Super Game Boy
Typed out by Steve Begin
Instruction Booklet
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Warning: Please read the consumer information and precautions booklet included
with this product before using your Nintendo hardware system, game pak, or
(picture of the Official Nintendo Seal of Quality)
This official seal is your assurance that Nintendo has reviewed this product
and it has met our standards for excellence in workmanship, reliability and
entertainment value. Always look for this seal when buying games and
accessories to ensure complete compatibility with your Nintendo product.
All Nintendo products are licensed by sales for use with other authorized
products bearing the Official Nintendo Seal of Quality(TM).
Thank you for selecting Super Game Boy(TM) which is fully compatible with the
super Nintendo Entertainment System(R).
Please read this instruction booklet thoroughly to ensure proper handling of
your new Super Game Boy. Save this manual for future reference.
WARNING: If the POWER switch is switched ON and OFF repeatedly, the saved data
in your Game Pak may be deleted. Avoid turning the POWER switch OFF unnecessarily
(before saving the game) or data may be lost.
Connecting Super Game Boy.........................4
How to Use Super Game Boy.........................5
Super Game Boy System Windows.....................6
How to change colors..............................7
How to change borders.............................8
How to set button preferences.....................9
How to customize colors..........................10
How to create graffiti...........................13
Super Game Boy Enhanced games....................15
Operating with a Super NES Mouse.................16
Using Super Game Boy(TM), you can play all your Game Boy(r) Game Paks through
your Super NES(r), on your television, in color! Super Game Boy also has many
special features that enhance and customize your Game Boy playing experience.
(picture of a schematic that illustrates how to connect the Super Game Boy)
Game Boy Game Pak (little Game Boy cartridge that goes in the upper slot of
the Super Game Boy)
Game Pak slot (top slot where the Game Boy Game Pak goes)
Super Game Boy unit (The Super Game Boy cartridge itself that goes in the
cartridge slot of the Super NES)
Super NES Game Pak slot (cartridge slot of the Super NES where the Super Game
Boy goes)
1- Correctly insert the Game Boy Game Pak into the Super Game Boy. When you
insert your Game Pak, make sure that the label faces front.
2- Before inserting Super Game Boy into the Super NES control deck, make sure
that the Super NES power is OFF.
Please read the Super NES instruction manual for information about connecting
and installing your Super NES to your television.
NOTE: Super Game Boy cannot be linked using the Game Boy Game Link cable. Two
players simultaneous game modes in Game Boy software are not accessible using
Super Game Boy.
1- When Super Game Boy is correctly inserted into your Super NES, slide the
power ON.
* When removing Super Game Boy from your Super NES, or when removing Game Boy
Game Paks from Super Game Boy, be sure to turn the power OFF.
2- The Super Game Boy and Nintendo logo will appear on the screen, followed by
the game's title screen. Read the Game Pak instruction manual for information
on how to start the game.
* If the Game Pak is not inserted correctly into the Super Game Boy unit, or
if the Super Game Boy is incorrectly inserted into the Super NES, an "X" mark
will appear on the screen. Turn the power OFF and check to see if your Game
Pak is inserted correctly.
(picture of the Super Game Boy welcome screen)
(picture of the Super Game Boy "X" error screen)
3- Use Controller 1 to operate the game. (Controller 2 does not operate the
game.) The A, B, START and SELECT Buttons function the same as Game Boy
(picture of the Super NES Control Pad)
You can use either controller to operate Super Game Boy system. Press the L
and R Buttons simultaneously and the Super Game Boy System Windows will open.
* While the System Window is opened using Controller 1, you cannot play the
game. * Game Play will continue when the System Window is open. Therefore,
you should pause the game before opening the System Window. * If you open the
System Window with Controller 2, you can play the game with Controller 1.
* To close the System Window and resume game play, press the L and R Buttons
In the System Window, you can change the screen color settings,
button assignments and border.
(picture of the System Window with Link's awakening playing in the background)
Controller or Mouse (top left of screen)
(This icon indicates which device is being used.)
Border (all around the screen)
Game Play Window (the center of the screen)
System Window (the 5 icons at the bottom of the screen)
(enlarged picture of the 5 icons at the bottom of the screen)
Color Palette Icon (1st, 4 rectangles with a pointer)
Border Icon (2nd, 4 rectangles in cascade)
Button Setting Icon (3rd, SUPER NES Control Pad)
Custom Color Icon (4th, 2 rectangles with a paint brush)
Graffiti Icon (5th, pencil with a graffiti)
+ Control Pad: Moves the arrow, index finger, or pen
(picture of the arrow, hand and pen cursors)
Press A Button: * Activate a selected icon
* Use the selected tool
* Change a palette or turn a number forward
Hold A Button: * Use the selected pen or index finger
Press B Button: * Change the palette or turn a number backward.
Move the arrow to the Color Palette Icon and press the A Button to activate
the Color Palette Window.
