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Perfect Dark

Typed out by Connor Matak ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 Contents About the Controller 2 Background 5 Controls 6 Getting Started 10 Multiplayer Options 14 Basic Weapons 19 Key Personnel 22 Warranty & Service Information 25 ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 2-3 The standard information about how to hold the controller and how to handle both the Control Stick and the Rumble Pak. It also says that in order to save to a Controller Pak, there must be 28 free pages. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 The N64 Expansion Pak Perfect Dark has been designed to utilize the N64 Expansion Pak. If, however, you do not have an Expansion Pak inserted into your Control Deck, you can still play a number of multiplayer modes. One or two players- plus up to eight Simulants- can compete in Combat Simulator mode. There are a multitude of Simulant types and difficulty settings to choose from, as well as all 30 preset multiplayer Challenges. By using the N64 Expansion Pak, you will gain access to all of these features, plus the complete set of story-based solo missions, the ability to play with up to four players and much more. Features Available Without Expansion Pak: Multiplayer Challenges, 1-2P Multiplayer (Combat Simulator), Up To Eight Simulants; 35% of game available to player Features Available With Expansion Pak; All of the above, 1 Player (Solo Missions), 1-4P Multiplayer (Combat Simulator), 1-2P Cooperative, 2P Counter-Operative; 100% of game available to player ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 Background Since the dawn of man, our planet has been watched. The reasons for this interest differ from race to race: some merely wish to observe until humanity has evolved to a point where they can introduce themselves without sparking mass panic, while the motives of others are considerably less benign. Not all humans are oblivious to the watchers above and among us. Daniel Carrington, head of the elite Carrington Institute, suspects that rapid technological developments at dataDyne HQ are the result of the corporation taking a dark path to first contact- a path which apparently branches through major government agencies. Whether or not his suspicions are justified, it is clear that events are rushing to a head. People are being abducted, animals mutilated. Someone amongst the stars desperately wants something they believe us to have, and Carrington suspects that the grand plan penetrates far deeper than the recent surface incidents. Using all means available, the Institute has resolved to find out exactly what is going on before it's too late. Only recently has it been offered its first real lead into the conspiracy: urgent messages from one Dr. Caroll located deep within the heart of dataDyne operations, requesting extraction from the company before alleged threats on his life are actually carried out. Cue freshly qualified Agent Joanna Dark, code-named Perfect Dark thanks to her unprecedented achievements in training. Her first real assignment could hardly be of more importance: infiltrate the dataDyne skyscraper, locate Dr. Caroll, and bring him back to the Institute undetected and unharmed. With events at dataDyne shrouded in mystery, yet moving so fast, whatever knowledge Dr. Caroll possesses could ultimately decide the fate of the human race. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 Controls A total of eight different control layouts are available: four using one Controller, the other four using two Controllers simultaneously for advanced or ambitious players. This section describes the basic control method, listed in the Control Menu as option 1.1. Control Stick: Move forward and back; turn to the left and right. Z Button: Fire the current weapon (or punch if unarmed/no weapons are selected). Start: Pause the game and bring up the Pause Menu. B Button: Open doors use computer terminals and activate handheld devices. Holding down the B Button toggles the current weapons Secondary Fire mode. Press B, then tap the Z Button to trigger your weapon's secondary function without actually switching to it. Tap the B Button the reload the current weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 L & R Buttons: Activate the aiming mode and make a crosshair ppear on the screen. While holding the L or R Button, manipulate the crosshair with the Control Stick. Use the C Buttons or + Control Pad during this time to duck and sidestep. C Buttons: C Up & Down- Look up and down. The + Control Pad also performs this function. C Left & C Right- Strafe/sidestep left and right. The + Control Pad also performs this function. A Button: Cycle to the next weapon in the inventory. To cycle backward, tap the Z Button quickly while pressing A. (Note: To use the Quick-Menu, hold down the A Button, use the Control Stick to highlight the weapon or item your require, then release the A Button). ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 8 The Quick Menu The Quick-Menu is designed to make the mid-game item/weapon selection process fast and efficient. Activate it during play by holding down the A Button. The default page is the Item Select menu. To flip to the next page, press the Z Button once when the Control Stick is centered. To select a mode or item from one of the menus, move the Control Stick to highlight the desired option, then release the A Button. Single-Player Quick-Menus: Item Select, Fire Mode Select Multiplayer Quick-Menus: Item Select, Fire Mode Select, Simulant Command Select (+ L or R Button = All Simulants) ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 9 The CamSpy The CamSpy- a floating camera which can slip though gaps and into areas far too confined for Agent Dark herself- will prove vital to the success of the mission. Variations on the CamSpy, such as the DrugSpy and BombSpy, have similar controls. Control Stick: Move and turn the CamSpy in much the same way as you control Joanna A Button: Exit CamSpy mode and return control to Agent Dark B Button: Open doors C Up: Change height: use C Up to float higher, C Down to sink lower; Strafe using C Left and C Right + Pad: Change height: use Up to float higher, Down to sink lower; Strafe using Left and Right Z Button: Take a still picture of the current view using the CamSpy, fire tranquilizers with the DrugSpy, and detonate the BombSpy Start Button: Bring up the Pause Menu as usual ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 Getting Started After the intro, you will see the Agent Save Slot screen, which shows a picture of Joanna Dark next to the flashing words "New Agent." Pressing the A Button will bring up the Enter Agent Name page where you can change the name of the save slot. After confirming the name, you will be given the choice of either saving the game onto the Game Pak itself (there are 3 save slots available) or onto a Controller Pak. You will then return to the Agent Save Slot screen where your new slot will be selected. Press the A Button to confirm the slot and enter the game. You will then see the Perfect Menu screen. From there you can choose to play the solo Missions (Single Player), Combat Simulator (Multiplayer), Co-Operative or Counter-Operative games. You can also return to the Carrington Institute for further training or change the current Agent file. To access the Options and Inventory screens from the Perfect Menu screen, tilt the Control Stick left and right. Beginning a New Solo Mission(Expansion Pak Required) To head straight into a single-player game, select Solo Missions to advance to the Mission Select screen. Choose a mission to play, select the difficulty level, examine the objectives and the briefing, then begin. Carrington Institute- Training(Expansion Pak Required) If you opt to return to the Carrington Institute from the Perfect Menu, you will be able to access the training modes in various rooms around the building. To examine the Training Programs in each room, stand in front of the computer terminal and press the B Button. A description of the available tasks will be shown. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 12 Training rooms in the Institute: Firing Range (on the floor below Joanna's room): Test all weapons to bronze, silver, and gold standard Device Lab (second room to the left of Joanna's room): Complete simple tasks to familiarize yourself with the devices Hologram Room (on the floor below the Device Lab): Fight opponents-unarmed and otherwise-and practice movement skills Other rooms: Hangar (on the floor below the firing range): View information on vehicles, objects and locations Information Lab (first room to the left of Joanna's room): Access character and organization database Options Screen Audio Options (Expansion Pak Optional) Audio options consist of volume sliders for sound effects (Sound) and in-game music (Music), as well as a choice of Sound Modes: Mono, Stereo, Headphone or Surround. To use the sliders, press the A Button to isolate the selection, then use the Control Stick to adjust the volume. Once you are satisfied, press the A Button to confirm. Video Options (Expansion Pak Necessity Varies) Video Options include settings for Screen Size (Full, Wide or Cinema), picture ratio (Normal or 16:9), Hi-Res mode (toggle on or off) and 2-Player Split Screen (Horizontal or Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 12 Control Options (Expansion Pak Optional) Control options offer a choice of Control Styles (four using a single Controller, another four using two Controllers), and they also allow you to toggle Reverse Pitch, Look Ahead, Head