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Goldeneye 007

Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes

80024302 0001     Master Control Menu

8035745E FFFF     Sunglasses Mode
8002CE48 0001     Enemies unable to be killed by anything but explosives
8002A8F7 0016     Statue Multiplayer Level
8002A8F7 0029     Cradle Multiplayer Level
880CD3D3 000C     GM AR131 Assault Rifle in Caverns (Select AR33 
and hit GS button)
880CD3D3 0009     GM AP131 Assault Pistol in Caverns (Select PP7 
and hit GS Button)
880D37D3 0016     Soviet Laser in Dam (Select KF7 Soviet and hit GS button)
800213C1 00A4     Light Shine
80051D91 0001     Shrink Enemies
80051D91 FFFF     Enlarge Enemies
80030980 FFFF     Level Override
80053721 0001     Enemies Confused
80052A68 FFFF     Enemies Go Mad
80052AA4 0030     Zero Gavity Weapons and Items when shot
80052AA4 00C0     Negitive Gravity Weapons and Items when shot
80051D21 0001     Bouncing Enemies
80051D21 FFFF     Enemies Feet in Ground
800214CF 7B18     Maximum Visibility, see far
800214CF 000A     Minimum Visibility, see squat
80021882 0030     Semi-X-Ray Vision
800214E2 0006     Multi Color Changing Walls 
800213CF FFFF     Missing Pieces
80091182 8AEF     Incredibly Deep Hole in Dam 
80091181 8AEF     Flashing in a Few Places
80091283 FFEF     Weird Bumble Bee Thing at the Begining of Dam 
80021415 CCCC     See Through Ground
80022056 0008     Colorful Polygons in Your Face 
80022F76 0008     Music Weird
8002209F 0008     Awesome Intro
80021A56 00FF     Walls are Alive
80036447 0001     Exploding Bond. When you start the game you'll here 
a big boom during the cinematics. When you the camera approaches Bond 
will be on fire. It would be wise to turn on Invincible.

800xxxDD DDDD     Flamethrower

Replace xxx with:
D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, 1st Surface, and Depot
B43     1st Bunker, and Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     2nd Surface
B43     2nd Bunker
C5B     Statue Park
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, and Egyptian Temple
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control
B07     Aztec

800xxxCA 01F9     Colorful Graffiti Guns
800xxxBA 01F9

Replace xxx with:
D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, 1st Surface, Depot
B43     1st Bunker, Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     2nd Surface
B43     2nd Bunker
C5B     Statue
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, and Egyptian
D73     Streets
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control
B07     Aztec

8002AC91 00XX     Change Bunker's Name*

Replace XX with:
AF     Citadel
BF     Natalya
CF     Alan
DF     Sally
EF     General
FF     Janus Special Forces
0F     President
1F     Cheat Options
2F     10 Minutes
3F     Veteran
4F     Level:
5F     M Briefing
6F     Limb Hits
7F     Kirghizstan
8F     Control
9F     Complex
AA     Water Caverns

* There are many more numbers you can use for XX. Put random numbers 
in for XX and go to level select screen. The name of the 1st Bunker 
should be changed to something else.

8002A### 00??     Rename any level

Replace ### With the following

CO5     Dam
C21     Facility
C3D     Runway
C75     Surface #1
C91     Bunker #1
CCB     Silo
D01     Frigate
D39     Surface #2
D55     Bunker #2
D8F     Statue
DAB     Archives
DC5     Streets
DE1     Depot
DFD     Train
E35     Jungle
E53     Control
E6F     Caverns
E8B     Cradle
EC3     Aztec
EFB     Egypt

Replace ?? with the following
00     hour
01     minute
02     second
03     s
04     START
05     NEXT
08     This is to certify
09     (c) 1997 Nintendo/Rare
0A     (c) 1962, 1995 Danjaq & LLC.
0B     U.A.C. All Rights Reserved
0C     (c) 1997 Eon Productions
0D     Ltd. & Mac B. Inc
0E     Suitable only for 1-4 persons
10     VICE
11     James Bond theme by Monty Norman
12     Used by permission of EMI Unart Catalog Inc.
13     Agent
14     Secret Agent
15     00 Agent
16     007
17     Erase file?
18     cancel
19     confirm
1A     Mission
1B     Copy
1C     Erase
20     James Bond
21     Mission
22     Part
24     Agent
25     Secret Agent
26     00 Agent
27     007
29     Enemy reaction speed
2A     Enemy health
2B     Enemy damage
2C     Enemy Accuracy
2D     Unlimited
2E     5 minutes
2F     10 minutes
30     20 minutes
31     First to 5 points
32     First to 10 points
33     First to 20 points
34     Last person alive wins
35     Normal
36     You Only Live Twice
37     The Living Daylights [Flag Tag]
38     The Man With The Golden Gun
39     License to Kill
3A     Team: 2 vs 2
3B     Team: 3 vs 1
3C     Team: 2 vs 1
3D     Health -10
3E     Health -4
3F     Health -3
40     Health -2
41     Health -1
42     Health +0
43     Health +1
44     Health +2
45     Health +3
46     Health +4
47     Health +10
48     Sight OFF, Auto Aim OFF
49     Sight ON, Auto Aim OFF
4A     Sight OFF, Auto Aim ON
4B     Sight ON, Auto Aim ON
4D     Players
4E     Scenario
4F     Level
50     Game Length
51     Weapons
52     Characters
53     Health
54     Aim
55     Select Character
56     Select Handicap
58     Select Teams
59     Red Team
5A     Blue Team
5B     Completed
60     Q BRANCH
62     REPORT
63     Mission status
65     ABORTED
66     Completed
67     FAILED
69     Time:
6A     Accuracy
6B     Weapon of choice
6C     Shot total
6D     Head hits
6E     Body hits
6F     Limb hits
70     Others
71     Kill total
73     ON
74     OFF
78     Arkangelsk
79     Dam
7A     Facility
7B     Runway
7C     Severnaya
7D     Surface
7E     Bunker
7F     Kirghizstan
80     Launch Silo #4
81     Silo
82     Monte Carlo
83     Frigate
84     St. Petersburg
85     Statue Park
86     Statue
87     Military Archives
88     Archives
89     Streets
8A     Depot
8B     Train
8C     Cuba
8D     Jungle
8E     Control Center
8F     Control
90     Water Caverns
91     Caverns
92     Antenna Cradle
93     Cradle
94     Teotihuaca'n
95     Aztec Complex
96     Aztec
97     el-Saghira
98     Egyptian Temple
99     Egyptian
9A     Random
9C     Temple
9E     Complex
A0     Library
A2     Caves
A3     CAVES
A4     Facility
A6     Severnaya Bunker
A8     Military Archives
AA     Water Caverns
AC     Egyptian Temple
AE     Citadel
B0     dest
B1     dest
B2     stat
B3     stat
B4     crad
B5     cradle
B6     azt
B7     azt
B8     Bond
B9     Mishkin
BA     Boris
BB     Ourumov
BC     Trevelyan
BD     Valentin
BE     Xenia
BF     Natalya
C0     Baron Samedi
C1     Jaws
C2     Mayday
C3     Oddjob
C4     Rosika
C5     Karl
C6     Martin
C7     Mark
C8     Dave
C9     Duncan
CA     B
CB     Steve E
CC     Grant
CD     Graeme
CE     Ken
CF     Alan
D0     Pete
D1     Shaun
D2     Dwayne
D3     Des
D4     Chris
D5     Lee
D6     Neil
D7     Jim
D8     Robin
D9     Steve H
DA     Terrorist
DB     Biker
DC     Joel
DD     Scott
DE     Joe
DF     Sally
E0     Marion
E1     Mandy
E2     Vivien
E3     [Blank Space]
E4     The Actors
E5     Starring
E6     Also Featuring
E7     Guest Star
E8     007
E9     James Bond
EA     Natalya Simonova
EB     006
EC     Alec Trevelyan
ED     Janus Operative
EE     Xenia Onatopp
EF     General
F0     Arkady Ourumov
F1     Boris Grishenko
F2     Ex KGB Agent
F3     Valetin Zukovsky
F4     Defense Minister
F5     Dimitri Mishkin
F6     Mayday
F7     Jaws
F8     Oddjob
F9     Baron Samedi
FA     Jungle Commando
FB     St. Petersburg Guard
FC     Russian Infantry
FD     Russian Soldier
FE     Janus Marine
FF     Janus Special Forces
00     Russian Commandant
01     Naval Officer
02     Siberian Guard
03     Artic Commando
04     Siberian Special Forces
05     Moonraker Elite
06     Helicopter Pilot
07     Scientist
08     Civilian
09     1.
0A     2.
0B     3.
0C     4.
0D     Basement
0F     Stack
10     STACK
11     Best Time:
12     Target:
13     New Cheat Available
15     1.1 Honey
16     1.2 Solitaire
17     1.3 Kissy
18     1.4 Goodnight
19     2.1 Plenty
1A     2.2 Galore
1B     2.3 Domino
1C     2.4 Goodhead
1D     Select Control Style
1E     Control Style

802AE670 0000     New Text For Ammo On Pick-Up 1
802AE671 0000
802AE672 0000
802AE673 0000
802AE674 006C
802AE675 0061
802AE676 0064
802AE677 0069
802AE678 0065
802AE679 0073

800B6CCC CCCC     You hold your guns sideways in Facility
800AA639 0015     Colorful Characters in Multi

800B6BCA 01F9     Golden Knives [only in facility]
800B6BBA 01F9

80024337 00xx     Music Modifier
With this code, you will have the music of the description playing 
throughout the game.

Replace xx with:
01     Death Music Theme 1
02     Goldeneye Theme Song
03     Train
04     Depot
05     Multiplayer Theme 1
06     Multiplayer Theme 2
07     Facility
08     Control
09     Dam
10     Bunker 2
11     Statue
12     Elevator Music (except caverns)
13     Cradle
14     No Music. Sound Effects only.
15     Elevator Music (caverns only)
16     Egypt
17     Main Menu Theme
18     The music you hear when you look into your wrist watch.
19     Aztec
20     Softer music version of Depot
21     Multiplayer Theme 3
22     Multiplayer Theme 4
23     Multiplayer Theme 5
24     Multiplayer Theme 6
25     Multiplayer Theme 7
26     Faster Music version of Silo
27     Sound effects only
28     Multiplayer Theme 8
29     Faster Bunker music
30     The theme before you kill Trevelyen in the Cradle.
31     Music when you beat the Cradle (where Natalya and James are 
kissing and the credits scroll across the screen) 
32     Runway
33     Multiplayer Theme 9
34     Surface 2
35     Wind Blowing (sound effect form Surface 2)
36     Death Theme 2
37     Jungle
38     Multiplayer Theme 10
39     Surface 1
0A     Frigate
0B     Archives
0C     Silo
0D     Multiplayer Theme 11
0E     Streets
0F     Bunker 1
1A     Caverns
2A     Alarm Music Theme at the end of Bunker 2 (after Natalya activates 
that computer.)
3A     Death Theme 3
1B     Death Theme 4
2B     Jungle
3B     Multiplayer Theme 12
1C     Surface 2
2C     Opening Theme
3C     Theme when you beat Surface 2. (Cartoon at the end when the
guards surround you.)
1D     Train
2D     Statue
1E     Sound Effects Only
2E     Aztec when the Space Shuttle starts to count down.
3E     Part of Theme from Frigate
1F     Facility
2F     Egypt
40-43  Sound Effects

