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Snow Brothers

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
SXNEUYVI Infinite number of chances PAXXPLZE Start game with 10 chances instead of 3 (count starts at 9 instead of 2) AAXXPLZA Start game with 1 chance (count starts at 0) PAOAYLZE Always get 10 chances after a continue (count restarts at 9) AAOAYLZA Always get 1 chance after a continue (count restarts at 0) OUOOGEOO Don't lose super ability after you lose a chance YAEEYAAE Start with Speed Skates, Power Shots and super snow-throwing Don't use the last three codes together. PAEEYAAA Start with Speed Skates ZAEEYAAA Start with Power Shots GAEEYAAA Start with super snow-throwing ability

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff