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Deadly Towers

Typed out by John Turk INSTRUCTION MANUAL Broderbund --- Page 2 (Precautions) INDEX The story of Deadly Towers 3 Game description 3 How to use the controller 3 How to understand the screen 5 Part 1 (MAIN screen, SHOP screen) 6 Part 2 (INVENTORY/STATUS screen) 7 General map of Deadly Towers 8 How to play the game 9 Attack items 11 Defense items 12 Other items 13 Enemy characters 15 Helpful hints 19 --- Page 3 THE STORY OF DEADLY TOWERS After the title screen appears the story of Deadly Towers will appear on the screen. GAME DESCRIPTION Your final goal is to kill Rubas to restore peace to the kingdom. However, the entrance of the Devil's hidden rooms is sealed. In order to open the entrance you must climb up each of the seven bell towers, remove the bels and burn the towers. HOW TO USE THE CONTROLLER In this game the controller can control many things. Notice that the controls will change when switching between main (GAME screen) and sub-screens (INVENTORY/STATUS, SHOP and PASSWORD ENTRY screens). Control Pad You can move Myer in 8 directions. During the INVENTORY/STATUS and PASSWORD ENTRY screens, the control pad moves the cursor to choose items or letters. (Picture of control pad) --- Page 4 (Picture of direction pad) SELECT button When the select button is pressed during the game, the INVENTORY/STATUS screen appears. Pressing SELECT again will return you to the main screen. START button Use this button to start the game. "A" Button Fires your sword and selects items to buy (you buy items in SHOP screens). When Prince Myer is standing underneath an item to buy, pressing this button will buy the item (if you have enough Ludder). While in the INVENTORY/STATUS sub-screen, pressing this button will use the item that is highlighted by the arrow. "B" Button During the INVENTORY/STATUS screen, pressing this button twice will throw away the item highlighted by the arrow. During the PASSWORD ENTRY screen, pressing this button will move the cursor back one letter. --- Page 5 HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE SCREEN You must learn to understand the screen to play the game. There is the main (GAME) screen and the two sub-screens (INVENTORY/STATUS and SHOP screens). --- Page 6 Shop Screen You can buy many items. In order to buy an item, stand in front of an item and press the "A" button. By doing so, the item purchased will be displayed in the INVENTORY/STATUS screen's item column. --- Page 7 Sub-Screen (INVENTORY/STATUS) During the game, you can get all the information about Myer by using this sub-screen. This sub-screen is divided into 5 parts: STATUS, DEFENSE, ATTACK, ITEM, and BELL. Each part displays needed information for fighting. Utilize this information well to help carry out your task. STATUS -- The current hit points and maximum hit points. Underneath, the money (Ludder) that Myer is carrying is displayed. ITEMS -- Items which are collected will be displayed in this area. In order to use an item, move the arrow over the item and press the "A" button. In order to throw an item away, select the item the same way and press the "B" button TWICE. BELL -- Magical Bells which are removed from each tower are displayed here (when you burn a tower down, a flame is displayed). DEFENSE -- From the left, the helmet, shield, or armor type that your are wearing is displayed. ATTACK -- Attack items are displayed in the order of (from the left) the sword, shooting mode and gloves worn. ##################### ###### STATUS --------- # STATUS # #BELL----- BELL # HIT POINT/MAX # # * # # 170/170 # # * # # LUDDER 002 # # * # # # # # ##################### # # ########## ########## # # DEFENSE --------DEFENSE# # ATTACK # # # # # # # # # # * * # # * * * # # # ########## #####|#### ###### ################|########### # BLUE DRINK | # ITEMS -------- # | # # * * * * * | # ################|########### | ATTACK --- Page 8 SEVEN BELLS ECHO THROUGHOUT THE MAGIC PALACE Rubas' magic palace is located in the Northern mountains of Willner Kingdom. This is an old diagram of the palace, however the resonance of the seven bells created many distorted spaces which became the invisible entrances to underground dungeons, secret rooms, and a parallel world. (Picture of the castle. You begin at the starting point. A path is drawn from the starting point to the under ground, that is, the circular area where the holy flames and tower entrances are located. Each tower has an outside area connected by flights of stairs and an interior connected by ladders. At the top of each tower is a monster's room and a bell). --- Page 9 HOW TO PLAY THE GAME BURN DOWN THE SEVEN BELL TOWERS Your objective is to reach the seven towers. Each tower has one bell which should be burnt by the holy flame. The bells are at the tops of the towers. After burning all the bells you will be able to open the entrance to the King of the Devil's room. STARTING THE GAME When you play the game for the first time or continue after a game is over, press the START button at the title screen. When the screen changes to the password input screen, press the START button again. When you wish to continue after you quit, enter