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Partner trick
Climb the pole and jump inside the ring
Beat up your opponent's partner
Beat on your opponent's partner outside the ring

Partner trick

Sent in by In Tag Team, press Select + B in the Tag Team and Survivor Series mode. Your partner will run around the outside of the ring and beat up your opponent's partner.


Sent in by In Tag Team for Alternatively, press Select + A to make your partner jump into the ring and help you.

Climb the pole and jump inside the ring

Sent in by During Tag Team and Survivor Series, if your Tag Partner is by the ring post outside, press Select + A + B. If done correctly he will climb the pole and jump inside the ring.

Beat up your opponent's partner

Press Select + B in the Tag Team and Survivor Series mode. Your partner will run around the outside of the ring and beat up your opponent's partner. You can also do this to make your partner jump into the ring and help you.

Beat on your opponent's partner outside the ring

While playing, simultaneously press and hold A and Select to bring your partner into the ring for a few seconds. To let your partner beat on your opponent's partner outside the ring, press B and Select simultaneously.

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