in a room of Floor 5. #8-When you open a door to the Waste Disposal Plant with a battery, step on a switch to raise the level of the liquid waste. Then the Jiggy is yours if you use Sack Pack to get across the pool and hit the Banjo switch. #9-When you defeat Weldar, you can go into a new section of the Waste Disposal Plant. The Jiggy there is underwater, I mean, underwaste! Protect yourself with Shack Pack to get the golden prize. #10-As Kazooie, break the window above the main entrance to the building with either an egg or a Beak Bomb while in flight. Inside, Glide to the high platform, and defeat 6 flying robot things to get the gold.


#1-Find the area called Inside the Volcano, and step on the series of switches that raise pathways out of the lava before you can step on the Jiggy switch. You'll be hardly able to breathe, so exit if you need some fresh air. #2-In the Colosseum Kickball Stadium building, Split-Up and send Banjo up a dangling chain from a pillar and across a ledge with Grip-Grab. Land on the path, and run outside onto a Banjo switch. Switch to Kazooie (since you're in a Swap Cloud) and you know the fire dragon that periodically spits fire balls at you? Let one of them take out a cracked building near Mumbo's Skull to get a Flying Pad. Fly to the Kazooie switch that Banjo opened up. Activate it, and switch back to Banjo. Grip-Grab to the next switch, and switch again. Lead Kazooie to the Jiggy that Banjo revealed. Confusing, huh?! #3-You'll notice 3 cracked walls in the Stadium. Blast all 3, and one will lead to the Mayan Kickball Stadium. Use the Warp Pad to get to Wumba, change into a Stony again, warp back, and go back to the Colosseum Stadium. Play and win the Quarterfinal, Semifinal, and Final. The only new kickball things are to get the lowest score and flashing yellow and red balls are worth 4 points. #4-When the fire dragon blew the building to pieces, that actually helped you to defeat him. Fly to the high tunnel, then meet the boss of the Lava Side. Use the cannons to hurt him with a egg he finds harmful. In this case, it's Ice Eggs. Avoid his tongue lashings in between hits. In the Icy Side, you periodically must avoid ice balls from the ice dragon. Again, that helps you get to him. Let one hit the huge foot of the, uh, creature to make him scamper off to heal his foot and give you access to a pair of Claw Clamber Boots. Follow the tracks up the walls to get to the path to the ice dragon. He's basically the same as his brother, except you must use Fire Eggs. You can battle the twins in either order, but the second one will be stronger than the first. #5-Use Shack Pack in one of the boiling pools of water on the Lava Side to pick up a cooked fish, and it's glowing! Feed it to the fat polar bear in the igloo on the Icy Side to find out that the fish swallowed a Jiggy! #6-Send the train to the station on the Lava Side. Fly to a high door above the normal entrance to the station to find Gobi again. Once again, Beak Bust his back to make him spit up some water that goes into the train's engine. Now you can cross over to the Icy Side to pick up a Jiggy. #7-Humba turns you into a Snowball in Hailfire Peaks. Use a Warp Pad to get to the upper level of the Lava Side. Roll through the lava hands and go into the tunnel to a place in the Icy Side. If you have to, roll up the slope and roll in the snow to get bigger. Then roll to the switch that activates the oil drilling machine, but it digs up a Jiggy instead of oil! As Banjo, Shack Pack into the small hole of the pipe to get the oily, but gold, prize! #8-Let Mumbo revive the person with Life Force, and then warm him up with 3 Fire Eggs. Let Banjo Taxi Pack him back to his tent on the Lava Side to get his Jiggy. #9-Revive the alien parent from Jolly Roger's Lagoon with Mumbo, then Bill Drill the ice cube over one of the alien children. Mumbo must revive it, too. Grip-Grab a ledge over an arctic ocean to reach another child. Bill Drill the ice cube that traps it. Last, use the Claw Clamber Boots as Kazooie to go up the tracks leading to the ice dragon. Glide and fall to the ledge with the last alien. Use Hatch to warm it up, and the aliens will now go home and leave behind a Jiggy. #10-Back at the Stomping Plains of Terrydactyland, let Banjo cross the Plains. You'll get squashed by the Stomponadon, but you can recover in the deep footprints of the huge dinosaur with Snooze Pack. Step on the Banjo switch, then send Kazooie across the Plains. She's fast enough to avoid becoming a pancake. Step on her switch, but reunite and go into the tunnel to a Jiggy on the Icy Side of Hailfire Peaks.


