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Web Page of the Month

February 2001

The Mushroom Kingdom

January 2001 Nintendo Game Cube News Page November 2000 ZeldaGames October 2000 Zelda Infinite September 2000 Nintendo Next Generation August 2000 N64 Codemaster July 2000 Ultimate Gaming Gurus June 2000 The Nintendo Library May 2000 Video Game Strategies April 2000 Video Games January 2000 December 1999 Nintendo Code Center November 1999 Ultimate Gaming Gurus October 1999 Game Boy Monolith September 1999 Super NES Headquarters August 1999 Nintendo Nation July 1999 Nintendo Image Archive NOOOOOOOOOO, Nintendo closed the site down! June 1999 Super Mario Bros. Headquarters May 1999 Game Boy Euro-Asia April 1999 David Wonn's Unique Video Game Glitches March 1999 GB Station Feburary 1999 The Turok Cave January 1999 December 1998 Zelda 64 Infinite November 1998 Nintendo Land October 1998 Hard Core Gamer September 1998 August 1998 Game Boy Manolith July 1998 Happy Puppy June 1998 Contest 64 NOOOOOOOOOO! They closed down! May 1998 Game Informer Magazine April 1998 NES Nation March 1998 tsr's NES Archive Feburary 1998 Metroid Database January 1998 The Forbidden Super Nintendo Information Repository December 1997 Nintendojo November 1997 n64XTreme October 1997 Gamer 64 September 1997 The Zelda Headquarters August 1997 The Unofficial Nintendo 64 Headquarters NOOOOOOOO!!! They closed down and NOA stole it!!!! July 1997 NES World June 1997 Game Sages May 1997 Nintendo 64 Code Center April 1997 World 64 March 1997 The Nintendo Code HQ NOOOOOOO They closed down. January-Feburary 1997 Nintendo's Player's Club International December 1996 Woohoo!!! NOOOOO! They closed down. November 1996 Game Genie Code Creator's Club

Do you have your own Nintendo web page? If so add a link to my page and tell me. Pages that become the Web Page of the Month are always ones with links to my page. Not only could your page become the Web Page of the Month, but I would also add a link to your page in the Friends of the Unofficial "World of Nintendo!!" section!!! So add a link today!!!

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