Roll (realistic head movement while walking), Auto Aim and Aim Control (Hold or Toggle aiming button). Display Options (Expansion Pak Optional) Display options refer to features of the main game screen during play and include choices such as: Sight on Screen: Choose whether to have any targeting crosshair at all Always Show Target: Leave your crosshair on screen even when you're not in aim mode Show Zoom Range: Show the magnification multiplier and the current zoom magnification Ammo On Screen: Show amount of ammo in the current magazine and in reserve Show Gun Function: Display the secondary weapon function Paintball: Show bullet hits as multicolored splats of paint Subtitles: Display text for important speech and cut scenes Show Mission Time: Show how long the current mission has been underway Cheats Option (Expansion Pak Required) The Cheats option shows both the currently available and activated cheats. Cinema Options (Expansion Pak Required) Cinema options enable you to replay any cut scene you have already viewed in the game. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 13 Game Save Notes While in the Change Agent screen, you can indulge in a bit of Pak management. Cycle left or right to get to the Game Files screen. There you can choose to copy or delete Perfect Dark files on the Game Pak or on a Controller Pak. Inventory Screen This screen lists all the items you're carrying, including Weapons and Devices. Any object that cannot be accessed via the Quick-Menu or by using the A Button can be selected from here instead. You can get to the Inventory screen by pressing START during the game, then tilting the Control Stick to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 14 Multiplayer Options The Combat Simulator menu, as selected from the Perfect Menu at the beginning of the game, provides access to the following options: Challenges: Choose to play one of the multiplayer challenges Load/Preset Games: Load a saved game setup or choose from a list of preset games Quick Start: Dive straight into the game without having to set many options Advanced Setup: Manually adjust the whole multiplayer setupChallenges (Expansion Pak Optional for 1-2 Players, Required for 3-4 Players) Selecting this option will take you to a list of available Challenges. Once the choice is made, you'll see a brief description of the game objectives. When you confirm the selection, you'll be taken to a small start menu with three choices: Start, Change the Player Settings or Drop Out. When you complete a Challenge, you'll be given a list of statistics which affect your overall ranking, and a star will be placed in the slot corresponding to the number of players that took part. If appropriate, another Challenge will then be unlocked for you to play. You can also unlock additional Combat Simulator features by successfully completing the preset Challenges. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 15 Load/Preset Games (Expansion Pak Required) Preset games let you quickly get into a variety of multiplayer games. As you play through the single-player game or complete multiplayer challenges, you will open up other presets to use. You can also select saved presets from the Game Pak or Controller Pak from here. Once you make the choice, you'll be taken to the Quick Go menu described in the Challenges section on the previous page. Quick Start (Expansion Pak Required) Quick Start sets up a game for you based on one of five options: Players Only: All available human players compete in standard free-for-all combat Players and Simulants: Both human players and Simulants compete in standard free-for-all combat Player Teams: All available human players will be assigned to teams Players Versus Simulants: Human players and Simulants will be on opposing teams Player-Simulant Teams: One or more Simulants will be assigned to each human team Once you've chosen the game type, the Game Setup screen will appear and show the various game settings. Once you're satisfied with the setup, select the Finished Setup option to proceed to the Quick Go menu. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 16 Advanced Setup (Optional for 1-2 Players, Required for 3-4 Players) This option takes you to the Game Setup screen, where you can choose from different Scenarios and Arenas and access further option screens. The Weapons screen enables you to choose from a selection of preset groups of weapons or to generate a random selection of weapons. If you want to choose your own arsenal, the Custom option lets you alter the currently selected range of weapons. The Limits screen has sliders for maximum Time, Individual Score and Team Score so that you can alter the criteria for ending the next game. The Simulants screen has eight slots available. Choose from various Simulant skill levels and types, all