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Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage

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Free Inferno Flask
Free money
Free Battle Axe and Armor
Free Strength Spell
Chaos Sword

Free Inferno Flask

Sent in by Code Hunter In the town outside Gwernia castle, there is a house with a lean-to built on. Inside is a bag with an Inferno Flask, a powerful item for Godric, or anyone with Alchemy.

Free money

Sent in by Tim Williams In Erremon,go to the inn and go up stairs. Follow the hall to the man.Talk to him. Go behind him to the curtain. There is 555 gold there. Leave. Talk to the guy again and go outside. Cross the bridge to the blue shop. Talk to the shopkeeper to the left. There is another curtain. Go in. 444 this time. Take the money and talk to the shopkeeper again. Repeat. Click here

Free Battle Axe and Armor

Sent in by Code Hunter When you talk to Brenna outside the castle and have an extra space in your party, tell her it is too dangerous. She will give you a free Battle Axe and Idem Scale.

Free Strength Spell

Sent in by Code Hunter Return to Oriana's after starting for the Mirari city. She will relate a tale and give you the spell of Strength for free (if you did not already get it from her).

Chaos Sword

Sent in by Code Hunter After going over the bridge out of town, turn left onto the beach and turn right at the shrubbery to find a path leading upwards. You will find a campsite, and a short intermission for your journal. Inside a trapped chest is the Chaos Sword. This is a powerful sword that poisons, but requires a 25 Strength to wield.

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