(enlarged picture of the Color Palette Window at the bottom of the screen)
Color Palette Icon (the first icon at the left)
SGB Enhanced Color Icon (2nd, a face drawn in the icon)
Color Palette Group Switch Icon (3rd, a number in it)
System Color Palettes Icons (4th to 11th, 4 colored squares lettered A to H)
Custom Color Icon (12th, paintbrush with 2 squares)
Color Palette Icon
This is the same icon used in the System Window.
SGB Enhanced Color Icon
If the game is programmed with SGB Enhanced color, this icon will be active.
Color Palette Group Switch Icon
Super Game Boy has 32 stored color palettes.
1- Use the Color Palette Group Switch Icon to switch between the four different
palette groups.
2- Select your favorite color palette from A to H, and press the A Button to
activate it. The screen will change color to show your new palette.
3- To close the window, move the arrow to the Color Palette Icon (in the left
corner) and press the A Button.
4- Press the L and R Buttons simultaneously to close all the System Windows.
Custom Color Icon
This icon will change the palette to your custom color palette. This icon will
only be activated if you have created a custom color palette. See page 10 for
details on creating your own color palette.
Move the arrow to the Border Icon and press the A Button to make the Border
Window open.
(enlarged picture of the Border Window Icon at the bottom of the screen)
Border Icon (first icon at the left)
SGB Enhanced Border Icon (2nd, face drawn in it)
System Border Icons (3rd to 11th, varied icons)
Graffiti Icon (12th, graffiti with a pencil)
SGB Enhanced Border Icon
If the game is programmed with SGB Enhanced Border, this icon will be active.
(Some SGB Enhanced games will not use this feature.)
System Border Icons
Super Game Boy has 9 different stored Border.
1- Use the arrow to select your favorite Border, then press the A Button.
2- Press the L and R Buttons simultaneously, to close all System Windows.
(picture of the 9 borders)
Graffiti Icon
You can draw simple pictures and characters on the Border or even over the
game play window. If you have created graffiti, press this icon to select it
as your border. See page 13 for information on how to do this.
Move the arrow to the Button Setting Icon in the System Window and press the A
Button to activate it. In the Button Setting Window, you can change the
assignment of the A and B Buttons on the controller.
(enlarged picture of the Button Setting Windows at the bottom of the screen)
Button Setting Icon (first icon to the left)
Button Icon (2nd and 3rd, labeled "Type A" and "Type B")
Button Assignment Diagram (at the right)
A Type B Type
NOTE: The X Button will always switch back and forth between the game's default
color palette and any other color palette you may have selected or created.
Move the arrow to the Custom Color Icon in the System Window and press the A
Button. The Custom Color Windows will appear.
(picture of the Custom Color Window screen)
Password (at top center of the screen)
Clear Button (at right bottom of screen, 4 squares icon with a letter C in it)
Shading Bar (bar at the left bottom and center of the screen)
Still Button (camera icon under the Clear Button)
(enlarged picture of the Custom Color Icon at the bottom of the screen)
Recover Icon (1st, R letter in it)
Paint Set Switch Icon (2nd to 5th icons, colored squares)
Color Palette Icon (color palette)
Paint Colors (12 color pots)
Custom Color Icon (last icon to the right)
Shading Bar
This bar indicated the lightness or darkness of the color as you modify it.
Color Palette Icon
This palette displays the four colors that are currently being used in the
game screen. When the index finger presses the white tube above the color (use
the A Button), the color will become lighter. When the black tube is pressed
(A Button), the color becomes darker.
Recover Button
This will undo the last action you took. You can only undo one action.
Custom Color Icon
After you have set the colors the way you want them, press the Custom Color
Icon, This icon will then correspond to your colors.
Paint Colors and Paint Set Switch Icon
Super Game Boy has 52 different colors of paint.
1- To choose a paint color, select the Paint Set you want using the Paint Set
Switch Icon. There are 5 different sets to choose from.
2- Place the index finger on the color you want and press the A Button to
choose the color.
3- The index finger will change into a siphon and pick up the pain.
4- Move the index finger to one of the colors in the Color Palette and press
the A Button. The color will be changed to the one you selected. (You can
then change the color's lightness or darkness using the white and black
Color Adjustment Advice
* The screen image will look better if you make the colors get gradually
darker from left to right. (picture that illustrate this)
* Use four different colors to give the screen image more contrast.
(picture that illustrate this)
Clear Button
To restore the original color palette, press the Clear Button.
Still Button
This button will take a snapshot of the screen at any point in the game. If
you press the button again, the screen will start moving. * NOTE: Even when
the screen is still, the game will continue playing. After pressing the Still
Button, you should also pause or save the game (if the game has these
1- A password system will save your changes to the color palette. As you
adjust the colors, the password will be generated at the top of the game
play window. Write this number down on a piece of paper.