#1-You notice two Mumbo Skulls, a red and blue one. The blue one has Mumbo Jumbo, while the red skull has the boss, Mingy Jongo. During battle with the robot, he disappears and reappears around the room, shooting spells that home in on you at close range, like heat-seeking blasts. When he fires 4 rounds, you can hit Mingy with just about any attack. Keep hurting him until he explodes into a pile of parts and battery acid. #2-Ah, Canary Mary is back, the character I hate most! She's waiting for you near Wumba's Wigwam. This time, you must race her on a mechanical mouse. Go slow throughout most of the race so Mary won't speed off into the distance. Near the end is the best time to press A 5 times a second to beat Mary. The reason I hate her is because it's hard to win the second race for a Cheato Page. #3-To open the safe in Central Cavern, find and activate the number switches with Clockwork Kazooies. You must guide them through small holes to get to the switches. Grip-Grab a narrow ledge to get to one hole. Outside, fly to a high ledge to find a narrow path to another tiny hole. The last two holes are behind the trash can and near a pool of water (actually, it's a small crack in a wall). The combination is 1984; doesn't it seem odd that the safe says it's a real Rare date?! #4-Let the flower near the bubble, or the start of the world, shoot you to a small dirt field. Bill Drill some mounds to uncover cool prizes, including two beans. Put them in a hole under the Cheese Wedge and the thorny sack race course. Let Mumbo use Rain Dance on his pad to grow two climbable stalks from the beans and make a rainbow path to the Pot O' Gold. Step on the switch on top of the short pillar to open a hole into the Pot. Hurry across the rainbow, and once you're inside, shoot 90 Jiggies on the wall in 3/4 of a minute, or 45 seconds, to get a real Jiggy. Clear out one row of 25 at a time to possibly hit all hundred. #5-Leap into the flower near the blue Mumbo Skull as Banjo to get to some gelatin castle. Shack Pack into a hole to smag the Jiggy. Too bad the mold isn't edible! #6-Beat Mr. Fit in three events-the high jump, sack race, and sprint. Use the Leg Spring or Springy Step Shoes to clear the first event. It's like pole vaulting without the pole! Next is the sack race. First, let Kazooie Hatch 3 eggs to make a floating creature pop out. If Banjo Taxi Packs it, he can float for 15 seconds. Make him float over the abyss to the beanstalk that takes you to the thorny course. Sack Pack straight across the shortcut and to the finish line. Put on some Turbo Trainers as Kazooie to beat Mr. Fit and get his gold medal. #7-Again, let Banjo soar across to a beanstalk, this time, to the Cheese Wedge. It's not pleasant inside, so watch your bubble meter. Use Sack Pack to get on the spiked platforms that take you to a hole in the wall. Shack Pack to get through, then follow the path through another tiny hole to a Jiggy. #8-As Kazooie, find the trash can. To get inside, step on the Kazooie switch. A live can will ask you to collect a certain number of points by destroying red, green, and blue germs in a minute with the Wing Whack. If you score enough points, he'll get to stay in his trash can. A neat hint is that you can stop the spinning Wing Whack by tapping A. #9-When Humba Wumba turns you into a new and improved Bee, fly to the target at the very top. Shoot it with stingers about twenty times in ten seconds to open the door to the Zubbas' new hive. You must shoot, once again, red, green, and blue Zubbas to get a prize that is honey-colored! #10-Find and sting all four eyeball plants while you're, of course, a Bee to collect their Jiggy. They'll shoot goopy eyeballs at you while you're flying, so look out for those. You can move faster while flying if you hold B.

Survive Without Air in Clinker's Caveran Minigame

Sent in by Code Hunter This trick will allow you to stay alive in Clinker's Caveran minigame after it becomes toxic. First, go in the caveran start playing the minigame until the time runs out. After it becomes toxic, you will start to lose your air and then your health. Select the grenade eggs go up against a wall. Right before you lose your last honeycomb, shoot the wall so that you are hurt by the explosion. If you timed it right, you will still be alive even though you have no health. Then just go around and complete the minigame. Your health will return when the toxic gas goes away. (You will die if hit even once, so it is advised to activate the health return code. Do so by going to the code room in Mayhem Temple and type in cheatokcabyenoh.)

Reaching the Jiggy Beyond the Quicksand

Sent in by Code Hunter A Jiggy awaits you on a pedestal inside Mayahem Temple's Prison Compound, but you shouldn't just walk up and grab it. It's protected by a quicksand moat filled with vicious Dragundas that will throw you back onto solid ground if you forge ahead into the muck. What you need is a pair of Wading Boots--and you'll find them on a platform over looking the quicksand. Climb to the top of the prison cell then Grip-Grab to the boots. Jump down then run to the Jiggy.

Hidden Stuff

Sent in by Code Hunter In wooded hollow, follow the digger path into a cave. You will find a giant version of one of those little green guys! In Bottles' house, go to each one of the kids' rooms. Each room has a poster of a Jet Force Gemini character! And Mrs. Bottles is drinking out of a BT mug. In the tower of tragety quiz, you should have noticed that each answer has a characters picture next to it. When it has bottles' head, it's all red! In Jollys In jolly roger lagoon, go to the room with the "seasick" captain. There are pictures of jolly roger bay from Banjo-Kazooie, and the inside of sharkfood island. If you stay in Jollys for a while, you may here a crash. Go see the captain! In Grunty's lair, you may notice a rock on the floor that looks like it can be broken, but it can't! Look at Grunty,s picture at the entrance to her lair. It's only the corner of the picture, even though the entire frame is intact! And finally, go to the zombified throne room. If you use the rat-a-tap-rap attack (airborn pecking) on King Jingaling enough times, he will give you random hints and gossip about characters in the game!

