Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy
Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes
Change the vehicle's color
Race as one of four secret cars
Turbo during the race
Extra tracks and vehicles
Turbo start
Change the vehicle's color
Sent in by Code Hunter
When you are selecting your vehicle, press the R button to change the
vehicle's color! Each vehicle has 2 colors to choose from, except the
N64 controller can choose from 6 different colors!
Race as one of four secret cars
Sent in by Code Hunter
To race as one of four secret cars, finish a race with the time exactly
64:00. Since it has to be exact by the 100th getting the any of the secret
cars is a matter of luck. Repeat this to get the other secret cars.
Turbo during the race
Sent in by Code Hunter
To turbo during the race, you must be holding down the A button (for
acceleration). Next, make either a hard left or right while holding the Z
button, then release both buttons. Immediately after releasing the buttons, tap
the A button once or repeatedly. Your speed and vehicle temp. should increase.
Keep in mind you have to do this quickly in order for it to be successful, and
it may take a few attempts to master. Using the turbo feature can be a big part
of winning. You should try to turbo as often as possible without overheating;
it is much more effective around turns.
Extra tracks and vehicles
Sent in by Code Hunter
To do this trick you must have two controllers and very flexible fingers. Using
Controller 2, go to the title screen. Press and hold the D-pad Up. At the same
time (still using controller 2), press and hold R + L + Z + C down, then release
them all. Next, press the Start button on controller 1; the extra tracks and
vehicles will then reveal themselves.
Turbo start
Sent in by Code Hunter
While at the starting line, press and hold the A and B buttons on your
controller. The announcer will say "Set, Ready, Go!". Right after the
announcer says "Ready," release the B button; you should blast off to
a turbo start.