Wanderers From Y's 3
Sent in by Mike Waters
Adol talks to Elena who tells him that Chester is the only one who knows
how to destroy the island. The 2 of them escape and Chester destroys the
island, but also dies himself. Adol and Dogi agree to leave early so no one
will notice. Adol talks to Mr. Gardner about what he will do when he leaves
Redmond. Then Dogi asks Adol if he is going to say goodbye to Elena. Adol
says that it is better this way and they walk off. After a time, Elena runs
toward the 2, and Adol and Dogi wave their arms as if to say, "Come with
us." Then a tear rolls down Elena's cheek and she smiles. It has a lot to say
about Adol and his adventures. Two statements that I really liked say this:
"The river of life continues to ebb and flow. Only those with the drive and
courage will answer life's call." Then you see different areas of the game
as the credits are displayed. Then a picture of Elena slowly fades in and the
words The End appear in the corner.
Sent in by Rey