Boss Battles

Sent in by Code Hunter Here are tips to defeating the bosses of Banjo-Tooie Klungo: Minion with a Mission Klungo is, without a doubt, the easiest boss in the game. 3 Hits is all it will take to bring him down, and they are not difficult to get. Klungo will always use one of three potions. Red, which makes him grow, Blue, which makes him multiply, and Green, which makes him become invisible. If red is used, quickly jump and use Kazooie's beak attack. If Blue, wait until all the Klungos have been created. The real Klungo is the last one to leave, and his skin tone is the brightest. If Green, as soon as you get a chance, jump forward and use the beak attack. If you do this fast enough, you will stop him. After each hit a shield will surround the enormous creature. Not to worry. Simply dodge the yellow potions Klungo throws, and when the shield goes away, repeat the steps above. Remember, 3 hits is all it takes. Targitzan: Despotic Dizzy Totem Targitzan will be easy for those of you 1st person gunners out there. Targitzan is divided into many segments, and each of them have targets around them. Simply shoot the targets, making a total of 4 shots for each segment. That layer will explode, and Moggies (Those cat-like critters) Will come after you. Quickly dispose of them, and Targitzan will start back. This time, there is a dart shooter on the layer. Hold R down as to have your sight out. When a dart-shooter fires at you, hit the left or right C buttons. This is your strafe. After the dart safely passes, continue to shoot. The same goes for the rest of Targitzan. Kill the Moggies, shoot the targets. Finally, Targitzan himself is stuck on the ground. He will self-destruct, spewing darts everywhere. Either get behind one of the rock panels or be brave and dodge the darts. No sweat. Old King Coal: Grubby Boiler Monarch Why they made this guy a boss, I will never know. This boss is particularly easy, maybe easier than Klungo. Old King Coal is inside the broken-down train that Mumbo Jumbo must raise. To defeat him, quickly get on top of one of the larger metal platforms. Switch to Grenade eggs, and fire away. During the course of battle, Old King Coal will make the floor steaming hot. Don't touch it, no matter what. Also, King Coal's speed will increase, but not much. Continue to blow away Old King Coal until there is finally nothing left of him. No problem there. Mr. Patch: Strange Wobbly Inflatable Thing This is your first difficult boss. Mr. Patch is found inside the circus tent at Witchyworld. To defeat him, you must shoot his 12 patches using your Grenade Eggs. You start out on the ground. On the ground, Mr. Patch can't hurt you. Simply shoot the closest patch to you and he will become angry. After the first patch, you MUST FIGHT FROM THE AIR! Molehills containing boxing gloves will continue to punch you silly if you stay on the ground. Use a Flying pad and carefully aim for the patches. During the course of battle, Mr. Patch will spew Beach balls at you. This is his only attack. Simply fly higher or swerve out of the way. Aiming will be very difficult, and it may take you several tries to do this, but it is possible. After the first time, you won't have any problem. Lord Woo Fak Fak: Self-Important Anglerfish This boss is simple, but defeating hi, requires careful aiming and patience. For the first 6 hit points, Lord Woo Fak Fak will fire light beams at you. Simply keep swimming to avoid them. On each side of Woo are 3 boils. You must shoot these to beat him. The one that glows yellow is the one you must hit first. As you carefully whittle away his HP, he will begin to fire two blasts at you. Use the same strategy. Finally, when you think the battle is over, Lord Woo Fak Fak will open his eyes. Now it gets tricky. All you must do is shoot Fak Fak in his eyes 6 times, but it only works if you do it when he begins to attack you. The only new attack now is that Woo releases bubbles when you are close to him. AVOID THE BUBBLES! They will trap you and the light beams will hit you. Remember, only when he attacks you can you hurt his eyes. After 6 shots, the jiggy becomes yours. Klungo: Revenge-Seeking Minion Yep, Klungo is back, and this time he is separating you from Terrydactyland. There is no difference with Klungo's attacks, except this time his yellow potions are a little more accurate when he throws them at you. Remember, Red = Growth, Blue = Multiplication, and Green = Invisibility. This battle will be over quickly. Terry: Disgruntled Pterodactyl Parent For most people, this battle could get difficult. Terry is convinced that you stole his eggs, and now he will do whatever it takes to get them back. First, Terry will fire purple mucus out of his mouth at you. The mucus is very accurate, and you need to move and jump and roll and do whatever you need to do to avoid it. I suggest using the Wonderwing attack, which uses Gold Feathers. When The camera zomms in on you, switch to 1st person view. Target Terry around the nest, and fire as many Grenade eggs on him as you can. Terry will fly out of the nest to rest, and you must then defeat mucoids, green slimy booger thingys. They move fast, so extinguish them quickly. Rolling is the best strategy for this. Repeat this strategy, and you will have Terry beat in no time. Weldar: Visually-Impaired Welding Torch Although is sounds ridiculous, Weldar could very well be one of the hardest characters in the game. The Visually-Impaired has nothing to do with this battle. You had better have full health to do this. Weldar will first fire flames at you from his mouth. Be careful, these are those nasty super accurate flames we all hate. After this attack is finished, Weldar will try and suck you up through the hose on the top of him. Spew a Grenade Egg in his motuh as quickly as you can! This is very, very tough to do, and it's the only possible way