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California Games

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More points and a longer run
Surfing tip
Get lots of points

More points and a longer run

Sent in by Sprinter In the roller skating event, it's smart to slow down and avoid obstacles. Patience will produce more points and a longer run than reckless skating.

Surfing tip

Sent in by Greg Smeck On the surfing event, keep doing small jumps to build up speed until the clock reads about a minute remaining, use only the first angle jumps, when the clock is down to about a minute make a tight turn and make a small jump going towards the wave. make a tight turn for a quick recovery (NOTE: Your guy will be off the screen for a sec so be prepared) Practice and pull it off well and the judges will make note of it. It pays off good.

Get lots of points

Sent in by Greg Smeck In BMX, use a controller with a turbo, i.e. Advantage, and start the race slowly. Hold down the B button and the biker will jump up and down rapidly. Doing this throughout the race might take a bit, but the points go through the roof.

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