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Super Mario Bros. 2

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

World 3-1 boss warp
Scale the wall
Original Super Mario Bros. theme song
Pipe tip
Beat Birdo in Level 6-2 with out getting hit
Beat Birdo in Level 7-1 with out getting hit
Fighting Wart
Level 4-3 tips
Carry items to bosses
Secret warp
Get two 1ups
Make the logs fly up
Throwing an item and still have it
Pick up a plant and then catch it
Shortcut to the World 1-1 boss
Change the color of the Mushroom Blocks
Skip the locked door in World 1-2
Subspace music trick
Different 1up location
Skip the door in World 1-2
Die for more coins
How to get more coins
Get an extra POW block
Level tips
Game Genie codes

World 3-1 boss warp

Sent in by Derek "Starscream" McNeill On World 3-1, be sure to take the princess. Go through the level, climbing to the top of the waterfall until you get to the carpet. Take the carpet and fly to the top, and climb the vine. Once you get to the top of the vine, go to your left at the edge of the clouds. Crouch down and glow, then fly across. You will get to a door. The door is a warp to the boss of the level.

Scale the wall

Sent in by Danielle L. In World 3-3, there is a vertical room with many snifits and shyguys. At the top, you'll find a wall that is too big to jump even if you're Luigi. To solve this, go to the bottom of the room and pick up a Ninji. But the Ninji beside the high wall, jump on the ninji, and super jump onto the ledge.

Original Super Mario Bros. theme song

Sent in by Danielle L. Get a potion and hold onto it until you get a star. While you're still invincible, put the potion down and enter the door. Wait there. Just before the star wears off, leave subspace and you'll be able to hear the original Super Mario Bros. theme song!

Pipe tip

Sent in by Danielle L. If you've ever wondered what the unenterable pipes are for, throw a potion near it. In sub-con, you'll be able to enter pipes that you wouldn't normally be able to!

Beat Birdo in Level 6-2 with out getting hit

Sent in by Danielle L. This level has a fire-spitting Birdo that you have to kill be hitting it with mushroom blocks. Get the block at the top and stand at the edge of the platform; wait for Birdo to walk right near the edge and drop the block. It should hit him, then get the other block and do the same thing, dropping it on top of the other block and hitting Birdo in the process. Here's the cool part: You can drop onto the block-pile without getting hit, but don't pick up a block until Birdo passes in front of the pile. If you pick up a block just then, you will be on Birdo's head and you can super jump back onto the platform, and drop the block again, without dying!! I used Toad for this since he picks things up the fastest.

Beat Birdo in Level 7-1 with out getting hit

Sent in by Danielle L. When you fight Birdo at the end of 7-1, take the mushroom block and jump up on the bird-gate's head (it helps if you're toad, for the next part). When Birdo walks directly above you, jump just a little bit and throw the block. You'll hurt him, but if you do it just right, he won't hurt you.

Fighting Wart

Sent in by Jason Jones To beat Wart easy, just have princess grab a vegie and jump to the high ledge that is in front of Wart. You can jump and let her glide behind Wart. Here you are safe from Wart (unless you run into him). When his mouth opens, just throw the vegie in and watch him suffer. You can jump over Wart and grab another vegie. Keep repeating the process and he'll be dead in no time!

Level 4-3 tips

Sent in by Jon D Here are 2 helpful tips for Level 4-3. Pick Luigi or Princess because they are the best ones for this level. When you go through the door at the beginning of the level, you will see an few grasses on the snowy hill. Pick up the one with the potion and go all the way to the left where you can get the mushroom. after that, go back to the door and go back in there. Then go back outside. Pick up the potion again and hop on Ostro's egg to get to the small island where there are a lot of grasses, throw the potion, go in the door, and collect about 6 bonuses. Here is the Luigi or princess part. when you get to the door where you go into the building, the road ends and there is a ledge. All you have to do is run, jump over the pit, and you will land on the other side, and then go in the door and it will lead strait to Fryguy. This is just a thing to make the game easier and faster instead of going through the building.