bearing different characteristics as detailed on screen. You can save the current settings to either the Game Pak or Controller Pak after naming the save file. Saved game settings can be loaded via the Load Settings screen. The Player Setup screen lets you customize your character by tinkering with several parameters: Name, Team, Character (Head and Body), Control and Player Options. Player Statistics are also available, as are the Load and Save player functions. If you save the created player, your Game Pak will store it's statistics and the body/head combination. These stats will increase with successive games, resulting in a higher player level rating (ratings start at Level 21-Beginner-and move up toward Level 1). The Stuff Page also has options for Soundtrack, Team Names and Choice Lock (None, Last Winner, Last Loser, Random or a specific Player). Choice Lock allows only the selected player (last winner, last loser, etc.) to set up the game. The Combat Challenges menu features a list of different built-in multiplayer challenges which, when completed, will unlock the full range of Multiplayer options. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 17 Simulant Combat Select Menu You can reach this menu via the Quick-Menu when you have Simulants on your side in a multiplayer battle. Standard commands that you can give to your Simulants are: Normal: Computer controls the simluant as normal Hold: Simulant will stand on the spot from which you gave the command, attacking any enemies that pass by Defend: Simulant will stand in one spot but chase any enemies that pass by Protect: Simulant will stay close to you and attack any nearby enemies Follow: Simulant will follow you but chase after enemies who attack Attack: Simulant will concentrate its attacks on a specific enemy Extra commands that are specific to different scenarios can become available. Higher-level Simulants are more intelligent and will respond with more efficiency to your commands. The Co-Operative Game (Expansion Pak Required) Select the Co-Operative mode from the Perfect Menu. Access a level in much the same way as you would a Solo Mission-however, there will be one additional options menu. Completing a level in Co-Op mode opens up the next level in both Co-Op and Counter-Op modes (but not in the full-fledged Solo Mission). After you select the difficulty level, the Co-Operative Options screen will appear. Choose to have Radar on or off, to be able to hurt your PerfectBuddy or not (Friendly Fire), and whether your Buddy will be another human player or a computer-controlled Simulant. Once the choices have been confirmed, you'll go to the Mission Overview screen and from there into the game. Control Note: If two players both want to use dual Controller control settings, Player 1 uses sockets 1 and 3. Player 2 uses sockets 2 and 4. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 18 The Counter-Operative Game (Expansion Pak Required) A Counter-Operative game of Perfect Dark allows one player, as Joanna, to tackle the single-player missions against a second player, who inhabits the bodies of various enemies out to stop her. Each of the enemy characters has a relatively small amount of health, a weapon and a suicide pill. When a character under the Counter-Operative's control is killed, another enemy close to Joanna is commandeered, and the chase is on again. If the enemy player becomes trapped or is too far from the action, the suicide pill can be used to force the jump to another body. Joanna wins if the mission is successfully completed; the enemy player win if Agent Dark is stopped in her tracks. Only levels unlocked in the Solo Missions or Co-Operative mode will be playable in Counter-Operative mode. When Counter-Operative is selected, the available levels will be displayed. After you select a level and set the difficulty, you'll go to the Counter-Operative Options screen. There you can toggle the Radar option (whether or not to show the location of the other player) and determine which player will actually become the Counter-Operative. Selecting Continue takes you to the Mission Overview screen, as featured in a standard Solo Mission. From there you can check the mission objectives and briefing as normal. Select Accept to play the game or Decline to return to the level select screen. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 19 Basic Weapons Note: Every weapon that Joanna is able to pick up and use carries a Secondary Fire function, which is always useful and sometimes vital to the success of a mission. Default is the basic mode of operation, while Secondary Fire is a special function unique to each weapon. Carrington Institute Falcon2 Automatic Pistol: Automatic pistol, 8-round clip, Secondary Fire: Use to pistol whip enemies This gun is the workhorse of the Institute's operations. It's accurate and trustworthy, and it can come equipped with either a silencer or scope. Laptop Gun: Disguised weapon, 50-round magazine, Secondary Fire: Deploy as sentry gun The Laptop is a sub-machine gun built to resemble a laptop PC. It cannot fire while in disguised form, but when activated, it unfolds into shape. The PC itself is based on a successful design distributed by the Carrington Institute to markets around the world, giving CI agents a valuable covert weapon. AR34: Assault rifle, 30-round magazine, Secondary Fire: Run while zoomed in The Institute's only operational Assault Rifle, it follows the CI path of upgrade flexibility rather than the dataDyne path of raw power. Nevertheless, it is an efficient weapon. Its bullpup design reduces the overall length of the gun. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 20 CI 2010: Sniper rifle, 8-round magazine, Secondary Fire: Crouch while firing A precision sniping instrument with legendary reliability, the Sniper Rifle sports an active zoom that outstrips any of its competitors by a number of degrees. It's used most often in a support role, covering the point man. dataDyne Corporation Dy357: Magnum revolver, 6-round magazine, Secondary Fire: Use to pistol whip enemies The Dy357 is a traditional, powerful Magnum handgun. The Magnum round has a good penetration factor and knocks the target back with the weight and power of its shot. Custom models are made for valued clients-the NSA director, Trent Easton, is rumored to have a gold-plated version. CMP 150: Sub-machine gun, 32-round magazine, Secondary Fire: Use part-guided bullets (with lock on) The CMP 150's compact design has had astonishing success, achieving popularity in Third World markets and with anti-terrorist teams in many countries. A key feature is its ability to lock on to multiple targets and track each individually. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 21 Dragon/Super Dragon: Assault Rifle/Grenade Launcher Combination, 30-round magazine/6 round clip, Secondary Fire (Dragon): Set self-destructing proximity detonation, Secondary Fire (Super Dragon): Launch grenades This weapons successful design is often used by the military for squad support. While too bulky to replace the US government standard-issue rifle, it has found favor with many other specialized groups for its ability to lay down a barrage of grenades and automatic fire. Groups continue to push for the weapon to become the new standard. The Dragon model can be set for self-destruct with a proximity detector. K12 Devastator: Grenade Launcher. 8-round clip, Secondary Fire: Stick grenades to surfaces The K12 Devastator is another bulky, powerful weapon from dataDyne. Grenades can be set to explode on impact or after a set amount of time. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 22 Key Personnel Carrington Institute Joanna Dark (Human Female) Age: 23 years, 2 months Training Status: Complete Training Grade: A++ Active Status: Assigned Profile: Highly trained but inexperienced. Superb reactions. Proficient with a variety of weapons. Very competent all-round agent. Highest recorded training scores resulted in the creation of a new class of training grade. The embodiment of the Carrington Institute's ideal agent, hence the call sign "Perfect Dark." Jonathan (Human Male) Age: 28 years, 5 months Training Status: Complete Training Grade: A+ Active Status: Undercover Profile: The Institute's most experienced undercover agent. Highly accurate with chosen weapon (Magnum Revolver). Perfectly suited to undercover missions. Less suited to out-and-out combat. Before Joanna Dark, he held the honor of having the highest recorded training scores. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 23 Daniel Carrington (Human Male) Age: 62 years, 8 months Training Status: N/A Training Grade: N/A Active Status: N/A Profile: Intelligent patriarchal scientist/entrepreneur and founder of the Carrington Institute, which introduces new technologies to the public. Plans all missions carried only by his agents and runs each operation direct from a link in his office. Strange taste in clothes. dataDyne Coporation Cassandra De Vries (Human Female) Age: 39 years, ? months Analyst note: The head of dataDyne Corp. Addicted to power, dislikes being anybody's underling. Hates it when she loses the initiative. Is prepared to do extremely unscrupulous things in order to get ahead of her competition, primarily Daniel Carrington, whom she despises. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 24 Has important information about how copying this game is illegal and that renting it without permission is illegal. ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 25 Just the normal, basic warranty and service information.

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