Super Metroid
Sent in by Anthony D'Amico Jr.
You see the planet start to blow and then the planet explodes
and the screen turns white. Then you see Samus in her spacecraft
taking off into space. it will tell you how many hours it took
for you to beat the game. Then the credits start. then she jumps
on the screen, jumps backwards and shoots her gun. Then it
says "See you next mission".
Sent in by Mike Waters
When it tells you the time you took, you see Samus in a pose depending on
how long you took. If you beat the game in under 3 hours, Samus appears
outside her space suit, wearing a bikini and boots with her hair up.
When Samus completely appears, she lets her hair down, jumps up
and magically appears back in the suit. The rest is as usual.
Sent in by Rey