I broke my virginity!!!!!!!!!! grrrr! WHY didn't any of you guys tell me what it's like??!!! See what I've been missing for 11 years??!!! grrr!!!! er, I think we can [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=22970]Bump dis thread!!![/url] It was a long hard day of doing what wackos do best. They finally arrived back at Nintendo's house long after dark. Once they were inside they headed for the bedroom where the computer is, to check on DP. Mella looked around the room in awe. She had seen pictures of it before, but nothing could possibly have prepared him for this. She walked over and sat on the bed. Ninno, who hasn't had physical contact with a fellow human in years, tenses up. An evil smile begins to form on his hairy face... What have I got to lose? He thinks. He slowly makes his way over to the bed and sits down next to Mella. Dogs and dead animals skulls are the only things that have ever dared to come into the pit that is his bedroom, and even then they didn't have a choice. This is it, Ninno thinks, Now or never. He leans over, the smell of Mella's sweet aftershave filling his nostrils, he rests his hand on Mella's leg and slowly moves it up towards........ ...Mella jumped up in alarm, her half drunken glass of diet Pepsi spilling all over Nintendo's already messy floor. ''What are you doing?'' she demanded, noticeably shocked at Ninno's forward advances. Nintendo looked hurt.. ''Come on Mella, I know you want me...don't play hard to get man. All this time we've been having those intimate IM chats must have meant something to you!'' Mella started to slowly edge towards the bedroom door, planning his escape over and over in his head. She had watched many cop shows and knew that it was best to talk calmly to your attacker. She tried to soothe Nintendo, reassuring him that it HAD meant something to him and that she was just a bit shy when it came to bum love. Nintendo laughed .. ''No problem Mella, I understand. Did you enjoy your Pepsi? I slipped a little summit summit in there that might help you to relax.'' Mella sat down on the insect ridden floor, she had come over all woozy, her vision blurred and her head spinning. She wanted to get up and run. RUN FOR HER LIFE, but her legs felt like they had been amputated and she hadn't even got the energy to stand up. Nintendo chuckled to himself, getting a sense of orgasmic power at the sight of his wiltering victim laying helplessly on the floor...He walked over and opened one of his cupboards. There in all it's glory was his collection of whips, chains, gimpy masks, animal skulls, dog bone dildo's and hand cuffs. He took a moment to decide what prop he wanted to use. In the end he chose the gimpy mask & the dog lead..... [b]WHAT!!!!!!!!! It was a dream????!!! Grrrrrrrrrr!!! *Goes back to sleep.*[/b] A voice came from the computer. "You've got mail" it said. "Whom could it be from?" Nintendo asked himself. He went to his nerdstation and took a look. "You have a Private Message on Digitalpoint from Mella" it said. Surprised and taken off guard, Ninno logged onto DP. His hands were shaking. "What could she want from me" he wondered as he navigated towards his inbox. Finally the message came up and it was short, yet sweet enough to change his life forever. "I want you, Nintendo, I always did. Come to Amsterdam and let's make love as if the world ended tomorrow" it said. Nintendo was overcome with a warm feeling moving from his stomach downwards. He was confused and tried to log off and forget about what he just read. "What is your phone number?" he replied to her and while she typed, he already booked a flight online. They set a date to meet and Ninno went on KGB flight 156. He's never been to Europe, so he was about to lose 2 virginities in one trip. The plane landed safe, yet Ninnos legs were shaking. Taking the train to Central Station, all sorts of thoughts entered his mind, all kinds of feelings cluttered up his soul. "What would my mommy think if she knew" he wondered for a quarter of a second before a giant hardon interrupted his ability to continue the pattern of thought. Finally the train arrived Downtown AMS. Ninno walked and went through an alley. A shady character approached him: "Hey you wanna buy some mushrooms?". "Sure, I feel a little hungry and would like a snack " he said naively. Confused about the high price, he still finished the transaction and ate 5 of them. "Hey, you wanna check out some chicks in the Red Light District?" the guy asked him. Ninno was starting to see things. He was out of it. He nodded and went with the guy. In front of the house with the red lights in the windows, Ninno called Mella and told her where he was. She said "I'm on my way, sweaty, go nowhere". "OK, I will be here" he said. Once they hung up, he was feeling weak. "I have to sit down" he said. The guy took him inside the house and the hooker worked Nintendo. He couldn't fight it, it was too strong. After he got off, she cleaned his wallet and threw him onto the streets. That moment Mella came. "YOU PIECE OF ****" she screamed. "You had me think you were a virgin". "I am" ninno said "I mean I was 10 minutes ago". Mella disappeared and her "Screw off" echoed back at Nintendo. ... Nintendo cried! [b]grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another dream!!!!!!!!!!![/b] But I thought we were [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=23638]A Match Made in Heaven![/url] er...what did she say???... [QUOTE=MELLA;264556]I can't believe you made this thread rob. You're as f***ing barmy as Ninnie! Seriously I wouldn't even go within 10 miles of this guy in real life. He's lucky I'm even talking to him on here at all. *flicks hair* Ha ha only joking, that's mean. Actually no, I'm not joking. I wouldn't be seen dead with him, let alone 'do it' with him. Worst.thread.ever[/QUOTE] *cries* And real men don't cry!!* er...wait...what's this... [QUOTE=MELLA;692942]I LOVE NINTENDO! <3333333333333333333333333333333 Ninno you know that hot & horny PM of cyber sex you sent me..What does [B]''my wacklers''[/B] mean, babe?? Kissy Kissy xoxox[/QUOTE] My heart has been touched!!!!! Now, back on topic... [size=+2]10,000th post special.