Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
Books: The Ultimate Code Book - Cheating Made Easy
Secret Codes 2003 - Nintendo 64 Secret Codes
Note: You must have a 3.0 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes.
F11942C0 2400 Enable Code (Must Be On)
802086F2 000A Infinite Lives
802086F1 0064 Infinite Health
802086FE 000F Infinite Batarangs
D01BB02D 0008 Easy Bosses When a Boss appears on the screen,
801FC597 0000 press C-Up and they will either die or die with one hit.
However, this code has no effect on The Joker.
D01BB02D 0008 Easy Joker When The Joker appears on the screen,
801FC45F 0000 press C-Up and he will either die or die with one hit.