to stop him. The second attack is where Weldar spews three nuts and bolts out of his mouth. Quickly kill them, and shoot the Grenade egg into his mouth. The third attack is the easiest to avoid. Weldar will jump high into the air, and try to land on you. Let Kazooie run around instead of you. Continue to run around, and when Weldar stops, do the usual Grenade egg routine. This is where it gets tough. Weldar activates electrical beams in the floor crevices. Don't touch them! Repeat the three steps above, he attacks the same. Be careful with the panels! My only suggestion for this is to take the damage from hitting one panel. I don't see it being possible to avoid it. Chilli Billi: Hot 'N' Spicy Dragon The first of the Dragon brothers, This one is much easier than his counterpart. Chilli Billi is surrounded by lava, which means you can't go there. There are only two attacks that this dragon uses. One of them is the fire balls that he spits from his mouth. They have an accuracy mark on them, but if you keep running, you will be fine. The other attack is his tongue move. Billi will lay his head down on the ground, stick his tongue out, and try to knock you over with it. Jump over it, and prepare for it to come back around. To defeat Chilli Billi, Find one of the cannons on the rim, and switch to Ice Eggs. Aim Banjo's head up with the holes, and shoot the Ice Eggs. 6 shots will take him out. Be Careful! Every Cannon can hold a max of 3 shots, so be prepared to keep on the move. Chilly Willy: Cold 'N' Icy Dragon This Dragon is much more difficult than Chilli Billi. All of the moves are the same, except that the terrain is now slippery snow, the fireballs are iceballs, and they are MUCH more faster and accurate, and his tongue is the same. The cannons can hold a maximum of two shots, and only Fire Eggs hurt the giant beast. This time, it will take 12 hits to defeat the dragon. Mingy Jongo: Crafty Shaman Inpersonator Mingy Jongo, as you might have guessed, probably looks like Mumbo Jumbo. This is true. The Cybotic robot known as Mingy Jongo is disguised as Mumbo, and even has his own skull. BEWARE! Mumbo and Mingy' placement is always different. Mumbo Jumbo's skull has a Minjo in it, an evil Jinjo. Mingy Jongo's skull contains a Jinjo. This boss could get difficult if you let him, so eliminate him quickly. To defeat Mingy Jongo, you must simply hit him a specific amount of times. Jongo will Teleport around the room constantly and shoot energy blasts from his staff. The blasts have tracking capability, so be sure to avoid them completely. At the end, teleporting will become faster, so you will have to shake a leg to make a hit. Sometimes if you duck before a shot, you may miss it, and if you still can't win, use the Wonderwing move to block any attacks. Eliminate him quickly and you will be fine. Klungo: Revenge-Seeking Minion Yes, he's back one last time, and this will be the most difficult Klungo battle yet. Nothing has changed, except now the potions are very accurate. Read the first and second Klungo battles if you need help. Take this guy out and get ready for Grunty and her sisters! Hag 1: Monstrous Mechanical Mud-Muncher This is the final battle. It will be against Gruntilda the Witch, but she's not alone. She also has the giant Drilling Machine at her command. Throughout the battle, Grunty will ask you some more questions from the quiz. Be sure to answer them correctly! A correct answer will result in slower attacks, but a wrong will make them faster. The first wave of attacks will be the drilling machine spinning around while two lasers on the bottom of the machine try and hit you. Simply jump over them. When Gruntilda comes out of her tank, try and shoot her using the eggs. You will only be able to get her health down 10 points each time, and she starts at 100. After the first attack, Grunty will activate two more lasers. The drilling machine will spin faster, and you must avoid them all. After getting her health down 10 more (you should be at 80 now), She will turn the lasers off and bring out a Mortar Cannon. This will launch a missile that will attempt to hit you. If it misses, it will explode into pieces and the shards will attempt to hit you. Jump over them too. After taking her health down to 70, she will bring out another Mortar Cannon. The same thing goes, except it's combined with another cannon. Get her health to 60, and she'll pull them in. She then activates 2 lasers, starts the engine, and activates the drill. She will try to run you over, and if she gets close enough, she will start spinning to hit you with the lasers. After getting her health to 50, she will stop coming out. Now the battle is getting tough. Two more lasers come on, and the spinning is faster. After about 4 spins, the Drill Machine will start to sputter and the lasers will temporarily go off. Shoot a Clockwork Kazooie egg, and make it go to the back of the Hag 1. Make it jump through the opening beneath "Hag 1" and send it over to one of the two batteries. Detonate the bomb right next to one. The next attack is the same, but Grunty will come out once more. After bringing her to 40, you will have to blow the other Battery. It's tougher to do, but still possible. After the second battery explodes, the Drilling Machine will stop moving and the lasers will turn off. Bring Gruntilda's health to 30, and now she will let baddies come out. You must bring her health to now 15, and still manage to avoid the minions. At 15, Hag 1 will pour out poisonous gas. You have to bring Gruntilda's health to 1 to avoid dying from the gas. At 1 HP, Grunty will begin throwing huge spells that go extremely fast. You must manage to hit Grunty one last time, but now you must avoid hitting the spells, or the eggs will miss. After hitting her, she will drop a spell into her Hag 1 and it will explode, destroying the machine and Gruntilda.