880xxxD3 0023     Shoot Grenades Rounds From Different Weapons!
This code lets you fire grenade rounds from your gun! Be sure to set the
default as "Button". This code works best with the All Guns and Infinite 
Ammo cheats on. Now select a gun, or knife, or anything that you want. 
Press the GS button and the gun will transform(With 2x weapons, the
gun on the right). Now fire, and it will act like your firing a grenade 
launcher! When you select a hand grenade and press the GS button, 
there will be a hand grenade blocking your view. 

Replace xxx with:
D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, 1st Surface, and Depot
B43     1st Bunker, Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     2nd Surface
B43     2nd Bunker
C5B     Statue Park
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, and Egyptian Temple
D73     Streets
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control
B07     Aztec

8002B433 003C     The Special Forces Team
8002B431 0013
8002B42F 000F
8002B42D 00DA
8002B42E 0001
8002B1FE 0045
8002B1F1 0001
8002B1EF 000F
8002B1ED 00EF
8002B1EE 0001
800C83D3 000F
800C877B 000E
800CAE53 0011
800CB1FB 000B
To use the Special Forces multi-player team, player 1 must select 
Terrorist and player 2 must select Mishkin, which has been changed 
to General. You must select the Facility as the level. When you start 
the game, player 1 will have a regular shotgun and an RC-P90, and 
player 2 will have a sniper rifle and a D5K (Silenced). 

880xxxD3 00??     Customize Your Own Weapon!
Replace xxx with the level you want your weapon in.
Replace ?? with the type of bullets to come out of your weapon. When 
your in the level, select the weapon you want to be the body of the 
weapon, press the GS button and your gun is ready!

Replace xxx With:
D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, 1st Surface, and Depot
B43     1st Bunker, Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     2nd Surface
B43     2nd Bunker
C5B     Statue Park
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, and Egyptian Temple
D73     Streets
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control
B07     Aztec

Replace ?? With:
00     Unarmed
01     Karate Chop
02     Hunting Knife
03     Throwing Knife
04     PP7
05     PP7 (Silenced)
06     DD4 Destroyer
07     Klobb
08     KF7 Soviet
09     ZMG 9MM
0A     DK5 Deutche
0B     DK5 Deutche (silenced)
0C     Phantom
0D     Assault Rifle
0E     RC P90
0F     Shotgun
10     Auto Shotgun
11     Sniper Rifle
12     Cougar Magnum
13     Golden Gun
14     Silver PP7
15     Gold PP7
16     Laser
17     Laser Watch
18     Grenade Launcher
19     Rocket Launcher
1A     Hand Grenades
1B     Timed Mines
1C     Proximity Mines
1D     Remote Mines
1E     Detonator-Remote Mines
1F     Taser
20     Tank Gun
21     Exploding Briefcase
22     Plastique
23     Fast Exploding Grenades
24     Fast Exploding Grenades
25     Unarmed
26     TV Controller
27     Bomb Difuser
28     Regular Camera
29     Unarmed
2B     Unarmed
2C     Picked up Hand Grenades+ Throwing Knife+ Sniper Rifle
2D     Unarmed
2E     Key Analyzer
2F     Covert Modem
30     Security Camera
37     Grenade
3C     Watch Magnet
3D     Goldeneye Key
3E     Helicopter Flight Recorder
3F     Circuit Board
40     Casualty List For Severnaya
41     Folder
42     Red Folder
45     Helicopter Blueprints
46     Bunker Blueprints
47     DAT
48     Surveillance Video Tape
49     Another DAT
55     Shoot With The N64 Controller
52     Key For Airplane

A002B19F 00xx     Secret Characters
A002B19D 00xx
Replace xx with:
3C-11     Noob Saibot in Janus Marine Suit
2D-18     Home Alone Guy in Jungle Suit
2A-18     Titanic Guy in Jungle Suit
2B-18     Mustache Guy in Jungle Suit
2C-18     Pee-Wee Herman in Jungle Suit
2E-18     Big Chin Guy in Jungle Suit
2F-18     Red Hair Guy in Jungle Suit
30-11     Janus Marine
3A-11     Red Hair Guy in Janus Marine Suit
3B-11     Charles in Janus Marine Suit
3D-11     Biker in Janus Marine Suit
3E-11     Bald Guy in Janus Marine Suit
3F-11     Soap Opera Guy in Janus Marine Suit
4A-11     George Clooney in Janus Marine Suit
39-17     David Letterman
0A-13     Floating Valentin
0A-02     Floating Valentin #2
3C-00     Noob Saibot in Jungle Enemy Suit
3C-01     Noob Saibot in St. Petersburg Guard Suit
3C-02     Noob Saibot in Russian Soldier Suit
3C-14     Noob Saibot in Russian Soldier Suit #2
3C-03     Noob Saibot in Russian Commandant Suit
3C-12     Noob Saibot in Russian Infantry Suit
3C-13     Noob Saibot in Mishkin's Suit
3C-17     Noob Saibot in Blue Tuxedo
3C-26     Noob Saibot in Artic Commando Suit
3C-28     Noob Saibot in Woman Moonraker Elite Suit
3C-05     Snake Eyes in Tuxedo
3C-16     Snake Eyes in a Cool Suit
3C-19     Snake Eyes in a Snowsuit
3C-20     Snake Eyes in a Red Shirt
3C-21     Snake Eyes in a Blue Vest
3C-22     Snake Eyes in Plaid
3C-23     Snake Eyes in White Shirt
3C-25     Snake Eyes in a Brown Suit
3C-27     Snake Eyes in Moonraker Elite Suit

