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Zen Intergalactic Ninja

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
ZAELNGIE 9 lives allowed in 'options' GZNLYUSE Infinite energy NYNXVTOE Slower timer YTNXVTOE Faster timer YINXVTOE Even faster timer AEUAOLGE Zen does increased damage--isometric stages GOUAOLGA Zen does mega damage--isometric stages AAKXUIGE Jab attack does more damage--horizontal stages GPKXUIGA Mega jab attack damage--horizontal stages SZSPGTVG + SZOZYTVG Infinite lives PAEUGGLA + PAXUNTLA Fewer hits in shield TAEUGGLA + TAXUNTLA Double hits in shield PAEUGGLE + PAXUNTLE Triple hits in shield

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