Turn and Burn: No-Fly Zone
Typed out by DarkHero
-Page 3-
Classified Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
F-14 Tomcat Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Flight Procedural Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Preflight Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Game Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
The Cockpit Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Onboard Computer Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
The Navigational Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Radar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Weapons Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Combat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Landing Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Adjusting Computer Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Tactical Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
-Page 4-
From the Desk of the Secretary
Department of the Navy
TO: Naval Aviators in the Mediterranean Area of Operations
RE: Presidential Order #67
Recent events in your carrier group's area of operations have led to
runaway political and military instability in the region. In order to
stem the flow of military supplies and other stores into the area, the
President has declared the air space surrounding this region closed
to all military and civilian traffic. This is an attempt to ensure that
the current situation does not deteriorate any further.
Naval aviators conducting operations in the so-called "No-Fly" Zone
will be at a full state of combat readiness at all times. This air space
is, in effect, a free-fire zone; any aircraft entering it will be assumed
to have hostile intent. Naval aviators are authorized to neutralize
any such threats using all of the means at their disposal.
Intelligence reports indicate that one of the nations in this region
intends to test the President's resolve on this issue by conducting
offensive air operations in spite of the ban on air traffic. Naval
aviators are advised that the bulk of said nation's air power consists of
aircraft produced in the former Soviet Union, chiefly top-of-the-line
The President has expressed his confidence in the Navy's air arm to
successfully maintain the peace in this volatile region. As for myself,
I know that your training has prepared you for a mission such as
this, and that you will execute your orders superbly.
-Page 5-
Maximum Speed at Altitude: Mach 2.34
Maximum Speed at Sea Level: Mach 1.2
Power Plant: Two 20,900 lb. afterburning
Pratt and Whitney TF30-414 Turbofans
Cruising Speed: 400-500 knots (741-1019 km/h)
Landing Speed: 132 knots (204 km/h)
Minimum Takeoff Distance: 1,400 ft.
Ceiling: 56,000 ft.
Fuel Load: 3,080 gallons
M61A1 "Vulcan" 20mm cannon
AIM-7 "Sparrow" radar-guided air-to-air missiles
AIM-9 "Sidewinder" infrared air-to-air missiles
AIM-54 "Phoenix" lock and shoot air-to-air missiles
In each mission, you will be pitted against aircraft
produced in the former Soviet Union, primarily the
MiG-29. The number of enemy aircraft you face will
vary, based on the number of missions you have
successfully completed.
-Page 6-
Experienced F-14 pilots familiar with this theater of operations'
systems and procedures may refer to the instructions below for an
immediate start on Mission One. Novice pilots are ordered to study
the Launch Procedures and Basic Flight Control sections below, as
well as the entire text of this flight manual. Exceptions will not be
granted or tolerated.
Hold down UP and BUTTON B simultaneously. Continue until
the thrust level reaches 210%.
When you are saluted by the flight officer, the ship's catapult
mechanism will be engaged, launching your F-14 from the flight deck.
To Bank Right or Left: Press RIGHT or LEFT on the
Control Pad.
To Climb: Press DOWN on the Control Pad.
To Dive: Press UP on the Control Pad.
To Select a
Weapons System*: Press BUTTON X.
To Fire a Selected
Weapons System*: Press BUTTON A.
To Increase Thrust: Press BUTTON B and UP on the
Control Pad simultaneously.
To Decrease Thrust: Press BUTTON B and DOWN on the
Control Pad simultaneously.
For a Rear Left View: Press the TOP LEFT BUTTON.
For a Rear Right View: Press the TOP RIGHT BUTTON.
To Pause and Unpause*: Press START.
-Page 7-
(See pages 13-15 for a complete description of onboard computer systems).
Press SELECT to access the AWACS Operational Radar Grid.
Press BUTTON Y to cycle through these computer system displays:
-Threat Systems
-Automatic Flight Control System
-Pulse Doppler Search Radar Mode
-Electronic Countermeasures (ECMs)
-Accesses long-, medium-, and short-range AWG-9 radar modes (shows an
overhead view of oncoming bogeys).
-Hold down BUTTON Y and continue to press DOWN to cycle through
these modes.
-Accesses DDD Radar (shows head-on view of oncoming bogeys).
-Accesses STAT 1 (primary) flight information (altitude, compass heading,
thrust, air speed).
-Accesses STAT 2 (secondary) flight information (fuel, wing sweep angle,
angle of attack).
* Denotes systems available to second player in Co-Pilot Mode (see page 9).
-Page 8-
1. Make sure the power switch on the console of your SUPER NINTENDO
2. Insert the TURN AND BURN: NO-FLY ZONE(TM) Game Pak as described in
your Super NES manual.