[/size] ([url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showpost.php?p=927549&postcount=7]Was he right or what!!![/url]) When I did da [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=43590]5,000th post special, it was Wacko 101! Here's a library or wacko stuff for examples of stuff you can come to while you're learning how to be a wacko!!! er..this is going to drive me NUTS. There won't be a single grin!!! grrrrrr!!!! [size=+2]A collection of all my wacko stuff....er at least a tiny piece of it![/size] [QUOTE=yfs1;276693]Nintendos success at being a wacko are down to two things: 1.) Pictures 2.) Audio[/QUOTE] Oh, you saying you want some??!! Your wish is my command!!! [size=+2]Audio[/size] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/wacko.mp3]Talking[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/ss_me.mp3]Singing the Sesame Street song[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/quack_quack.mp3]Singing the way a duck would sing[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/cheer_up.mp3]Cheer Up[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/crack_pot.mp3]I am a crack-pot!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/this_is_the_moment.mp3]My version of This is the Moment[/url]!! The song asks for red. What did I get when I originally posted it? GREEN! grrrr!!!! [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/shout.mp3]Part of a song from the 80s[/url] Any one remember it? Sorry, no wacko stuff. [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Star_Spangled_Banner.mp3]Star Spangled Banner[/url]. [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/freaking_dogs_out.mp3]Freaking the dogs out....er dogs I had before they ran away![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/freaking_dogies.mp3]More freaking out the dogies[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/teacup.mp3]That teacup song.[/url] I don't think I got it right! [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/abc.mp3]Old ABC cereal commercial.[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/political_quotes.mp3]Political Quotes[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Candyman.mp3]Candyman[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Pure_Imagination.mp3]Pure Imagination[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Winnie_the_Pooh.mp3]Winnie the Pooh[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Mary_Had_a Little_Lamb.mp3]Mary had a Little Lamb[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Yankee_Doodle.mp3]Yankee Doodle[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Row_Row_Row_Your_Boat.mp3]Row row row your boat[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-Rubber_Ducky.mp3]Rubber Ducky[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Alphabet_Song.mp3]Alphabet Song[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/twinkle_twinkle_little_star.mp3]Twinkle Twinkle Little Star[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Won't_You_Be_My_Neighbor.mp3]Won't you be my Neighbor[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Puff_The_Magic_Dragon.mp3]Puff the Magic Dragon[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Oompa_Loompa1.mp3]Oompa Lumpa 1[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Oompa_Loompa2.mp3]Oompa Lumpa 2[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Oompa_Loompa3.mp3]Oompa Lumpa 3[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Oompa_Loompa4.mp3]Oompa Lumpa 4[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/my_music/Nintendo-rock-a-by-baby.mp3]Rock-A-By-Baby[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/Crazy_Rob_special.mp3]Crazy Rob special[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/fart.wav]Farting!![/url] [size=+2]Movie[/size] [SIZE="6"][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXt0G90iEXw"]¢>¢> NIN ¢>¢>[/URL][/SIZE] [size=+2]Pictures[/size] [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/cut_it_off.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/md_wacko.jpg]sitetutor and da Wacko!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/arm.jpg]Hairy Arm[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/both_dogies.jpg]Dogies...before they ran away[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/dogie_white.jpg]A dogie[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/dogies_green.jpg]Both dogies[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/family/me-school.jpeg]Me as a kid[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/family/me2.jpeg]A BIG wacko, as a kid[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/clean_room.jpg]My room is clean!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/room2.jpg]Room picture.[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/eyes.jpg]Eyes[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/pokemon_shirt.jpg]I like Pokemon![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/prey_for_snow.jpg]Snow ROCKS!!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/red_eyes.jpg]Da original image dat became da Avatar.[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/retard2.gif]I am a retard[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/special_olympics.jpg]Repeat after me! I am a retard!!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/vg_wacko.jpg]Wacko with a visitor from my video game boards!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/skinned.jpeg]I'm a stud!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/spam.gif]I love SPAM!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/vote_nintendo.gif]Vote for Nintendo!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/wacky.jpeg]I am wacky!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/yummy.jpg]Time for dinner!!!!!!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/head.jpg]Nice head collection!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/rip_1.jpg]Really NASTY stuff!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/room_pictures/by_da_door.jpg]Well, when you have to go, you have to go!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/scar.jpg]After surgery![/url] [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/sideburn.jpeg[/img] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/chick_head.jpg]I got a head transplant!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/fat_wacko.jpg]And another one!