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Heavy Barrel

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

Start at Stage 2
Start at Stage 3
Start at Stage 4
Start at Stage 5
Start at Stage 6
Start at Stage 7
Play as player 2

Start at Stage 2

At the Title Screen, hold Up, R, and A and press Start to start at Stage 2.

Start at Stage 3

At the Title Screen, hold Right and A and press Start to start at Stage 3.

Start at Stage 4

At the Title Screen, hold Down, Right, and A and press Start to start at Stage 4.

Start at Stage 5

At the Title Screen, hold Down and A and press Start to start at Stage 5.

Start at Stage 6

At the Title Screen, hold Down, Left, and A and press Start to start at Stage 6.

Start at Stage 7

At the Title Screen, hold Left and A and press Start to start at Stage 7.

Play as player 2

Choose a two-player game. Start the game and let Player 2 get defeated. Don't press A, and keep playing as Player 1. When Player 1 loses his final life, switch to Controller 2, and then play as Player 2.

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