3. Turn the power switch ON.
Left--(-+-)--Right Controller
v | |
Down | |
Top Left Button | | Top Right Button
/ \
/ ^ (X)------Button X
Control Pad----(-+-) (Y) (A)---Button A
\ v // // | (B)------Button B
\ ___|____|____ | /
~~~~~~~~~ | | ~|~~~~~~~
Select Button | Button Y
Start Button
-Page 9-
+-Screen Shot-----------+
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
On the Options Screen, pilots can customize the controller configuration,
select either the Novice or Ace Modes for game play, or enter a password
to restore a saved game.
Customizing the Controller:
This allows you to customize the flight controls. The different
configurations can be cycled through with the Control Pad. Press
BUTTON A to lock in your selection.
Novice Mode:
This mode will allow rookie pilots to familiarize themselves with the basic
operations of the F-14.
Ace Mode:
For pilots who prefer a heightened and more challenging simulation.
Co-Pilot Mode:
A second player can take control of the F-14's weapon and computer
systems by using the second Controller of your Super Nintendo
Entertainment System. This mode is immediately available when
the second Controller is plugged in. In any mode, the first Controller
will always operate the F-14's functions throughout the game.
-Page 10-
+-Screen Shot-----------+
| |
| |
| . . . . . . . . |
| B C D F G H J -) |
| K L M N P Q R (- |
| S T V W X Y Z |
| |
At the end of each mission, you will receive a password. This password
should be written down; it will allow the pilot to restart the game at
any time from that point at your current rank. Without the password,
you will be required to start from the beginning of the game.
To enter the password, select CONTINUE on the Options Screen (see page 9).
The Password Entry Screen will then appear. Enter the combination of
letters in your password by using the Control Pad to move around the
grid of letters, and BUTTON A to lock in your selection. After entering
the entire password, press START and you will resume the game from
the point at which you were assigned the password.
-Page 11-
+-Screen Shot-----------+
| \ / \ / |
| \ \ / / |
System Shut-Down | _=\ \---/ /=_(------ Damage Indicator
Indicators -------------------) = = = |_|_(----- Enemy Lock-On Indicator
F-14 Lock-On Indicator -----------) fl \ |
Engine Thrust Gauge ------)/== =+-----+ ____\ |
Horizontal Situation -------) O =| ||____|~(-- Weapons Status Display
Display | | ^+----^+ |
M61A1 Temperature Cockpit Computer
Indicator Display
(Transcription Note: This will make MUCH more sense when you play the
game. ;) )
Damage Indicators
These lights will illuminate as your F-14 sustains damage from enemy ordnance
(see page 29).
Enemy Lock-On Indicators
These lights will flash, accompanied by a warning beeper, when an
enemy targeting system is attempting to acquire your F-14. If these
lights illuminate steadily, accompanied by a steady beep tone, the
enemy radar has "locked-on" to your F-14 and has launched its missile.
F-14 Lock-On Indicator
Similar to the Enemy Lock-On Indicators, this light will flash,
accompanied by a pulsing beep tone, when your targeting system
is attempting to acquire an enemy. When "lock-on" has been achieved,
the light will glow steadily, accompanied by a steady beep.
System Shut-Down Indicators
Used in Ace Mode only (see page 9).
M61A1 Temperature Indicators
Illuminates if the nose-mounted Vulcan machine gun overheats.
Weapons Status Display
Shows currently selected weapon system, and the number of rounds remaining.
Cockpit Computer Display
Displays all Onboard Computer Systems (see pages 13-15), TARPS
video replays (see page 33).
-Page 12-
Engine Thrust Gauge
Displays the percentage of the engine's thrust power currently being used.
For normal flight operations, this reading will range between 30% and
100%. Afterburners are engaged automatically when thrust is increased
over 100%. The pilot can use afterburners for increased thrust and speed.
Fuel Gauge
Displays the F-14's current fuel supply. This reading will vary from
mission to mission.
Horizontal Situation Display
Shows your F-14's position in relation to the horizon.
-Page 13-
The F-14 Tomcat is equipped with state-of-the-art computer systems
to monitor basic flight information, radar, and weapons systems.
These computer displays will appear on the green phosphorous Cockpit
Computer Display (CCD) screen in the center of the Cockpit Control Panel
(see page 11). The pilot should use these systems to reference various
critical and non-critical flight information, as well as warning
messages regarding enemy activity and flight parameters.
The Tomcat's Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) computer
will carefully monitor and display basic flight information such as
altitude, speed, amount of fuel remaining, direction, et al. This
information is split up amongst two CCD screen displays--the
STAT 1 Display, STAT 2 Display--both of which are readily available
to the pilot at all times.
