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Super Spy Hunter

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

Extra lives
Starting with more lives
Game Genie codes

Extra lives

When you die at the end of a game you'll go to a continue screen. Aim your gun turrets down (using the A button), and then choose to continue. You'll end up playing the computer in a game of Pong. If you win you'll earn extra lives!

Starting with more lives

Use this cool trick to select different numbers of lives in Super Spy Hunter. When the title screen appears, hold Select + A + B and press Start. As soon as you see a thick green line appear across the screen, release all of the buttons. The line will slow down and a number will appear, which indicates the amount of lives you'll have to begin the game.

Game Genie codes

Sent in by Steve Bliss AGZAPZ Strange Noises PEZPEZ Weird Enemies PIZPIZ Major graphics problems and invisible obstacles KZALPO Pretty much the same as above, but with no invisible obstacles IIIIII A blackout when you start the game, but it'll eventually start OAOAOA Invisible gun turrets and weird helicopters ZEPZEP No Items!! ZIPPIZ Same as OAOAOA, but the choppers are normal and you turn invisible when you go under the bridge in level 1 IPAZOP Freeze when you get an item SSASSA Instant freeze SOSOOA Yet another freeze SZPATO No sound

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