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/sex_change.jpg]Who is this??!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/sex_change2.jpg]And who is this???[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/shakira.jpg]Shakira took me!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/shakira2.jpg]She took me again!!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/side.jpeg]Closest ever to looking like a chick.[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/spider.jpg]Pet spider[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/spiders.jpg]More pet spiders!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/family/how_sweet.jpg]How sweet!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/family/oh_no_humanoides.jpg]Ack!!! Kids[/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/room_pictures/skull_collection.jpg]New collection of dead body parts!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/room_pictures/above_computer.jpg]What it looked like before getting da new collection of dead body parts!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/room_pictures/office.jpg]Da Office!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/room_pictures/closet.jpg]I never make a mess!!![/url] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/room_pictures/DVDs.jpg]DVDs[/url] [url=http://www.vgchat.com/images/n00bies/ouch.jpg]Ouch!!!![/url] [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/retard.gif[/img] [size=+2]Crazy threads![/size] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=22970]Will Nintendo ever get laid?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=15491]How old were you when you lost your virginity?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=101879]Planet Zeekois a place of Wacko Wonder[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=49147]My NEW collection of dead body parts!!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=43243]Queen of Da Wackos[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=100752]For Nintendo.[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=100028]Webmaster meet at Nintendo's house[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=95920]How do you reply to a threat like this!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=83784]Nintendo[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=67469]Nintendo Has Hemorrhoids - Ask Google![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=58072]The King of the Wackos is a liar![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=23572]Interview Nintendo. (Yes, that messed up wacko on crack!!!)[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=14163]Odds are you've seen me before![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=55169]VS and Nintendo banned from Digital Point![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=43434]Now --- HERE is a forum you should WANT to be a member of[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=43024]Should Nintendo be himself?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=18756]Fart time!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?p=213720#post213720]Viagra!!!!!!!!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=33002]Nintendos brother?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=29685]Yart - Last Poster Contest[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=30189]What else are you??!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=23241]Tee hee hee. I think we're being hacked!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=21873]Do you like or hate leet (1337) talk??[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?p=227550#post227550]Appendicitis - Who's had it?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=24470]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=31616]Fake Birthday[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=37116]Help Nintendo - Sign the Petition[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=31247]Does DP Member "Nintendo" work at gMail?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=21635]Should Shawn give Nintendo A Custom Title?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=20582]GoogleGuy Email[/url] (When I posted here, I was actually posting under the username GoogleGuy!!} [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=20606]Hi ye all. 'GoogleGuy' Introduction.[/url] (When I made this thread I was Google Guy. I created a second account...and didn't get busted!!!!) [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=20613]Time for you all to tar and feather me, or flog me!!![/url] I confess to being Google Guy!!!! [size=+2]Wacko preamble[/size] I have a dream, that one day I will become Mayor and every one will say: "I want to be a wacko: that all men are weird." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Planet Zeekois the sons of former wackos and the sons of former n00bies will be able to sit down together at a table of wackohood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Or-A-Gun, a wacko state, sweltering with the heat of goofballs and weirdoes, will be transformed into an oasis of wackos. I have a dream that my four FUTURE children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the intelligent of their IQ but by the content of their wackiness. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day the state of Rio Linda, whose n00bies lips are presently dripping with the words of intelligents and knowledge, will be transformed into a situation where geeks and nerds will be able to join hands with intelligent humans and goofy n00bies and walk together as n00bie and wacko. I have a dream today. I have a wacky dream that one day every member shall be just like da King of da Wackos, every post and every thread will be covered with grins, the intelligent members will be made in to wackos, and the crooked places will be made crookeder, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all wackos shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to Digital Point. With the wackos we will be able to hew out of the mountain of intelligents a stone of weirdoes. With these weirdoes we will be able to transform the jangling discords of the boards into a beautiful symphony of wackohood. With these wackos we will be able to work together, to drive people insane together, to struggle together, to go to geek jail together, to stand up for wackos and n00bies together, knowing that we will always be wackos one day. [size=+2]How I got da Wacko title years ago...