Shows primary flight information.
To Access STAT 1 Information:
Press BUTTON Y and LEFT simultaneously.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
|| ||
Current Altitude -------)|ALT 6000 ||
Current Heading --------)|C-HDG 030 ||
||ENG % 90%|(-- Current Amount of
Current Airspeed -------)|SPEED 2:30m|| Engine Thrust
-Page 14-
Altitude (ALT)
Displays the F-14's altitude above sea level in feet. The F-14's
operational ceiling is 56,000.
Compass Heading (C-HDG)
Displays the aircraft's direction as a compass reading. The pilot can
use the Central Air Data Converter (see page 33) to customize this
reading to be displayed as a compass direction (NORTH, NE, EAST, SE,
SOUTH, SW, WEST, NW) or a three-digit numerical heading
(000* = North, 180* = South, 090* = East, 270* = West).
Thrust (ENG%)
Displays the percentage of the engine's thrust power currently being used.
Airspeed (SPEED)
A three-digit reading displaying the F-14's airspeed, measured in Machs.
A Mach is equal to the ratio of an object's speed to the speed of sound
in the surrounding medium. In this case, if your F-14 is traveling at
Mach 2, it is moving at twice the speed of sound.
Pilot's Advisory:
While speed will significantly increase when afterburners are engaged,
it is important to remember that the F-14's rate of fuel consumption
will also significantly increase.
Shows secondary flight information.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
Gallons of Fuel || ||
Remaining ------------)|FUEL 3080G||
||WING 20%|(-- Current Wing Sweep
Current Altitude -------)|ALT 6000 || Angle
||AOA 10*|(-- Current Angle of Attack
To access STAT 2 information:
Press BUTTON Y and RIGHT simultaneously.
-Page 15-
Fuel (FUEL)
Displays the F-14's current fuel supply measured in gallons.
Pilot's Advisory:
An aircraft's engine thrust percentage directly affects an aircraft's
rate of fuel consumption, particularly when afterburners are
engaged. Remember to continually monitor fuel consumption during
the course of a mission and be prepared to rendezvous with your
carrier or an A6 when fuel needs to be replenished (see page 31).
Wing (WING)
Displays the degree of the F-14's wing sweep angle. The angle of the
wing is variable and will sweep automatically based on increases
or decreases in engine thrust. The wing sweep will range between 20*
and 68* depending on the flight mode.
Low wing sweep angle will reduce the aircraft's top speed by increasing
the wind drag and resistance over the surface of the plane,
increasing maneuvering stability. Your computer system automatically
adjusts for a higher degree of wing sweep at increased speeds.
Angle of Attack (AOA)
Reads the angle of the aircraft's pitch, from 0* to 15*. This display is
useful for maneuvering your aircraft into the landing groove for final
approach to your carrier.
-Page 16-
The F-14 is equipped with a navigational computer that allows the
pilot to "fly on a beam" by homing in on radio beacons and radar
signatures. This equipment will help guide the pilot to the carrier,
enemy MiGs, A-6 refueling aircraft, and enemy objectives.
Represented on the HUD by a diamond-shaped sight with a dot in the center.
To turn on the Navigational Computer:
Press SELECT to call up the AWACS Operational Radar Grid
(see page 17).
Select the target that you wish to fly towards by highlighting it on
the AWACS Grid (see page 17).
A diamond-shaped sight will appear on the HUD. Maneuver the F-14's
flight path so that the diamond is ALWAYS in the center of the
cockpit window. As long as the diamond is centered, the F-14 will
fly towards the selected target.
To disengage the Navigational Computer, press BUTTON X.
-Page 17-
The Tomcat's radar detection system is fully integrated into its weapon
and threat evaluation systems. This allows the pilot virtually instant
access to a vast array of information on any bogey entering the
F-14's quadrant. These systems are also connected via two-way data
link to the ever present AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System)
aircraft that monitor all air traffic in the area of operations.
+-Screen Shot--------------------+
Bogey (Higher |+------------------------------+|
Altitude) -------) o (light blue) (dark blue) ||
Bogey (Same || \ (o) (------- Targeted Bogey
Altitude) ----------) o / || (Lower Altitude)
|| / (-------------------------- Intercept Vector
F-14 -------------------------) ||
Carrier ----------) ||
||ALT 6000 SPEED 2:30m C-HDG 91 || Targeted Bogey's Flight
|+------------------------------+| Information
The advantage of the AWACS Operational Radar Grid is the long- and
short-range satellite (bird's-eye) views it provides, enabling the pilot
to maneuver towards bogeys. Icons for bogeys flying above your current
altitude appear light blue; those within 1,000 feet appear green; those
at lower altitudes appear dark blue. The carrier icon will always appear blue.