2- To restore your custom color palette when you return to the game later,
open the Custom Color Window and move the index finger to the password
3- Push the A Button to make the number increase (+) or the B Button to make
it decrease (-).
Use the form below to save some of your color palette passwords.
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Move the arrow to the Graffiti Icon in the System Window and press the A
Button to activate the Graffiti Window.
(picture of the Graffiti Window screen)
Border (all around the screen)
Game Window (center of screen)
(enlarged picture of the Graffiti Window Icon at the bottom of the screen)
Clear Button (1st icon to the left, 4 squares icon with a C in it)
Paint Colors (12 rectangles of color to the left)
Recover Button (the square with an R in it)
Pen (two buttons with a pencil in it)
Rainbow Icon (pointing hand icon)
Area Setting Icons (two icons with a square in it)
Graffiti Icon (rightmost icon)
Paint Colors
There are 12 different colors of paint. Move the arrow to the color you want
to use and press the A Button.
(picture of a big pen icon) Thick Pen
(picture of a small pen icon) Thin Pen
1- The pen is your drawing tool. There are two sizes, thick and thin.
2- Move the arrow to the size of pen you want to use and press the A Button.
3- Select the color you want.
To draw a line, move the pen across the border of the Game Window using the
Control Pad while holding down the A Button.
Recover Button
This button will "undo" your last action in the graffiti window.
Clear Button
This button will clear all the characters or pictures you have drawn.
Area Setting Icon
These icons allow you to select the area you can draw on.
Press this to restrict your drawings to the border.
Press this to allow drawing anywhere on the screen, including the Game
Play Window
Graffiti Icon
After drawing your Picture, select the Graffiti Icon. The drawings will then
correspond to this icon in the Border Window.
Rainbow Icon
The Rainbow Icon is your eraser in the Graffiti mode.
1- Place the arrow on the Rainbow Icon (Finger) and press the A Button to
change the pen into a finger.
2- Move the finger to the portion of Graffiti that you want to erase, and just
like a pen, press and hold the A Button to paint over the area to be erased.
3- The painted area will shine like a rainbow. When you have covered the area
you want to erase, move the arrow to the Bomb Icon and press the A Button.
The rainbow will disappear and erase everything it was covering.
NOTE: Super Game Boy does not save your Graffiti drawings when the power is
turned OFF.
Games programmed especially for Super Game Boy (SGB Enhanced) might display
special borders and colors. These games might also have extra colors and
other surprises.
NOTE: All SGB Enhanced games are completely compatible with hand-held Game Boy
for gaming on the go!
* Some SGB Enhanced games may override some regular Super Game Boy features.
Read each Game Pak's instruction manual carefully.
Look for this icon to find games that have SGB Enhanced features!
(icon of the Super Game Boy Game Pak)
You can use a Super NES Mouse to make it easier to operate the System Windows.
You must plug the Super NES Mouse into controller socket #2. (You cannot
operate Super Game Boy if the Super NES Mouse is plugged into controller
socket #1.)
Click the right and left buttons of the Super NES Mouse simultaneously to
open the Super Game Boy System Window. The Device Icon Window will now
display a mouse.
The Super NES Mouse will then control the movement of the index finger or pen.
Left Button (click):
* Activates the selected icon
* Uses the selected tool
* Changes a palette or increase a number
Left Button (hold):
* Uses the selected pen or index finger
Right Button (click):
* Changes a palette or decreases a number
Please refer to your Super NES Mouse instruction manual for details on
operating your Super NES Mouse.
Before you seek repair service, please troubleshoot the following items:
Symptom Remedy
No image or sound Is SUPER GAME BOY correctly inserted into the Super NES
control deck?
Is your Game Boy Game Pak correctly inserted into Super
Game Boy?
Is Super NES correctly connected to the TV set? (Read
the Super NES instruction manual for how to connect
the Super NES to your TV set.)
No response from Is the Super NES controller correctly plugged into
controller the Super NES Controller Socket #1?
Is the Super NES Mouse correctly connected to the Super
NES controller port 2?
Are you using the same controller type displayed in the
Device Icon Window?
If you still cannot get your Super Game Boy to function properly, please call
the Nintendo World Class Service(R) Center Consumer Assistance Hotline at
It is a serious crime to copy video games. 18 USC 2319 Nintendo games are
strictly protected by copyright rights worldwide. Back-up copies are not
authorized and are not necessary to protect your Nintendo Game Pak. Please
destroy any illegal copies that may come into your possession. Violators will
be prosecuted.
If your Game Pak ceases to operate and it is not a copy and your Nintendo
Control Deck has no alteration or backup device attached to it, please call
the Nintendo Consumer Assistance Hotline at 1-800-255-3700 (U.S. and Canada)
or your local authorized Nintendo distributor for assistance.
Need help with installation, maintenance, or service? Call 1-800-255-3700.
(Nintendo logo)
Nintendo of America Inc.
P.O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A.
Printed in Japan