[/size] Back in da 90s, from 1997 to now I've had video game message boards, starting with just Nintendo (Hence the username). Up until 1999 I hardly ever posted at them, but in 1999 I started being active on my own WWWBoards. In late 1999 I decided to have some fun about the Y2K stuff. So I started 'freaking out' about it a lot, and really POd one member off by making a post being Santa Clause freaking out, and making posts being freaked out and then changing the page to make it look like the post was made by that member!!! Luckily that member stayed at the boards for five more years, as a Super mod for four years!!! In 2001 I upgrade to vBulletin. Sweet you can have your own usertitle. Once I'm messed up, it's hard for me to go back to being 'normal' so ever since then I've been messed up there. Since about 1996 I've listened to a radio show by an intelligent normal political dude named Rush Limbaugh. Any time he talked about people who lived in trees or chained them self to keep trees from being cut down, he called them Environmental wackos. I'm just at messed up. So it wasn't long before I gave myself the title of 'King of da Wackos' and ever since then I've been really messed up. The weird thing is, whenever some one made a poll on my boards about if I should be 'normal' or a wacko, MOST PEOPLE WANTED ME TO STAY A WACKO!!!!! Back in April I did a month long April Fools thing doing a lot of different stuff, one being 'selling' the boards to another member and me leaving. So I made a poll asking if I should leave, and of course MOST PEOPLE VOTED NO!!!!!! So yes, it's weird, but most people actually enjoy the insanity!!!! [size=+2]Why I will be a virgin for life....[/size] [QUOTE=Nintendo;241601]Thank you all so much for encouraging me. I must try harder if I don't get it.... Must go back to da hospital and get my appendix, and part of my colon, and small intestine back and take pictures of those and save them and post them!!!! Well, total cost was $18,126 for the week long 'vacation', so don't I deserve them??!!! THAT'S PART OF MY BODY!!!! THEY STOLE IT FROM ME!!!!!![/quote] I've gone three weeks with out putting any of that nasty stuff on, aka deodorant. (Now you know why I always got the chicks chasing me!!!) I shower once a week. if I had my way, I would never shower! [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/fart2.wav]I am da King of da farts.[/url] Listen to my fresh armpit farts!!! [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/yummy.jpg]My what fresh spaghetti I got here. Any one want to eat some??!! Oh, wait, wrong picture... That's my fresh finger nails, toe nails, and skin. It's my retirement. When I turn 65 I'll sell it on eBay!!![/url] Did I ever say I also save my [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/head.jpg]head hair???[/url] NOW do you know why I'm a virgin??!! Any chick what would want to be chasing me would have to be on crack!!!! er, what's this??!!!! [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/sex_change2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/fat_wacko.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/shakira.jpg[/img] [size=+2]What?!! What's that??!! Some people think I'm not a wacko??!!! grrrrr!!!!![/size] [QUOTE=Colleen;462551]It's a game he plays, in my opinion he's very normal and sweet and will hate me now!![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=The Webmaster;462918]He is not even remotely a wacko!!! and he doesn't wish to be one in reality. I can prove it. Ninno has two kind of posts, 1. Where he helps "Two legged humanoid intelligent creatures" 2. Where he claims to be a wacko. you can see the huge differences between them. Where he helps other, he sounds very normal. now tell me how can a wacko sound normal under any circumstance?? and he doesn't even know what is abnormal.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=aeiouy;463876]I have heard Nintendo is really stephen dorff and he is just bored.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=wrmineo;478723]Nintendo fakes it .... along with most women![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=tweetylover8402;481508]Is the King of Da Wackos going to be overthrown?[/QUOTE] grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! I am da ONLY King of da Wackos to walk da face of da earth!!!!!!! [size=+2][url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=34197]Grrr, do I need to get you guys to flame me, like Crazy Rob does??[/url][/size] [QUOTE=MELLA;336581]Nintendo isn't as big a wacko as he makes out. He's actually quite a nice human bean. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Solicitors Mortgages;385141]he's cool. repulsive...but cool.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=mcfox;385645]Nintendo's is a smart guy, without a doubt. A wacko, but a smart one. I think everyone should give him a green rep avalanche to show our appreciation.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=smindsrt;387159]Actually Nintendo has some mad skills when it comes to scripts and stuff. Nintendo is an alright WACKO in my book.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Blogmaster;387204]Ninno is playing us all for a fool. When I drove up to Oregon I've stopped by his house a mile from the freeway and his roomies told me he was in Vegas pimping[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=aeiouy;385100]Nintendo is so against the man and the establishment.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Crazy_Rob;261364]Nintendo may be the second person to make my ignore list. I give him two more days...MAX![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Crazy_Rob;261430]You could start by not posting CRAP like that Sesame Street song! Some co-worker, (don't know his name) caught me singing that song in the bathroom yesterday. [high pitched voice and everything.] Do you know what kind of freak I must have looked/sounded like?! I guess it's not as bad as when some guy walked into me scooting to the sink to wet the paper w/ my pantaloon around my ankles. That was almost as bad as [URL=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=17657]THIS![/URL][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Colleen;481559]Ninno, why you so cute?!?