880xxxFF 000A     GM10 Special Issue
880xxxD3 0006

With this code, you can have the GM10 Special Issue (not really a true 
name) that has a 10 round clip, useful for getting into areas with a lot 
of enemies. It requires a PP7, and if you don't have one, you will probably 
have a silenced PP7, which you could substitute for the PP7. But when 
you use up all of the magazine, you'll have to hit the GS button again for 
a full 10 round clip. You will also have to select the level you want to 
have the GM10 with.

Replace xxx with:
D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, 1st Surface, and Depot
B43     1st Bunker, Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     2nd Surface
B43     2nd Bunker
C5B     Statue Park
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, and Egyptian Temple
D73     Streets
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control
B07     Aztec

7702B1A7 00xx     Player Select Picture Modifier With Natalya

Replace xx with:
00     Pierce Brosnan
01     Roger Moore
02     Timothy Dalton
03     Sean Conery
04     Boris
05     Ouromov
06     Trevelyan
07     Valentin
08     Xenia
09     Natalya
10     Mission Select Pic
11     Mission Select Pic
12     Mission Select Pic
13     Mission Select Pic
0A     Baron Samedi
0B     Jaws
0C     Mayday
0D     Oddjob
0E     Question Mark Head
0F     Mishkin

800xxxFD 0001     Bottomless Magazine For Every Gun!
800xxxFF 0001

First you have to have two controllers, then go into the controls in the 
watch and switch it to domino. Use the second controller to use the weapon.
With this code, you can shoot any gun continuously with out reloading! 
This code works best with All Guns. If you're working with 2x weapons, 
only the gun on the right will have a bottomless magazine.
You need to specify the level you want to play this code in, by replacing 
the xxx with the following digits:

D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, 1st Surface, and Depot
B43     1st Bunker, Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     2nd Surface
B43     2nd Bunker
C5B     Statue Park
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, and Egyptian Temple
D73     Streets
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control
B07     Aztec

8102B522 000x     More players in Multiplayer Mode, but with only 
two controllers plugged in. (Max 4 players) 

Replace x with:

2     2 players
3     3 players
4     4 players

8002A8FB 00xx     Level Modifier

Put in the xx digits for the level you want to beat, and select a level you can 
already beat normally. You must use the same difficulty level as the one you 
want to get the cheat for. It may say you failed mission objectives, but it 
should still come out okay. 


01     Dam
02     Facility
03     Runway
05     Surface 1
06     Bunker 1
08     Silo
0A     Frigate
0C     Surface 2
0D     Bunker 2
0F     Statue
12     Depot
13     Train
15     Jungle
16     Control
17     Caverns
18     Cradle
1A     Aztec
1C     Egypt
10     Archives
11     Streets

800yyyD300xx     Weapon Modifier


2E     Key Analyzer
1F     Hidden Tazer
0F     Hidden Shotgun
2F     Convert Modem
0E     RC-P90
1E     Watch Detonater
0D     AR33 US Assault Rifle
1D     Remote Mines
0C     Phantom
1C     Proximity Mines
0B     D5K Deustche (Silenced)
1B     Timed Mine
0A     D5K Deustche
1A     Grenade
09     ZMG 9MM
19     Rocket Laucher
08     KF7 Soviet
18     Grenade Launcher
07     Klobb
17     Watch Laser
06     DD44 Dostovei
16     Moonraker Laser
04     PP7
14     Silver PP7
03     Throwing Knife
13     Scarmanga's Golden Gun
02     Hunting Knife
12     Cougar Magnum
01     Unarmed
11     Sniper Rifle
10     Automatic Shotgun
15     Gold PP7
05     PP7 (Silenced)
28     Regular Camera
24     Fast-Exploding Grenades
23     Key Card
25     Key Card
29     Key Card
20     Tank Gun
21     Orumov's Exploding Briefcase
30     Hidden Security Camera
22     Plastique
27     Bomb Diffuser
26     TV Controller?
37     Key Card
3C     Watch Magnet
3E     Helicopter Flight Recorder
3D     Goldeneye Key
3F     Circuit Board
40     Casuality List For Severnaya
41     Folder
42     Red Folder
45     Helicopter Blueprints
46     Bunker Blueprints?
47     DAT?
48     Surveillance Video Tape
49     Another DAT?
55     Shoot With The N64 Controller
52     Key For Airplane?
57     Just Changes Your Bullets


D37     Dam
B6B     Facility
D9B     Runway, Surface 1, Depot
B43     Bunkers 1 And 2, Silo
C6F     Frigate
E63     Surface 2
C5B     Statue
CD3     Archives, Caverns, Cradle, Egypt
D73     Streets
C0B     Train, Jungle, Control Center
B07     Aztec


810D303C 3F80 Infinite Health 810D304E 0000 800D37FF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800D37E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800D37F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change


810B643C 3F80 Infinite Health 810B644E 0000 800B6BFF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800B6BE9 0020 Rapid Fire 800B6BF0 0011 Quick Weapon Change

Runway, Surface 1, Depot

810D943C 3F80 Infinite Health 810D944E 0000 800D9BFF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800D9BE9 0020 Rapid Fire 800D9BF0 0011 Quick Weapon Change