your password in the password entry screen to start the game. The control pad moves the entry cursor up, down, left and right. Pressing the "A" button chooses that letter. Pressing the "B" button moves the cursor back one space. By using the password, you can continue the game with maximum hit points achieved (during the last game) and still retain some of your items. Prince Myer has failed! When you are attacked by an enemy or if you touch an enemy, the player's hit points will decrease. If you fall off a broken edge over a cliff or if the hit points dwindle to '0', your quest is over. Collecting hit points and money -- When you kill enemies, sometimes they leave money or hearts. A heart will give you hit points. Money helps you to but items. Don't forget to collect the circle hearts. These increase your maximum hit points (up to 299). About your items -- An item can be picked up while wandering or can be bought at shops which are hidden in certain areas. Enhancing your defenses -- When you start, you don't have any armour or special items. Wear items as soon as you get them. --- Page 10 Enhancing your attack -- To do this, increase power or speed of your sword. Use caution in the parallel world -- Sometimes an invisible entrance will take you to a parallel world. There will be only one exit to the world where you came from. Search all areas of the castle carefully to find parallel worlds. Big underground dungeons -- Same as the parallel worlds, the entrances to the underground dungeons are invisible. Each dungeon consists of about 200 rooms and each room has enemies. A few rooms in the dungeon have a magical pattern on the floor which may be the entrance to a shop, the exit of the dungeon or a good map marker. Secret rooms are hidden throughout the towers and castle. Search every area by walking around the entire screen in each area. Get the bells! When you climb to the top of each tower, you have to fight with the guardian of the bell. If you win, climb the ladder and get the bell. Burn the tower with the sacred flame -- When you get the bell, go back to the underground and touch the holy flame. The bell will be thrown into the fire and the tower will burn. What about the entrance to the King of the Devil's room? When you collect and burn all seven bells, the entrance to the King of the Devil's room will be opened (it is hidden). Continuing your game -- When the game ends, write down the password displayed on the screen. To get a new password you have to end the game by dying (losing all your hit points). --- Page 11 ATTACK ITEMS -- Fighting Off The Monsters!!! This section introduces the items that can be obtained. No matter how useful the item, if you don't know how or where to use it, it is useless. Learn your items well. SHORT SWORD -- You start the game with this sword. It is so weak, you feel lonely (you have no confidence in this sword). NORMAL SWORD -- This sword is a good match for most enemies. DRAGON SLAYER -- As the name says, it has very strong attacking power (it gives you confidence). Get it as soon as you can. GLOVE (blue) -- Increases the speed of the sword (slow). NORMAL GOLVE (grey) -- You can shoot the sword at medium speed. You'll stil feel safe even when you miss-shoot. GAUNTLET (gold) -- This is a miraculous weapon. It shoots the sword at maximum speed. It will increase the power of the sword drastically. If you carry this, you are a master of swordfighting. SPLENDOR -- This is the golden sword of legend. This beautiful, sparkling sword will illuminate anything. This is the most powerful sword in the game. > The maximum amount of Ludder that can be carried is 250 pieces. > Maximum number of hit points is 299 --- Page 12 INCREASING YOUR SKILLS (attack items) DOUBLE SHOT -- Allows you to shoot two swords. PARALLEL SHOT -- When you have this item, it allows you to shoot two swords in parallel. LUDDER -- When you kill enemies, they leave money. A 'star' is 5 Ludder, an 'L' is one Ludder. Collect them dilligently. HEARTS The heart icon will increase your hit points. The circle heart icon will increase your maximum hit points (up to 299). DEFENSE ITEMS - Items Which Will Guard You Protect your body from the enemy's violent attacks by using armor (the defense items). At the beginning of the game Prince Myer is not wearing any armor. Protect your body by wearing defense items as soon as possible. Defensive strength is determined by the total sum of your helmet, shield, and armor. CHAIN HELMET -- This is a chain-mail helmet. It's better than nothing. IRON HELMET -- A strong helmet, made of iron. Defensive strength is medium. HYPER HELMET -- This is the helmet with the best defensive strength. It controls the enemy's attack by using magical power so the damage to you is minimal. SHIELD -- Shield made of bronze. Easiest to get but weakest defense (it's better than none). > If the item column in the INVENTORY/STATUS screen is filled, you cannot carry any more items. You have to throw away some items by pressing the "B" button TWICE while the selection arrow is over the item. --- Page 13 LION SHIELD -- Shield made of iron. By having this shield and the matching helmet and armor, it will increase your