Remember: Additional icons representing enemy submarines and A6
refueling aircraft may appear on the AWACS Grid as missions increase
in difficulty.
Pilot's Advisory: Viewing the AWACS Operational Radar Grid does not
pause the mission; the F-14 will still be subject to enemy fire and all
other flight conditions.
To "target" an aircraft on the AWACS Operational Radar Grid:
Press SELECT to call up the AWACS Grid.
Press BUTTON Y to cycle between the long- and short-range AWACS
Operational Radar Grid Modes.
Press BUTTON X to cycle through all the "blips" appearing on the Grid.
Threat Systems Display information (see page 25) on targeted aircraft
will appear at the bottom of the Grid.
-Page 18-
To engage an aircraft on the AWACS Operational Control Grid:
Use the Control Pad to steer the F-14 on the Grid.
Use BUTTON B and the Control Pad to increase or decrease the F-14's speed
(see page 6).
To return to the Cockpit Screen:
A highly advanced detection system, the Airborne Weapons Group Nine
(AWG-9) Radar System provides effective scanning for patrols, as well
as a close-range and positional analysis of any airborne threat. The
AWG-9 is composed of four radar modes of varying range abilities and
views: Detail Data Display Mode, Pulse Doppler Search Mode, Range
While Search Mode, and Track While Search Mode.
Detail Data Display (DDD) Mode
+-Screen Shot-----------+
||AWG-9 DDD||
||- + + -||
Bogey---------------) + -||
||- + + -||
||- __+-------+_(-------- Horizon Line
||-/~~ + + ~~\-||
The Detail Data Display (DDD) Mode will show the altitude, and
horizontal positioning of any enemy in front of the F-14. When a
bogey appears on the DDD, it is shown in relation to the pilot's frontal
cockpit view. Therefore, if a bogey is coming at the Tomcat head-on,
and then passes over, under, or to the side of it (i.e., can no longer be
viewed from the front), the DDD will be automatically replaced with one
of the top-view radar screens.
To Access the DDD:
Press BUTTON Y and UP simultaneously.
-Page 19-
Pulse Doppler Search (PDS) Mode
+-Screen Shot-----------+
||AWG-9 PDS||
|| ___---___ ||
|| ---__|___|__--- ||
|| / \--\ | | /--/ \ ||
||/ / \ \ | | (--------- Bogey
F-14 -------------)|| / \ ||
The Pulse Doppler Search (PDS) Mode displays a wide, long-range
overhead view of the area in front of the F-14. This is the longest-range
tactical radar available.
To access the PDS Mode:
Press BUTTON Y and DOWN simultaneously.
Continue to press BUTTON Y repeatedly to cycle through the computer displays.
Range While Search (RWS) Mode
+-Screen Shot-----------+
||AWG-9 PDS||
|| ___---___ ||
|| ---__|___|__--- ||
|| / \-- | | --/ \ ||
||/ / \ | | (--------- Bogey
F-14 -------------)|| / \ ||
The Range While Search (RWS) Mode operates in the same manner as the
PDS Mode. The magnification of the RWS, however, is a closer top view,
giving the pilot a midrange scan of the area directly in front of the F-14.
To access the RWS Mode:
Press BUTTON Y and DOWN simultaneously.
Continue to press BUTTON Y, and press DOWN repeatedly to cycle through
these three computer displays.
-Page 20-
Track While Search (TWS) Mode
+-Screen Shot-----------+
||AWG-9 _______ TWS||
|| /\ | /\ ||
|| / \ | (---------- Bogey
F-14--------------) ----| ||
|| \ / | \ / ||
|| \/___|___\/ ||
The Track While Search (TWS) Modes scans in the same manner as the PDS
and TWS, but gives the pilot a close-up view of the immediate vicinity
around the aircraft. This radar mode has the shortest range of any
available to the F-14 pilot.
This mode also allows the pilot to track an individual bogey's every
move, making it particularly useful in dogfights.
To access the TWS Mode:
Press BUTTON Y and DOWN simultaneously.
Continue to press BUTTON Y, and press DOWN repeatedly to cycle through
these three computer displays.