Bunker 1 + 2, Silo

810B3C3C 3F80 Infinite Health 10B3C4E 0000 800B43FF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800B43E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800B43F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change


810C683C 3F80 Infinite Health 810C684E 0000 800C6FFF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800C6FE9 0020 Rapid Fire 800C6FF0 0011 Quick Weapon Change

Surface 2

810E5C3C 3F80 Infinite Health 810E5C4E 0000 800E63FF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800E63E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800E63F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change


810C543C 3F80 Infinite Health 810C544E 0000 800C5BFF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800CB5E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800E63F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change

Archives, Caverns, Cradle, Egypt

810CCC3C 3F80 Infinite Health 810CCC4E 0000 800CD3FF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800CD3E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800CD3F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change


810D6C3C 3F80 Infinite Health 810D6C4E 0000 800D73FF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800D73E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800D73F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change

Train, Jungle, Control

810C043C 3F80 Infinite Health 810C044E 0000 800C0BFF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800C0BE9 0020 Rapid Fire 800C0BF0 0011 Quick Weapon Change


810B003C 3F80 Infinite Health 810B004E 0000 800B07FF 0007 Infinite Ammo 800B07E9 0020 Rapid Fire 800B07F0 0011 Quick Weapon Change

Player 1 Multiplayer

810D943C 3F80 Caves Infinite Health 810D944E 0000 810C543C 3F80 Water Caverns Infinite Health 810C544E 0000 800C5DFF 0007 Water Caverns Infinite Ammo 800B9BFF 0007 Caves Infinite Ammo 800B07FF 0007 Military Archives Infinite Ammo 810CCC3C 3F80 Military Archives Infinite Health 810CCC4E 0000

Get Built In Cheats.... Must Have One Open

80069653 0001 All Guns 8006965A 0001 Bond Invisible 8006965C 0001 DK Mode 8006966C 0001 Enemy Rockets 8006966A 0001 Fast Animation 8006965B 0001 Infinite Ammo 80069652 0001 Invincible 80069657 0001 Line Mode 80069667 0001 No Radar (Multi) 8006965F 0001 Paintball Mode 8006966B 0001 Slow Animation 8006965E 0001 Tiny Bond 80069668 0001 Turbo Mode 8006966E 0001 2x Grenade Launchers 80069671 0001 2x Hunting Knives 80069672 0001 2x Laser 8006966F 0001 2x RC-P90 8006966D 0001 2x Rocket Launchers 80069670 0001 2x Throwing Knives 80069665 0001 Gold PP7 80069663 0001 Golden Gun 80069662 0001 Laser 80069661 0001 Magnum 80069664 0001 Silver PP7

Select NO NAME On The Cheat Options Screen

800696A1 0001 New Characters 80069658 0001 2x Health 80069659 0001 2x Armor 80069660 0001 10x Health 800696A4 0001 Maximum Ammo 80069666 0001 Multiplayer Invincibility 80069669 0001 Debug Mode 8006965D 0001 Extra Weapons

You have to put the codes in, then go to your cheat menu and select the codes labeled "NO NAME". Then start any level and as soon as it starts, exit and go back to your cheat menu and it will be there. With these codes, when you turn your game off and back on, the codes stay.

800696xx 0001 xx= 51 '64 Characters on Multi 73 Paintball 74 Invincible 75 DK Mode 76 2X Grenade Launcher 77 2X Rocket Launcher 78 Turbo mode 79 No radar (Multi) 7A Tiny Bond 7B 2X Throwing Knife 7C Fast Animation 7D Bond Invisible 7E Enemy Rockets 7F Slow Animation 80 Silver PP7 81 2X Hunting Knife 82 Infinite Ammo 83 2X RC-P90 84 Gold PP7 85 2X Lasers 86 All Guns

No Clipping Codes Directions

1) Enter the codes below, exactly as they are here, in the order they are listed. Only use one of the 3 no clipping codes at a time. And don't enter more than one no clipping code for more than one level, enter a code only for the level you are going to play! 2) Then, while you are in the level you put the codes in for, stand in any position in the game, then press the L & R top shoulder buttons together. Until you are transported farther away from your current position. Turn around until you see the area you were in, you will be able to see clearly only the area that you were last in, the rest will be transparent. Walk back to that area, and walk around its edges and shoot the enemies through the walls. You sometimes can't shoot through the wall but if you get close enough to where you gun barely sticks out the wall, then you can shoot the enemies there. Now to turn the no clipping mode off, you need to go back to where you press the L + R buttons together or at a position in the level that is at the same height off of the ground, this will re position yourself as on the ground level, then walk to the next place you want to use it and repeat this step! The only thing that stinks about this code, is that all the other rooms are transparent! Also, if you wish to use this on a room that has the same floor level for the most of the area, try climbing up the stairs a bit and press L + R, but, just remember that you have to be back at that same position on the stairs to turn the no clipping code off!! 3) A tip, when using this code, be sure to use the following code 80069669 0001 and go into the cheat menu and turn on the code that says NO NAME cheat, which is the DEBUG MODE code, it will tell you what room you are still in and it will show you your coordinates, this will make it easier for you to get back on ground level by remembering where you last were before by the coordinates! Also with this code, it will sometimes put you in a position of which you cant get out of, you will have to simply EXIT the level and start over!!

