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The Chessmaster

Typed out by Jesse Smith Instruction Booklet NES-EM-USA * Licensed by Nintendo(R) for play on the Nintendo Entertainment System(R) The Chessmaster Page 2 PRECAUTIONS Official *The Game Pak is a precision device. Keep it Nintendo away from electrical shock and do not use under extreme temperature conditions. Seal of Quality *Do not touch the terminals. LICENSED BY NINTENDO(R) FOR PLAY ON THE * Avoid exposure to water. * Do not clean with thinner, benzine, NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT alcohol, or cleaning fluids. SYSTEM(R) * Make sure the power is off NINTENDO before inserting or removing the ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM ARE Game Pak from the Nintendo REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF Entertainment System. NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. This official seal is your assurance that Nintendo has reviewed this product and that it has met our standards for excellence in workmanship, reliability Nintendo recommends and entertainment value. Always look for this seal against using a rear when buying games and accessories to ensure projection television with complete compatibility with your Nintendo your NES as Image retention Entertainment System. on the screen may occur. The Chessmaster: Copyright 1989 The Software Toolworks. Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Thank you for buying The Chessmaster. Please read this booklet for a complete explanation of how to play the game. KEY SUMMARY 4 STARTING THE GAME 5 PLAYING CHESS 6 MENU 8 WAR ROOM 17 KEY SUMMARY 4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD DD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD DD D U D D SELECT START D B A DD DD DDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDDD DD DD D L 0 R D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDDD DD DD DDDDD DDDDD D ****** ****** D DDDDDDD DDDDDDD DD DD |D D D DDDDDDD|DDDDD|DDDD | | DD DD |DDDDD DDDDDDD|DDDDD|DDDD | | DD DDDDDDD|DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|DDDDD|DDDDDDDDDDDD|DDDDD|DDDDDDD DDDDDDD|DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|DDDDD|DDDDDDDDDDDD|DDDDD|DDDDDDD | ---|--- ---|--- | | | Control Pad: Select Button: B Button: Used to move Used to switch Used to enter Take the hand and back and forth Back/Replay mode. the selection between the A Button: arrow. Chessboard and Used to pick up and the Menu. release the chess pieces. Also used to select menu items. STARTING THE GAME 5 The Chessmaster logo will appear first. Press the START button. When the copyright screen appears, press the START button again. Next, the chessboard will be presented. You're now ready to play chess! PLAYING CHESS 6 To move one of your pieces, use the control pad to position the hand over the piece you want to move. Pick up the piece by pressing the A button. Use the control pad to move the piece to the desired destination square. Release the piece by pressing the A button. The Chessmaster will tell you if you have attempted to make an illegal move. When the Chessmaster is thinking about his next move, the hand will change into a light bulb. After he has made his move, the light bulb will change back into a hand. To perform a castling move, move your King two squares towards the Rook. The Rook will move into place automatically. To capture a pawn En Passant, move your pawn to the appropriate destination square. (Directly behind the enemy pawn). PLAYING CHESS 7 If one of your pawns reaches the eighth row, the Chessmaster will ask you to promote the piece. To promote the pawn to a Queen, press the SELECT button. Alternatively, you may use the A or B button to cycle through all of the available pieces (Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight). When you are satisfied, press the SELECT button. Occasionally, an informational message will appear over the chessboard in a window. To remove the message, press the SELECT button or the A button. MENU 8 The menu is used to change settings and select options. Access the menu by pressing the SELECT button. Under certain circumstances, some menu items will be unavailable. These selections will be red in color instead of yellow. The first 9 items in the menu are actions. Use the control pad to move the arrow to the desired selection. Press the A button to initiate the action. You will automatically be returned to the chessboard. START NEW GAME: This selection discontinues any game in progress and begins a new game. PLAY AGAINST CHESSMASTER: You may play a game of chess against the Chessmaster, against another player, or you may watch the Chessmaster play against itself. Choosing "Play Against Chessmaster" allows you to play a game against the Chessmaster. MENU 9 CHESSMASTER PLAYS SELF: The Chessmaster will play both sides of the game. To interrupt the Chessmaster's game, press the SELECT button and you will return to the menu. PLAY AGAINST ANOTHER HUMAN: With this selection, you may play against another player with the Chessmaster acting as referee. When it is BlackÕs turn, the second controller will control the hand as well as the first controller. CHANGE SIDES: When it is your turn, you may ask the Chessmaster to play your pieces while you take over his pieces. Use this selection at the beginning of the game to make the Chessmaster play the White pieces. FORCE CHESSMASTER TO MOVE: When the Chessmaster is thinking about his move, you may force him to move immediately by activating this selection. MENU 10 ENTER TAKE BACK/REPLAY MODE: This selection enters a mode where you can take back some or all of the moves made so far during the game. While in Take Back/Replay mode, press the~ B button to take back a move. Press the