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Alien vs Predator

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games
D4EE-A766 Start on level 1-2 D7EE-A766 Start on level 2-1 D0EE-A766 Start on level 3-1 D9EE-A766 Start on level 4-1 D1EE-A766 Start on level 5-1 D5EE-A766 Start on level 5-2 D6EE-A766 Start on level 5-3 DBEE-A766 Start on level 6-1 DCEE-A766 Start on level 6-2 EEB5-6404 + EEB5-64A4 Start with full health bar on Standard level EEB5-6704 + EEB5-67A4 Start with full health bar on Novice level EEB6-6D04 + EEB6-6DA4 Start with full health bar on Advanced level EEB6-6F04 + EEB6-6FA4 Start with full health bar on Expert level DB8F-AD9D Start with up to 9 lives on Options screen (selecting downward from 1 goes to 6) F38F-AD2D Start with up to 30 continues on Options screen (selecting downward from 0 goes to 3) C286-A70D Infinite lives 3CEA-67D8 Infinite continues C236-0DDD No damage taken from punches C238-0FDD No damage taken from jumping attacks, tail attacks, rushes DF83-64AF Disc power-ups give 1 disc instead of 6 D783-64AF Disc power-ups give 3 discs DC83-64AF Disc power-ups give 10 discs FB83-64AF Disc power-ups give 25 discs DF8E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 1 spear instead of 6 D78E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 3 spears DC8E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 10 spears FB8E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 25 spears EDCA-0DD4 Spear and disc power-ups last until end of level (can't pick up other power-ups) C282-6FDF Rhynth(tm) meat doesn't add to your maximum health D08A-6F6F Rhynth meat adds 1/2 as much to maximum health (handicap) FD8A-6F6F Rhynth meat adds 2x as much to maximum health 4D8A-6F6F Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to maximum health DD82-67DF Rhynth meat adds nothing to your current health D082-67DF Rhynth meat adds half as much to current health FD82-67DF Rhynth meat adds 2x as much to current health 4D82-67DF Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to current health C28D-A40F Ptera(tm) meat doesn't heal 1D8D-A7AF Blue bottles don't heal at all 3C8F-A76F Blue bottles heal 1/2 of your health instead of 1/4 DD84-A4DF Blue bottles heal completely DFB1-A4D7 Light laser can be fired instantly F6B1-A707 Medium laser is fired above 3rd line instead of 2nd D9B5-ADD7 Medium laser can be fired above 1st line DCB1-A4A7 Medium laser can be fired below 1st line--eliminates light laser F6B5-AF07 No damage is taken from using heavy laser DFB5-AD67 Heavy laser can be fired above 2nd line--eliminates medium laser F6B5-AD67 Heavy laser can be fired above 3rd line (without waiting for bar to change color)

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