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Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
PASGVGLA Start with 2 lives IASGVGLA Start with 6 lives YASGVGLA Start with 8 lives PASGVGLE Start with 10 lives SXEKKSVK Infinite lives SZVPOKVK Protection from most hits PAKGUGLA Start with 1 continue IAKGUGLA Start with 5 continues YAKGUGLA Start with 7 continues PAKGUGLE Start with 9 continues ULOTSYTN Infinite continues SUNPXXSO Don't burn money at campfire AXOKNGAP Start with 2x life (does not show on meter) AEOKNGAO Start with 1/2 life VTVKVKSE Start with $100 VTVKUKSE Start with $10,000 VGVKUKSE Start with $650,000 (display shows $xx0000 until you pick up first money bag) YONKKXAP Some bags contain mega-money, some contain no money

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff