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A Boy and His Blob

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
AAULNGIA 1 life only ZAULNGIE Double lives GXXEOPVG Infinite lives AAVKIPPA Infinite Jellybeans SXEEZAAX Fast play For the next code, in the underwater section, if you lose a life you may not be able to call your Blob, and therefore become trapped. If this happens, just reset and start again. AVOGAEOZ Invincible AVOPVGEI Never take damage from enemies APEUUIAA Gives 10 Orange Jellybeans AONUSGAA 10 Lime Jellybeans OONLOGZN 99 Licorice Jellybeans AUNLUGIP Double Strawberry Jellybeans TUNLNKAP Double Cola Jellybeans AKNUOGGX Double Cinnamon Jellybeans GXNUUGZP Double Apple Jellybeans AVNUNGAL Double Vanilla Jellybeans ZPELNITA Double Ketchup Jellybeans AONLSGTE Triple Coconut Jellybeans APELUITE Triple Rootbeer Jellybeans APEUSIAA 10 Vitamin A for Vita-Blaster APEUNIAA 10 Vitamin B for Vita-Blaster APOLOIAA 10 Vitamin C for Vita-Blaster SZXLXKSU + YYXLUGEY Gives 101 of all starting Jellybeans

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