-Page 21-
The F-14 Tomcat is armed with four of the most lethal and sophisticated
weapons systems in the world. These are the Tomcat's claws, and an
experienced pilot can use them to cut a fiery swath through any enemy's
air defense:
M61A1 "Vulcan" 20mm Cannon (close range only)
AIM-9 "Sidewinder" infrared missiles (close range only)
AIM-7 "Sparrow" radar-guided missiles (close to medium range)
AIM-54 "Phoenix" "fire and forget" missiles (close to extreme range)
To select a Weapons System:
Press BUTTON X to cycle through weapons systems.
The weapons system you have selected will appear in the Weapons
Status Display on the right-hand side of the cockpit (see page 11).
To fire a selected Weapons System:
+-Screen Shot-----------+
Number of AIM-54 ||AWG-15 LOAD||
"Phoenix" Missiles || ||
Remaining ------------)|AIM 54 5|| + Number of AIM-9
Number of AIM-7 --------)|AIM 7 2|| | "Sidewinder" Missiles
"Sparrow" Missiles ||AIM 9 1|)-+ Remaining
Remaining ||M-61 320|(-- Number of M61A1
|+---------------------+| "Vulcan" 20mm Cannon
+-----------------------+ Rounds Remaining
This lists the possible weapons systems from which the pilot may
choose, and displays the number of missiles or rounds remaining.
To access the AWG-15 Load Display
Press BUTTON Y to cycle through the CCD displays until the AWG-15 Load
display appears.
-Page 22-
Mounted on the left side of the Tomcat's nose, the M61A1 Vulcan
20mm Cannon can be utilized by a good pilot with lethal results.
While it can only be used effectively at close range, the Vulcan's 6,000
rounds per minute rate of fire can bring a tremendous amount of ordnance
to bear on a target very quickly. The ammunition load for this gun is
M50 series 20mm shells.
The M61A1 "Vulcan" is effective only at close range.
Represented on the HUD by a cross-hair sight.
To aim:
Maneuver the target aircraft into the center of the cross-hair by banking
to port and starboard and raising and lowering the F-14's nose angle.
Press BUTTON A to fire the cannon; the cannon will continue firing as
long as BUTTON A remains pressed.
Sustained hits are required to destroy enemy aircraft with the Vulcan cannon.
Pilot's Advisory:
The M61A1 Vulcan cannon is best fired in short, concentrated bursts.
The cannon expends ammunition very quickly and is prone to overheating
if fired for long intervals; at extreme barrel temperatures, it will
automatically shut down. In the event that your cannon overheats, the
M61 reading on the Weapons Status Monitor will flash. When the cannon
has cooled, the M61 reading will stop flashing, and you can resume firing.
-Page 23-
Fired alternately from the port and starboard wing mounts, these
short-range, infrared (head-seeking) missiles home in on both a target's
hot jet exhaust, and on the fuselage heat caused by air friction. Against
the backdrop of the cold sky, these two signatures are easily tracked
by the Sidewinder's guidance system, making this a most accurate
and effective launch-and-leave weapons system.
The AIM-9 "Sidewinder" is effective only at a close range.
Represented on the HUD by a circle with a dot in the center.
To aim:
Maneuver the dot in the center of the sight onto the target by banking
to port and starboard and raising and lowering the F-14's nose angle.
Wait for a "lock-on" tone before launching.
To launch:
Sidewinders are self-guided after launch.
-Page 24-
Compact and lethal, these mid-range, radar-guided missiles fit easily
into the Tomcat's sleek aerodynamic design. Unlike its bulky and
more sophisticated big brother, the AIM-54 "Phoenix," the Sparrow
packs a punch without increasing drag and compromising the
F-14's performance.
Represented on the HUD by a square with a dot in the center.
To aim:
Maneuver the dot in the center of the sight onto the target aircraft by
banking to port and starboard and raising and lowering the F-14's nose
angle. Wait for a "lock-on" tone, then maintain that tone before launching.
To launch:
Guide the Sparrow to its mark by keeping the targeted aircraft close to
the center of the HUD sighting circle until the missile detonates.
-Page 25-
These long-range, radar-guided, launch-and-leave missiles are
deployed exclusively on F-14s. As big and heavy as they are
sophisticated, they can lock on to a distant radar signature and
practically guarantee destruction of an enemy aircraft, eliminating
the necessity of establishing visual contact with the target.
Cumbersome mounting pallets must be affixed to the Tomcat in order
to mount these lethal hunter-killers and their monstrous 132 lb. warheads.
The AIM-54 "Phoenix" is effective from close to extreme ranges.
Represented on the HUD by a triangle with a dot in the center.
To aim:
Target a bogey on the AWACS Grid (see page 17).
To launch:
Phoenix missiles are self-guided after launch.