Carry items to bosses

Sent in by David Wonn Select any character in any level and find a Potion. Pick it up and drop it directly on top of a blade of grass. Now enter subspace and leave. Once you leave, press the B button repeatedly and rapidly. If all goes well, you'll end up with the item appearing on top of your head, but wait - it's not really there at all! It's just an illusion, but once you enter a door, climb a vine, or die, the item will become real! The advantage to doing this is that you can carry items to places where they would not normally occur. You can carry items to the bosses, but better yet, this trick ultimately leads to the 5th warp zone! (See below)

Secret warp

Sent in by David Wonn Sure, everyone knows about the first 4 warp zones, but I'm going to show you how to get the 5th one! First, here's the list: 1. World 1-3 to World 4-1 2. World 3-1 to World 5-1 3. World 4-2 to World 6-1 4. World 5-3 to World 7-1 5. World 6-1 to World 6-1 That's right, it's not a misprint! Now on with the trick: In World 6-1, select any character, and go down the tube which has the Magic Potion. Now pick up the Potion and carry it all the way to the blade of grass between two cacti, which also contains a Potion. Drop the Potion directly on top of that blade of grass and enter subspace. Upon exiting, you'll need to execute the "Illusion item glitch" (see below). If you executed that glitch properly, you'll have an illusion of a Potion on top of your head. If you don't succeed, you'll need to start over from scratch by getting the Potion from the tube and repeating the process. After successfully getting the glitch to work, go into the cave ahead where you'd normally go. Once inside you'll have a real Potion which you can take with you. Drop it where you see the long series of tubes and go into Subspace. It just so happens that any tube which you can't normally enter can be turned into a Warp Zone inside Subspace. Now you can warp to... W 6-1 once again! So why would you want to warp back to the same level? You can collect coins over and over, as well as the two 1-ups (see the 2-up trick below) in order to rack up on lives if you haven't already reached the max of P4 (254) reserve lives. Enjoy!!

Get two 1ups

Sent in by David Wonn In World 6-1 select either Mario or Toad. Go into the cave and go down into the tube which has 4 blades of grass beneath a lot of sand. The two pieces of grass on both ends contain a 1-up, while the ones in the middle contain Sprouts. Ordinarily you can only collect one 1-up in a given level, but with speed you can get two. Pick up the two middle pieces of grass and throw the Sprouts. Now stand on the right edge of the left piece of grass or the left edge of the right piece of grass. Pick it up and quickly run to the other one and pick it up as well. If you manage to pick up the second piece of grass before the first 1-up vanishes, you'll be rewarded with both.

Make the logs fly up

Sent in by Oddjob This has no strategic value but you can make the logs fly up. Here's how: 1. Get a POW. 2. Find a log falling down a waterfall (hard stuff so far). 3. Get a running start and jump towards the log making sure that you land on the log, and the POW hits solid ground. 4. If you did it right the log'll fly up into the sky never to be seen again (until you leave the screen).

Throwing an item and still have it

Sent in by Sometimes, when you place the potion on a patch of grass, after leaving sub space (don't go through the door!), if you are quick, you can pull up the grass very quickly, and the game counts it as if you are not carrying anything! Although you can't throw it, you can pick up anything else and throw it, and still be carrying the item. The trick wears off when you enter a new place. When you do, you will be carrying the item as normal. This trick is random and (obviously) only works with toad. This trick is a bug, and is untested in Mario All-Stars.

Pick up a plant and then catch it

Sent in by Pick up any type (ripe or unripe) while holding down the B button. Then run over to an enemy, while holding the item. Throw it while still running, and when it "bounces" back, leap over on top of the floating item and you can pick it up! Never let go of the B button.

Shortcut to the World 1-1 boss

Sent in by Amber & Jamie In World 1-1 go in the door after the bridge. There you will find a bean stalk, climb it. There you find a waterfall jump across it. There you will find land you do a super jump a shy guy get rid of it. There you will find a ladder use the bombs above to shadder the bumpy place if you see a door there you bombed the right place. Go through the door and hear the battle music and fight the boss.

