Mega Man 5
Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
Beat tips
Finding the G
Geting 1-ups
Order to beat the bosses
Enemy weaknessess
Game Genie codes
Beat tips
If you find enough letters to spell "MEGAMANV" you can
use Beat. Beat is a robot bird that kills everything in it's path
for minimal energy.
Use Beat to kill Dr. Willy at the end. He will do all the work while
you just worry about staying alive.
Finding the G
Sent in by Sparky
Having trouble finding the G for MEGAMAN V to get Beat? Well this is
in Stoneman's level, go to the room with one hard top guy, and two
candle-like things that get small and quick when you get close. Take
them out as necessary. Now go the right of the room, right at the bottom,
shoot at the wall, the brick blows up, there's another one, shoot that too,
then slide into the gap, get the G. Go back and finish the level as usual,
assuming you get all the other letters, you should get Beat.
Geting 1-ups
Sent in by Bombstar
If you need lives badly, here's what you do. First, be sure your energy
and the energy for all your weapons is full. Second, be sure to have a
Mega Tank. Then, go to a screen where there are many enemies. use the
Mega Tank. You will hear the noise you hear when you get a 1-Up. When
you go back to the action screen (the screen where you actually play
the game), all the enemies on the screen will have transformed into
1-Ups! (NOTE: This technique is best used with the Game Genie
code for infinite M-Tanks.)
Order to beat the bosses
Sent in by (EniGmA)
Stone Man
Charge Man
Wave Man
Star Man
Gravity Man
Gyro Man
Crystal Man
Napalm Man
You don't necessarily need to start at the top one. Start anywhere in this
list and work your way down. If you reach the end of the list and not all
bosses are dead, then go to the top and continue from there.
Enemy weaknessess
Sent in by Phil Ward
Use Star Crash on Gravity Man.
Use Gyro Attack on Crystal Man.
Use Gravity Hold then Mega Buster on Gyro Man.
Use Crystal on Napalm Man.
Use Charge Kick on Wave Man.
I find it easiest to use Mega Buster on the other three men: Stone Man,
Charge Man, and Star Man.
Sent in by Tyler
The code to get to Willy's Lair is, pick the red ball in the password section
and put it in, C1, D4, F6, and with the blue ball put in, B4, D6, and F1.
Sent in by Derek Voss
letters - the capitalized letters are the ones that have been attained
Defeated: StoneMan
Letters: meGa man v
BLUE: B3, D5, F1
RED: B1, B5, D3
Defeated: StoneMan, ChargeMan
Letters: meGa mAn v
BLUE: C3, D5, F1
RED: B1, B5, F3
Defeated: StoneMan, ChargeMan, WaveMan, StarMan Letters: mEGa MAn v
BLUE: C3, D5, F1
RED: A3, B1, C5
Defeated: StoneMan, ChargeMan, WaveMan, StarMan, Gyroman
Letters: mEGA MAn v
BLUE: B4, D5, F1
RED: B1, C5, D4
Defeated: StoneMan, ChargeMan, WaveMan, StarMan, GyroMan, NapalmMan
Letters: mEGA MAN v
BLUE: A2, B4, D5
RED: C5, D4, E2
Defeated: (ALL) StoneMan, ChargeMan, WaveMan, StarMan, GyroMan,
Napalm Man, CrystalMan, GravityMan
Letters: MEGA MAN V (ALL)
BLUE: B4, D6, F1
RED: C1, D4, F6
Sent in by Rob Lopez
A5 blue, B4 blue, C1 red, D4 Red, E2 blue, and F6 red. Now press start and
you will be in the Prodo Man Zone.
Sent in by Corley Stalans
Blue: b4 d6. f1
Red: c1 d4 f6 You have beat everyone
Blue: a2 b3 d5
Red: e2 d3 b5 Cystal man
Blue: b3 d5 e2
Red: b5 c1 d3 Crystal, Napalm, Rock
Blue: c3 d6 e2
Red: a3 c1 f6 All but Gyro Man
Sent in by Josh Wirtz
Blue B4 D6 F1 All weapons
Red C1 D4 F6
Blue B4 D6 F1 All weapons and items
Red C1 D4 F6
Blue A2 A3 B6 P-Stone, N-Bomb, S-Crash, and S-Arrow
Red B5 E2 F4
Blue A2 A5 D4 N-Bomb, S-Arrow, P-Stone, G-Hold, S-Crash
Red A6 E2 F4
Blue A2 A5 B4 C-Kick and G-Attack
Red A6 D4 E2
Blue A5 B4 E2 All weapons but missing letters G + V
Red C1 D4 F6
red balls/blue balls
B1/6 F4 C4 E6 F1 Star Man
A5 B1 F4 C4 E5 F1 Gravity Man
A5 B1 E3 B3 E5 F1 Gyro Man
A5 C1 E3 B3 E2/5 Napalm Man
C1 E3 F6 B3 D6 E2 Stone Man
C1 D4 F6 B4 D6 F1 Charge Man
Game Genie codes
Sent in by Tony Hedstrom
You can only use one code at a time.
ELEKGPEP Infinite energy (invincible)
SLEKGPEO Start with infinite energy tanks
VLEKGPEO Start with infinite mega tanks!
NLEKGPEO Infinite lives
SZEKGPEO No enemies. (You can't finish levels because there is no
boss, but the code is great for exploring levels.)
KLEKGPEO Start with infinite Beat!
OLEKGPEP Start with infinite Water Wave
XLEKGPEP Start with infinite Gyro Attack
ELEKGPEO Start with infinite Charge Kick
ULEKGPEP Start with infinite Crystal Eye
KLEKGPEP Start with infinite Napalm Bomb
OLEKGPEO Start with infinite Star Crash
SLEKGPEP Start with infinite Super Arrow
VLEKGPEP Start with infinite Power Stone
NLEKGPEP Start with infinite Gravity Hold
ULEKGPEO Start with infinite Rush Jet
XLEKGPEO Infinite Rush Coil
NZEKGPEO Anti-gravity code. This code makes you float up as long as
the code is on. You should only use this code with an emulator. Turn the
code on to get to high places, then turn the code off. (Glitchy.)
OZEKGPEO Some graphics are missing
OZEKGPEP Mini-jump (not very useful)