overall defensive strength, however this shield (used alone) only offers a medium strength defense. SHIELD OF THE KING -- The most powerful shield. It is guarded by holy power and it shines golden. LEATHER ARMOR -- This armor is made of leather. This is the lowest class of armor. PLATE ARMOR -- Armor made of iron plates. It's surface is fairly hard and it will withstand most shocks. HYPER ARMOR -- Magical armor made out of forged steel. It provides the maximum defensive strength. It creates an energy shield around the player which is driven by the good mind of the player. OTHER ITEMS -- Use These In Specific Situations There are many items other than weapons and armor which are very helpful to complete you quest. Using these items wisely will help you defeat Rubas. CRYSTALS Blue -- Decreases enemy's hit points. Green -- Freezes the monsters for a short time. Orange -- Changes the color around the dungeon's exit. Red -- Warps you to the dungeon's exit. SCROLLS Blue -- Warps you inside the dungeon (you may warp to a closed room). > When you don't know the name of the item that you collected, change to the INVENTORY/STATUS screen and move the arrow in the item column to see the name. --- Page 14 Green -- Warps you to the starting point (of your quest). Orange -- Warps you to the holy flame. Red -- Unknown (?). NECKLACES Blue -- When used, you become temporarily invincible. Green -- Temporarily increases your defensive strength. Orange -- Increases your defensive strength. Red -- Unknown (?). DRINKS Blue -- Restores hit points (up to the maximum). Green -- Restores 200 hit points. Orange -- Restores 100 hit points. Red -- Restores 50 hit points. Note: Hit points will not exceed the maximum hit points. MAGIC KEY There is a mgical key which shines gold. You have to find out for yourself how to use it. OTHER ITEMS. FIRE MAGIC -- This is a very useful magical torch. Using this torch in a dungeon will help you find the exit. MAGIC MACE -- This magic mace will protect Prince Myer. The effect of the Magic Mace is not known, but it wil save the prince's life. HYPER BOOTS -- When you walk a long way, you get tired. You get especially tired of going up and down stairs. If you wear these... FIGURE -- The effect of this is unknown, however the shape of this object seems to carry some significance to understanding the secrets of the game. Try using it against different enemies. CHALICE -- If you want to get certain items but you don't have any money, you can use this cup to make you rich. > You cannot use magical items, crystals or scrolls, inside of a shop. > If you want to collect the most powerful items, you must venture into ALL dungeons. --- Page 15 EVIL SHIELD -- It looks like a normal shield, but is slightly different. This is an evil, sinister shield. EVIL BELL -- The Devil's Bell. These are located at the top of each tower. Burn them with the holy flame. ENEMY CHARACTERS -- Frightening Monsters That Gather For the Echo Of The Seven Bells. In order to do well on your quest, knowing enemy characters is important. If you become familiar with the characteristics of the monsters introduced here, the game will be more interesting. Here are the descriptions of some of the enemies you'll encounter in the kingdom and dungeons. UNKNOWN RACES Bounder -- This character appears throughout the game. It bounces like a ball, up and down. This is a strong character. Bounder Tower -- This is another form of the Bounder, which lives in the dungeons. It has a central body that looks like a pole and a rotating head. FIRE RACES Fire -- These are direct descendents of the fire races. Spark -- These go up and down through the air very quickly. They are always found in groups. In many cases, they live in the cliffs near the paths. Fog -- These are included in the fire races however their body is not flame. Precisely, they are energy life forms. They float through the air and may appear out of mid-air. > Outside the castle and in the towers there are important items hidden. Before you leave a tower with the bell, be sure to search for anything hidden. > Hearts and money appear randomly. If you want to collect a lot of them, go to an area where there are plenty of monsters to slay. --- Page 16 Do Not Underestimate These Enemies Because Of Their Size! SLIME RACES Slime -- This mollusk crawls slowly on the ground and sticks to the player, sucking out life-blood. Crud -- It looks like a liquid but is not. It is a jelly-like creature that has no shape. It sticks to and melts the player. Crawler -- This mollusk-type creature moves like a caterpillar. Anemone -- This is another mollusk-type creature. Some have tentacles, some don't, but all spit fireballs from their mouths. RAT RACES Rat/Fast Rat -- These rats have wings on their backs which allow them to fly. DEVIL RACES Small Devil -- These devils live in the magic palace. Indeed they are devils, their attack and defense powers are strong. Pixie -- Used to be a fairy, however after angering Rubas their appearance was changed and they were imprisoned. You don't have to kill them. Black Bux -- This will appear in front of an entrance and block the way. It could appear anywhere and block your path. One of the