Change the color of the Mushroom Blocks

Sent in by Kris Smith There is a neat trick that you can do where you can change the color of the Mushroom Blocks (those ones you can throw and stack up). Here's what you do. You first need to get to a place that has Mushroom Blocks and some type of vine (vine, chain, rope, etc. anything you can climb). The first place you will see something like this, is in World 1-3, in the area where you find Mouser (right as you enter the door). This is easiest to do with Princess Toadstool, but can be done with any of the characters. Ok. Here's what you do. Pick up one of the Mushroom Blocks. Now, jump so that you are floating (if you're Princess) right on the chain (not climbing, floating in air). Keep pressing the button to throw the block until it becomes wedged in the vine/chain/etc. If it falls, just try again. Once it's wedged in there, it will change colors (for example, if done in a chain, it will be gray in a vine it will be green). You can then pick it up (if you can get on top of it), and it will leave a hole in the vine/chain/etc. As I said before, it works with the other characters if they just jump, but I suggest mastering it with Princess first (you get more air time). Careful, because you also may trap yourself if you create too many holes, or a hole too high that you can't climb the vine/chain/etc. BTW, this also works on platforms (instead of vines), but only the ones that you can jump under it (and go through the bottom of it), but can stand on the top. These are usually harder, since it's usually harder to get the right height to your jump (they are usually too low or too high). It seems this "bug" was taken out of the All-stars version, because it doesn't work in the game.

Skip the locked door in World 1-2

Sent in by Mark Hall In World 1-2 you can skip the locked door by picking up a Ninja and throw it at the edge or around it. Jump on it and hold down to charge your super jump. Jump when the Ninja jumps its highest and jump.

Subspace music trick

Sent in by Avedis Boyajian If you have a potion in your hands, go near a cherry when you collected 4 (1 more to be invincible). Drop the potion, get the last cherry, get Starman, and immediately go to Subspace. Wait until about 1.5 - 2 seconds after you start flashing (invincibility starting to wear off), and exit the door. If it is done correctly, the music of Subspace plays until completion and starts again. This sounds like the music of the first part.

Different 1up location

In World 1-1, if you don't get the 1up by the POW block, you can get it in the middle plant at the left of the short cut to Birdo, on the top platform.

Skip the door in World 1-2

In World 1-2, if you are the Princess, you can jump off the Magic Carpet right when it disappears, keep going to the right and land on the platform way above the door.

Die for more coins

If you are in Sub Space where you can die, get the coins and die. You will be able to go back and get the coins again until you get them twice without dying, like in World 5-1.

How to get more coins

If you don't get coins in Sub Space the first time, you can get them twice the second time, like in World 1-1, if you just get the mushroom the first time, you can get up to 14 coins at the second place, or World 1-2, you can get up to 18 coins at the second place. To get the potion to appear again, just go in a door and come back out. Toad is the fastest at picking up coins.

Get an extra POW block

To get an extra POW block, use the Magic Potion by a POW block. In Sub-Con, get the POW block. When you leave Sub-Con, there will be another one in the same place where you got the first one.

