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Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

Useless Passwords
Dead-End Level
Rankings from best to worst character
Character tip
3-headed dragon tips
Game Genie codes

Useless Passwords

Sent in by Jonny B If your treasure score goes over 3,200, all passwords taken from that point forth will not work.

Dead-End Level

Sent in by Jonny B If you get to Level 96, just hit the reset button. There is no exit to this level, not even a hidden one!

Rankings from best to worst character

Sent in by Jonny B This is the order in which I believe are the best characters: Elf: Best of the lot. Armor is a little low, but he has the most HP overall (after raising levels), he is by far the fastest character (makes out like a bandit in treasure rooms. Speed also determines how fast he can deliver hand-to-hand damage), and his magic is strong enough to kill most monsters on the screen! Can't beat that with a stick. Wizard: Lowest armor in the game. However, he can kill all monsters on the screen with his magic, and when he gets an potion of extra shot power, his weapon shots are just as strong as the Warrior's!!!! Valkarye: She may have the best armor in the game, but in the later levels, monsters deliver so much damage so fast, that armor really doesn't matter. Her magic and shot power are fairly low, too, but she does end up with the 2nd most HP after raising some levels. Warrior: Don't waste your time. He may have the strongest shot power, but his shots can't move in between walls, he's slow as snails, and his magic stinks. He starts with the most HP, but after raising levels, he has the 2nd fewest HP in the end. Only experts should use the warrior.

Character tip

Sent in by The Aardvark If you want to finish the game by yourself, choose the wizard or elf. These guys have the powerful magic you'll need to kill many enemies at once, and that is a plus when you don't have backup ammo. The wizard ends up being the best character, 'specially after he gets the potion that increases his shot power. If you're playing in twos, I'd take one Valkyrie - she is tough and can take hits to protect your second player, a wizard or elf is a good backup.

3-headed dragon tips

Sent in by The Aardvark If you manage to get to the vault, you'll face a 3-headed dragon called the guardian. All three heads are asleep but a head will wake and shoot you if you shoot at it. If you are playing in twos, then do this: have your one player stand back and face the monster in the open, and have one stand, just behind one of the corners right beside it. Then have the player in the open fire and wake up the middle head. The monster is dumb and will shoot at the player hidden behind the corner, because he's closer, but the shots will hit the wall and that player will be safe. Have the other player hold his place and keep shooting at the middle head -- he'll be safe -- until you destroy the head. Repeat for the remaining two heads, and you'll have him licked in no time. Step on the trap floor behind him, run around unitl you find the orb, then exit!! This method kind of works for one player, if you're quick...shoot at the middle head, then dodge the shots...the head will turn and then fire, dodge back to your previous potion and fire again, keep going back and forth and you'll get him, if you have enough life left.


Sent in by The Aardvark All of these codes start you in room 79, the closest to the vault that you can save. HEZ YYY 4M3 Wizard HEZ 66Y WII Elf HO9 666 MV3 Valkyrie Remember that you can use these codes for one or two player games, so if you're playing with a friend then you could enter the Valkyrie code for one and the wizard for the other. The secret vault code for all of these codes (and ANY code that starts with an "H") is KUNPCDIA. So if you have an H code, you don't need to pull out your hair finding the clue rooms!!
These passwords start you with 1400-1500 points, 10 keys, 10 bombs and all special abilities. The clue letters for these codes are: XRTW98Y7 43C BBI HZZ Warrior 43C BBI HYY Elf 43C BBI HYZ Valkyrie 43C BBI HZY Wizard

Game Genie codes

"Sent in" by Jesse Smith PAPKNE Get over 9,000 Life after passing the Treasure Room. Warning: Don't get food. (I'm not sure why, but now my game won't even let me enter the code.)
Sent in by Rick N. Bruns GGEEEE Walk through walls. ZZOOOO Move slowly.

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff