Super Castlevania 4
Sent in by Mike Welling
After you kill Dracula, he is consumed by flames when a window
breaks with sunlight flowing in on Dracula. Dracula changes into
a number of bats. One after the other, the bats disappear into
flames expect for one that flies to the ground. When the bat
lands, the screen brightens up and the bat disappears. After
collecting the magic orb, your score and remaining hearts are
added up for points. (Now the beginning of the ending starts.) The
screen fades and is replaced with a scene of Simon, back towards
you, looking at Dracula's castle (Castlevania) with a sunrise rising
up from the ocean (not coming from the ocean, but it appears that
way.) Castlevania crumbles to the ground. Another fade out, and
then the credits begin with computer animation shots of Simon going
through his adventure. When the credits are done the words "Presented
by Kanomi" appear. If you press Start on the controller, the words
will fade out and a second more difficult game will begin. It's the
same game stages but with more enemies then the first game. It's
much easier then the second game in Castlevania 3.
Sent in by Rey