[/QUOTE] grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! Must try harder to drive people insane!! WHY is AnthonyCea da only person that I can drive insane day in and day out!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a while since I've been able to drive Crazy_Rob insane like that!!!! [size=+2]Yet if you ask 'who scares you the most on Digitalpoint'....[/size] [QUOTE=Dudibob;1739028]...Nintendo lol[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=timsdd;1739271]Nintendo for his pictures[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=dcristo;1741200]Nintendo in a freakish sort of way.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ViciousSummer;1741210]I agree. Nintendo scares me the most.[/QUOTE] [size=+2]I scare people, yet they can't even decide what my NICKname is??!!![/size] [QUOTE=tonyinabox;1246752]I gotta beat Nina!!![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=gr8liverpoolfan, Grafstein;1246731]PS-Ninny,make it 14 soon,13 isn't very lucky[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Blogmaster;1528255]sometimes I wished I was like you Ninno[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=fluid, Alis;1296308]I would like to thank RamaKrishna, Nitendo and SubmitShop for their generous +ve rep and their trust in me. Like Nitendo highlighted[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=corena;373562]hmmm ninnie with cop hat is too scarey[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Blogmaster;1356023]Your mom deserves a cool daughter in law, Nin.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=amitpatel_3001;1331962]I don't know nino why you always dream in the day time[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Colleen;1384539]Are you jealous NeenoBeeno?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=NeoGen;1424210]But not naked ninnooo[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tanya]neno doesn't need to even say a word, he's a babe magnet NENO ur still sexy[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tanya;72557]Mikey and nenno aren't here I feel lonely now[/QUOTE] How about you guys just call me wacko!!!!!!! [size=+2]Da thanks list...aka, da list you DON'T want to be on!!![/size] [b]amitpatel_3001 - He started out as a crazy wacko-in-trainines, as seen at these threads.[/b] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=39118]Hi-Iam Back-Thanks-Sorry[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=28567]Very Urgent Help Required From Affiliates[/url] Then he learned too much to become a wacko!!! grrrr!!! [b]Cute_Lara - She waz da first and ONLY Queen of da Wackos to ever walk da face of DP.[/b] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=34701]Hello My name is Lara Abasi[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=40245]Will Cute_Lara ever show any pics?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=39056]Would U Rather Spend Christmas with your family? Or Spend it with someone you love?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=38578]Lara Vs Crazy Rob[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=35353]Goodbye Everyone... lara is leaving the party[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=38576]The Return of Lara Abasi!!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=35137]Lara: The Real Story (no more lies, no more games)[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=35249]Lara And Nintendo is there a chance? Can they live happily ever after?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=35083]Should Shawn change Cute_Lara's usertitle to Queen of da Wackos??!![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=34733]Will Lara One Day Be free? Will She Be able to break out?[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=35249]Will Lara and Nintendo Live Happily Ever After?[/url] Then Crazy Rob scrared her away!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! [b]soapbath- He, she, it...was some crazy dude/chick that didn't even know his, her, its...gender!!!![/b] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=23729]GoodBye Digital Point soapbath[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=24652]Nintendo VS SoapBath[/url] [b]Costa Dedes - He provided some legal entertainment over on da Google board!!![/b] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=16409]18th million 4 adsense cheater(s)[/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=29327]Digital Points Members are Scum![/url] [url=http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=28320]Costa Dedes[/url] Ever been to http://www.CostaDedessucks.com ? I wounder where it goes to!!! [QUOTE=cwdedes;318265]As Nintendo probably knows by now I do have a law team working on this. He should have received some paperwork by now. DigitalPoint should be receiving paperwork shortly from the law team.[/QUOTE] er...I'm still waiting for those legal papers!!!! [b]And da King of insanity...AnthonyCea!!! He's let me drive him INSANE for almost a year...so far!!! He always says he'll knock my lights out, yet...[url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/anthonycea_arm.jpg]his little pet dogies knock his lights out!![/url][/b] Just search for posts made by him to see his insanity!!!!! Stay away from da political thread!!!! [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/brain_lost.wav]What he thinks about me.[/url] (Not his audio!) [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/sand-gnats.mp3]What you can say to him to drive him insane!![/url] [size=+2]And remember, as da very first part of dis thread says, I am a virgin for life, there for I will NEVER do this...[/size] [img]http://www.date-a-hot-virgin.com/pictures/ack.jpg[/img] er, Shawn, can you ban me for 30 days to FORCE me to get some mental help!!! [size=+2]Wacko Interview[/size] [b]Is it really a crack house?