Have 4 Different Customized Players

8002B19F 00xx Player 1 8002B19D 00xx 8002B253 00xx Player 2 8002B251 00xx 8002B283 00xx Player3 8002B281 00xx 8002B223 00xx Player4 8002B221 00xx These codes allow you to play four different customizaed players in Multi-Player! The XXs represent where you would put your head and body. For the top code to work, the player who wants to be that must select Bond. Now, whoever wants to be the 2nd code from the top must select the 2nd scientist. For the third code from the top, the player must select the helicopter pilot for it to work. For the code at the bottom to work, select Baron Samedi. Now, you can have four differernt customizaed players at once! 8002B19F 00xx Create your own characters! 8002B19D 00xx The top code will be the head of the character in customization. The bottom code will be the body the character. For an example, ??'s head will be on ??'s body. There may be more heads and bodies, but this is a big list. Some of the heads or bodies may make the character extra tiny, or the game might freeze. To be this character, you must select Bond. Only two drawbacks though. You can't be Bond and you can't have two different customized players. For the top code, replace xx with: Caution: Some are extra tiny or might freeze! 0 - 49, 0A, 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A 0B, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B 0C, 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D 0E, 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E 0F, 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F For the bottom code, replace XX with: 00 Jungle Enemy Suit 01 St. Petersburg Guard Suit 02 Enemy Soldier Suit 03 Enemy Infantry Suit 04 Janus Special Forces Suit 05 Tuxedo 11 Janus Marine 12 Russian Commandant 13 Mishkin's Threads 14 Naval Officer's suit 15 Siberian Commando 16 Bond's Infiltration suit 17 Grey Tuxedo 18 Bond's Jungle outfit 19 Bond's Siberian coat 20 Civilian outfit 21 Blue shirt under blue vest 22 Flannel 23 Scientist 25 2nd Siberian Guard in character select menu 26 Arctic Commando 27 Moonraker Elite 28 Small Moonraker Elite 29 Strange-looking Arm 1A Dress 1B Nurse 1C Scientist 1D Another Dress 1E Normal clothes 1F Dark blue vest with shirt A002B253 003C Noob Saibot in Multi-Player (Choose Scientist 2) A002B251 0016 A002BI9B 000E Captain Picard in Multi-Player (Choose Bond) A002B19D 0020 8002A8F7 0036 Kill Natalya in End Game Sequence 80030980 FFFF Play from start, choose any level, have all guns and infinite ammo cheats on. You have to hurt bond with a explosive to get screen to normal.

Single-Player Codes

Dam Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800D33ED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880D33ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800D33F5 0050 2 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880D33F5 0000

Facility Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800B67ED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880B67ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 800B67F5 0050 880B67F5 0000

Runway, Surface A & Depot Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800D97ED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880D97ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800D97F5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880D97F5 0000

Bunker A, Bunker B & Silo Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800B3FED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880B3FED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800B3FF5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880B3FF5 0000

Frigate Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800C6BED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880C6BED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800C6BF5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880C6BF5 0000

Surface B Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800E5FED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880E5FED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800E5FF5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880E5FF5 0000

Statue Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800C57ED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880C57ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800C57F5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880C57F5 0000

Archives, Cavern, Cradle & Eqyptian Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800CCFED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880CCFED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800CCFF5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880CCFF5 0000

Streets Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800D6FED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880D6FED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800D6FF5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880D6FF5 0000

Train, Jungle & Control Center Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800C07ED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880C07ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800C07F5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880C07F5 0000

Aztec Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800B03ED 0050 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 880B03ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800B03F5 0050 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 880B03F5 0000

Multi-Player Codes

Temple, Complex, Library, Basement & Stack Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800A77ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880A77ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800A77F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880A77F5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800AA26D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880AA26D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800AA275 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880AA275 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800ACCED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880ACCED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800ACCF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880ACCF5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800AF76D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880AF76D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800AF775 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880AF775 0000

Caves Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800D97ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880D97ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800D97F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880D97F5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800DC26D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880DC26D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800DC275 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880DC275 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800DECED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880DECED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800DECF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880DECF5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800E176D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880E176D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800E1775 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880E1775 0000

Facility Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800C7FED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880C7FED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800C7FF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880C7FF5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800CAA6D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880CAA6D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800CAA75 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880CAA75 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800CD4ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880CD4ED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800CD4F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880CD4F5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800CFF6D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880CFF6D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800CFF75 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880CFF75 0000

Bunker Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800B8FED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880B8FED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800B8FF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880B8FF5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800BBA6D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880BBA6D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800BBA75 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880BBA75 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800BE4ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880BE4ED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800BE4F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880BE4F5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800C0F6D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880C0F6D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800C0F75 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880C0F75 0000

Archives Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800CCFED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880CCFED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800CCFF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880CCFF5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800CFA6D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880CFA6D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800CFA75 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880CFA75 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800D24ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880D24ED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800D24F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880D24F5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800D4F6D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880D4F6D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800D4F75 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880D4F75 0000

Caverns Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800C57ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880C57ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800C57F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880C57F5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800C826D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880C826D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800C8275 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880C8275 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800CACED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880CACED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800CACF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880CACF5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800CD76D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880CD76D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800CD775 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880CD775 0000