biggest of the devil races. It will open it's wings to frighten an enemy and spits fireballs from its mouth. > There are different types of monsters, even though they may appear the same. Be careful, their life force and attacking powers are different, too. > Be careful when you are fighting near an entrance or exit. IF you get hit, you may be pushed into another area. --- Page 17 FISH RACE Wall Fish -- This ground fish lives in the walls outside the tower and outside of the castle. INSECT RACES Buraimu -- This is a mollusk that lives in the tower and dungeons. It usually rests by sticking to the wall, but if you get close it will fly through the air. SNAKE RACE Snake -- This small snake lives mainly in dungeons and is usually found in groups. You won't have time to kill them all. GHOST RACES There are several different ghosts inhabiting the towers. All are deadly, draining the human spirit and should be avoided or killed when possible. CLONE RACES Gatekeeper -- There guard the gate. They are cloned humans created by Rubas, King of the Devils. Since Rubas has instilled his spirit into these clones, they will not die no matter how often you attack them. The Monsters Created By Black Magic HUMANOID RACES Weretiger -- Be especially careful around the black WERETIGER, it's not only dangerous but cruel, too. Weremonkey -- A humanoid-monkey with the sly cleverness of a human. Its personality is moody. It mainly appears in dungeons. Werecat -- Rubas created the humanoid-types for his personal servants by using black magic. The WERECAT was created out of a cat. Fire Demon -- Its personality is dangerous, however it has a lot of pride (for a follower of Rubas). It was created from a wolf. A room where Black Bux is around will have an item shop. Strong humanoid races are vulnerable to certain items. When you get a bell at the top of the tower, and return to the underground, the entrance to the tower will disappear. --- Page 18 Killer Hound -- Rubas tried to humanize a dragon but failed. The result is the KILLER HOUND. Lizard Man -- This is a humanoid-type chameleon. Like other reptiles, it's crafty. These are hated by other humanoid races. Hyper Knight -- Created from the spirits of dead soldiers. It doesn't have a body, just a helmet and armor. Inside it's just a spirit, but is very powerful. All The Humanoid Types Are Very Strong! THE POWERFUL TOWER BOSS Death Bear -- Since the Death Bear oversees one of the seven towers, it is very powerful. In Rubas' castle (the magic palace), there are seven towers. Each tower has one Magical Bell guarded by the boss. The DEATH BEAR is just one of them. There are six others guarding the other bells. King of the Devils, Rubas! What does the devil controlling these monsters REALLY look like??? After you get the bell from the tower, the enemies in the tower and outside the tower may become more powerful. Burning a bell will allow you to recover hit points. But you can also keep it and burn it later. --- Page 19 HELPFUL TIPS Don't let the circle hearts get away -- Collecting circle hearts is the only way to increase your maximum number of hit points. Hearts will only restore hit points up to your maximum, but not beyond. (Circle hearts are located in paths and towers, etc. Collect them as you find them.) Useless shots may lead to death -- Once you fire the sword you cannot fire the next sword until the first sword disappears from the screen. If you are not wearing the glove to increase you sword speed, you might not be able to fight back quickly enough. Don't let the change go when you hit the monster -- When your sword hits a monster, the enemy movement will stop. Keep firing as you walk closer to the enemy. Understanding the movement of enemies -- Enemy characters have specific movement patterns depending on the placement or type of monster. Understanding these patters will help you defeat, as well as avoid, dangerous enemies. Utilize 8 direction movement -- Remember, Prince Myer can move and shoot in eight directions. Mastering all eight directions is especially important when fighting on stairs. About parallel worlds... Enemy attacks are more powerful and exits are more difficult to find in parallel worlds, but you may find useful items in these worlds. (While searching for the invisible exit from a parallel world, you may find some unexpected items.) --- Page 20 Draw a map for underground dungeons -- To find your way around the dungeons, and to keep from getting lost, carefully map the dungeons and write down the locations of magical drawings and monsters. We have included a map of the first dungeon to give you an idea of how to make a map. This dungeon is at the upper right corner of the starting screen (near the door with the gate). ## 'I' indicates the entrance. ### 'O' indicates the exit. ## '1-4' indicate the shops. #### + markers are patterns on ###### the floor. ##+##+ ########## 1##2####I#### # ##########+###O# A(B ##########+#+### A)B ######+########+ ####3######## ########### #####+#### ###+####### +########## #### #### ### ### ### --- Page 21 COMPLIANCE WITH FCC REGULATIONS, etc. --- Page 22 LIMITATIONS ON WARRANTY, etc. ---

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