Play as other characters

Sent in by Andrew If you want to play as other characters such as Grunty, simply select single game then a shootout. Select pick characters and press left or right to see various characters. There are also other options in single game.

Kazooie the Dragon

Sent in by Code Hunter This special form of Kazooie allows her to breathe out fire by standing still and pressing and holding B. To get dragon Kazooie, you need the ice key. If you have it, go to Glitter Gulch Mine and then go to the flooded caves area. Use the Talon-Torpedo to break the boulder and follow the path to the giant safe. Use the ice key to open the safe and inside you'll find the legendary Mega-Glowbo. Take it to Humba Wumba in Pine Grove in ILse o' Hags, jump in the pool and Kazooie will be a dragon. This form isn't really useful but it looks cool though, along with the flame breath.

Swim Faster and Get Extra Air/Bubbles

Sent in by Code Hunter Once you've learned the beak buttslam move you can go back to Spyrle Mountain and go to Banjo's house and there will be a big rock. Do the new move and there will be a goldfish that needs to go to the water. Run over him to pick him up and bring him to the river around the mountain to the old lair of Grunties and he will give you more air to breathe underwater and teach you to swim faster.

Mystery Pink Egg

Sent in by Code Hunter
To find the location of the mysterious Pink Egg from Banjo-Kazooie, go back to Spiral Mountain. Just above the tree stumps where the speed shoes are located is a hole. In the hole are metal bars enclosing in a Banjo-Kazooie Game Pak. To destroy the metal bars, you will have to learn about Grenade Eggs. Use them to blow up the bars. Go up to Gruntilda's Lair to find a Flight Pad so you can fly to the hole and break open the Game Pak to find the Pink Egg.

Mystery Blue Egg

Sent in by Code Hunter Go back to Spiral Mountain and use the Flight Pad to fly up to a waterfall with a hole in it. Jump all the way through the rushing current to find the Game Pak. Use the Grip Grab skill to break open the bars.

Ice Key

Sent in by Code Hunter The Ice Key from Banjo-Kazooie is hidden inside another Game Pak. You will have to learn the Grip Grab move to get it. Go to Jinjo Village, go behind the Green Jinjo's House, and find the sandy spot. You will see a crack in the wall. Go up on the platform near there to reach it and climb your way across to a hole. Be careful, because there are plants that will bite you. When you reach the cave, you will see the Game Pak.

Jet Force Gemini posters

Sent in by Code Hunter Look inside Bottle's House, and his little sister's and brother's rooms to find pictures of the stars of Jet Force Gemini on the walls.

Cheat mode

Sent in by Code Hunter Enter the witch's head on Spiral Mountain to find Cheato. One cheat will be revealed for every five Cheato pages that you find. Other cheats are revealed by finding the various mystery eggs hidden throughout the game. The cheats are entered in the Mayahem Temple near Wumba's Wigwam. Note: Grenade eggs are required to enter the temple. Spell out one of the following cheat codes inside the temple to activate the corresponding cheat function. Cheats prefixed with "CHEATO" are unlocked immediately without collecting the required number of Cheato pages.
CHEATO HONEYBACK Infinite health
HONEYKING or CHEATO KCABYENOH Infinite air and health
FEATHERS or CHEATO SREHTAEF Double feather carrying capacity
EGGS or CHEATO SGGE Double egg carrying capacity
CHEATO NESTKING Infinite eggs and feathers
FALLPROOF or CHEATO FOORPLLAF No damage when falling
HOMING Eggs home in on nearest target
CHEATO SUPERBANJO Banjo moves faster
CHEATO SUPERBADDY Enemies move faster
JUKEBOX or CHEATO XOBEKUJ Music test unlocked in Jolly Roger Bay jukebox
GETJIGGY or CHEATO YGGIJTEG Jiggy hints given by signs in Master Jiggywiggy's house
CHEATO PLAYITAGAINSON All replay sub-options unlocked
CHEATO JIGGYSCASTLIST View ending sequence

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