[/b] One cause of autism at birth is from crack, there for I must of been a crack baby!!!! I am messed up, and so is any one who walks in this house!! None of us do the illegal stuff. Though I got a younger brother that's running from the cops, being hunted night and day for doing drugs. Once the US Marshals came to the house with guns pointed at my big brother with a warrant when he opened the door and they had him on the ground with the gun pointed at him until they saw ID. He kept them from coming in my room, though I wish they had come in my room so I could of been part of the COOL action!!! [b]How old is your older brother?[/b] 31, and single! *hint* Sorry, he's not a virgin!!! [b]Can we see a picture of him?[/b] [url=http://www.king-of-da-wackos.com/On_Our_Own/]Click here[/url]. He is the one with the black coat. This is from a movie 'On Our Own' back in the late 80s. He's a bully who tries to take money from kids that won it. [b]Why do you collect bits of your body?[/b] I'm a freak!!!!! I'm messed up. Any thing that'll gross people out, I like!!!! [b]What's the deal with not liking women?[/b] Romance. Love. Socializing. Blah!!! I hate all of that!!!! [b]How can we keep from being driven insane by you?[/b] NEVER, EVER LET ME KNOW WHAT DRIVES YOU INSANE!!! For example.... [quote=Crazy_Rob]Nintendo, if I have that Sesame Street song in my head all day, I'm going to come after you. I'm going to force you to watch pornos (of course I will not be in the same room as you) and stuff until you can speak w/ an ADULT'S VOICE! And I know where to find you! Why did I open this thread?![/quote] then..... [quote=Crazy_Rob]You could start by not posting CRAP like that Sesame Street song! Some co-worker, (don't know his name) caught me singing that song in the bathroom yesterday. [high pitched voice and everything.] Do you know what kind of freak I must have looked/sounded like?![/quote] So what did I do? I try to make him listen to it again by posting a different URL with out Sesame Street in the URL, just to drive him insane AGAIN. That's the exact response I try to generate when I'm a pain in da royal arse!!!! And then there is AnthonyCea!!! I drive him insane day in and day out over at a few other message boards...and here...when he'z not banned!!!! I've told him how he can get me to stop driving him insane, yet he's such a freak that he can't do it!!!! [b]If you could go back in time and change 1 event, what would it be?[/b] 1996. Start making a lot of CONTENT web pages and join affiliate programs much earlier, including Amazon, and then would shut up about the mod_rewrite hack once MrRat made his script. Until late 1999 all I knew about for making money on the internet was the now dead Commonwealth Network, for CPM banners. Instead I had just two Nintendo web pages and a chat room site by the end of 2000. And that year they made almost $100,000!!! [b]What was your childhood like??[/b] I was messed up back then. Though I had no idea I was autistic until I was about 16, and back then I wasn't nearly as messed up as I am now, a messed up wacko on crack. I was just quiet all the time. [b]What are your favorite movies?[/b] Passion of the Christ, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the Wizard, all da Star Wars movies... [b]Are you real, or are you just a troll alter-ego of a much more normal person?[/b] Need some pictures??!! I'm a freak!!!!! [b]If you could move any where, where would you move to?[/b] New Your City. I've wanted to move there ever since always watching Sesame Street as a little kid. I went there once right before going to the Special Olympics World Games in New Haven Connecticut in 1995 for soccer. [b]How long are you planning to stay a virgin and why?[/b] Until death dust virginity depart!!!! Why??!! I'm a freak!!! [b]Don't you think chicks would have a crush on you???[/b] To chicks... 1. You want some one you can talk to any time, especially when you are sad or lonely! I'm not the one! I'm anti-social 100%. Think Autism!!!! (Hence the reason I've NEVER asked some one out for a date!! The chicks had to ask me out for say the school Homecoming or Prom dances!! And of course you don't say no to a chick. Ugg, eight dances there... Oh the horror....) 2. You want a guy that can fix something when it breaks!!! Sorry ladies! I'm a lazy bum. Think couch potato that spends his whole life in bed or in front of this iMac. 3. Some of you might want a guy that can cook. I can't even remember when I last cooked something! I eat every thing COLD!!!! 4. I NEVER smoke, or drink beer or wine. 5. You want a strong handsome dude!! At Hot or Not I got a 4.1!!!! I'm a major weakling. 5. I don't drive! 6. I'm a Conservative. DemocRATS stink, Republicans ROCK!!!! It's tax cuts stupid! (ie I'm a MASSIVE Rush Limbaugh fan, with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair!) [b]Can you REALLY HONESTLY say that you enjoy life?[/b] If I could be cured and become what you humanoids call 'normal', I would NOT want to be cured!!!!! I enjoy it very much having no life!!!! Oh the horror of thinking of possibly socializing and doing all that romantic bird and the bees stuff!! [b]What happened in your past that has made you so ga ga?[/b] Back in late 1999 I 'freaked out' about the Y2K and started driving people insane at my message boards. I enjoyed it so much that I kept being a messed up wacko and gave myself the title of da King of da Wacos. That's when I opened up on the internet. Before then I wasn't a wacko at all!!!! [b]Your excuse 'autism' just doesn't cut it.[/b] My brother HATES that excuse!!!!! I know one other autistic person, and no, he isn't a freak like me!!!!! [b]I'm also trying to work out why you are so open online about the most disgusting things ever, yet offline you're a recluse.[/b] I'm messed up!!!!! I'm much better at socializing on message boards than face to face and on da phone. [b]I'm trying to understand what goes on in that head of yours[/b] It's always thinking 'What's da next thing I can do to drive you insane today?'!! [b]I don't believe that for a second. Seriously you never feel like catching a movie? or going to a themepark..ANYTHING fun at all?[/b] The last movie I went to watch in the theaters was the Passion of the Christ, a few years ago!!!! I live next door to an [url=http://www.wildlifesafari.org/]Animal park[/url], and I never go there. Though I worked there for three summers in a row back in high school. (Yes, they have monkeys there!!) [b]Don't you ever just want to meet up with people and get intoxicated and dance your tits off in a dingy club?