Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Crossroads of Time
Sent in by Tim Tanason
In the end on Gul Gugry's ship after you disengage the self destruct
you contact the station and they beam you back. Then 3 more Cardassean
Ships come and they fire on the other Cardassean ship and blow it up.
Gul Dukat then beams over and says that Gugry was not told to do that
or something. Then Dukat is about to leave and Sisko says "We'll be
watching you Dukat" Then he beams out. It show DS9 and Dukat leaves
on his ship and it shows another ship coming through the wormhole.
At The bottom it says Station Log SD 83628.5: Dukats ship left today
and every thing is back to normal, but I know better then to expect peace
and Quiet, after all, this is Deep Space Nine. then it show the station
and credits.