Pilot's Advisory:
Do not waste AIM-54s by launching them prior to locking them onto a
target. Also note that while the Phoenix has a high success rate after
target lock-on, incidents of misses resulting from enemy countermeasure
interference and/or expertly executed flight techniques have been documented.
-Page 26-
Potential enemies can be targeted on the AWACS Operational Radar Grid
(see page 17 for details), which give information on their location,
altitude, heading, etc. Use the AWACS Grid to guide the F-14 close
enough to an enemy to begin tactical operations on the Cockpit Control Screen.
For rapid ascent to the bogey's altitude, press DOWN to begin a steep
climb. Then increase your speed by pressing BUTTON B and UP.
The Threat System gives vital flight information on any targeted bogey.
In addition to the self-explanatory statistics of altitude, compass
heading, and range (in nautical miles) from the F-14, it has the added
ability to ID the bogey's radar signature with the Interferometer as
described below.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
Targeted Aircraft's || ||
Altitude -------------)|ALT 2000 ||
Targeted Aircraft's ----)|C-HDG 120*|| + Targeted Aircraft's
Compass Heading ||IFF HOSTILE|(-+ IFF Reading
||RNG 20 NM|(-- Targeted Aircraft's
|+---------------------+| Distance from F-14
Interferometer Friend/Foe Reading (IFF)
The IFF will classify any radar signature it receives. When a blip is
targeted on the AWACS Operational Radar Grid, the pilot may access
its vital information by referring to the Threat Systems Display on the CCD.
To access the Threat Systems Display:
Press BUTTON Y to cycle through the CCD displays until the THREAT
SYS display appears.
-Page 27-
When visual contact has been made with the enemy aircraft, begin
engagement procedures by selecting a weapons system. Then maneuver
the F-14 until the HUD of the chosen weapons system locks onto the
enemy. A series of short beeps will indicate that the computer is
tracking the enemy. A steady beep tone signifies that the computer
has locked onto the target and weapon of choice is ready to be launched.
An enemy may at any time fire his own air-to-air ordnance at your
F-14. Immediately after this occurs, the CCD will display the ECM
computer screen, and a warning buzzer will sound, indicating that an
enemy missile has "locked on" to your F-14.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
|| __ ECM ||
||- --__ \\ ||
||- --__ |\_\\_ ||
Enemy Missile ------) _ __ | _--_== (--- F-14
||- __-- |/ // ||
||-__-- // ||
The blip on the ECM display represents the oncoming missile and its
distance in relation to your aircraft. The radar blip gets closer to the
plane icon as the missile gains on you; when the blip is on top of the
plane icon, it has impacted with your F-14 and you may expect to
sustain damage.
Pilot's Advisory:
In the Ace Mode, the Airborne Missile Control System (AMCS) must
be switched to the ON mode prior to engaging enemy aircraft in combat.
It is this function that arms all of the air-to-air missiles carried by
the F-14, and you will be unable to fire weapons without activating it.
See page 32 for information on how to access the AMCS.
-Page 28-
The Tomcat is equipped with a supply of electronic countermeasures
(ECMs) that can be used to confuse the tracking and guidance systems
of enemy missiles. In the event that an enemy missile acquires your
F-14, these devices can be used to augment your evasive flight maneuvers.
To discharge and ECM Device:
Press and hold either the TOP RIGHT or TOP LEFT BUTTON to bring up
the Rear Right or Rear Left view.
Press BUTTON A to discharge an ECM (the AWG-9 System will classify
the type of missile threatening your Tomcat, and will select the
appropriate ECM for use in that situation).
Pilot's Advisory:
While ECMs are often helpful for avoiding enemy missiles, discharging
an ECM device does not guarantee that the homing missile will be evaded.
It is recommended that pilots continue evasive maneuvers after an
ECM has been discharged.
To avoid an enemy missile, you must fly a series of evasive flight
maneuvers. Extreme banking and altitude changes will help to lose a
missile tracking you from close behind. When your F-14 is out of danger,
the warning buzzer will cease, and the ECM display will disappear from
the CCD.
During avoidance maneuvers, you may still perform offensive measures
to destroy enemy aircraft.
Pilot's Advisory:
The more extreme the F-14's defensive maneuvers, the more likely it is
you will successfully evade an oncoming missile.
-Page 29-
The missile will explode if it gets too close to the F-14, and you will
sustain damage. If it explodes on-screen, your F-14 will sustain damage.
Remember: Missiles fired at you from the front view close in on your
aircraft very quickly, so you much act fast to outmaneuver them.
Even when there is no apparent threat from enemy aircraft, stay alert
for SAMs fired from enemy submarines that may be tracking your
aircraft (use the AWACS Grid to check for the presence of submarines
in your are of operations). If this occurs, the Enemy Lock-On Indicators
(see page 11) will flash and your computer's ECM screen will appear.
Use the same evasion techniques described for air-deployed enemy missiles.
If your ECMs and evasive maneuvers fail, an enemy missile will impact
and damage the F-14. In the Novice Mode, a fifth hit by enemy ordnance
will destroy your aircraft; in Ace Mode, a fourth hit will destroy the F-14.
Systems Shut-Down
In the Ace Mode, when the F-14 is struck by enemy ordnance, some of
the onboard computer system functions may be shut off. It is up to you
to check which systems have been made non-operational, and turn them
back on. See Adjusting Computer Systems on pages 32-34 for details
on switching computer functions on and off.
Pilot's Advisory:
Naval aviators are advised that some missions may require them to seek
out an destroy an enemy objective. All intelligence regarding these
targets and their defense systems is classified. Pilots are advised to
approach these objectives in the same manner they would approach
their carrier, and then to use any weaponry at their disposal to
neutralize the objective's offensive weapons by aiming ordnance at
the target's gun bursts.
Remember: You are allowed three F-14s per game. If all three are
destroyed, the game is over.
-Page 30-
You must land your F-14 on the flight deck of the carrier in order to
successfully complete a mission. You may also land during the course
of a mission in order to replenish your fuel and weapons stocks
(see page 31 for in-flight refueling procedures). Adhere carefully
to the following landing procedures:
To position the F-14 for final approach:
Locate your carrier's position on the AWACS Operational Radar Grid,
and direct your F-14 into its vicinity.
Descend to an altitude of 5,000 feet or less.
When your F-14 is in the correct position for final approach, the
Computer Landing Display (CLD) will appear on the CCD.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
Landing Groove --------------) __-- ||
|| __-- (-----+ F-14
Flight Deck ----)|_______--_ _ _ _ _ _ || |
|| / | || |
Positioning Grid-----------) ==fl== (-----+
This display will automatically appear on the CCD after you have
successfully positioned your aircraft for final approach. The CLD shows
your altitude and horizontal position in relation to the carrier.
The Landing Groove Display
The F-14 will be represented by the blip in the V-shaped wedge--or
"landing groove"-- extending from the carrier deck on the CLD. You
must maneuver the F-14 in order to keep this blip inside this wedge
and successfully bring the F-14 in for a landing.
-Page 31-
The Positioning Grid
Throughout the landing procedure, your F-14 will be subject to
prevailing wind conditions, and may drift slightly. On final approach,
your aircraft may be tossed about by crosswinds that will move it
away from the center of the carrier, or too high or low in relation to
the flight deck. This drift is reflected on the Positioning Grid.
Like the Landing Groove Display, the blip on the Positioning Grid
represents the F-14. The F-14 must be maneuvered so that the blip is
kept in the center box of this grid at all times.
Remember: Throughout the landing procedure, the F-14 will continuously
burn fuel. As a result, the number of passes you can attempt over the
carrier is limited, and dependent upon the amount of fuel you are carrying.
Pilot's Advisory:
On either the Landing Groove or Positioning Grid displays, if the F-14
blip slips above the required parameters too close to the deck, you
will overshoot the carrier and must reposition the F-14 for another
landing attempt. If it dips below these parameters, forced impact into
the flight deck will result.
To abort a landing attempt at any time:
Increase engine thrust percentage
Increase altitude
Bank away from the carrier to the left or right
In-flight Refueling
Pilots can either return to the carrier to refuel or find an A6 refueling
aircraft in their area of operations. The A6 will be able to replenish all
of the F-14's fuel, but will not be able to rearm spent weaponry.
To rendezvous with an A6 for refueling:
Locate an A6 on the AWACS Grid and fly into its vicinity.
When you are near the A6, the CCD will display the parameters that
your F-14 must match in order to begin the refueling process.
Parameter requirements that have been met will not blink; unmet
parameters will blink until the F-14's flight path has been adjusted
to match them. When all the parameters have been met, refueling will begin.
-Page 32-
Advanced pilots may want to take more manual control of F-14 operations
and access systems and information on their own. In order to do this,
they need only access the appropriate system screen and change its
mode. Regardless of whether the pilot is advanced or a novice, these
systems do not require adjustment for regular operations.
To change an onboard computer's mode setting (ON/OFF):
Press and hold BUTTON B to enter the selection mode (the line will highlight).
Continue pressing BUTTON B and press UP or DOWN to cycle through
the available system selections.
Continue pressing BUTTON B and press LEFT or RIGHT to toggle the
highlighted system's status to the ON or OFF mode.