Egyptian Level Codes

D0064F31 0030 800F27ED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 880F27ED 0000 D0064F31 0030 800F27F5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 880F27F5 0000 D0064F37 0030 800F526D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 880F526D 0000 D0064F37 0030 800F5275 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 880F5275 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800F7CED 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 880F7CED 0000 D0064F3D 0030 800F7CF5 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 880F7CF5 0000 D0064F43 0030 800FA76D 0030 No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 880FA76D 0000 D0064F43 0030 800FA775 0030 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 880FA775 0000 800211DF 0001 Distortion, 2D characters 800214DF FFFF Graffitti 80021666 FFFF See-through 80021007 FFFF Ultra Graphics Mess Up 8002188E FFFF Ultra Graphics Mess Up 2 8002138A FFFF Ultra Graphics Mess Up 3 8002128F FFFF Ultra Graphics Mess Up 4 8002118A FFFF Rare Logo 80069653 0001 All Guns 8006965A 0001 Bond Invisible 8006965C 0001 DK Mode 8006966C 0001 Enemy Rockets 8006966A 0001 Fast Animation 8006965B 0001 Infinite Ammo 80069652 0001 Invincible 80069657 0001 Line Mode 80069667 0001 No Radar (Multi) 8006965F 0001 Paintball Mode 8006966B 0001 Slow Animation 8006965E 0001 Tiny Bond 80069668 0001 Turbo Mode 8006966E 0001 2X Grenade L. 80069671 0001 2X Hunting Knife 80069672 0001 2X Laser 8006966F 0001 2X RC-P90 8006966D 0001 2X Rocket L. 80069670 0001 2X Thowing Knife 80069665 0001 Gold PP7 80069663 0001 Golden Gun 80069662 0001 Laser 80069661 0001 Magnum 80069664 0001 Silver PP7 800696A4 0001 Max Ammo 80069659 0001 2X Armor 80069660 0001 10X Health 8002114F 0001 Rainbow/Spectrum Graphics 1 8002114B 0001 Rainbow/Spectrum Graphics 2 8002114D 0001 Rainbow/Spectrum Graphics 3 8002114C 0001 Rainbow/Spectrum Graphics 4 8002118B FFFF Madness in DAM 8002B197 0040 More Multiplayer Characters (same as the real code) 8002114E 0001 Red Enemys 8002114F FFFF Infered Preditor Mode 800218DF 0001 Broken Glass Mode 800211BF 0001 Messed Up Enemys 800210F5 00F6 Invisible Charactors 800212dF 0001 Holes in the Wall Mode 80030B20 0030 8002CE44 0030 8002CE40 0030 80030B1C 0030 Invincibility, Bullet Proof Bond, Weak Enemies, and alot more ammo with no cheats on! 8002CE48 0048 80030B28 0042 800D414C 0007 800B754C 0007 800DA54C 0007 800B4D4C 0007 800C794C 0007 800E6D4C 0007 Have All Guns with no cheat on 007 800C654C 0007 800CDD4C 0007 800D7D4C 0007 800C154C 0007 800B114C 0007 A002B19F 00xx Extra Tiny Code If you think OddJob is small, think again. This cheat will make you small as a flee. You can be any character but Oddjob is the smallest. You must pick Bond in the Character Select Menu if you want to be Extra Tiny. xx= 00 Jungle Commando 01 Grey Tuxedo Bond 02 Russian Soldier 03 Russian Infantry 04 Janus Special Forces 06 Boris 07 Ouromov 08 Trevelyan 09 Trevelyan 0A Valentin 0B Xenia 0C Baron Samedi 0D Jaws 0E Mayday 0F Oddjob (the best) 10 Natalya 11 Janus Marine 12 Russian Commandant 13 Mishkin 14 Naval Officer 15 Siberian Special Forces 16 Bunker Enemy 17 Tuxedo Bond 18 No Head Bond 19 Siberian 23 Scientist Bond 24 Helicopter Pilot 25 Siberian Guard 26 Artic Commando 27 Moonraker Elite 28 Moonraker Elite 29 Only Arm A002B19B 00xx Player Select Picture Modifier This does not let you play as them, you can only view them in the character select screen xx= 00 Pierce Brosnan 01 Roger Moore 02 Timothy Dalton 04 Boris 05 Orumov 06 Trevelyan 07 Valentin 08 Xenia 09 Natalya 10 Mission Select Pic 11 Mission Select Pic 12 Mission Select Pic 13 Mission Select Pic 0A Baron Samedi 0B Jaws 0C Mayday 0D Odd Job 0E Question Mark Head 0F Mishkin 8002A8F6 0014 No Doors, No Enimes, Screen map is not on, No GoldenEye key, No camras, no tables, no boxes, no computers, wrong starting point, and no ending point in bunker. (If you try to quit the level, it just goes black) 800213BA 0006 Wall Designs 8102143C 3FF0 Gold Mode (everything shiny and gold) 8102144E 0000 8002115B FFFF Red Enemies and Red Bond 800210B5 00F6 Nintendo Sign Blows up with color 800214F2 000C Smeared Graphics Mode 8002138B FFFF Really Smeared Graphics Mode 800210AF FFFF Less Detail (Cool Rare logo) 810D57DE FF64 Hologram Watch A102B19C 00xx More Battle Outfits xx= 29 No outfit (invisible body) 18 Jungle outfit 16 Bunker outfit 01 Tux 23 Labcoat 19 Siberian outfit 00 Jungle enemy outfit 01 Gray suit 02 Russian soldier outfit 03 Russian infantry outfit 04 Janus special forces outfit 11 Janus marine 12 Russian comandant outfit 13 Mishkin's threads 14 Naval officer 25 Siberian guard outfit 26 Artic commando outfit 27 Moonraker elite 28 Smmal moonraker elite outfit 15 Siberian special forces outfit 24 Helicopter pilot outfit 1A Civilian girl (dark blue) outfit 1B Girl 2 (white) 1C Girl 3 (grey and white) 1D Girl 4 (green) 1E Man 1 (grey) 1F Man 2 (grey and white) 20 Man 3 (red) 22 Man 4 (blue) 800xxxD4 FFFF Use the N64 Controller as a Weapon xxx= D37 Dam B6B Facility D9B Runway, Surface, Depot B43 Bunker 1, Silo C6F Frigate E63 Surface 2 B43 Bunker 2 C5B Statue CD3 Archive, Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian D73 Streets C0B Train, Jungle, Control B07 Aztec 8002B19D 00xx Bond's Head on Other Bodies 8002B1A9 00xx Natalya's Head on Other Bodies xx= 18 Pimp Blue 19 Civilian 20 Snowsuit 1A Cheerleader 1B Fat Woman 28 Woman Moonranker Suit 29 Strange Arm