Level tips

Level 1-1 In the first cave, climb the first beanstalk. Jump over the waterfall. Super-jump over the high spot with the pink Shyguy. Throw him down the ditch (Where the ladder starts). Then throw a bomb so it will destroy the weak wall. Go in the destroyed wall. Then pick up the grass near the door (a bomb). Throw it in the ditch. Roast Shyguy! Level 1-3 Get the second potion with the pink Shyguy on the platform. Don't throw it! Go to the end of the Level with the vase. Now throw it. Go in the door, then go in the vase to warp to Level 4! Level 4-2 Climb the beanstalk. When you get on the ice, duck under low bridge Beezos and jump over the really low ones. When Flurries come, jump over them and run!!! Do the same thing you did with the last group of Beezos- what you did with the first. Get to the door. Jump on the whale with grass and pick the potion grass. Throw it and go in the door. Jump on the whale's tail and get the mushroom. Then go in the door. Go down the line of whales until you see a cherry. Get on the whale's blowhole. When he spouts, Get the two cherries. Don't go down yet. Jump on the platform and you'll see another cherry. Get it. After that you'll see three platforms, covered with grass. The third only has one grass. Pick it up. It's potion. Don't throw it! Go down the long line of whales until you see a cherry. Stand on the blowhole again, and get the cherry. Jump on the icy platform to get the other cherry wait there to get the Starman. Be invincible! Go down the line of whales, destroying everything! Jump to the platform with the vase. Throw the potion on the platform. Go in the door. In Sub-Space, go into the vase for a warp to Level 6! Level 6-2 Jump and super-jump the high walls. Get in the door. You'll see an Albatoss. If you want, get the nearby grass and hit that sucker with the pumpkin that comes out!! Jump on the near platform. Jump back, and you'll see two Albatosses. Jump on the lower one's back. When other Albatosses come from the other way, jump on them to jump on the higher one that is going right. Keep going until you see two platforms with grass. If you want to, jump on the platform. Pull out the right grass to get the potion. Throw the potion next to you (don't throw it in the pits!!) and go in the door. Get the mushroom to increase your life meter. Go back in the door to go back to reality. Jump on the Albatoss to go back to the beginning and repeat process. This time go to the end. To beat the Ostro, get on the high platform. throw the mushroom block on Ostro's head. One hit. Go down to the floor and get the other mushroom block. Throw it far, not in Ostro's reach, but enough to hit him. Two hits. Jump on Ostro's head to reach the block and not get hit by his fire. Pick up the block and give it to Ostro. Three hits, he's out. Pick up the crystal ball. Super-jump to the high platform to the Bird door.