[/b] Nope, I have never smoked, or done illegal drugs (not even crack though I had about 25 mg of legal heroin when I was locked up for a week for surgery a year and a half ago)! [b]What is so great about eating, sleeping, interneting, eating, sleeping, interneting.. After 9 years aren't you bored of that?[/b] i never get board!! I would much rather be doing this stuff, looking at a computer screen than be at Disneyland for free!!!! Even back in the geology lab I had no trouble doing the same thing over and over and over for almost 10 years. [b]You are just wasting it.[/b] Hence I say, to any normal intelligent human, I have no life!!! I even eat almost da same thing day after day after day.... [b]It also seems you like socializing online. If you enjoy that, don't you think you'd enjoy socializing offline?[/b] I stink at socializing face to face or on da phone!!!! [b]Are you really on crack?[/b] Nope!!! Crack messes you up, I'm messed up, there for I must of been a crack-baby, since one cause of Autism can be crack!!!! [b]Do you actually own any Nintendo game systems, if so which ones?[/b] NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, and Game Cube. Now I retired from playing Nintendo!! I hate the 3D games (I got one blind eye!), so odds are, I might never get another Nintendo system. [b]What are your goals in life.[/b] Keep doing what I do now until death dust internet depart!!! [b]Where do you see yourself in 20 years?[/b] Doing the same thing, being a messed up wacko on crack on message boards and making my 382nd web site! By now domain registration costs $0.50 a year per domain, GoDaddy has become GoneBroke, every kid on the block has a web hosting company with 1,000,000 terabytes of space, internet speed downloads at 1 Gig a second, and ev1.com has become EveryOneBroke.RIP!! [b]How would you like to be remembered some day?[/b] As a messed up wacko that always drove every one insane! [b]If you met a chick you really like, how would you approach her?[/b] Uggg!!! I have NO idea!!!!! The only kind I chick I see ever getting a crush on is one that's autistic, doesn't like to socialize, likes to be alone, and want's to be a virgin for life!!!! Being da Queen of da Wackos, a webmaster, addicted to message boards, and likes the grin, will be a BIG plus! ie a clone of me with the XX Chromosome!! [b]What if she doesn't share your passion of collecting "human items"?[/b] Oh crud!!! I'm hopeless!!! Or maybe it isn't just me, maybe every autistic person in the world does all this 'nasty' stuff!! Right!!!! [b]Would you be willing to throw all that stuff away for a girl?[/b] I don't think so!!! Back in the late 90s, knowing that I ahem...loved to collected that stuff, my younger brother (the non-druged one) took some of the stuff out side, and my mom told him to go and get it and bring it back in!!!!! I think my mom thought I was nuts, but she was nuts for being on my side and making him bring it back in!!!! I think it's in the genes!!!! I'm autistic, my younger brother, the drugged one is severely emotionally disturbed, and my youngest brother has the attention deficit disorder!!!! And my dad had Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from the Vietnam War. The only normal person in the family is my older sister!!!! [b]I'm amazed Shawn hasn't asked a question yet[/b] I think I scared him away with da Wacko board comment!!! [b]Does your sister look like you? Do you have a family picture?[/b] [url=http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/family/katrina.jpeg]Picture from back in da school days![/url] [b]Are you considered a freak at the Special Olympics or does nobody care?[/b] The last year I was in it was in 1997. Compared to every one else, I was probably normal, since this was way before I became the wacko in 1999 or started doing all that nasty stuff. Socializing is the only thing I have trouble with, except when I'm on da internet. There were a lot of people who looked way worse than me and had a way lower IQ than me! My IQs 119. And of course you got those people who look weird just like in those pictures that get posted here when a n00bie posts or cries about that red image! Just looking at me, people wouldn't have any idea that I was messed up, until they tried to socialize!!!! [b]Did you ever go out on a date, even once, during your Special Olympic days?[/b] Only dances, and a few dinners for the proms, and those dances at Special Olympics!! The first Special Olympics dance I went to, back in 1992, I had two or three chicks fighting over me to dance with me, and my MOM was there!!! *Remember, this is Special Olympics, so their not normal!!! They'll take any stud muffin that they can get a hold of!!!* Then there was Homecoming and proms. For three years there was this one 'big' chick that would go out with me to Homecoming, then the prom when we got to 12th grade. We had two dinner. At one, my MOM took me to Taco Time to order dinner, then took us to a more normal restaurant and gave the workers there my Taco Time meal (Two bean burritos) to give to me when we got the food!!!! Then in the second year that I was a Senior (I stayed in school an extra year to also do Work Experience during school.), another chick stole me since the first one left. Of course it was my mommy that took us to the HC and Prom! Then when I graduated in 1996, I never saw her again. And she was skinny! (Remember, back then I never collected that stuff, so I couldn't scare them off!!!!) [b]Are you any good at nintendo? Like i just got my tush beat down last night by a girl at super Mario all stars....it was fun I could use some training.[/b] I'm good at RPG and adventure games. My favorite games were the Dragon Warrior/Monster, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Pokemon, Zelda, Crystalis, and Metroid games. [b]Nintendo, did you go to college at all?[/b] Oh no!! As soon as I got released from prison (aka school), I worked at a Geology Lab for almost 10 years, until they moved and I retired, in January. [b]So you prefer being online where the rules are fairly straight forwards, to the real world where the rules aren't so clear-cut and much more complicated?