Multiplayer Codes

8002B537 000B Play Egyptian Level w/ 4 Players 8002B537 000A Play Caverns Level w/ 4 Players 8002B537 0009 Play Archives Level w/ 4 Players 8002B537 0008 Play Bunker Level w/ 4 Players 85307546 5430 Ugly Bond 880C8784 0001 Play the Full Facility (note) 880C5F84 0001 Play the Full Caverens (note) 880CD784 0001 Play the Full Archives (note) Note: To do this player 1 and only player 1 has to go to any of the locked door in the level. Press the GS button and you can go through the whole level.

Destroy Almost EVERYTHING Codes

800D3B84 0001 Dam 800B6F84 0001 Facility 800D9F84 0001 Runway, Surface, Depot 800B4784 0001 Bunker 1, Silo, Bunker 2 800C7384 0001 Frigate 800E6784 0001 Surface 2 800C5F84 0001 Statue 800CD784 0001 Archives, Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian 800B0B84 0001 Aztec 800696A1-0001 More Characters for Multiplayer * First, make sure you have at least one cheat enabled already. Enter 800696A1-0001 as your code, and start the game up. Okay, now pay attention; go to the cheats folder, exit the folder, go to the level select folder, and select the dam. Press Start and abort the mission promptly. Go into multiplayer, and you'll have more guys to choose from! Note: When you put in the codes below, they will appear as "No Name" codes in your Cheat Menu Options. Activate them and start a mission. The game will beep. Go back to the Cheat Menu Options. Now you will have a new cheat that will stay there without the GameShark. The "No Name" code will disappear and the new cheat will remain when you start the game without the Game Shark. The base code to use is 800696xx 0001 xx= 73 Paintball Mode 74 Invincible 75 DK Mode 76 2X Grenade Launcher 77 2X Rocket Launcher 78 Turbo Mode 79 No Radar 7A Tiny Bond 7B 2X Throwing Knives 7C Fast Animation 7D Bond Invisible 7E Enemy Rockets 7F Slow Animation 82 Infinite Ammo 83 2X RC-P90s 86 All Guns 80 Silver PP7 84 Gold PP7 81 2X Hunting Knives 85 2X Laser 80069669 0001 Debug Mode 800xxxB9 00F7 Silver Hand 800xxx33 0001 Earthquake Mode xxx= D37 Dam B6B Facility D9B Runway, Surface #1 & Depot B43 Bunker #1, Bunker #2 & Silo C6F Frigate E63 Surface #2 C5B Statue Park CD3 Archives, Caverns, Cradle & Egyptian Temple D73 Streets C0B Train, Jungle & Control B07 Aztec Complex This code gives you all the levels, (including the secret ones) all of the in game cheats, and the special 007 mode. 8006992E FFFF + 8006992F FFFF + 80069930 FFFF + 80069965 FFFF + 80069967 FFFF + 8006996A FFFF + 8006996C FFFF + 8006996F FFFF + 80069971 FFFF + 80069974 FFFF + 80069976 FFFF + 80069979 FFFF + 8006997B FFFF Here's what you do, first, without using GS, fill up all the files, so that there isn't any open ones. Then DELETE THE 2ND FILE ONLY, turn off the N64. put in the GS, and turn on the code above, the second file shouldn't be empty, it should be named 007, if it isn't, look for another one named 007, if you don't find anything, go to the empty file, and play on the Dam, Agent mode would be the easiest. Beat that level, when the screen that shows your time and weapon of choice... hit the B button until you come to the place where you choose yer level, EVERY ONE SHOULD BE THERE, hit B again and check out yer cheats file, ALL 23 SHOULD BE THERE... When you pick your stage, you will see another difficulty level, 007, this is the level editor, you can change all kinds of stuff...

Working Codes, and still beat the level

8002CE44 0030 Bullet Proof Bond 80030B20 0030 8002CE40 0030 Enemy Can't Aim 80030B1C 0030 80030B28 0042 Extra Ammo 8002CE48 0048 Weak Enemies

Play Multiplayer with all weapons

Archives 800CDD4C 0007 P1 800D07CC 0007 P2 800D324C 0007 P3 800D6CCC 0007 P4 Caverns 800C664C 0007 P1 800C8FCC 0007 P2 800CBA4C 0007 P3 800CE4CC 0007 P4 Facility 800C8D4C 0007 P1 800CB7CC 0007 P2 800CE24C 0007 P3 800D0CCC 0007 P4 Bunker 800B9D4C 0007 P1 800BC7CC 0007 P2 800BF24C 0007 P3 800C1CCC 0007 P4 Temple, Complex, library, basement, stack. 800A864C 0007 P1 800AAFCC 0007 P2 800ADA4C 0007 P3 800B4CCC 0007 P4 Egyptian temple 800F364C 0007 P1 800F6FCC 0007 P2 800F8A4C 0007 P3 800FB4CC 0007 P4 8102B522 000x More players in Multiplayer Mode, but with only two controllers plugged in. (Max 4 players) Replace x with 2 2 players 3 3 players 4 4 players

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