Game Genie codes

Sent in by Tony Hedstrom ZESOTAIA Every 2nd large vegetable that you pull up will be a Stop Watch (instead of every 5th). ZLVOLAZU Pulling up small vegetables gives you a POW Block. TGVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Stop Watch. AAVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Heart. Note: You must press the "B" button again before you can get the heart. TLVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Coin. YLVOLAZU Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Mushroom. Note: Each time you collect a Mushroom, you will get an extra "Life Meter" block, and after awhile the meter graphics start to look a little weird. AGVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a 1-up Mushroom. ILVOLAZU Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Key. GLVOLAZU Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Sub-space door. Note: You must press the "B" button again before you can enter the door. YLVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Bomb. IGVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Star. Note: You have to press the "B" button again before you can get the star. ILVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Turtle Shell. LLVOLAZU Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Red Log. Note: If you press the "B" button again, you can ride the Red Log to the top of the screen! ALVOLAZL Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Spark. PLVOLAZU Pulling up small vegetables gives you a Mushroom Block. Note: This code will let you throw the block an infinite number of times because after you throw it, it turns back into a small vegetable (just pull it and throw it again). ZLVOZALU Pulling up large vegetables gives you a POW Block. AAVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Heart. Note: You must press the "B" button again before you can get the heart. TLVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Coin. YLVOZALU Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Mushroom. Note: Each time you collect a Mushroom, you will get an extra "Life Meter" block, and after awhile the meter graphics start to look a little weird. AGVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a 1-up Mushroom. GLVOZALU Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Sub-space door. Note: You must press the "B" button again before you can enter the door. YLVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Bomb. IGVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Star. Note: You have to press the "B" button again before you can get the star. ILVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Turtle Shell. LLVOZALU Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Red Log. Note: If you press the "B" button again, you can ride the Red Log to the top of the screen! ALVOZALL Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Spark. PLVOZALU Pulling up large vegetables gives you a Mushroom Block. Note: This code will let you throw the block an infinite number of times because after you throw it, it turns back into a large vegetable (just pull it and throw it again). GUSEZLAE Mario has "Moon-float" (just like the Princess). Just press and hold the jump button. NNSEZLAE Mario has mega "Moon-float"! Just press and hold the jump button. ZAXAOIAA + NNSEZLAE Mario has mega "Moon-float" and ultra slow descent! Just press and hold the jump button. NYXAOIAE + NNSEZLAE Mario will "Moon-float" as long as you hold down the jump button!! PESELLYA Mario has "Moon Gravity" jumps. This code is similar to the SMB1 Moon Gravity codes, if you just tap the jump button really quickly, Mario slowly jumps VERY high and then floats back down, but if you hold down the jump button, Mario jumps normally. A fun code. PESELLYA + NNSEZLAE Mario has "Mega-jump" and "Moon Float"! Mario can jump all the way to the top of the screen, and float there for about 6 seconds. Just quickly tap the jump button and then when Mario reaches the top of the screen, press and hold the jump button and he will float there for about 6 seconds. A very fun code. GLEEAGAE Luigi has "Moon-float" (just like the Princess). Just press and hold the jump button. NYEEAGAE Luigi has mega "Moon-float"! Just press and hold the jump button. ZAXAOIAA + NYEEAGAE Luigi has mega "Moon-float" and ultra slow descent! Just press and hold the jump button. NYXAOIAE + NYEEAGAE Luigi will "Moon-float" as long as you hold down the jump button!! GUNAPLAE Toad has "Moon-float" (just like the Princess). Just press and hold the jump button. NNNAPLAE Toad has mega "Moon-float"! Just press and hold the jump button. ZAXAOIAA + NNNAPLAE Toad has mega "Moon-float" and ultra slow descent! Just press and hold the jump button. NYXAOIAE + NNNAPLAE Toad will "Moon-float" as long as you hold down the jump button!!
"Sent in" by Jesse Smith SXAAOO Things and enemies might disappear. You have a little more challenge killing the bosses. In the first boss, level 1-1, you have to be a little farther for the egg to hurt Birdo, or it doesn't do anything. Just don't go into sub space. You can never get out. SXGAOO When you kill an enemy, it goes straight up. If two enemies bump into each other, they both go straight up. Enemies might disappear. POW blocks don't work.
Sent in by Jason Jones If you want an easier time in Wart's palace, put in the Game Genie code AAEEZGPA to get mega moon jumps for Luigi. Now, go to place where you have to climb a rope to get to next screen. Have Luigi crouch and do a mega jump. Surprisingly, you do not jump into the next screen, but you remain in the same screen. You will have been able to jump on top of the wall. Run on the wall, and you will be able to reach later parts of the palace.
Sent in by K7 KZXALKAO + EIXATKEV TWISTER!! KAXAOIAA Princess has suspended flight! PXUASXOU Pick up things with legs (don't ask- it's a very weird code) KAXAPGGA Pogo Stick for princess XAXAPGGA Super Pogo for Princess YEXALGZA WEIRD effects (completely unpredictable)
Sent in by Bobby Flory EPZOTS Sometimes you come out a door holding an enemy TEYOTA Veggies, bombs, 1-ups stick to your feet (you can throw stopwatches & 1-ups across the ground!) SIPOIS You fall from the sky, Tweeter can't hop, and the underground tune is a bit messy ZPZOTN More time in sub-space! TUNOPA Veggies fall when pulled up OZKONE Randomly messed-up ground, sometimes isn't there at all
Sent in by James Haley ANNEEGEY All characters have mega-float capability (you will float until you release the jump button).
Sent in by Andy PXUASXOU Pick up items with legs YEXALGZA All sorts of funky effects KZXALKAO + EIXATKEV Twister!
Sent in by Colin Healy LEAPOT Holes ELKELG Can't kill anyone KIKESO Nice colors OKPETZ Logs in first level are gone OPEOPE Drill Mario EEAPOT Badies are gone EPAEPA Weird in beginning EPTEPT Levels are messed up EPKEPK Enemies glow

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