Sword's and Serpent's
Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
Game Genie codes
Sent in by Eric Kang
9JATS???4XNMW? Level 2
UJ9FS???4SNFX? Level 4
ENSJS???RQ3QHK Level 10
Game Genie codes
Sent in by Tony Hedstrom
NOTE: These codes only work when you start a new game and use the
"Existing Party". They will not work if you create your own party.
TPNUYNPE Lago (the magician) starts with 30 strength (instead of 9).
ZLNUYNPA Lago (the magician) starts with 50 strength
TOELANIE Lago (the magician) starts with 30 intelligence (instead of 13).
ZUELANIA Lago (the magician) starts with 50 intelligence
TOELPNGE Lago (the magician) starts with 30 agility (instead of 12).
ZUELPNGA Lago (the magician) starts with 50 agility
TOELZNZE + TOEUTNZE Lago (the magician) starts with 30 health (instead of 10).
ZUELZNZA + ZUEUTNZA Lago (the magician) starts with 50 health
TOELLNIE + TOEUYNIE Lago (the magician) starts with 30 spell points (instead of 13).
ZUELLNIA + ZUEUYNIA Lago (the magician) starts with 50 spell points
SEELIYSE Lago (the magician) starts with the Wizard's Wand (instead of the Staff).
NOELIYSA Lago (the magician) starts with the Death Dagger (instead of the Staff).
VEELTYVE Lago (the magician) starts with Scale Armor (instead of Leather).
YOEULYLE Lago (the magician) starts with 5 different spells (instead of 2).
YOEUGYAE Lago (the magician) starts with stronger spells.
NNEULYLE + NNEUGYAE Lago (the magician) starts with all 16 spells!
TOOLTNLE Mask (the thief) starts with 30 strength instead of 11
ZUOLTNLA Mask (the thief) starts with 50 strength
TOOLYNPE Mask (the thief) starts with 30 intelligence (instead of 9).
ZUOLYNPA Mask (the thief) starts with 50 intelligence
TOOUANIE Mask (the thief) starts with 30 agility instead of 13
ZUOUANIA Mask (the thief) starts with 50 agility
TOOUPNZE + TOXLINZE Mask (the thief) starts with 30 health instead of 10
ZUOUPNZA + ZUXLINZA Mask (the thief) starts with 50 health
XEOUGYXE Mask (the thief) starts with the Long Sword (instead of the Dagger).
NOOUGYXA Mask (the thief) starts with the Death Dagger (instead of the Dagger).
VEOUIYVE Mask (the thief) starts with Scale Armor (instead of Leather).
TOXUINTE Ajax (the warrior) starts with 30 strength (instead of 14)
ZUXUINTA Ajax (the warrior) starts with 50 strength
TOXUTNZE Ajax (the warrior) starts with 30 intelligence (instead of 10).
ZUXUTNZA Ajax (the warrior) starts with 50 intelligence
TOXUYNLE Ajax (the warrior) starts with 30 agility (instead of 11).
ZUXUYNLA Ajax (the warrior) starts with 50 agility
TOULANZE + TOUUGNZE Ajax (the warrior) starts with 30 health instead of 10
ZUULANZA + ZUUUGNZA Ajax (the warrior) starts with 50 health
KEULLYOE Ajax (the warrior) starts with the Great Axe (instead of the Sword).
NOULLYOA Ajax (the warrior) starts with the Death Dagger (instead of the Sword).
VEULGYVE Ajax (the warrior) starts with Scale Armor (instead of Leather).
TOKLGNAE Erin (the magician) starts with 30 strength (instead of 8).
ZUKLGNAA Erin (the magician) starts with 50 strength
TOKLINTE Erin (the magician) starts with 30 intelligence (instead of 14).
ZUKLINTA Erin (the magician) starts with 50 intelligence
TOKLTNLE Erin (the magician) starts with 30 agility (instead of 11).
ZUKLTNLA Erin (the magician) starts with 50 agility
TOKLYNZE + TOSLLNZE Erin (the magician) starts with 30 health (instead of 10).
ZUKLYNZA + ZUSLLNZA Erin (the magician) starts with 50 health
TOKUANYE + TOSLGNYE Erin (the magician) starts with 30 spell points (instead of 15).
ZUKUANYA + ZUSLGNYA Erin (the magician) starts with 50 spell points
SEKUZYSE Erin (the magician) starts with the Wizard's Wand (instead of the Staff).
NOKUZYSA Erin (the magician) starts with the Death Dagger (instead of the Staff).
VEKULYVE Erin (the magician) starts with Scale Armor (instead of Leather).
YOSLAYLE Erin (the magician) starts with 5 different spells (instead of 2).
YOSLPYAE Erin (the magician) starts with stronger spells
NNSLAYLE + NNSLPYAE Erin (the magician) starts with all 16 spells!
Sent in by David Hogan
OKITSO Monsters don't attack
PGGTST 1 hit kills
(Enter at the start of game.)
YYKKXTAE Magicians know Thunder, Major Heal, Flight, Regenerate,
Heal, Phalanx, Stunt, Viper, and Flash Fire
YYXGNVZE+YYXKSVZE All player's start with 225 Hit Points
**NGKTVE All players have a________
**OGVTXE Thieves start with a_______
**EGETSE Magicians start with a______
EZ Ruby Shield OZ Plus-3 Sword
UZ Crush Mace KZ Magic Plate
SZ Magic Ring XU Black Crystal
NO Ruby Ring EK ???? AC 67
OK ?AC 32 VU Lash Fire
VS AC 84, nothing equipped
UL Ruby Amulet