Sent in by Eclypso
At the before the last level Panthera dies BUT you receive a new
member: the legendary XARDION after he joins you in the last level
you can't proceed you go find the three guardians and receive L-arrow
for XARDION then you can destroy the artificial sun once you reach
the three corridors pick middle you'll fight the boss now here is the
ending as it turns out a scientist tried the to stop the planet from
dieing by bringing it to life but it started to create monsters and
everyone died the scientists last orders to the super computer
was to protect his daughter BUT she died so the computer made
a hologram of her and protected it as the plant drifted into the
alpha 1 solar system it started the war to protect the hologram
BUT after you destroy the guardian of NGC-1611 the hologram
deactivates causing the plant to .. well.. shut down and then
has a part I don't understand here is what it says "200 years
later, a living planet," then theres two guys talking they hope
that that was the last of war and then they see XARDION and they
wonder if the planets Geosystem will ever live again and then it
says ... This is where the next story begins.