[/b] Yes, I like da internet world way more than 'real life'!!!! [b]What is your favorite childhood memory?[/b] When does childhood end? If it's early teenager age, then I didn't have very many!!!! Disneyland, or catching frogs at rivers!!! Favorite lifetime memory was going to the Special Olympics World Games, especially while visiting New York City to see the Statue of Liberty, and saw where the bombs went off at the WTC, and then when walking in to the opening ceremonies with 85,000 people there and having no idea my picture is up on the big screen while NBC asks me two questions (They asked for me since they came to my town to make a two and a half minute video of me.), and I give a crummy 'Yes' answer back each time! Not until after the ceremonies when my mom told me, did I know that 85,000 people saw me look like a RETARD!!! (Remember, I still am, even with wining all those gold medals!!!!) [img]http://www.vgchat.com/images/n00bies/special.jpg[/img] [b]In what events did you win your gold medals?[/b] Running, soccer, downhill skiing, basketball, and track and field. [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/special_olympics.jpg[/img] [b]Have you ever considered taking some college courses...in order to maybe meet some girls?[/b] Oh no!!!!! I'm trying to stay away from chicks!!!!!!!! [b]Is it true that autistic people can't attach emotionally to someone, heard this from some shrink?[/b] It is for me!! Hence, I'm a virgin at the age of 29!!!! To me romance and all that emotion stuff is just yucky yucky blarg stuff!!!! I don't even try to socialize with da chicks!!!!!!! Though some times while reading, I find myself shedding tears!! CRUD!!!!! Real men don't cry, right!!!! And these aren't romantic books, these are political books!!!!! [b]Do you use FireFox?[/b] Yes!!!! Only because of da PageRank box did I upgrade from Netscape to Firefox. [b]Doesn't it bother you not to be in human contact, i mean, i go a day without seeing one of my friends, i get depressed.[/b] Not at all!!!! When I am around two legged humanoids, I don't even try to talk to them!!! I never even answer the phone!!!! Well, that's what they invented answering machines for!!!! Remember, I'm messed up!! If a human asks me how I am, I say 'fine' and don't even ask them how they are, because if I did, then I would be in a conversation and would just be thinking 'duh...now what do I say!!!' I haven't kept in contact with ANY human from school, except the one day 10 year graduation reunion dis year!!!! Friend= socializing!! That's a no no!!!!! I have seen two internet friends face to face. I think you know who this is... [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/md_wacko.jpg[/img] [b]Has any of your avatars been the real you?[/b] All of them! Yes, I do really look like dat!!!! [b]Do you have ANY desire to make friends or have contact w/ girls?[/b] Nope!!!! [b]What kind of music do you like?[/b] Classic, like Beethoven. [b]No one will come to your funeral..doesn't that bother you?[/b] Not at all!!!!! [b]What other forums do you enjoy?[/b] http://www.webtalkforums.com/ *Newsflash* AnthonyCea is here!!! Check the Wacko board for 'SigSpammer'!! That's him!!! http://www.forumpostersunion.com/ Come, help me drive AnthonyCea insane!!! http://www.geekvillage.com/forums/ http://www.vgchat.com/ Disclaimer: There my video game boards, hence there covered with messed up teenagers. [quote=sitetutor, a year and a half ago!!!!]Here's the deal, I have just had a vision: By next year you will be famous, not sure how yet, but some online thingy you'll come up with will get you known. You'll be a guest speaker at next years Search Engine Strategies convention in San Jose ... then we will all be invited to the Google Dance and Lord behold, you're going to hook up with the hottest Google Girl in one of those Port-A-Potties they have outside. WOW .... I'm a prophet[/quote] er.....next year is when...!!!!! [b]Have you ever really smoked crack?[/b] er some where earlier in da thread some one asked me dat, I think twice!!!! Nope!!!! Drugs mess you up. I'm messed up. There for I'm on crack!!!! [b]Why do You take Tegretol..?!? ''Tegretol is used in the treatment of seizure disorders, including certain types of epilepsy. It is also prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia (severe pain in the jaws) and pain in the tongue and throat. In addition, some doctors use Tegretol to treat alcohol withdrawal, cocaine addiction, and emotional disorders such as depression and abnormally aggressive behavior. The drug is also used to treat migraine headache and "restless legs."[/b] Ack!!! er restless leg syndrome. You guys stress my legs out too much. You guys give me PAIN hence turning me in to a messed up wacko. er wait, it was cocaine that I'm addicted to, not crack!!!!! er you guys stress me out daily!!! Hence I need all the Tegretol I can get. Oh yah, about 17 years ago I had seizures and died twice!!!! My mommy brought me back both times!! Been on crack, er Tegretol ever since!! [b]How much time do you spend in front of your computer every day?[/b] I'm guessing around 10 hours a day, six days a week!!!! [b]Do you sleep at night? How many hours?[/b] About 10!!!! [b]How many hours can you be online posting without eating, sleeping etc..?[/b] if I didn't sleep or eat.... er more like 24!!!!! Wacko haz no life!!!! Post here. Do a little work. Post here. Do a little work. Post here. Live in da pad your post count, er I mean quality threads, and you can increase fast *cough*We need another YART contest.*cough* [b]If given a option,How do you want to die?[/b] er, um, er.... Age 120, while being a wacko virgin on Digital Point!!! And have a painless death...aka die in my sleep like da last two times I died!!! [b]Why do you name yourself NIntendo?[/b] When I first registered at a webmaster message board (geek/talk) back in 2000, Nintendo sites were all I did, and of course I was a Nintendo freak!!! Of course you try to keep the same username on all message boards. I last played Nintendo back in....June!!! Oh yah, I have yet to ever beat a N64 game. I stink at 3-D!!! If I could go back to 2000, I would give myself da username 'Wacko'!!!! [img]http://www.world-of-nintendo.com/nintendo/pictures_of_webmaster/wacko2.gif[/img]