Remember: When adjusting computer systems, you will NOT be able to
adjust your engine thrust.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
Computer Signal Data || ||
Converter ------------)|CSDC ON || + Tactical Airborne
Central Air Data -------)|CADC OFF|| | Reconnaissance Pod
Converter ||TARPS ON (--+ System
|| ||
The AFCS is composed of systems that monitor the radar displays,
the compass reading, and the nose-mounted, KS-87B frame camera.
To adjust these systems, access the AFCS SYS display on the CCD.
-Page 33-
Controls the display of AWG-9 radar modes (see pages 17-20 for
more details). While in the ON mode, the most appropriate radar mode
for your tactical situation will automatically be chosen and displayed
by the computer. If the CSDC is in the OFF mode, however, it will be up
to the pilot to control what radar mode is seen.
This function alters the compass heading (C-HDG) directional reading
displayed in STAT 1 (see Compass Heading on page 14). At the beginning
of a mission, the CADC is automatically set to the ON mode, displaying
the F-14's heading as a compass direction (NORTH, NE, EAST, SE, SOUTH,
SW, WEST, NW). When the CADC is switched to the OFF mode, this reading
will be displayed as a three-digit numerical heading (000* = North;
180* = South; 090* = East; 270* = West).
This function controls the nose-mounted KS-87B frame camera. Always
set in the OFF mode, a pilot may toggle this function to ON after downing
at least one enemy fighter. The TARPS will then replay a full-motion
video of the last victory on the CCD.
+-Screen Shot-----------+
||AWG-15 SYS||
Airborne Missile Control|| ||
System ----------------)|AMCS ON ||
Pulse Repetition ||IFF OFF|(-- Interferometer
Frequency ------------)|PRF OFF|| Identification--
|| || Friend/Foe
Integrating weapons and radar systems, the AWG-15 System Display
controls the F-14's missile-arming mechanisms and its radar
signature analysis computer. It is displayed on the CCD as AWG-15 SYS.
Airborne Missile Control System (AMCS)
This function arms all of the air-to-air missiles carried by the F-14,
and must be switched to the ON mode prior to engaging enemy aircraft
in combat (see Combat on pages 26-29).
-Page 34-
Interferometer Identification--Friend/Foe (IFF)
Controls the radar signature interpretation system, which appears
as "hostile" or "carrier".
If this is switched to the OFF Mode, the ECM Display (see page 27)
will not automatically come up in the event that an enemy missile
has "locked on" to your F-14, and you will not be able to discharge ECMs.
This screen also displays the current number of ECM devices that
remain available to you.
-Page 35-
To avoid enemy missiles, adopt an eccentric flight pattern. Dive, bank,
and climb as quickly and erratically as possible. To reduce the amount
of fuel used during flight, use afterburners only in an emergency, and
keep engine thrust below 99% (near 40% during dogfights). In combat
situations, reduce engine thrust to 50% to increase the F-14's
maneuverability. Fire the nose-mounted M61A1 Vulcan 20mm machine
guns in short, concentrated bursts to avoid overheating. When landing,
move the Control Pad slightly to avoid overshooting the carrier's
parameters. Avoid rapid altitude fluctuations. Aim toward the front of
the carrier runway with your HUD sight.
-Page 36-
AFCS: Automatic Flight Control System. Monitors all flight systems
(see page 32).
AIM: Air Interception Missile.
AMCS: Airborne Missile Control System. Arms all weapons
(see page 33).
AWACS: Airborne Warning And Control System (see page 17).
Bank: Lateral incline of an aircraft.
CADC: Central Air Data Converter. Controls radar mode displays (see
page 33).
CCD: Cockpit Computer Display. Displays computer system
readouts and TARPS replays of your victories (see page 11).
CSDC: Computer Signal Data Converter. Controls compass heading
display (see page 14).
ECM: Electronic Countermeasures. Aids in avoidance of
enemy ordnance (see page 27).
HUD: Heads Up Display. A computer-projected image superimposed
onto the cockpit window that displays the sighting tools for an
F-14's weapons system.
IFF: Interferometer Identification--Friend/Foe. Identifies
and interprets radar signatures (see page 26).
Landing Groove: The optimum approach pattern for a landing aircraft.
MiGs: Jet fighters produced in the former Soviet Union by the design
bureau of Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Guryevich.
Port: The left-hand side of the aircraft.
Starboard: The right-hand side of the aircraft.
TARPS: Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod. Controls the nose-
mounted KS-87B frame camera (see page 33).
Vector: The heading you must fly in order to intercept an aircraft.
-Page 37-
(Warranty info, who cares about this.)
-Page 38-