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Bomberman 2

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
AEEGEPZA Start with 1 life IEEGEPZA Start with 6 lives AEEGEPZE Start with 9 lives GXKGKXVK Infinite lives GXXONEVK Infinite timer LVXOUELL Slower timer TOXOUELU Faster timer AEKAZYLA Always have detonator YNEOLXLK Bomb has a longer fuse AXEOLXLG Bomb has a shorter fuse GXOLSXVS Stop bombs from exploding EASPTANG Dollar sign acts as flame face GYSPTANG Dollar sign acts as bomb KASPTANK Dollar sign acts as heart with bomb OPSPTANG Dollar sign acts as skate OZSPTANK Dollar sign acts as vest for a short time GAXKSTAA + GASKKTAA Super start OXXAPYSX + PEXAZNVZ Always walk through bombs OXOEGYSX + PEOEINSZ Always walk through walls

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