A button to replay a move. Press the SELECT button to resume normal play. You may enter Take Back/Replay Mode directly from the Chessboard by pressing the B button. While in Take Back/Replay mode the hand will change into a "T/R" symbol. ENTER SETUP MODE: This selection allows you to arrange the pieces on the board. The chessboard will be displayed along with a set of pieces (the "grab bag") to the right side of the board. To remove a piece from the board, position the hand over the piece using the control pad, pick up the piece by pressing the A button, move the piece off the board using the control pad, and drop the piece by pressing the A button. The Kings cannot be removed from the board. To add a piece to the board, pick up a piece from the grab bag and drop it over the desired destination square. MENU 11 There are some restrictions on how the board may be set up. A pawn may not be placed on row one or row eight. The number of Queens, Rooks, Knights, or Bishops that may be placed on the board depends on the number of missing pawns. While in Setup mode, press the SELECT button to access the Setup menu. To return to Setup mode from the Setup menu, press SELECT The following selections are available: CLEAR THE BOARD: This selection clears the board of all pieces except the Kings. SET UP INITIAL POSITION: This selection will place the pieces in position for a new game. MENU 12 SIDE TO MOVE FIRST IS WHITE: This selection is used to indicate whose turn it will be when you return to the game. Activate this selection to toggle between White and Black. SETUP COMPLETE: Use this selection to return to the game. LEAVE AND ABANDON CHANGES: This selection returns you to the game and ignores everything you did during setup. SOLVE FOR MATE: This selection asks the Chessmaster to examine the current position and determine whether or not a forced mate exists in a given number of moves. You must be playing against the Chessmaster for this selection to be available. The Chessmaster will tell you whether or not a forced mate exists. If the Chessmaster finds a solution, the solution moves are appended MENU 13 to the move list and you will be put into Take Back/Replay mode. You may view the solution by pressing the A button as many times as necessary. To interrupt the Chessmaster while he is solving for a forced mate, press the SELECT button. MENU 14 The next 8 menu selections are settings. You may change a setting by moving the arrow to the desired selection and pressing the A button. The display will change to show the new setting. You may cycle through all of the available values for a given setting by continuously pressing the A button. The values will repeat. The settings are as follows: MATE IN 1 MOVE(S): This setting is used in conjunction with the Solve for Mate action described earlier. This indicates the number of moves that the Chessmaster will use to solve for a forced mate. This setting can be from 1 to 5. LEVEL OF PLAY IS NEWCOMER 1: There are sixteen levels of play available in The Chessmaster: Newcomer 1, Newcomer 2, Levels 1 through 13, and Infinite. With Newcomer levels 1 and 2, the Chessmaster plays it's easiest game. These levels are intended for chess beginners. With levels 1 through 13, the Chessmaster plays MENU 15 increasingly more challenging games. The approximate amount of time that the Chessmaster will take to move is indicated by the two numbers following the level number. These two numbers indicate a certain number of moves in a number of minutes. For example, level 1 is 60 moves in 5 minutes, while level 7 is 30 moves in 45 minutes. In Infinite mode, the Chessmaster will think about his best move until you activate Force Chessmaster to Move. DEEP THINKING ON/OFF: When Deep Thinking is ON, the Chessmaster thinks ahead while you are thinking about your move. With Deep Thinking OFF, the Chessmaster will only think about his move when it is his turn. OPENING BOOK IS ON/OFF: When the Opening Book is ON, the Chessmaster will quickly consult his library of over 150,000 positions during the early part of the game. When the Opening Book is OFF, the Chessmaster will not consult his opening book library. MENU 16 TEACHING MODE IS ON/OFF: When Teaching Mode is ON, the Chessmaster will show you all the legal moves for a particular piece whenever you pick up that piece. This feature is useful for those just learning the game of chess. BOARD COORDINATES ARE ON/OFF: When Board Coordinates are ON, the rank and file coordinates are displayed along the edge of the chessboard. WHITE PIECES ON BOTTOM: The chessboard may be rotated so that the White pieces are on the bottom, top, left side, or right side. THE VIEW IS CHESSBOARD: There are two chessboard displays available. In the Chessboard view, the board takes up the entire screen. The other view is called the War Room. WAR ROOM 17 In the War Room view, a smaller version of the chessboard is displayed along with several informational windows: move list, thinking, and captured pieces. The move list shows the last three moves made by each player. These moves are displayed in coordinate notation, e.g. E2-E4. The thinking window gives you a peek into the Chessmaster's brain. The moves listed under the "Best" heading represent the best sequence of moves that the Chessmaster has found so far. When it is your turn to move, the move displayed under the "Hint" heading is the move that the Chessmaster considers your best move given your position. The captured pieces window shows all of the pieces that have been removed from the board. SAY YES TO CHESS! 18 Chess Life offer. SPECIAL MACMILLAN CUSTOMER DISCOUNT 19 Order form for Chess Life. Page 20, Compliance With FCC Regulations Page 21, 90-Day Limited Warranty

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