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Joe and Mac

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
PEUXYALA Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 1 IEUXYALA Start with 5 lives--player 1 YEUXYALA Start with 7 lives--player 1 PEUXYALE Start with 9 lives--player 1 SZNXTEVK Infinite lives--both players SZKVOKVK Protection from most enemy hits SXUVYVVK Protection from water AEXZGLAO Start with 1/2 energy (die when bar is 1/2 empty) AAKUEAPE Stone axe and flint do more damage to bosses YAKUEAPE Stone axe and flint do a lot more damage to bosses AASLOAZE Stone wheel and boomerang do more damage to bosses APSLOAZA Stone wheel and boomerang do a lot more damage to bosses APSLVAGA Fire does more damage to bosses AZSLVAGA Fire does a lot more damage to bosses SZVTKUSE Apple and hamburger worth nothing AAVTULAO Apple and hamburger restore energy to 1/2 OVUXZAET Start with stone wheel instead of stone axe--player 1 XVUXZAET Start with flint instead of stone axe--player 1 UVUXZAET Start with fire instead of stone axe--player 1 KVUXZAET Start with boomerang instead of stone axe--player 1 ZEKZGAAA Start somewhere in level 2

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff